Source code for schrodinger.application.scaffold_enumeration.posvarbond
Implements "position variant bond" enumeration (see ENUM-252).
import collections
import itertools
import rdkit.Chem
from schrodinger.utils import log
from . import common
logger = log.get_output_logger(__name__)
# * "multicenter S-group" (MCG) is a pair of "group" and "center";
# "group" is a set of atoms, "center" is a (dummy) atom with
# exactly one bond ("center" cannot be a member of the "group");
# * multiple MCGs can be associated with a molecule; "center" of any
# MCG may not belong to a "group" in any other MCG; "groups" from
# different MCGs may overlap
# * "center" atom may not be bonded to any of the "group" atoms in its
# MCG or "center" atom of any other MCG
# * "position variant bond" (PVB) is defined by "multicenter S-group": in a
# specific PVB realization, the single bond of the MCG "center" is
# re-connected from the "center" (dummy) to one of the "group" atoms,
# and the "center" itself is removed
MulticenterSgroup = collections.namedtuple('MulticenterSgroup',
['atoms', 'center'])
def _is_multicenter_sgroup(g):
:param g: MRV S-group as dictionary.
:type g: dict
return g.get('role', '') == 'MulticenterSgroup'
def _drop_multicenter_sgroups(mol):
Remove multicenter S-groups from the S-groups associated with `mol`.
[g for g in common.get_sgroups(mol) if not _is_multicenter_sgroup(g)])
def _collect_posvarbonds(mol):
Collects "position variant bond" specs from the molecule.
:return: List of "multicenter S-groups".
:rtype: list(MulticenterSgroup)
a2idx = common.get_atom_id_map(mol)
outcome = []
for g in common.get_sgroups(mol):
if _is_multicenter_sgroup(g):
atom_ids = set(g['atomRefs'].split())
center_id = g['center']
except KeyError:
logger.warning('incomplete multicenter S-group: %s', g)
atoms = sorted(a2idx[a] for a in atom_ids)
center = a2idx[center_id]
except KeyError:
'undefined atom id(s) in multicenter S-group: %s', g)
outcome.append(MulticenterSgroup(atoms, center))
return outcome
def _validate_posvarbonds(mol, posvarbonds):
Validates "position variant bonds" (defined by "multicenter S-groups").
:param mol: Molecule.
:type mol: rdkit.Chem.Mol
:param posvarbonds: List of multicenter S-groups.
:type posvarbonds: list(MulticenterSgroup)
:return: Validation success and error message.
:rtype: (bool, str)
centers = set()
for pvb in posvarbonds:
if in centers:
return False, 'shared "center" is not allowed'
num_atoms = mol.GetNumAtoms()
for pvb in posvarbonds:
if not pvb.atoms:
return False, 'no atoms'
if len(set(pvb.atoms)) != len(pvb.atoms):
return False, 'duplicate atoms'
for i in itertools.chain(pvb.atoms, (,)):
if not (i >= 0 and i < num_atoms):
return False, 'invalid atom indices'
if set(pvb.atoms) & centers:
return False, 'nested multicenter S-groups are not allowed'
center_atom = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(
if center_atom.GetDegree() != 1:
return False, 'center of a multicenter S-group is not of degree one'
other_atom = center_atom.GetBonds()[0].GetOtherAtomIdx(
if other_atom in pvb.atoms:
return False, 'self-bonded position variant bond'
if other_atom in centers:
return (False, 'position variant bond between multicenter '
'S-groups is not allowed')
return True, ''
def _apply_posvarbond(rwmol, pvbond, i):
Creates i-th realization of the `pvbond`. Does not remove the
"multicenter S-group" center atom.
:param rwmol: Molecule.
:type rwmol: rdkit.Chem.RWMol
:param pvbond: Position variant bond metadata.
:type pvbond: MulticenterSgroup
:param i: Index of the desired realization (0 <= i < len(pvbond.atoms)).
:type i: int
center_atom = rwmol.GetAtomWithIdx(
center_bond = center_atom.GetBonds()[0]
atom1_idx = center_bond.GetOtherAtomIdx(
atom2_idx = pvbond.atoms[i]
num_bonds = rwmol.AddBond(atom1_idx, atom2_idx)
rwmol.ReplaceBond(num_bonds - 1, center_bond)
[docs]class PosVarBondEnumerable(common.EnumerableMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, mol, pvbonds=None):
:param mol: RDKit molecule.
:type mol: rdkit.Chem.Mol
:param pvbonds: List of position variant bonds.
:type pvbonds: list(MulticenterSgroup)
if pvbonds is None:
pvbonds = _collect_posvarbonds(mol)
valid, msg = _validate_posvarbonds(mol, pvbonds)
if not valid:
raise ValueError('PosVarBondEnumerable: ' + msg)
self.pvbonds = sorted(pvbonds, key=lambda pvb:, reverse=True)
self.mol = mol
[docs] def getExtents(self):
return [len(b.atoms) for b in self.pvbonds]
[docs] def getRealization(self, idx):
:param idx: "Index" of a realization.
:type idx: iterable over int
:return: RDKit molecule without "position variant bonds".
:rtype: rdkit.Chem.Mol
if self.pvbonds:
rwmol = rdkit.Chem.RWMol(self.mol)
for (i, pvb) in zip(idx, self.pvbonds):
_apply_posvarbond(rwmol, pvb, i)
# remove "centers"
for pvb in self.pvbonds:
return rwmol.GetMol()
return self.mol