Source code for schrodinger.application.steps.test
Utility code for testing of steps
from schrodinger import structure
from schrodinger import stepper
from . import converters
class _FromSmilesChain(stepper.Chain):
A chain that acts like `step`, but takes SMILES as input.
def __init__(self, step, **kwargs):
self.step = step
def buildChain(self):
if self.step.Input == structure.Structure:
class _ToSmilesChain(stepper.Chain):
A chain that acts like `step`, but returns the outputs as canonical SMILES.
def __init__(self, step, **kwargs):
self.step = step
def buildChain(self):
if self.step.Output == structure.Structure:
[docs]def getOutputs(step, inputs):
Return all the outputs for the step using the inputs asserting that all
the step outputs are instances of the proper type.
:param step: the step to get the outputs for
:type step: schrodinger.stepper.stepper._BaseStep
:param inputs: the inputs to use for the step
:type inputs: list
outputs = step.getOutputs()
assert all(isinstance(obj, step.Output) for obj in outputs)
return outputs
[docs]def getOutputsFromSmiles(step, inputs):
Return all the outputs for the step using the SMILES inputs asserting
that all the step outputs are instances of the proper type.
:param step: the step to get the outputs for
:type step: schrodinger.stepper.stepper._BaseStep
:param inputs: the SMILES inputs to use for the step
:type inputs: list
chain = _FromSmilesChain(step)
outputs = chain.getOutputs()
assert all(isinstance(obj, step.Output) for obj in outputs)
return outputs
[docs]def getSmilesWrappedOutputs(step, inputs):
Return all canonical SMILES outputs for the step using the SMILES inputs
asserting that all the step outputs are instances of the proper type.
:param step: the step to get the outputs for
:type step: schrodinger.stepper.stepper._BaseStep
:param inputs: the SMILES inputs to use for the step
:type inputs: list
raw_outputs = getOutputsFromSmiles(step, inputs)
chain = _ToSmilesChain(step)
return chain.getOutputs()
[docs]def checkValidateSettings(step, msgs=None):
Asserts that every issue message from the step's validateSettings occurs
in the msgs in the same order.
Note no distinction is made between warning or errors.
:param step: the step whose validateSettings method is to be used
:type step: stepper._BaseStep
:param msgs: the list of messages expected
:type msgs: List[str] or NoneType
msgs = msgs or []
validation_messages = [issue.msg for issue in step.validateSettings()]
assert validation_messages == msgs, f"{msgs=}\n{validation_messages=}"
[docs]class StepContract:
[docs] def test_getLicenseRequirements(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def test_validateSettings(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def test_getOutputs(self):
raise NotImplementedError()