Source code for schrodinger.structutils.rings
Tools for detecting and characterizing rings in Structures.
from schrodinger import structure
from schrodinger.infra import structure as infrastructure
[docs]def find_ring_systems(st, want_spiro=False, sort=False):
Find groups of atoms that are in conjoined rings.
If want_spiro is True, rings are part of the same system if they share any
atom. If False, rings must share a bond.
:param st: Molecule to identify ring systems in
:type st: Structure
:param want_spiro: True if a ring system can be defined by just a common
atom (default False)
:type want_spiro: bool
:param sort: True if ring systems should be sorted by minimum element
:type sort: bool
:return: List of the different ring systems defined by the index of the
atoms, sorted by the minimum element in each set.
:rtype: tuple of tuple of int
ring_systems = infrastructure.find_ring_systems(st, want_spiro)
if sort:
return sorted(ring_systems, key=min)
return ring_systems
[docs]def find_ring_atoms(st):
Find the set of all atoms which are in some ring
:param st: Molecule to identify ring systems in
:type st: Structure
:return: tuple of atoms ids which are in some ring
:rtype: tuple of int
return infrastructure.find_ring_atoms(st)
[docs]def find_rings(st, sort=True):
Return the smallest set of smallest rings (SSSR) in `st`.
See also the `schrodinger.structure.Structure.find_rings` method and
the `schrodinger.structure.Structure.ring` iterator. This method may be
deprecated at some point in favor of those methods.
The return value is a list of lists of ints. Each list of ints
corresponds to a ring, and the integer values are the atom indices. Each
ring is ordered by connectivity.
:type st: `Structure`
:param st: Structure holding rings.
:type sort: bool
:param sort: Deprecated and unused
:rtype: list
:return: Each value is a list corresponding to the atom indices of a ring.
# Allow for use of integer handles to provide backward compatibility of
# this function with version 1.25 of this file.
if not isinstance(st, structure.Structure):
st = structure.Structure(st)
return st.find_rings(sort)
[docs]def find_ring_bonds(st, max_size=None):
Find all bonds that form the edge of a ring.
The return uses frozenset to represent each atom pair to allow comparisons
without worrying about the order of the atoms. If it used a tuple you'd
need to do both way checks.
# Operate on each ring bond:
for atom_index0, atom_index1 in find_ring_bonds(st):
atom0 = st.atom[atom_index0]
atom1 = st.atom[atom_index1]
# Do something with the atoms
# Operate on each non-ring bond:
ring_bonds = find_ring_bonds(st)
for bond in
# skip ring bonds. Use a set for comparison:
if {bond.atom1.index, bond.atom2.index} in ring_bonds:
:type max_size: int or None
:param max_size: if supplied, only include bonds that are in rings of size
max_size or smaller
:rtype: set of frozenset of int
:return: set of pairs of atom indices that comprise a ring bond.
return infrastructure.find_ring_bonds(st, max_size or 0)
[docs]def find_all_rings(st, max_ring_size=50, max_seconds=1):
Find the set of all simple rings in a given structure. A simple ring is a
cycle with no repeating atoms.
:type max_ring_size: int
:param max_ring_size: only include rings that are of max_ring_size or
smaller. Default is max_ring_size = 50.
:type max_seconds: int
:param max_seconds: time in seconds to run find_all_rings() before timing
out. Throws a RuntimeError if max_seconds is exceeded.
:rtype: tuple of tuple of int
:return: set of all simple rings in `st` of size less than or equal to
return infrastructure.find_all_rings(st, max_ring_size, max_seconds)