Source code for schrodinger.infra.mmbitset
A pythonic wrapper for the mmbs library, providing access to bitsets.
The default error handler for the Bitset module is set to mm.error_handler.
If no error handler is specified for error_handler arguments, its value is
what will be used.
Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
from schrodinger.infra import mm
from schrodinger.infra import structure
[docs]class Bitset:
This class represents a bitset, with each element either 1 or 0.
A bitset is similar conceptually to a Python dictionary that contains
keys that are integers from 1 to the length of the bitset, and the value
for each key is an on/off boolean (1 or 0).
Bitsets are usually used when keeping track of which atoms in the ct an
operation needs to be performed on; in which case the length of the Bitset
is the number of atoms in the ct.
An instance of Bitset can be converted to a list containing the elements
that are on (i.e. set to 1) via list(bitset) and to a set via set(bitset).
This is an object-oriented wrapper for the underlying MMBS library. All
state is stored in the C library. References to instances of this class
can be used in direct mmbs library calls, as it will converted to the
integer handle when necessary.
[docs] def __init__(self,
Initialize an object with an existing MMBS handle or a size.
By default, the MMBS resources will be managed by the object. To
keep these from being cleaned up on object deletion, set
:param size: The size to use for a newly created bitset.
:type size: int
if handle is None:
if size is None:
raise ValueError(
"Bitset constructor must provide an existing mmbs handle or a size specification."
self.handle = structure.MM_Bitset.createFromSize(size)
self.handle = structure.MM_Bitset(handle)
if not manage_handle:
[docs] @classmethod
def from_list(cls, size, on_list):
Alternative constructor; returns a Bitset object initialized from a
Python list.
Example usage::
bs = Bitset.from_list(st.atom_total, selected_atoms)
where <st> is the structure object, and <selected_atoms> is a list of
atom indices.
:param size: The size to use for a newly created bitset.
:type size: int
:param on_list: Turn on the bits that are present in this iterable.
Each item should be an int between 1 and <size>.
bs = cls(size=size)
for index in on_list:
return bs
[docs] def size(self):
Return the capacity (i.e. maximum index) of the Bitset.
return len(self.handle)
[docs] def resize(self, size):
Modify the capacity of the Bitset.
[docs] def count(self):
Return the number of index values that are set to 'on'.
return self.handle.count()
[docs] def get(self, index):
Get the value of the index.
Returns True if the index value is on, False if it is off.
return self.handle[int(index)]
[docs] def set(self, index):
Set the index value to 'on'.
self.handle[int(index)] = True
[docs] def unset(self, index):
Set the index value to 'off'.
self.handle[int(index)] = False
[docs] def invert(self):
"""Invert the bits in the set."""
[docs] def range(self, start, finish):
Set all bits in a range from "start" to "finish"
mm.mmbs_range(self.handle, start, finish)
[docs] def fill(self):
Set all bits to on.
[docs] def all(self):
"""Are all bits on?"""
return bool(self.handle.all())
[docs] def copy(self):
"""Create another bitset that is a duplicate of this one."""
new_handle = mm.mmbs_duplicate(self.handle)
return self.__class__(new_handle)
def __repr__(self):
Return a Python representation string for this bitset.
return "Bitset(%d)" % self.handle.getHandle()
def __str__(self):
Return a string of this bitset.
return str(list(self))
def __iter__(self):
Return an iterator for this bitset.
Loops over all of the ON bits.
# don't return iter(self.handle) in case this is a temporary. If this
# is cleaned up before the iterator, the iterator is invalid.
yield from self.handle
[docs] def __len__(self):
Returns the size of the bitset (Number of ON and OFF bits)
return self.size()
def __index__(self):
"""Get the MMBs C handle"""
return int(self.handle)
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.handle[index]
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
self.handle[index] = value