Source code for schrodinger.structutils.interactions.ssbond
from schrodinger.infra import mm
from schrodinger.structutils.analyze import evaluate_asl
[docs]def get_disulfide_bonds(ct):
Find pairs of atoms involved in disulfide bonds.
:param ct: structure
:type ct: Structure
:return: list of pairs of bonded atom CYS sulfur atoms in provided ct
:rtype: list[tuple(structure._StructureAtom, structure._StructureAtom)]
def bonded(atom1, atom2):
""" Test if atom1 and atom2 are bonded """
return mm.mmct_is_atom_bonded(ct, atom1, atom2) == mm.TRUE
asl = "protein and SG and (res. CYS or res. CYX)"
s_atoms = evaluate_asl(ct, asl)
bond_list = []
for atom1 in s_atoms:
for atom2 in s_atoms:
if atom1 < atom2 and bonded(atom1, atom2):
bond_list.append((ct.atom[atom1], ct.atom[atom2]))
return bond_list