import sys
import traceback
import hypothesis
from hypothesis import stateful
from schrodinger.Qt import sip
from schrodinger.Qt import QtCore
from schrodinger.Qt import QtWidgets
from schrodinger.Qt.QtCore import Qt
from schrodinger.infra import qt_message_handler
[docs]class QtErrorCatchingRuleBasedStateMachine(stateful.RuleBasedStateMachine):
A RuleBasedStateMachine that fails if any Qt warnings or errors are reported
or if any exceptions are raised in a slot. Without this class:
- Qt warnings and errors are ignored.
- Exceptions that are raised in a slot cause the test to fail with a
"Exceptions caught outside of main thread:" message, but
Hypothesis doesn't report the steps required to reproduce the exception.
:note: The error checkers in this class are implemented in two parts.
`_recordException` and `_recordQtWarningsAndErrors` record any problems
that happen during a step, and the invariant `checkErrors` makes sure
that no problems were recorded at the end of each step. Any exception
raised in one of the `_record` wouldn't be recognized by Hypothesis and
would instead go directly to the top-level error handler, so the two
step approach is required.
:cvar FAIL_ON_QT_MSGS: What Qt message types should trigger a test failure.
By default warnings, criticals, and fatals lead to a test failure while
debug and info messages are ignored. This can be modified in subclasses
if desired.
:vartype FAIL_ON_QT_MSGS: tuple or list or set
:cvar QT_MSG_NAMES: A mapping from QtMsgType values to a textual
:vartype QT_MSG_NAMES: dict(int, str)
:cvar IGNORE_WARN_PREFIXES: Any Qt warning message that starts with a string
listed here will be ignored. Warning messages filtered by
qt_message_handler.filter_qt_msg will be ignored regardless of this var.
:vartype IGNORE_WARN_PREFIXES: iterable(str)
FAIL_ON_QT_MSGS = (QtCore.QtWarningMsg, QtCore.QtCriticalMsg,
QtCore.QtDebugMsg: "debug",
QtCore.QtInfoMsg: "info",
QtCore.QtWarningMsg: "warning",
QtCore.QtCriticalMsg: "critical",
QtCore.QtFatalMsg: "fatal"
[docs] def __init__(self, trap_errors=True):
:param trap_errors: Whether to override the top-level exception handler
and catch all Qt warnings and errors. Setting this to False is
*only* useful for interactive use of this object, i.e. instantiating
one in a REPL. Otherwise, all REPL tracebacks would be swallowed by
the excepthook.
:type trap_errors: bool
self._trap_errors = trap_errors
self._exceptions = []
self._qt_errors = []
if trap_errors:
# catch exceptions that get thrown in a slot
self._old_excepthook = sys.excepthook
sys.excepthook = self._recordException
# catch Qt warnings and errors
self._old_message_handler = QtCore.qInstallMessageHandler(
[docs] def teardown(self):
Reset the top-level exception handler and Qt's message handler once the
test is done.
if self._trap_errors:
sys.excepthook = self._old_excepthook
def _recordException(self, exc_type, value, tback):
Record any unhandled Python exceptions in `self._exceptions`.
See sys.excepthook documentation
( for argument
self._exceptions.append((exc_type, value, tback))
def _recordQtWarningOrError(self, msg_type, context, msg):
Record any Qt warnings and errors in self._qt_errors. Ignore warnings
that start with anything in `IGNORE_WARN_PREFIXES`.
See qInstallMessageHandler documentation
( for
argument documentation.
if msg_type in self.FAIL_ON_QT_MSGS:
if qt_message_handler.filter_qt_msg(msg):
if msg_type == QtCore.QtWarningMsg:
stripped = msg.lstrip()
if any(
for prefix in self.IGNORE_WARN_PREFIXES):
self._qt_errors.append((msg_type, context, msg))
[docs] @stateful.invariant()
def checkErrors(self):
Fail if the current trial raised an unhandled exception or triggered a
Qt warning or error.
self._checkErrors(self._exceptions, "Caught %i unhandled exceptions.",
self._checkErrors(self._qt_errors, "%i Qt warnings or errors output.",
def _checkErrors(self, errors, overflow_msg, error_formatter):
Raise an AssertionError if `errors` is not empty.
:param errors: A list of errors
:type errors: list[tuple]
:param overflow_msg: If `errors` contains more than 10 errors, this
message will be included in the AssertionError and only the first 10
errors will be reported.
:type overflow_msg: str
:param error_formatter: A function that converts an element of `errors`
into a text description.
:type error_formatter: function
if not errors:
texts = []
num_errors = len(self._qt_errors)
if num_errors > 10:
texts.append(overflow_msg % num_errors +
" Only reporting the first 10:")
del errors[10:]
texts.extend(error_formatter(*err) for err in errors)
raise AssertionError("\n".join(texts))
def _formatTraceback(self, exc_type, value, tback):
Return a text description of a traceback.
See sys.excepthook documentation
( for argument
msg = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(tback))
msg += f'{exc_type.__name__}: {value}\n'
return msg
def _formatQtWarningOrError(self, msg_type, context, msg):
Return a text description of a Qt warning or error.
See qInstallMessageHandler documentation
( for
argument documentation.
return "Qt {} output: {}".format(self.QT_MSG_NAMES[msg_type], msg)
def _note(self, message: str):
Try to show the message as a note, which will only be shown as part of
a failing recipe. If not in a test session (e.g. directly stepping
through the stateful test), `hypothesis.note` raises an exception, so
print the message instead.
except hypothesis.errors.InvalidArgument:
[docs]class PanelRuleBasedStateMachine(QtErrorCatchingRuleBasedStateMachine):
A RuleBasedStateMachine for use with a Qt-based panel. Subclasses must
define PANEL_CLASS, and the panel instance will be available as
`self.panel`. Without this class:
- QTimers may not fire when they are supposed to
- Errors that occur during painting will not be caught
- Errors in stateful decorator arguments may cause pytest to segfault
:cvar PANEL_CLASS: The class of the panel to test.
:vartype PANEL_CLASS: QtWidgets.QWidget
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._app = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance()
if self.PANEL_CLASS is None:
raise RuntimeError("%s does not define PANEL_CLASS" %
self.panel = self._initPanel()
# "show" the panel without actually showing it. This allows the panel's
# geometry to update as if it was shown on screen.
def _initPanel(self):
Return an instance of the panel
panel = self.PANEL_CLASS()
return panel
[docs] def teardown(self):
# The panel object must be completely destroyed before we start the next
# Hypothesis run. Otherwise, Hypothesis may not report recipes to
# reproduce failures and may report flaky failures. A deleteLater()
# call followed by a processEvents() call isn't sufficient, since
# processEvents() doesn't process DeferredDelete events (according to
# the QCoreApplication::processEvents documentation). Setting panel to
# None and then calling gc.collect() is also insufficient, since that
# doesn't guarantee destruction of the C++ objects. To ensure that the
# panel is really and truly dead, we use sip.delete().
self.panel = None
[docs] def check_invariants(self):
Make sure we process events after each step so that any QTimers with
timeouts of 0 will fire when they're supposed to.
for _ in range(5):