Source code for schrodinger.ui.qt.tasks.taskwidgets

import os

from schrodinger.models import advanced_mappers
from schrodinger.models import mappers
from schrodinger.Qt import QtCore
from schrodinger.Qt import QtGui
from schrodinger.Qt import QtWidgets
from schrodinger.Qt.QtCore import Qt
from schrodinger.tasks import gui
from schrodinger.tasks import jobtasks
from schrodinger.tasks import taskmanager
from schrodinger.tasks import tasks
from schrodinger.ui.qt import basewidgets
from schrodinger.ui.qt import jobwidgets
from schrodinger.ui.qt import utils
from schrodinger.ui.qt.tasks import taskbarwidgets
from schrodinger.ui.qt.tasks.taskbarwidgets import TaskWidgetMixin
from schrodinger.ui.qt.standard_widgets import buttons

IMAGE_PATH = os.path.join(":/schrodinger/ui/qt/icons_dir/spinner/")
ICON_PATH_TEMPLATE = os.path.join(IMAGE_PATH, "{}.png")

[docs]def get_spin_icons(): global SPIN_ICONS if SPIN_ICONS is None: SPIN_ICONS = [ QtGui.QIcon(ICON_PATH_TEMPLATE.format(num)) for num in range(0, 9) ] return SPIN_ICONS
[docs]def get_error_icon(): global ERROR_ICON ERROR_ICON = QtGui.QIcon(ICON_PATH_TEMPLATE.format('error')) return ERROR_ICON
class _SpinnerMixin: running_pics = NotImplemented stop_pic = NotImplemented error_pic = NotImplemented def setImage(self, image): raise NotImplementedError def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.current_num = 0 self.timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.timer.timeout.connect(self._advanceSpinner) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _advanceSpinner(self): pic = self.running_pics[self.current_num] self.setImage(pic) self.current_num += 1 if self.current_num == len(self.running_pics): self.current_num = 0 def _startSpinner(self): if not self.timer.isActive(): self.timer.start(250) def _stopSpinner(self): self.timer.stop() task = self.model if task is None: return if task.status is task.FAILED: self.setImage(self.error_pic) else: self.setImage(self.stop_pic) def defineMappings(self): mappings = super().defineMappings() M = self.model_class target = mappers.TargetSpec(slot=self.updateSpinnerState) mappings += [(target, M.status)] return mappings def updateSpinnerState(self): status = self.model.status if status != tasks.Status.RUNNING: self._stopSpinner() else: self._startSpinner()
[docs]class SpinnerLabel(_SpinnerMixin, TaskWidgetMixin, QtWidgets.QLabel): clicked = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): height = 16 icons = get_spin_icons() self.running_pics = [icon.pixmap(height, height) for icon in icons[1:]] self.stop_pic = icons[0].pixmap(height, height) self.error_pic = get_error_icon().pixmap(height, height) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): QtWidgets.QLabel.mousePressEvent(self, event) self.clicked.emit()
[docs] def setImage(self, image): self.setPixmap(image)
[docs]class ProgressBar(TaskWidgetMixin, QtWidgets.QProgressBar): """ Progress bar for a running task. For AbstractTask, this monitors the task.status, task.progress, and task.max_progress and updates accordingly. For TaskManager, this monitors taskman.status only. Set max_progress to 0 for an indeterminate progress bar. Both progress and max_progress may be adjusted while the task is running. Determinate progress is only supported for tasks. For a taskmanager, the progress dialog will run as long as any task in the taskmanager is running. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._is_running = False super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setMinimum(0) self.setMaximum(1) self._stop()
[docs] def defineMappings(self): M = self.model_class status_target = mappers.TargetSpec(slot=self.updateStatus) mappings = [(status_target, M.status)] if M is tasks.AbstractTask: progress_target = mappers.TargetSpec(slot=self.updateProgress) mappings.append((progress_target, M.progress)) mappings.append((progress_target, M.max_progress)) return mappings
[docs] def setModel(self, model): if model is None: self._stop() super().setModel(model)
[docs] def updateStatus(self): M = self.model_class status = self.model.status if status == tasks.Status.RUNNING: if M is tasks.AbstractTask: task = self.model self.setMaximum(task.max_progress) if not self.isRunning(): self._start() else: if self.isRunning(): self._stop()
[docs] def updateProgress(self): """ Updates the numerical progress. Not called for TaskManager. """ task = self.model self.setMaximum(task.max_progress) self.setValue(task.progress) self._setDeterminate(task.max_progress > 0)
def _setDeterminate(self, is_determinate): self.setTextVisible(is_determinate)
[docs] def isRunning(self): return self._is_running
def _start(self): M = self.model_class if M is taskmanager.TaskManager: self.setMaximum(0) self._is_running = True def _stop(self): M = self.model_class if (M is taskmanager.TaskManager or self.model is None or self.model.max_progress == 0): # This is how you stop an indeterminate progress bar self.setMaximum(1) self._is_running = False
[docs]class ProgressDialog(advanced_mappers.MultiModelClassMapperMixin, basewidgets.BaseWidget): """ A basic modal progress dialog that shows itself whenever its model task is running and hides itself whenever it's not running. The dialog contains a ProgressBar instance and a text label, which can be set with setLabelText. Calling setTask with a running task will result in the dialog immediately being shown. """ model_classes = (tasks.AbstractTask, taskmanager.TaskManager) SHOW_AS_WINDOW = True
[docs] def initSetUp(self): super().initSetUp() self._is_running = False self.progress_bar = ProgressBar() self.main_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel()
[docs] def initLayOut(self): super().initLayOut() self.main_layout.addWidget(self.main_lbl) self.main_lbl.setAlignment(Qt.AlignHCenter) self.main_layout.addWidget(self.progress_bar) self.main_layout.setContentsMargins(9, 9, 9, 9) self.main_layout.setSpacing(9)
[docs] def setTask(self, task): self.setModel(task)
[docs] def setModel(self, model): if model is None: self._stop() super().setModel(model)
[docs] def setLabelText(self, text): self.main_lbl.setText(text)
[docs] def defineMappings(self): M = self.model_class status_target = mappers.TargetSpec(slot=self.updateStatus) return [(self.progress_bar, M), (status_target, M.status)]
[docs] def updateStatus(self): task = self.model if task.isRunning(): self._start() else: self._stop()
[docs] def isRunning(self): return self._is_running
def _start(self): self._is_running = True def _stop(self): self._is_running = False self.hide()
[docs]class KillableProgressDialog(ProgressDialog): """ A `ProgressDialog` with a "Cancel" button that kills the running task. """
[docs] def initSetUp(self): super().initSetUp() self.kill_task_btn = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Cancel', self) self.kill_task_btn.clicked.connect(self._onKillTaskClicked)
[docs] def initLayOut(self): super().initLayOut() self.bottom_middle_layout.addWidget(self.kill_task_btn)
def _onKillTaskClicked(self): task = self.model task.kill()
[docs]class StatusLabel(TaskWidgetMixin, QtWidgets.QLabel):
[docs] def defineMappings(self): M = self.model_class target = mappers.TargetSpec(setter=self.setStatus) return [(target, M.status)]
[docs] def setStatus(self, value): self.setText(
[docs]class StartButton(utils.ButtonAcceptsFocusMixin, TaskWidgetMixin, QtWidgets.QPushButton): """ A button responsible for launching a task. :ivar aboutToStartTask: a signal emitted just before the task is launched; contains the task instance as an argument :vartype aboutToStartTask: QtCore.pyqtSignal """ aboutToStartTask = QtCore.pyqtSignal(tasks.AbstractTask)
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.clicked.connect(self.onClicked) if not self.text(): self.setText('Start')
[docs] def updateEnabled(self, value=None): startable = self.model is not None and self.model.isStartable() self.setEnabled(startable)
[docs] def defineMappings(self): M = self.model_class target = mappers.TargetSpec(slot=self.updateEnabled) return [(target, M.status)]
[docs] def onClicked(self): M = self.model_class if M is tasks.AbstractTask: task = self.model elif M is taskmanager.TaskManager: task = self.model.nextTask() self.aboutToStartTask.emit(task) gui.start_task(task, self.window())
[docs]class SpinnerStartButton(_SpinnerMixin, StartButton):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.running_pics = get_spin_icons() self.stop_pic = self.running_pics[0] self.error_pic = get_error_icon() super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def setImage(self, image): self.setIcon(image)
[docs]class SettingsButton(QtWidgets.QToolButton):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setObjectName("af2SettingsButton") self.setPopupMode(QtWidgets.QToolButton.MenuButtonPopup) self.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(':/icons/small_settings.png'))
[docs] def setActions(self, text_to_slots): """ Set the actions to show for the settings menu that popups when pressing the down arrow on the button. :param text_to_slots: A list of tuples mapping the desired menu item text with the function that should be called when the item is selected. If tuple is `None`, then a separator will be added instead and the text will be ignored. :type text_to_slots: list[tuple(str, callable) or None] """ menu = QtWidgets.QMenu() for text_and_slot in text_to_slots: if text_and_slot is None: menu.addSeparator() else: menu.addAction(*text_and_slot) self.setMenu(menu)
[docs]class AbstractTaskBar(mappers.MapperMixin, basewidgets.BaseWidget): """ Base class for all taskbars. To create a fully customized taskbar, subclass this class and make sure that startRequested is emitted whenever a task should be started. """ model_class = taskmanager.TaskManager startRequested = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
[docs] def setConfigDialog(self, config_dialog): """ Set a config dialog for this taskbar. Subclasses should define this if they support a config dialog. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def makeInitialModel(self): """ @overrides: mappers.MapperMixin """ return None
def _getCurrentTask(self): if isinstance(self.model, taskmanager.TaskManager): return self.model.nextTask() else: return self.model
[docs] def setSettingsMenuActions(self, text_to_slots): """ Set the actions to show for the settings menu shown from the settings tool button. Subclasses should define this if they have a settings button. :param text_to_slots: A list of tuples mapping the desired menu item text with the function that should be called when the item is selected. If the slot is `None`, then a separator will be added instead and the text will be ignored. :type text_to_slots: list[tuple(str, callable) or None] """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class TaskBar(AbstractTaskBar):
[docs] def initSetUp(self): super().initSetUp() self.name_le = taskbarwidgets.NameLineEdit() self.task_name_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel("Job name: ") self.start_btn = utils.AcceptsFocusPushButton("Run") self.spinner_label = SpinnerLabel() self.settings_btn = SettingsButton() self.config_dialog = None
# We connect signals later so subclasses can override these # widgets with their own.
[docs] def initFinalize(self): super().initFinalize() self._connectSignals() if not isinstance(self.start_btn, utils.ButtonAcceptsFocusMixin): msg = (f'Expected `self.start_btn` class' f'{self.start_btn.__class__.__name__} to inherit ' 'ButtonAcceptsFocusMixin') raise TypeError(msg)
def _connectSignals(self): self.start_btn.clicked.connect(self.startRequested)
[docs] def setConfigDialog(self, config_dialog): config_dialog.startRequested.connect(self.startRequested) self.settings_btn.clicked.connect(self.showConfigDialog) self.config_dialog = config_dialog
[docs] def showConfigDialog(self): if self.config_dialog is None: raise RuntimeError("No config dialog has been set for this taskbar") self.config_dialog.setParent(self) self.config_dialog.setModel(self._getCurrentTask().job_config)
[docs] def initLayOut(self): super().initLayOut() hlayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() hlayout.addWidget(self.task_name_lbl) hlayout.addWidget(self.name_le) hlayout.addWidget(self.settings_btn) hlayout.addWidget(self.spinner_label) hlayout.addWidget(self.start_btn) if self.APPLY_PANELX_STYLESHEET: # For now we only reskin the taskbar without any implementation self.start_btn.hide() start_btn = buttons.SplitPushButton('Run') hlayout.addWidget(start_btn) self.main_layout.addLayout(hlayout)
[docs] def setModel(self, model): super().setModel(model) self._updateSettingsBtnVisibility()
[docs] def setSettingsMenuActions(self, text_to_slots): """ Set the actions to show for the settings menu shown from the settings tool button. :param text_to_slots: A list of tuples mapping the desired menu item text with the function that should be called when the item is selected. If the slot is `None`, then a separator will be added instead and the text will be ignored. :type text_to_slots: list[tuple(str, callable) or None] """ self.settings_btn.setActions(text_to_slots)
def _updateSettingsBtnVisibility(self): """ Show the settings button if the task is a jobtask, otherwise hide it. """ task = self._getCurrentTask() should_show_settings = jobtasks.is_jobtask(task) self.settings_btn.setVisible(should_show_settings)
[docs] def defineMappings(self): M = self.model_class mappings = [(self.spinner_label, M), (self.name_le, M), (self.settings_btn, M), (self.start_btn, M)] # yapf: disable if M is taskmanager.TaskManager: t = mappers.TargetSpec(slot=self._updateSettingsBtnVisibility) mappings.append((t, M.TaskClass)) return mappings
[docs]class JobTaskBar(TaskBar):
[docs] def initSetUp(self): super().initSetUp() self.spinner_label = jobwidgets.JobStatusButton(parent=self)