Source code for schrodinger.application.steps.ligprep
import os
from schrodinger.infra import mmerr
from schrodinger.models import parameters
from schrodinger import stepper
from schrodinger.utils import license
from schrodinger.utils import log
from . import dataclasses
from . import utils
# for unit test environment
from schrodinger.application.macromodel.packages.ligprep3.ligprepworkflow import \
except ImportError:
LigPrepWorkflow = None
# We can only instantiate a single LigPrepWorkflow instances b/c we are not
# allowed to instantiate Epik more than once.
mm_lig_prep_workflow = None
mm_lig_prep_workflow_args = None
[docs]class LigPrepStep(stepper.MapStep):
A step that implements the basic lig prep functionality of `Structure`
The settings is the list of command line arguments that are usually passed
to the ligprep script, excluding the input and output arguments.
Within one process more than one LigPrepStep is allowed to be created only
if the settings are the same, to avoid problems if both use '-epik'.
There are issues with generating tautomers even if the first generator is
closed (LIGPREP-1941).
[docs] def getLicenseRequirements(self):
return {license.LIGPREP_MAIN: 1}
[docs] class Settings(parameters.CompoundParam):
arg_string: str = '-bff 16 -epik -s 32'
ligprep_filter_file: stepper.StepperFile = None
[docs] def validateSettings(self):
return utils.validate_file(
self, 'ligprep_filter_file') # optional StepperFile
def _makeLigPrepWorkflowArgs(self):
:return: the arguments for the LigPrepWorkflow initialization
:rtype: List[str]
:raises AutoDesignerError: if the ligprep_filter file was defined but
not found.
# the initializer needs to have input and output files, but for my
# use case they are not used.
args = self.settings.arg_string.split() + ['-isd', 'foo', '-osd', 'bar']
flt_file = self.settings.ligprep_filter_file
if flt_file:
if not os.path.exists(flt_file):
msg = (f'{self._step_id}: ligprep_filter_file "{flt_file}" not'
f' found.')
raise utils.StepsError(msg)
args += ['-f', flt_file]
return args
def _getLigPrepWorkflow(self):
global mm_lig_prep_workflow, mm_lig_prep_workflow_args
args = self._makeLigPrepWorkflowArgs()
if mm_lig_prep_workflow is None:
lpwf_logger = log.get_output_logger("LigandPrepper")
mm_lig_prep_workflow_args = args
mm_lig_prep_workflow = LigPrepWorkflow(lpwf_logger, args)
elif args != mm_lig_prep_workflow_args:
msg = (f'{self._step_id}: a LigandPrepper with different arguments'
f' was already instantiated.')
raise utils.StepsError(msg)
return mm_lig_prep_workflow
[docs] def mapFunction(self, struc):
lpwf = self._getLigPrepWorkflow()
with mmerr.Level(LIGPREP_MMERR_LEVEL):
outcomes, _, _ =
yield from outcomes
[docs] def cleanUp(self):
global mm_lig_prep_workflow, mm_lig_prep_workflow_args
if mm_lig_prep_workflow:
mm_lig_prep_workflow = None
mm_lig_prep_workflow_args = None
[docs]class LigandPrepper(dataclasses.MolMolMixin, LigPrepStep):
See also `LigPrepMixin`
[docs] def mapFunction(self, mol):
st = utils.mol_to_structure(mol, self)
if st is not None:
for ligprepped_st in super().mapFunction(st):
mol = utils.structure_to_mol(ligprepped_st, self, mol)
if mol is not None:
yield mol
[docs]class MaeLigandPrepper(dataclasses.MaeMaeMixin, LigPrepStep):
See also `LigPrepStep`
# the parent basically implements the `Structure` input/output