An interface to the Maestro color palette and color schemes.
Color schemes are read from `maestro-v<version>/data/res/scheme.res`.
Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
#Contributors: Jeff A. Saunders, Matvey Adzhigirey, Herc Silverstein
import os
from schrodinger.infra import mm
from schrodinger.infra.mmbitset import Bitset
from schrodinger.infra.mminit import Initializer
from schrodinger.job.util import hunt
from schrodinger.utils import colorscheme as maestro_cscheme
from schrodinger.utils.fileutils import get_mmshare_data_dir
_initializer = Initializer([mm.mmcolor_initialize], [mm.mmcolor_terminate])
_scheme_dict = None
_scheme_name_dict = None
[docs]def get_rgb_from_color_index(index):
A convenience function for getting the rgb value for a color index.
:param index: an integer specifying the color index
:return r,g,b: a tuple of 3 integer values for the red, green, blue
values. Range from 0 to 255.
return tuple(mm.mmcolor_index_to_vector(index))
[docs]class Color(object):
Represent a color as either an integer (colormap index), string
(color name or hex "RRGGBB" value), or an RGB value
(tuple/list of 3 ints, values 0-255).
Provides the following properties and methods:
- Color.index = int(Color) - mmcolor index of the closest color
- Color.name = str(Color) - mmcolor name of the closest color
- Color.rgb - (tuple of 0-255 ints)
- equal = (col1 == col2)
When object is initialized from the RGB value, the Color.index and
Color.name attributes are set to the closest color in the mmcolor palette.
[docs] def __init__(self, color):
if isinstance(color, int):
# Color index (int)
self.index = color
self.name = mm.mmcolor_index_to_name(color)
except mm.MmException:
raise ValueError("Invalid color index: %i" % color)
self.rgb = tuple(mm.mmcolor_index_to_vector(self.index))
elif isinstance(color, str):
# Color name or hex 'RRGGBB' string value
# Attempt reading as a name first
self.index = mm.mmcolor_name_to_index(color)
self.rgb = tuple(mm.mmcolor_index_to_vector(self.index))
self.name = color
except mm.MmException:
# Not a valid name; parse the string as an RRGGBB value:
self.rgb = tuple(mm.mmcolor_name_to_vector(color))
self.index = mm.mmcolor_vector_to_index(self.rgb)
self.name = mm.mmcolor_index_to_name(self.index)
except mm.MmException:
raise ValueError('Invalid color name/RRGGBB string: "%s"' %
elif isinstance(color, list) or isinstance(color, tuple):
# RGB value
if len(color) != 3:
raise ValueError("Color must be a tuple of 3 ints")
for value in color:
if type(value) != int:
raise ValueError("Color must be a tuple of 3 ints")
self.index = mm.mmcolor_vector_to_index(color)
if self.index == 0:
raise ValueError("mmcolor_vector_to_index() failed.")
self.name = mm.mmcolor_index_to_name(self.index)
self.rgb = tuple(color)
raise TypeError('Invalid color: %s' % color)
def __str__(self):
return self.name
def __repr__(self):
return self.name
def __index__(self):
return self.index
def __eq__(self, other):
thetype = type(other)
if thetype == type(1):
return other == self.index
elif thetype == type("name"):
return other == self.name
elif thetype == type(self):
return other.index == self.index
else: # Any other type passed
return False
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def rgb_float(self):
Returns a tuple of (R, G, B) for this color, each ranging from 0.0 to
return [x / 255.0 for x in self.rgb]
def hex_string(self):
Returns the color as string of hex RGB values (RRGGBB). For example,
pure red will be returned as "FF0000".
return mm.mmcolor_vector_to_string(self.rgb)
[docs]class ColorScheme(maestro_cscheme.MM_CScheme):
Define a Maestro color scheme.
This class provides the following functionality::
colorscheme.apply(st, [atoms])
for color, asl in colorscheme:
[docs] def __init__(self, name='element', color_asl_list=[]): # noqa: M511
Create ColorScheme object
:param name: Name of ColorScheme
:type name: str
:param color_asl_list: List of asl patterns in ColorScheme
:type color_asl_list: `asl patterns`
self._name = name
self._color_asl_list = []
self.filename = ''.join([c if c.isalnum() else "_" for c in name
]).lower() + '.sch'
# short and long name are the same, but required for maestro cscheme
sl_name = self.filename.upper()
super(ColorScheme, self).__init__(short_name=sl_name,
if color_asl_list:
for color, asl in color_asl_list:
self.add(color, asl)
[docs] def add(self, color_str, asl, rule_description=''):
Add another set of rules to this color scheme.
:param color: color string
:param asl: what to apply the color to
# Currently prints a warning saying that the color name is not a valid
# color for the current color scheme
scheme_rule = maestro_cscheme.MM_CSchemeRule(
# Remove python ownership of the scheme_rule so that its memory is
# managed only by the c destructor. Will cause seg fault if this is not
# set.
scheme_rule.thisown = 0
super(ColorScheme, self).addRule(scheme_rule)
self._color_asl_list.append((color_str, asl))
def __iter__(self):
Iterate over all entries in this scheme.
Returns a tuple of (Color, asl)
for rule in super(ColorScheme, self).getRules():
yield rule
[docs] def __len__(self):
Return the number of rules in the scheme
return len(super(ColorScheme, self).getRules())
[docs] def copy(self):
Return a copy of this scheme.
# FIXME currently does not copy the rule description
dup = ColorScheme(self._name, self._color_asl_list[:])
return dup
[docs] def apply(self, st, atoms=None):
Applies the scheme to the specified Structure <st>.
:param atoms: Optionally specify which atoms to apply the scheme to
in format. Can be a list atom atom indices, or a
Bitset instance.
num_atoms = st.atom_total
# Make a Bitset from the list of specified atoms:
if atoms is None:
atoms_bs = Bitset(size=num_atoms)
elif type(atoms) == type(Bitset):
atoms_bs = atoms
elif type(atoms) == type(''): # ASL expression
# NOT recommended, as the evaluation can be slow
atoms_bs = Bitset(size=num_atoms)
mm.mmasl_parse_input(atoms, atoms_bs, st, 1)
else: # Python list or iterator (assumed)
atoms_bs = Bitset(size=num_atoms)
for atom in atoms:
super(ColorScheme, self).applyScheme(st, atoms_bs)
[docs] def writeSchemeFile(self, filename):
Write the scheme to the specified .sch file.
:param filename: filelocation to save scheme file to
:type filename: str
super(ColorScheme, self).setFileName(filename)
super(ColorScheme, self).writeFile()
[docs]class ColorRamp(object):
An object for calculating colors on a customizable color ramp.
Coloring atoms according to a calculated property that ranges from 0 to 10::
color_ramp = ColorRamp(colors=("white", "blue"), values=(0,10))
for atom in st.atom:
property = calc_property(atom)
r, g, b = color_ramp.getRGB(property)
atom.setColorRGB(r, g, b)
Coloring atoms according to a calculated property that ranges from -10
to 10 using blues for negative values and reds for positive values::
color_ramp = ColorRamp(colors=("blue", "white", "red"),
values=(-10, 0, 10))
for atom in st.atom:
property = calc_property(atom)
color = color_ramp.getRGB(property)
[docs] def __init__(self, colors=("white", "blue"), values=(0, 100)):
Initialize a ColorRamp object where the specified values correspond to
the given colors
:param colors: The list of colors. Any color description that is
recognized by `Color` may be used (a color name or colormap index).
:type colors: list or tuple
:param values: The list of numerical values. This list must be the same
length as `colors`, all values must be unique, and the list must be
sorted in either ascending or descending order.
:type values: list or tuple
if len(colors) != len(values):
raise ValueError("Color and value lists must be of equal length")
if values[0] < values[-1]:
values = list(values)
colors = list(colors)
elif values[0] > values[-1]:
values = list(reversed(values))
colors = list(reversed(colors))
raise ValueError("ColorRamp values are equal")
self._values = list(map(float, values))
self._colors = [Color(color).rgb_float for color in colors]
for i in range(len(self._values) - 1):
if self._values[i] >= self._values[i + 1]:
raise ValueError("ColorRamp values must be sorted and unique")
[docs] def getRGB(self, value):
Determine the color that corresponds to the specified value
:param value: The value to calculate the color for
:type value: int or float
:return: The color corresponding to the specified value, where the color
is a represented by a list of (red, green, blue) integers in the 0-255
:rtype: list
new_color_f = self._getRGBFloat(value)
return [int(round(i * 255)) for i in new_color_f]
def _getRGBFloat(self, value):
Determine the color (in float format) that corresponds to the specified
:param value: The value to calculate the color for
:type value: int or float
:return: The color corresponding to the specified value, where the color
is a represented by a list of (red, green, blue) floats in the 0.0-1.0
:rtype: list
for i, cur_val in enumerate(self._values):
if value <= cur_val:
val_index = i - 1
return self._colors[-1]
if val_index == -1:
return self._colors[0]
prev_val = self._values[val_index]
next_val = self._values[val_index + 1]
scale = (value - prev_val) / (next_val - prev_val)
new_color = [None] * 3
for i in range(3):
color1 = self._colors[val_index][i]
color2 = self._colors[val_index + 1][i]
new_color[i] = color1 + scale * (color2 - color1)
return new_color
[docs]class RainbowColorRamp(ColorRamp):
# colors taken from mmshare/mmlibs/colorscheme/ramps/rainbow.rmp
COLORS = ("red1", "user10", "user12", "user14", "user15", "user16",
"user17", "user18", "user19", "user20", "user21", "green",
"user53", "user54", "user55", "user56", "user57", "user58",
"user59", "user60", "user26", "user28", "user30", "user32",
"user61", "user62", "purple")
[docs] def __init__(self, min_value=0, max_value=100):
:param min_value: The value corresponding to red.
:type min_value: int
:param max_value: The value corresponding to purple.
:type max_value: int
step = (max_value - min_value) / len(self.COLORS)
values = [min_value + i * step for i in range(len(self.COLORS))]
super().__init__(self.COLORS, values)
def _load_scheme_dict():
Load the color scheme dictionary.
Raises RuntimeError if Maestro installation is missing.
Raises IOError if scheme.res file could not be found
global _scheme_dict
global _scheme_name_dict
scheme_res_file = _find_scheme_res_file()
if scheme_res_file:
scheme_dict, scheme_name_dict = _parse_scheme_files(scheme_res_file)
raise IOError("Couldn't find 'scheme.res' file.")
_scheme_dict = scheme_dict
_scheme_name_dict = scheme_name_dict
[docs]def available_color_schemes():
Return a list of available color schemes (list of names).
Raises RuntimeError if Maestro installation is not available.
Raises IOError if scheme.res file could not be found
global _scheme_dict
if _scheme_dict is None:
return list(_scheme_dict)
[docs]def get_color_scheme(name):
Return a ColorScheme object for scheme <name>.
Raises ValueError if such scheme does not exist.
Raises RuntimeError if Maestro installation is not available.
Raises IOError if scheme.res file could not be found
global _scheme_dict
global _scheme_name_dict
if _scheme_dict is None:
except RuntimeError as err:
# Maestro installation is missing
except Exception as err:
# FIXME Why not simply raise the exception???
print("ERROR:", err)
_scheme_dict = {}
_scheme_name_dict = {}
if name in _scheme_name_dict:
# A "long" name was specified; get the "short" name from it:
name = _scheme_name_dict[name]
scheme_instance = _scheme_dict.get(name)
if not scheme_instance:
raise ValueError('Invalid color scheme name: "%s"' % name)
return scheme_instance
[docs]def apply_color_scheme(st, scheme, atom_list=None):
Applies the scheme to the specified Structure <st>.
Optionally a list of atom indecies may be specified.
One of the names returned by available_color_schemes() or a
ColorScheme object returned by get_color_scheme().
A list of atom indices to apply color scheme to (default all atoms).
Raises ValueError if such scheme does not exist.
Raises RuntimeError if Maestro installation is not available.
Raises IOError if scheme.res file could not be found
if type(scheme) == type(""):
scheme = get_color_scheme(scheme)
scheme.apply(st, atom_list)
## MAIN CODE (run upon first import)
def _find_scheme_res_file():
Will raise RuntimeError if Maestro installation is missing
# Locations to search for scheme.res:
# .
# <app_data>/maestro
# <app_data>/maestroXY
# MMSHARE_EXE/../../data
local_loc = 'scheme.res'
if os.path.isfile(local_loc):
return local_loc
appdata_dir = mm.mmfile_schrodinger_appdata_dir()
raise RuntimeError("Could not determine the Schrodinger "
"application data directory.")
MAESTRO_EXEC = os.environ.get('MAESTRO_EXEC')
MAESTRO_EXEC = hunt('maestro')
# Check for the custom scheme.res file only if Maestro is installed:
# Determine 2-digit version from MAESTRO_EXEC (i.e '75', '80'):
mae_ver = MAESTRO_EXEC.split('maestro-v')[1][:2]
maestro_ver_loc = os.path.join(appdata_dir, 'maestro%s' % mae_ver,
if os.path.isfile(maestro_ver_loc):
return maestro_ver_loc
# Open the scheme.res file from the distribution:
builtin_loc = os.path.join(get_mmshare_data_dir(), 'scheme.res')
if os.path.isfile(builtin_loc):
return builtin_loc
return None
def _parse_scheme_files(scheme_res_file):
scheme_dict = {} # key: scheme name; value: tuple of [color, asl]
scheme_name_dict = {} # key: scheme long name; value: scheme short name
_schemes_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(scheme_res_file), 'schemes')
# Parse file of format:
# Line1: short name
# Line2: long name
# Line3: filename
scheme_list = [[]] # List of lists: (shortname, longname, filename,
# custom)
#Flag for custom lists:
custom_list = False
with open(scheme_res_file) as fh:
for line in fh:
ls = line.strip()
if not ls or ls[0] == '#':
if ls == "]":
# End of custom list
custom_list = False
if len(scheme_list[-1]) == 3:
if ls == "[":
# Start of custom list
scheme_list[-1] = []
custom_list = True
for shortname, longname, filename, is_custom in scheme_list:
color_asl_list = []
_read_scheme_rules(filename, _schemes_dir, color_asl_list, is_custom)
scheme_instance = ColorScheme(shortname, color_asl_list)
scheme_dict[shortname] = scheme_instance
scheme_name_dict[longname] = shortname
return scheme_dict, scheme_name_dict
def _read_scheme_rules(filename, schemes_dir, color_asl_list, is_custom):
Read the scheme rules from filename and place them in the list
variable color_asl_list
got_custom_rule = False
if is_custom:
# Figure out the custom color name and ASL expression
toks = []
custom_fname = filename
toks = custom_fname.split(":")
if len(toks) == 3:
sch_filename = toks[0]
custom_color_name = toks[1]
custom_asl_spec = toks[2]
new_filename = os.path.join(schemes_dir, sch_filename)
filename = new_filename
filename = os.path.join(schemes_dir, filename)
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
print('color.py warning: Define scheme is missing file:')
print(' ', filename)
with open(filename) as fh:
for line in fh:
if line[0] == '#':
if not line.split():
if 'LEGEND' in line:
if 'INCLUDE' in line:
fname = line.split()[1]
# Note here assume not CUSTOM schemes will be INCLUDED
_read_scheme_rules(fname, schemes_dir, color_asl_list, False)
if 'ADDCUSTOM' in line:
got_custom_rule = True
if line.startswith('DESCRIPTION'):
break # stop reading the file
s = line.split('\t')
color = None
asl = None
for item in s:
if not item:
elif not color:
color = item
elif not asl:
asl = item
if not color and not asl:
raise ValueError(
'Invalid color ASL entry (must have 2 tabs): "%s"' % line)
s = line.split("\t")
color = color.replace('"', '')
if got_custom_rule:
color_asl_list.append((custom_color_name, custom_asl_spec))
got_custom_rule = False
color_asl_list.append((color, asl))