Schrodinger-specific display of pytest output.
import gc
import glob
import itertools
import os
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import traceback
import _pytest.runner
import psutil
import pytest
import pymmlibs
from . import _i_am_buildbot
from . import startup
[docs]def terminal_summary(terminalreporter):
Improve output of summary after tests. Needs to run before the default
if _i_am_buildbot():
if terminalreporter.config.option.tbstyle != "no":
[docs]def print_killed_tests(terminalreporter):
Print messages about c++ killed tests.
killed_reports = terminalreporter.getreports('killed')
if not killed_reports:
terminalreporter.write_sep("=", "KILLED TESTS")
for rep in killed_reports:
if terminalreporter.config.option.tbstyle == "line":
line = terminalreporter._getcrashline(rep)
msg = terminalreporter._getfailureheadline(rep)
markup = {'red': True, 'bold': True}
terminalreporter.write_sep("_", msg, **markup)
[docs]def get_core_dump_signal_codes():
Return codes for signal that may produce a core file
return (
signal.SIGBUS, # not defined on windows
[docs]def print_crashed_process(pid, returncode):
Given a pid for a crashed process, look for related crash files
if returncode >= 0:
# A positive (or 0) return code is not a crash
print(f"Process with pid {pid} exited with returncode {returncode}")
signalnum = -returncode
signal_desc = signal.strsignal(signalnum)
except ValueError:
signal_desc = f"{signalnum} (not recognized)"
print(f"Process with pid {pid} was killed by signal {signal_desc}")
if (sys.platform.startswith('linux') and
signalnum in get_core_dump_signal_codes()):
# On linux, look for core dump
import resource # not available on Windows
core_limits = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE)
print(f"Core file size limits: {core_limits}")
cmd = ['sysctl', '-n', 'kernel.core_pattern']
proc = subprocess.run(cmd, text=True, capture_output=True)
pattern = proc.stdout.strip()
print(f"kernel.core_pattern: {pattern}")
core_dir = os.path.dirname(pattern)
glob_pattern = os.path.join(core_dir, f"*{pid}*")
file_matches = glob.glob(glob_pattern)
print(f"Found {len(file_matches)} for core file pattern {glob_pattern}")
for corefile in file_matches:
cmd = [
'gdb', sys.executable, corefile, "-batch", "-ex",
"thread apply all bt"
gdb_env = os.environ.copy()
gdb_env.pop('PYTHONHOME', None)
subprocess.run(cmd, env=gdb_env)
[docs]def monkeypatch_terminal_summary(terminalreporter):
Monkeypatch display of terminal summary. Intended to run first
in a pytest_terminal_summary hook.
if _i_am_buildbot():
# 80 is a crazy-small width, and doesn't allow clear display of test
# names. This is the default width without a tty.
if terminalreporter._tw.fullwidth == 80:
terminalreporter._tw.fullwidth = 130
# Display warnings as the first output, then prevent it from getting
# redisplayed. Helps with buildbot emails which display last 20 lines.
terminalreporter.summary_warnings = lambda: None
# Monkey-patch _getfailureheadline to display test names in a way that
# allows copy/paste of names to rerun.
# terminalreporter can't just be subclassed because there are ordering
# issues with the plugins
def getfailureheadline(rep):
if hasattr(rep, 'nodeid') and hasattr(rep, 'location'):
return terminalreporter._locationline(rep.nodeid, *rep.location)
return super()._getfailureheadline(rep)
terminalreporter._getfailureheadline = getfailureheadline
[docs]def print_all_owners(terminalreporter):
Print all owners of all killed or failed tests.
killed_reports = terminalreporter.getreports('killed')
failed_reports = terminalreporter.getreports('failed')
error_reports = terminalreporter.getreports('error')
get_owners = lambda report: getattr(report, 'owners', tuple())
bad_reports = itertools.chain(failed_reports, killed_reports, error_reports)
owners = set(
[_f for _f in map(get_owners, bad_reports) if _f]))
if owners:
terminalreporter.write_sep("=", "Owners of failed tests", red=True)
terminalreporter.write_line("Owners: " + ' '.join(owners))
[docs]def sessionfinish(session, exitstatus):
"""If there is uncollectable garbage, report about it and exit non-zero."""
if gc.garbage:
terminalreporter = session.config.pluginmanager.get_plugin(
terminalreporter.write_sep("=", "Memory Leak!", bold=True, red=True)
msg = "FAILURE:"
msg += " There is a memory leak in the python modules that must be"
msg += " fixed."
msg += " Uncollectable garbage: ({} items):".format(len(gc.garbage))
for item in gc.garbage:
terminalreporter.write_line(f' * {item}')
if not exitstatus:
session.exitstatus = len(gc.garbage)
# Fault handler forgets to close stderr. Done in sessionfinish so that it
# runs on all xdist processes.
except AttributeError:
[docs]def collectreport(report):
if not report.passed:
_add_owners_to_report(build_hook(report), report)
[docs]def runtest_logreport(report):
The makereport hook doesn't run for crashed tests, add owners here.
if not report.passed and not hasattr(report, 'owners'):
_add_owners_to_report(build_hook(report), report)
[docs]def build_hook(report):
If test import fails or if the test crashes, build a hook based on the
path to the file.
path = startup.CURRENT_SESSION.rootdir.join(report.nodeid)
return startup.CURRENT_SESSION.pluginmanager.get_plugin(
[docs]def log_exceptions(item):
if hasattr(item, 'original_excepthook'):
sys.excepthook = item.original_excepthook
if item.exceptions_found:
message = "".join(format_captured_exceptions(item.exceptions_found))
pytest.fail(message, pytrace=False)
def _add_owners_to_report(hook, report):
owners = hook.pytest_test_owners()
if isinstance(owners, str):
owners = (owners,)
setattr(report, 'owners', owners)
if owners:
report.sections.append(('owners: {}'.format(', '.join(owners)), ''))
[docs]def runtest_makereport(item, call):
"""Add the test owner to each report."""
report = _pytest.runner.pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call)
if not report.passed:
_add_owners_to_report(item.ihook, report)
tmpdir = getattr(item, 'schro_tmp_cwd', None)
if tmpdir:
report.sections.append(('Execution directory', tmpdir))
return report