A module for detecting pi-pi and pi-cation interactions.
Code example for pi-cation interactions::
from schrodinger.structutils import interactions
from schrodinger import structure
recep = None
for struct in structure.StructureReader(input_file):
if not recep:
recep = struct
picats = interactions.find_pi_cation_interactions(recep,
Code example for pi-pi interactions::
from schrodinger.structutils import interactions
from schrodinger import structure
recep = None
for struct in structure.StructureReader(input_file):
if not recep:
recep = struct
pipi = interactions.find_pi_pi_interactions(recep, struct2=struct)
import math
import warnings
import numpy
import schrodinger.infra.structure as infrastructure
import schrodinger.structutils.measure as measure
from schrodinger.infra.mmbitset import Bitset
from schrodinger.structutils import pbc_tools
# Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
[docs]def squared_centroid_distance(cent1, cent2):
Compute the squared distance between two centroids. Using the squared
distance saves the sqrt compute cycles.
:type cent1: Centroid object
:param cent1: first centroid
:type cent2: Centroid object
:param cent2: second centroid
:rtype: float
:return: the squared distance between the two centroids.
vals = [(cent1.xyz[i] - cent2.xyz[i])**2 for i in range(3)]
return sum(vals)
[docs]def unit_vector_points(a, b):
# Finds the unit vector between two points, repeats code from
# unit_vector just to avoid another function call.
vec = [(b[x] - a[x]) for x in range(3)]
mag = math.sqrt(sum([x**2 for x in vec]))
return [x / mag for x in vec]
except ZeroDivisionError:
return [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
[docs]def unit_vector(vec):
# Returns vec normalized to a unit vector
mag = math.sqrt(sum([x**2 for x in vec]))
return [x / mag for x in vec]
except ZeroDivisionError:
return [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
[docs]class Centroid(object):
The object that stores data about a centroid
[docs] def __init__(self, atoms, xyz):
Create a Centroid object
:type atoms: list of int
:param atoms: the atom numbers involved in the centroid
:type xyz: list of float
:param xyz: the XYZ coordinates of the centroid
self.atoms = atoms
self.xyz = xyz
[docs]class CationPiInteraction(object):
The object that stores the data for a Cation-Pi interaction
[docs] def __init__(self, cation_structure, pi_structure, cation_centroid,
Create a CationPiInteraction object
:type cation_structure: schrodinger.structure.Structure object
:param cation_structure: structure that contains the cation
:type pi_structure: schrodinger.structure.Structure object
:param pi_structure: structure that contains the pi group
:type cation_centroid: Centroid object
:param cation_centroid: Centroid of the positive charge
:type pi_centroid: Centroid object
:param pi_centroid: Centroid of the pi group
:type distance: float
:param distance: distance between the centroids
:type angle: float
:param angle: angle in degrees between the centroids
self.cation_structure = cation_structure
""":ivar: structure that contains the cation
:type: schrodinger.structure.Structure object"""
self.pi_structure = pi_structure
""":ivar: structure that contains the pi group
:type: schrodinger.structure.Structure object"""
self.cation_centroid = cation_centroid
""":ivar: Centroid of the positive charge
:type: Centroid object"""
self.pi_centroid = pi_centroid
""":ivar: Centroid of the pi group
:type: Centroid object"""
def distance(self):
:ivar: distance between the centroids
:type: float
return math.sqrt(
squared_centroid_distance(self.pi_centroid, self.cation_centroid))
def angle(self):
:ivar: angle in degrees between the centroids
:type: float
atom1 = self.pi_structure.atom[self.pi_centroid.atoms[0]]
atom2 = self.pi_structure.atom[self.pi_centroid.atoms[1]]
uvec1 = unit_vector_points(self.pi_centroid.xyz, atom1.xyz)
uvec2 = unit_vector_points(self.pi_centroid.xyz, atom2.xyz)
# Calculate the norm vector to the plane of the ring.
ring_plane_norm = numpy.cross(uvec1, uvec2)
ring_plane_unit_norm = unit_vector(ring_plane_norm)
# Get the vector between the ring centroid and positive center.
posring_uvec = unit_vector_points(self.pi_centroid.xyz,
# Calculate the dot product between the ring plane unit vector
# and positive atom unit
# vector. From this, the angle can be generated.
x = numpy.array(ring_plane_unit_norm)
y = numpy.array(posring_uvec)
dot_product = numpy.dot(x, y)
# Make sure rounding error doesn't cause a domain issue
dot_product = min(max(-1.0, dot_product), 1.0)
return math.degrees(math.acos(dot_product))
[docs]class PiPiInteraction(object):
The object that stores the data for a Pi-Pi interaction
[docs] def __init__(self, struct1, struct2, ring1, ring2, face_to_face):
Create a PiPiInteraction object
:type struct1: schrodinger.structure.Structure object
:param struct1: structure that contains the first ring
:type struct2: schrodinger.structure.Structure object
:param struct2: structure that contains the second ring
:type ring1: Centroid object
:param ring1: Centroid of the first ring
:type ring2: Centroid object
:param ring2: Centroid of the second ring
:type distance: float
:param distance: distance between the centroids
:type angle: float
:param angle: angle in degrees between the two ring planes
:type face_to_face: bool
:param face_to_face: True if the interaction is face to face, False if
it is edge to face
self.struct1 = struct1
self.struct2 = struct2
self.ring1 = ring1
self.ring2 = ring2
self.face_to_face = face_to_face
def distance(self):
:return: distance between the centroids
:rtype: float
return math.sqrt(squared_centroid_distance(self.ring1, self.ring2))
def angle(self):
:return: angle in degrees between the centroids
:rtype: float
at1 = self.struct2.atom[self.ring2.atoms[0]]
at2 = self.struct2.atom[self.ring2.atoms[1]]
at3 = self.struct2.atom[self.ring2.atoms[-1]]
at4 = self.struct1.atom[self.ring1.atoms[0]]
at5 = self.struct1.atom[self.ring1.atoms[1]]
at6 = self.struct1.atom[self.ring1.atoms[-1]]
return measure.measure_plane_angle(at1,
[docs]def find_pi_cation_interactions(struct1,
Determine if any positive centers are within a specified distance cutoff of
any aromatic ring centroids. For those positive center/ring contacts,
determine if the positive center is located on the face of the ring rather
than the edge.
Code example::
import interactions
from schrodinger import structure
recep = None
for struct in structure.StructureReader(input_file):
if not recep:
recep = struct
picats = interactions.find_pi_cation_interactions(recep,
:type struct1: schrodinger.structure.Structure object
:param struct1: first structure to compute pi-cation interactions for
:type struct2: schrodinger.structure.Structure object
:param struct2: second structure to compute pi-cation interactions for or
or None if the first structure should be used.
:type atoms1: list of atom indices
:param atoms1: atoms in struct1 defining the selection to be examined.
If not passed, all atoms will be used.
:type atoms2: list of atom indices
:param atoms2: atoms in struct2 defining the selection to be examined.
If not passed, all atoms will be used. If struct2 is not specified
struct1 will be used.
:param skip_unknown: UNUSED and deprecated.
:type params: schrodinger.infra.structure.PiCationParams or NoneType
:param params: Detailed parameters controlling the interaction criteria.
If None, then the default values will be used.
:rtype: list
:return: list of CationPiInteraction interaction objects::
# CationPiInteraction properties:
cation_structure: structure that contains the cation
pi_structure: structure that contains the pi group
cation_centroid: Centroid of the positive charge
pi_centroid: Centroid of the pi group
distance: distance between the centroids
angle: angle in degrees between the centroids
if skip_unknown is not None:
msg = "The skip_unknown parameter is no longer used."
warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
if params is None:
params = infrastructure.PiCationParams()
elif not isinstance(params, infrastructure.PiCationParams):
msg = ('params must be a schrodinger.infra.structure.PiPiParams '
'object (found {!r})'.format(params))
raise TypeError(msg)
def get_rings_and_atom_bitset(st, atoms=None):
if atoms is None:
atoms_bs = Bitset(size=st.atom_total)
rings = infrastructure.get_sssr(st)
atoms_bs = Bitset.from_list(st.atom_total, atoms)
rings = infrastructure.get_sssr(st, atoms_bs)
return atoms_bs, rings
struct2 = struct2 or struct1
struct1_bs, rings1 = get_rings_and_atom_bitset(struct1, atoms1)
struct2_bs, rings2 = get_rings_and_atom_bitset(struct2, atoms2)
pbc = pbc_tools.get_pbc(struct1, struct2, honor_pbc)
cppinteractions = infrastructure.get_pi_cation_interactions(
struct1, struct1_bs, rings1, struct2, struct2_bs, rings2, params, pbc)
pi_cation_interactions = []
for interaction in cppinteractions:
cation_atom = interaction.getCation()
cation = Centroid(
[cation_atom.x(), cation_atom.y(),
if int(struct1) == cation_atom.getStructure().getHandle():
pos_structure = struct1
ring_structure = struct2
ring_structure = struct1
pos_structure = struct2
pigroup = _get_centroid_from_cpp_structure_ring(interaction.getRing())
CationPiInteraction(pos_structure, ring_structure, cation, pigroup))
return pi_cation_interactions
def _get_centroid_from_cpp_structure_ring(ring):
ring_atoms = [a.getIndex() for a in ring.getAtoms()]
ring_centroid = [ring.getCenterX(), ring.getCenterY(), ring.getCenterZ()]
return Centroid(ring_atoms, ring_centroid)
[docs]def gather_rings(astruct, atom_subset=None):
if atom_subset:
return infrastructure.get_sssr(astruct, atom_subset)
return infrastructure.get_sssr(astruct)
[docs]def find_pi_pi_interactions(struct1,
Find all pi-pi interactions between the rings in struct1 and struct2 (or
within struct1 if only 1 structure is given). Interactions are classified
as to whether they are face-to-face or edge-to-face.
Code example::
import interactions
from schrodinger import structure
recep = None
for struct in structure.StructureReader(input_file):
if not recep:
recep = struct
pipi = interactions.find_pi_pi_interactions(recep, struct2=struct)
:type struct1: schrodinger.structure.Structure object
:param struct1: first of two structures to compute pi-pi interactions for
:type struct2: schrodinger.structure.Structure object
:param struct2: second of two structures to compute pi-pi interactions for.
If not given, struct1 will be searched for intramolecular interactions.
:type atoms1: list of atom indices
:param atoms1: atoms in struct1 defining the rings that will be examined.
If not passed, all atoms will be used.
:type atoms2: list of atom indices
:param atoms2: atoms in struct2 defining the rings that will be examined.
If not passed, all atoms will be used. struct2 must be specified if
this argument is used.
:type params: schrodinger.infra.structure.PiPiParams or NoneType
:param params: Detailed parameters controlling the interaction criteria.
If None, then the default values will be used.
:rtype: list of PiPiInteraction objects
:return: a PiPiInteraction object for each interaction found.
if params is None:
params = infrastructure.PiPiParams()
elif not isinstance(params, infrastructure.PiPiParams):
msg = ('params must be a schrodinger.infra.structure.PiPiParams '
'object (found {!r})'.format(params))
raise TypeError(msg)
if atoms1 is None:
rings1 = infrastructure.get_sssr(struct1)
bs1 = Bitset.from_list(struct1.atom_total, atoms1)
rings1 = infrastructure.get_sssr(struct1, bs1)
if atoms2 is None:
rings2 = infrastructure.get_sssr(struct2) if struct2 else rings1
struct = struct2 or struct1
bs2 = Bitset.from_list(struct.atom_total, atoms2)
rings2 = infrastructure.get_sssr(struct, bs2)
if struct2 is None:
struct2 = struct1
pbc = pbc_tools.get_pbc(struct1, struct2, honor_pbc)
cppinteractions = infrastructure.get_pi_pi_interactions(
rings1, rings2, params, pbc)
pi_interactions = []
for interaction in cppinteractions:
ring1 = interaction.getRing1()
ring2 = interaction.getRing2()
PiPiInteraction(struct1, struct2,
return pi_interactions