Utilities to load Maestro projects into PyMOL.
>>> cmd = PymolInstance(["/path/to/pymol"])
>>> pt = maestro.project_table_get()
>>> process_prj(cmd, pt)
Copyright Schrodinger LLC, All rights reserved.
Author: Thomas Holder
import math
import os
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import warnings
import schrodinger
from schrodinger import project
from schrodinger.application.phase import pt_hypothesis
from schrodinger.infra import mm
from schrodinger.infra import mmproj
from schrodinger.infra import mmsurf
from schrodinger.structutils import analyze
from schrodinger.structutils.color import get_rgb_from_color_index
from schrodinger.utils import log
logger = log.get_output_logger("pymol4maestro")
maestro = schrodinger.get_maestro()
# prefixes for pymol names
[docs]class Mapping:
Mappings from Maestro codes to PyMOL representations and settings
surface_cmd = {
mmsurf.MMSURF_STYLE_SOLID: "isosurface",
mmsurf.MMSURF_STYLE_MESH: "isomesh",
mmsurf.MMSURF_STYLE_DOT: "isodot",
ramp_colors = {
mmsurf.MMSURF_COLOR_RAMP_REDWHITEBLUE: '[red, white, blue]',
mmsurf.MMSURF_COLOR_RAMP_WHITEBLUE: '[white, blue]',
mmsurf.MMSURF_COLOR_RAMP_WHITERED: '[white, red]',
mmsurf.MMSURF_COLOR_RAMP_RAINBOW: '[red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, magenta]',
stereomethods = {
'hardware': 'quadbuffer',
'crosseyed': 'crosseye',
'walleyed': 'walleye',
'interlaced': 'byrow',
'anaglyph': 'anaglyph',
'chromadepth': 'off',
def _shlex_list(s) -> list:
Convert `s` to an argument list for subprocess calls
:type s: str (deprecated) or iterable
if isinstance(s, str):
warnings.warn("type str is deprecated, use a list or tuple of strings",
return shlex.split(s)
return list(s)
[docs]class PymolInstance:
Represents a remote PyMOL instance (controlled via a one-way pipe)
Acts like a proxy to the cmd module, without return values on function
calls (which would actually be very usefull).
See also: PyMOL XMLRPC server (pymol -R)
[docs] def __init__(self, pymol_command=("pymol",)):
:type pymol_command: list or tuple
:param pymol_command: path to pymol executable
self._pymol_command = _shlex_list(pymol_command)
self.set('ignore_case', 0)
self._used_names = set()
self._group_names = {}
self.row_pymol_names = {}
def _initPipe(self):
Set up self._pipe
command = self._pymol_command + ["-pqK"]
self._pipe = subprocess.Popen(command,
def _hangingStdinWorkaround(self):
workaround for PYMOL-234 PYMOL-246 PYMOL-508 PYMOL-510
self.pseudoatom('_p', elem='C')
self.label('_p', 'text_type')
self.set('suspend_updates', 0)
def _getEnviron(self):
The SCHRODINGER environment may be incompatible with PyMOL. This
method provides a cleaned environment dictionary for the pymol
:rtype: dict
env = os.environ.copy()
for env_var in [
env.pop(env_var, None)
# sort Schrodinger dirs to the end of PATH
sch = env.get('SCHRODINGER', '')
path = env.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep)
path = sorted(path, key=lambda p: sch in p)
env['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join(path)
return env
def __getattr__(self, name):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
args = list(map(repr, args))
kwargs = ['{}={}'.format(k, repr(v)) for (k, v) in kwargs.items()]
return self.do('_ /cmd.{}({})'.format(name,
', '.join(args + kwargs)))
return wrapper
_re_illegal = re.compile(r'[^-.\w]')
[docs] def get_legal_name(self, name):
Replacement for cmd.get_legal_name
:type name: str
:param name: name candidate
:return: legal PyMOL object name
:rtype: str
return self._re_illegal.sub('_', name)
[docs] def get_unused_name(self, name, alwaysnumber=1):
Replacement for cmd.get_unused_name, does not talk back to PyMOL
but maintains it's own set of already used names.
This is only necessary because the the pipe cannot return values.
:type name: str
:param name: name candidate
:type alwaysnumber: bool
:param alwaysnumber: if False, only append a number if name already exists
:return: unused legal PyMOL object name
:rtype: str
name = self.get_legal_name(name)
r, i = name, 1
if alwaysnumber:
r = name + '01'
while r.lower() in self._used_names:
r = name + '%02d' % i
i += 1
return r
def _get_unused_group_name(self, group):
Special function to get a unique name for a group. In Maestro, the
group "title" is diplayed and doesn't have to be unique.
:type group: `schrodinger.project.EntryGroup`
:param group: group instance or None
if not group:
return None
uniquekey = group.name
return self._group_names[uniquekey]
except KeyError:
name = group.title or group.name
name = self.get_unused_name(name, 0)
self._group_names[uniquekey] = name
return name
[docs] def sendVersionCheck(self):
Print a warning on the PyMOL log window if PyMOL version is too old.
"_ /if cmd.get_version()[1]<1.61: "
"print('Warning: PyMOL4Maestro requires PyMOL version 1.6.1 or later.')"
[docs] def do(self, cmmd):
Send command to PyMOL
:type cmmd: str
:param cmmd: PyMOL command
:return: True on success and False on error
:rtype: bool
if not isinstance(cmmd, bytes):
cmmd = cmmd.encode('utf-8')
self._pipe.write(cmmd + b"\n")
except OSError:
return False
return True
[docs] def close(self):
Quit PyMOL
[docs]class PymolScriptInstance(PymolInstance):
Represents a PyMOL script for deferred execution.
def _initPipe(self):
self._pipe = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".pml")
[docs] def close(self, args=('-cqk',)):
Close file handle and execute script in PyMOL
:type args: list or tuple
:param args: extra command line arguments for pymol
args = _shlex_list(args)
command = self._pymol_command + args + [self._pipe.name]
return subprocess.call(command, env=self._getEnviron())
[docs]class VisRecord:
Represents a surface entry in a "vis_list" file
:vartype name_pymol: str
:ivar name_pymol: PyMOL object name
:vartype visfile: str
:ivar visfile: filename of vis file
_prefix = 'surf'
[docs] def __init__(self, row, idx):
:type row: RowProxy
:param row: project table row
:type idx: int
:param idx: zero-based index in "m_surface" table
self.cmd = row.cmd
self.id = mm.m2io_get_int_indexed(row.vis_file, idx + 1, ["i_m_id"])[0]
self.name = mm.m2io_get_string_indexed(row.vis_file, idx + 1,
self.visfile = os.path.join(row.additional_data_dir,
"%s%d.vis" % (self._prefix, self.id))
if self._prefix == 'surf':
v = mm.m2io_get_string_indexed(row.vis_file, idx + 1,
self.volume_name = v[0] if v else ""
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key == 'name_pymol':
return self.name_pymol
raise AttributeError(key)
def _load(self):
Assign *name_pymol*
self.name_pymol = self.cmd.get_unused_name(
PREFIX_SURFACES + (self.name or 'surf'), 0)
[docs]class VisRecordVol(VisRecord):
Represents a volume entry in a "vis_list" file
Volume gets auto-loaded when accessing *name_pymol*.
_prefix = 'vol'
def _load(self):
Assign *name_pymol* and load the map in PyMOL.
self.name_pymol = self.cmd.get_unused_name(
PREFIX_MAPS + (self.name or 'map'), 0)
self.cmd.load(self.visfile, self.name_pymol, mimic=0)
[docs]class RowProxy(project.ProjectRow):
Proxy for project table row to attach additional data.
[docs] def __init__(self, row, cmd):
:type row: `schrodinger.project.ProjectRow`
:param row: project table row
:type cmd: `PymolInstance`
:param cmd: PyMOL API proxy
super().__init__(row._pt, row.index)
self.cmd = cmd
self.volume_recs = {}
self.surface_recs = {}
self.rep_surface = False
self.vis_file = None
self.additional_data_dir = mmproj.mmproj_index_entry_get_additional_data_dir(
row._project_handle, row.index)
if self.additional_data_dir:
# for surfaces and volumes
filename = os.path.join(self.additional_data_dir, "vis_list")
if os.path.exists(filename):
self.vis_file = mm.m2io_open_file(filename, mm.M2IO_READ)
self.group_pymol = cmd._get_unused_group_name(row.group)
self.name_pymol = cmd.get_unused_name(
row.title or ('entry_%s' % row.entry_id), 0)
cmd.row_pymol_names[row.index] = self.name_pymol
def __del__(self):
if self.vis_file is not None:
[docs] def doGroup(self, name):
Put *name* in PyMOL group, if row is in a Maestro group.
:type name: str
:param name: PyMOL object name
if self.group_pymol:
self.cmd.group(self.group_pymol, name)
[docs]def select_surf_asl(row, surf_handle, name=''):
Make a PyMOL selection for surface ASL.
:return: PyMOL selection name
asl = mmsurf.mmsurf_get_asl(surf_handle)
if not asl:
return ""
asl_limit = (mmsurf.mmsurf_get_use_view_by(surf_handle) and
if asl_limit:
distance = mmsurf.mmsurf_get_viewing_distance(surf_handle)
asl = f"({asl}) and within {distance} ({asl_limit})"
# FIXME: FATAL search_mol(): error getting entry name for atom: 1
# 'evaluate_asl' operates on single structure and does not support
# global 'entry.id' and 'entry.name' selectors
asl = re.sub(r'\bentry\.id\s+%s\b' % row.entry_id, 'all', asl)
asl = re.sub(r'\bentry\.name\s+"([^"\\]|\\.)*"', 'all', asl)
atom_index_list = analyze.evaluate_asl(row.getStructure(False, False), asl)
if not atom_index_list:
return ""
if not name:
name = row.cmd.get_unused_name('_mae_asl')
atom_index_list = [i - 1 for i in atom_index_list] # rank is 0-indexed
row.cmd.select_list(name, row.name_pymol, atom_index_list, mode='rank')
return name
[docs]class WorkspaceIdMapper:
Maps workspace atom indices to (row.index, ID)
[docs] def __init__(self, prj_handle):
:type prj_handle: `schrodinger.project.Project`
:param prj_handle: project handle
self.entries = []
N = M = 0
row_totals = [(row.index, row.getStructure(False, False).atom_total)
for row in prj_handle.included_rows]
for row_index, total in sorted(row_totals):
M += total
self.entries.append((N, M, row_index))
N = M
def __getitem__(self, i):
for (N, M, row_index) in self.entries:
if N < i <= M:
return (row_index, i - N)
raise LookupError
[docs]def get_measurement_items(key, mmprojadmin):
Get workspace atom ids from the measurements table. If not running from
Maestro, read the .tab files from the .mmproj-admin directory.
:type key: str
:param key: one of distance, angle or dihedral
:rtype: list(int)
:return: List of lists of atom ids (workspace)
return [x.split() for x in maestro.get_command_items(key)]
except schrodinger.MaestroNotAvailableError:
natom = {"distance": 2, "angle": 3, "dihedral": 4}[key]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(key)
basename = key if key != "dihedral" else "torsion"
filename = os.path.join(mmprojadmin, basename + ".tab")
if not os.path.exists(filename):
return []
measure_file = mm.m2io_open_file(filename, mm.M2IO_READ)
mm.m2io_goto_next_block(measure_file, "f_m_table")
mm.m2io_goto_next_block(measure_file, "m_row")
index_dim = mm.m2io_get_index_dimension(measure_file)
func, fmt = mm.m2io_get_string_indexed, "s_m_%s_atom%d"
props = [fmt % (key, i + 1) for i in range(natom)]
items = [func(measure_file, i + 1, props) for i in range(index_dim)]
# trim element prefix
items = [[i.rsplit(':')[-1] for i in ids] for ids in items]
return items
[docs]def process_measurements(cmd, prj_handle):
Send workspace measurements to PyMOL
:type cmd: `PymolInstance`
:param cmd: PyMOL API proxy
:type prj_handle: `schrodinger.project.Project`
:param prj_handle: project handle
idmapper = WorkspaceIdMapper(prj_handle)
mmprojadmin = os.path.join(prj_handle.fullname, ".mmproj-admin")
for key, color in [
("distance", "magenta"),
("angle", "green"),
("dihedral", "red"),
items = get_measurement_items(key, mmprojadmin)
if not items:
func = getattr(cmd, key)
measure_name = cmd.get_unused_name(PREFIX_MEASUREMENTS + key)
for atom_ids in items:
atoms = [idmapper[int(i)] for i in atom_ids]
atoms = [(cmd.row_pymol_names[r], a) for (r, a) in atoms]
except (LookupError, ValueError):
logger.error('workspace mapping failed for %s' % key)
selections = ['%s & id %d' % (name, i) for (name, i) in atoms]
func(measure_name, *selections)
cmd.color(color, measure_name)
[docs]def get_font_id(font_name, font_style):
Get the PyMOL label_font_id which best matches the given font name and style.
:type font_name: str
:type font_style: int
:rtype: int
if 'Serif' in font_name and 'Sans' not in font_name or 'Times' in font_name:
return 10 if font_style == 2 else \
17 if font_style == 3 else \
18 if font_style == 4 else \
elif 'Mono' in font_name or 'Courier' in font_name:
return 13 if font_style == 2 else \
12 if font_style == 3 else \
14 if font_style == 4 else \
return 7 if font_style == 2 else \
6 if font_style == 3 else \
8 if font_style == 4 else \
[docs]def process_highlights(cmd, prj_handle):
Send "highlights" (label+arrow annotation) to PyMOL
:type cmd: `PymolInstance`
:param cmd: PyMOL API proxy
:type prj_handle: `schrodinger.project.Project`
:param prj_handle: project handle
filename = os.path.join(prj_handle.fullname, ".mmproj-admin", "highlights")
if not os.path.exists(filename):
handle = mm.m2io_open_file(filename, mm.M2IO_READ)
mm.m2io_goto_next_block(handle, "f_m_table")
mm.m2io_goto_next_block(handle, "m_row")
index_dim = mm.m2io_get_index_dimension(handle)
get_s = lambda *a: mm.m2io_get_string_indexed(handle, idx, list(a))
get_i = lambda *a: mm.m2io_get_int_indexed(handle, idx, list(a))
get_r = lambda *a: mm.m2io_get_real_indexed(handle, idx, list(a))
get_b = lambda *a: mm.m2io_get_boolean_indexed(handle, idx, list(a))
for idx in range(1, index_dim + 1):
name, method, text, arrow_asl, asl = get_s("s_mhigh_Name",
show, = get_b("b_mhigh_Show")
xy_text = get_r("r_mhigh_X_Text", "r_mhigh_Y_Text")
xyz_head = get_r("r_mhigh_X_Head", "r_mhigh_Y_Head", "r_mhigh_Z_Head")
rgb_text = get_r("r_mhigh_Text_Red", "r_mhigh_Text_Green",
rgb_arrow = get_r("r_mhigh_Arrow_Red", "r_mhigh_Arrow_Green",
bg_type, = get_i("i_mhigh_Text_Background_Type")
font_size, = get_r("r_mhigh_Text_Font_Size")
font_name, = get_s('s_mhigh_Text_Font_Name')
font_style, = get_i('i_mhigh_Text_Font_Style')
if not (show and text and arrow_asl):
name = cmd.get_unused_name(PREFIX_CALLOUTS + name, 0)
if math.isnan(xyz_head[0]):
xyz_head = None
font_id = get_font_id(font_name, font_style)
# TODO: replace with proper callout object once implemented in PyMOL
_ /if not hasattr(cmd, 'callout'):\
_ def callout(name, label, pos, *a, **kw):\
_ cmd.pseudoatom(name, label=label, pos=pos)\
_ cmd.callout = callout
xyz_head, [i * 2 - 1 for i in xy_text],
color='0x%02x%02x%02x' %
tuple(int(255 * i) for i in rgb_arrow))
sele = '(last ' + name + ')'
cmd.set('label_connector_width', 3, name)
'0x%02x%02x%02x' % tuple(int(255 * i) for i in rgb_text), sele)
cmd.set('label_size', font_size, name)
cmd.set('label_font_id', font_id, name)
if bg_type == 0:
cmd.set('label_bg_transparency', 0.3, name)
cmd.set('label_bg_color', 'back', name)
cmd.set('label_bg_transparency', 1.0, name)
# global setting
[docs]def process_prj(cmd, prj_handle, limit="all", with_surf=True, mimic=True):
Send maestro project to PyMOL. By default send everything, optional
filters may apply.
:type cmd: `PymolInstance`
:param cmd: PyMOL API proxy
:type prj_handle: `schrodinger.project.Project`
:param prj_handle: project handle
:type limit: str
:param limit: all, included or selected. The latter will not send
workspace items like measurements and text highlights.
:type with_surf: bool
:param with_surf: send surfaces and maps (volumes)
:type mimic: bool
:param mimic: use PyMOL settings to match style as close as possible
if limit not in ["all", "included", "selected"]:
raise ValueError(limit)
# make sure files in additional_data_dir are up to date
cmd.wizard('message', 'processing...')
for row in prj_handle.all_rows:
if (limit == "included" and not row.in_workspace or
limit == "selected" and not row.is_selected):
process_row(cmd, row, limit == "included", with_surf, mimic)
if limit != "selected":
process_measurements(cmd, prj_handle)
process_highlights(cmd, prj_handle)
cmd.set('suspend_updates', 0)
[docs]def process_hypothesis(cmd, row, mae):
Import Phase pharmacophores as CGOs into PyMOL.
:type cmd: `PymolInstance`
:param cmd: PyMOL API proxy
:type row: `schrodinger.project.ProjectRow`
:param row: project table row
:type mae: str
:param mae: reference mae filename
if not pt_hypothesis.is_hypothesis_entry(row.entry_id):
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
hypo = pt_hypothesis.get_hypothesis_from_project(row.entry_id)
sites = hypo.getHypoSites(True)
# create old-style xyz files
for with_Q, xyzfile in [
(False, os.path.join(tmpdir, 'hypothesis.xyz')),
(True, os.path.join(tmpdir, 'ALL.xyz')),
with open(xyzfile, 'w') as handle:
for site in sites:
if not with_Q and site.getSiteTypeChar() == 'Q':
'%d %s %f %f %f\n' %
(site.getSiteNumber(), site.getSiteTypeChar(),
site.getXCoord(), site.getYCoord(), site.getZCoord()))
# load into PyMOL
name = cmd.get_unused_name(row.name_pymol + '_hyp', 0)
cmd.do('_ /import epymol.ph4')
cmd.do('_ /epymol.ph4.load_hypothesis_xyz(%s, %s, %s)' %
(repr(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'hypothesis.xyz')), repr(name),
repr(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'ALL.xyz'))))
# manage group
# load excluded volumes into PyMOL
xvol_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'hypothesis.xvol')
if hypo.visibleXvol():
xvol = hypo.getXvol()
name = cmd.get_unused_name(row.name_pymol + '_xvol', 0)
cmd.do('_ /epymol.ph4.load_hypothesis_xvol(%s, %s)' %
(repr(xvol_file), repr(name)))
# excluded volume not shown by default
cmd.do('_ /import shutil')
cmd.do('_ /shutil.rmtree({})'.format(repr(tmpdir)))
[docs]def process_row(cmd, row, limit_included=False, with_surf=True, mimic=True):
Send a row from the project table to PyMOL.
:type cmd: `PymolInstance`
:param cmd: PyMOL API proxy
:type row: `schrodinger.project.ProjectRow`
:param row: project table row
:type limit_included: bool
:param limit_included: limit surface export to workspace
:type with_surf: bool
:param with_surf: send surfaces
:type mimic: bool
:param mimic: use PyMOL settings to match style as close as possible
row = RowProxy(row, cmd)
cmd.do("_ /import os")
# load content
tmp_mae = tempfile.mktemp(".mae")
row.getStructure(props=True, copy=False).write(tmp_mae)
cmd.load(tmp_mae, row.name_pymol, mimic=mimic)
# set "ignore" flag for proper surface display (don't include
# solvent and ligands when surfacing)
cmd.flag('ignore', 'model %s & !polymer' % (row.name_pymol), 'set')
# manage group
# pharmacophores
process_hypothesis(cmd, row, tmp_mae)
# done with mae file
cmd.do('_ /os.unlink(%s)' % (repr(tmp_mae)))
# load surfaces and volumes from vis files
if not with_surf or not row.vis_file:
vis_file = row.vis_file
mm.m2io_goto_next_block(vis_file, "f_m_vis_list")
mm.m2io_goto_next_block(vis_file, "m_volume")
index_dim = mm.m2io_get_index_dimension(vis_file)
# Remember all volumes by name to load them on demand
for idx in range(index_dim):
vol = VisRecordVol(row, idx)
row.volume_recs[vol.name] = vol
mm.m2io_goto_next_block(vis_file, "m_surface")
index_dim = mm.m2io_get_index_dimension(vis_file)
# map surface names to row indices
for idx in range(index_dim):
surf = VisRecord(row, idx)
row.surface_recs[surf.name] = surf
# loop over surfaces
for e_surf in row.surfaces:
if not limit_included or e_surf.included:
process_surface(cmd, row, e_surf)
[docs]def process_surface(cmd, row, e_surf):
Send a surface to PyMOL
:type cmd: `PymolInstance`
:param cmd: PyMOL API proxy
:type row: `RowProxy`
:param row: project table row
:type e_surf: `schrodinger.project.EntrySurface`
:param e_surf: surface
import numpy
surf = row.surface_recs[e_surf.name]
except KeyError:
logger.error('No VisRecord for surface "%s"' % e_surf.name)
cmd_color = cmd.color
surf_handle = e_surf.surface_handle
filename = surf.visfile
color_scheme = mmsurf.mmsurf_get_color_scheme(surf_handle)
styleint = mmsurf.mmsurf_get_style(surf_handle)
style = Mapping.surface_cmd[styleint]
isovalue = mmsurf.mmsurf_get_isovalue(surf_handle)
strategy = "cgo"
if surf.volume_name:
strategy = None
tmp_sele = select_surf_asl(row, surf_handle)
isobuffer = 0.0
isocarve = None
if tmp_sele:
isobuffer = mmsurf.mmsurf_get_viewing_distance(surf_handle)
isocarve = isobuffer
elif mmsurf.mmsurf_get_use_active_grid(surf_handle):
tmp_sele = cmd.get_unused_name('_grid_center')
tmp_sele, pos=mmsurf.mmsurf_get_active_grid_center(surf_handle))
isobuffer = mmsurf.mmsurf_get_active_grid_size(surf_handle) * 0.5
# load into PyMOL as isosurface/mesh/dot
func = getattr(cmd, style)
vol = row.volume_recs[surf.volume_name]
vol_name_pymol = vol.name_pymol
func(surf.name_pymol, vol_name_pymol, isovalue, tmp_sele, isobuffer, 1,
if tmp_sele:
elif mmsurf.mmsurf_get_surface_type(surf_handle) == "molecular surface" and \
not row.rep_surface:
tmp_sele = select_surf_asl(row, surf_handle)
if tmp_sele:
strategy = "rep_surface"
if strategy == "rep_surface":
# first molecular surface as repr surface
row.rep_surface = True
if styleint:
cmd.set('surface_type', 3 - styleint, row.name_pymol)
cmd.flag('ignore', tmp_sele, 'clear')
cmd.show('surface', tmp_sele)
surf.name_pymol = row.name_pymol
cmd_color = lambda *a: cmd.set('surface_color', *a)
elif strategy == "cgo":
# load into PyMOL as CGO
cmd.load(filename, surf.name_pymol)
# surface transparency
mmsurf.mmsurf_get_transparency(surf_handle) * 0.01, surf.name_pymol)
colorramp_name = None
if color_scheme == "Color":
color_rgb = mmsurf.mmsurf_get_rgb_color(surf_handle)
cmd_color("0x%02x%02x%02x" % color_rgb, surf.name_pymol)
elif color_scheme == "Grid Property":
# Color by volume (grid property)
vol_name = mmsurf.mmsurf_get_scheme_volume_name(surf_handle)
vol = row.volume_recs[vol_name]
vol_name_pymol = vol.name_pymol
colorramp_name = mmsurf.mmsurf_get_colorramp_name(surf_handle)
ramp_min = mmsurf.mmsurf_get_map_min(surf_handle)
ramp_max = mmsurf.mmsurf_get_map_max(surf_handle)
elif color_scheme == "Electrostatic Potential":
# Color by ESP
vol_name_pymol = cmd.get_unused_name(surf.name + '_esp', 0)
colorramp_name = mmsurf.mmsurf_get_esp_colorramp_name(surf_handle)
ramp_min = mmsurf.mmsurf_get_esp_min(surf_handle)
ramp_max = mmsurf.mmsurf_get_esp_max(surf_handle)
cmd.set('coulomb_cutoff', 4.0)
cmd.set('coulomb_units_factor', 1.0)
cmd.set('surface_ramp_above_mode', 0, surf.name_pymol)
cmd.map_new(vol_name_pymol, "coulomb_local", 2.0, row.name_pymol, 2.0)
logger.info("color scheme unknown: %s" % color_scheme)
if colorramp_name:
# color with color ramp in PyMOL
ramp_name = cmd.get_unused_name(vol_name_pymol + '_ramp', 0)
ramp_color = Mapping.ramp_colors[colorramp_name]
ramp_range = numpy.linspace(ramp_min, ramp_max,
ramp_color.count(',') + 1).tolist()
cmd.ramp_new(ramp_name, vol_name_pymol, ramp_range, ramp_color)
cmd_color(ramp_name, surf.name_pymol)
[docs]def send_maestro_settings(cmd):
Map Maestro settings to closest matching PyMOL settings.
:type cmd: `PymolInstance`
:param cmd: PyMOL API proxy
:rtype: bool
:return: True on success and False if Maestro is not available
fopt = {
("repall", "tuberadius"): 0.16,
("ribbon", "ribbonwidth"): 1.61,
("ribbon", "ribbonthick"): 0.15,
("ribbon", "thintubewidth"): 0.25,
for key in fopt:
fopt[key] = float(maestro.get_command_option(*key))
except schrodinger.MaestroNotAvailableError:
logger.info("maestro not available, using default settings")
stereopymol = 'off'
stereomethod = ''
if maestro.get_command_option('displayopt', 'stereo') == 'True':
stereomethod = maestro.get_command_option('displayopt',
stereopymol = Mapping.stereomethods[stereomethod]
except KeyError:
logger.info("unknown stereo method: %s" % stereomethod)
# chromadepth
cmd.set('chromadepth', 2 if stereomethod == 'chromadepth' else 0)
# cartoon highlight color
'cartoon_highlight_color', 'gray50' if maestro.get_command_option(
"ribbon", "helixcolor") == 'twocolors' else 'default')
# background color
color_idx = int(maestro.get_command_option("displayopt", "bgcindex"))
color_rgb = get_rgb_from_color_index(color_idx)
cmd.bg_color("0x%02x%02x%02x" % color_rgb)
# angle dependent transparency
if maestro.get_command_option('displayopt',
'angledependenttransparency') == 'True':
cmd.set('ray_transparency_oblique', 1)
cmd.set('ray_transparency_oblique_power', 2.5)
cmd.set('ray_transparency_oblique', 0)
ribbonwidth_half = fopt["ribbon", "ribbonwidth"] * 0.5
thintubewidth_half = fopt["ribbon", "thintubewidth"] * 0.5
cmd.set('stick_radius', fopt["repall", "tuberadius"])
cmd.set('stick_h_scale', 1.0)
cmd.set('cartoon_oval_length', ribbonwidth_half)
cmd.set('cartoon_rect_length', ribbonwidth_half)
cmd.set('cartoon_oval_width', fopt["ribbon", "ribbonthick"])
cmd.set('cartoon_rect_width', fopt["ribbon", "ribbonthick"])
cmd.set('cartoon_loop_radius', thintubewidth_half)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# standalone test
usage = """Usage: %s <project.prjzip>""" % sys.argv[0]
prj_zipfile = sys.argv[1]
cmd = PymolInstance(['pymol', '-xK'])
# open the project zip file
prj_handle, prj_path, prj_temp_path = project.open_project(prj_zipfile)
# Undefined project handle can indicate that the version is not compatible
# with currently used mmshare version
if prj_handle is None:
print("incompatible version")
process_prj(cmd, prj_handle)