Module to generate powder diffraction.
Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
from math import asin
from math import cos
from math import degrees
from math import pi
from math import radians
from math import sin
import numpy as np
from pymatgen.analysis.diffraction import xrd
from pymatgen.analysis.diffraction.core import \
from pymatgen.analysis.diffraction.core import DiffractionPattern
from pymatgen.analysis.diffraction.core import get_unique_families
from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer
# This is from 2019.6.5 (LEGAL-413)
# the only change here is the addition of the "compute_intensities" argument
# XRD wavelengths in angstroms
[docs]class XRDCalculator(xrd.XRDCalculator):
See parent documentation. The main change is in get_pattern, to allow
atom-less structure.
[docs] def get_pattern(self,
two_theta_range=(0, 90),
Calculates the diffraction pattern for a structure.
:param structure: Input structure
:type structure: schrodinger.structure.Structure
:param scaled: Whether to return scaled intensities. The maximum peak
is set to a value of 100. Defaults to True. Use False if you need
the absolute values to combine XRD plots.
:type scaled: bool
:param two_theta_range: Two member list for range of two_thetas to
calculate in degrees. Defaults to (0, 90). Set to None if you want
all diffracted beams within the limiting sphere of radius 2 /
:type two_theta_range: list[float]
:param compute_intensities: If True, compute peaks intensities
(requires atoms in the structure), otherwise only peak locations
:type compute_intensities: bool
:returns: XRDPattern
if compute_intensities:
# Ensure that structure has sites
assert len(structure)
if self.symprec:
finder = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=self.symprec)
structure = finder.get_refined_structure()
wavelength = self.wavelength
latt = structure.lattice
is_hex = latt.is_hexagonal()
# Obtained from Bragg condition. Note that reciprocal lattice
# vector length is 1 / d_hkl.
min_r, max_r = (0, 2 / wavelength) if two_theta_range is None else \
[2 * sin(radians(t / 2)) / wavelength for t in two_theta_range]
# Obtain crystallographic reciprocal lattice points within range
recip_latt = latt.reciprocal_lattice_crystallographic
recip_pts = recip_latt.get_points_in_sphere([[0, 0, 0]], [0, 0, 0],
if min_r:
recip_pts = [pt for pt in recip_pts if pt[1] >= min_r]
# Create a flattened array of zs, coeffs, fcoords and occus. This is
# used to perform vectorized computation of atomic scattering factors
# later. Note that these are not necessarily the same size as the
# structure as each partially occupied specie occupies its own
# position in the flattened array.
zs = []
coeffs = []
fcoords = []
occus = []
dwfactors = []
for site in structure:
for sp, occu in site.species.items():
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Unable to calculate XRD pattern as "
"there is no scattering coefficients for"
" %s." % sp.symbol)
dwfactors.append(self.debye_waller_factors.get(sp.symbol, 0))
zs = np.array(zs)
coeffs = np.array(coeffs)
fcoords = np.array(fcoords)
occus = np.array(occus)
dwfactors = np.array(dwfactors)
peaks = {}
two_thetas = []
for hkl, g_hkl, ind, _ in sorted(recip_pts,
key=lambda i:
(i[1], -i[0][0], -i[0][1], -i[0][2])):
# Force miller indices to be integers.
hkl = [int(round(i)) for i in hkl]
if g_hkl != 0:
d_hkl = 1 / g_hkl
# Bragg condition
theta = asin(wavelength * g_hkl / 2)
if compute_intensities:
# s = sin(theta) / wavelength = 1 / 2d = |ghkl| / 2 (d =
# 1/|ghkl|)
s = g_hkl / 2
# Store s^2 since we are using it a few times.
s2 = s**2
# Vectorized computation of g.r for all fractional coords and
# hkl.
g_dot_r = np.dot(fcoords, np.transpose([hkl])).T[0]
# Highly vectorized computation of atomic scattering factors.
# Equivalent non-vectorized code is::
# for site in structure:
# el = site.specie
# coeff = ATOMIC_SCATTERING_PARAMS[el.symbol]
# fs = el.Z - 41.78214 * s2 * sum(
# [d[0] * exp(-d[1] * s2) for d in coeff])
fs = zs - 41.78214 * s2 * np.sum(
coeffs[:, :, 0] * np.exp(-coeffs[:, :, 1] * s2), axis=1)
dw_correction = np.exp(-dwfactors * s2)
# Structure factor = sum of atomic scattering factors (with
# position factor exp(2j * pi * g.r and occupancies).
# Vectorized computation.
f_hkl = np.sum(fs * occus * np.exp(2j * pi * g_dot_r) *
# Lorentz polarization correction for hkl
lorentz_factor = (1 + cos(2 * theta) ** 2) / \
(sin(theta) ** 2 * cos(theta))
# Intensity for hkl is modulus square of structure factor.
i_hkl = (f_hkl * f_hkl.conjugate()).real
i_hkl = 1.0
lorentz_factor = 1.0
two_theta = degrees(2 * theta)
if is_hex:
# Use Miller-Bravais indices for hexagonal lattices.
hkl = (hkl[0], hkl[1], -hkl[0] - hkl[1], hkl[2])
# Deal with floating point precision issues.
ind = np.where(
np.abs(np.subtract(two_thetas, two_theta)) <
if len(ind[0]) > 0:
peaks[two_thetas[ind[0][0]]][0] += i_hkl * lorentz_factor
peaks[two_theta] = [
i_hkl * lorentz_factor, [tuple(hkl)], d_hkl
# Scale intensities so that the max intensity is 100.
max_intensity = max([v[0] for v in peaks.values()])
x = []
y = []
hkls = []
d_hkls = []
for k in sorted(peaks.keys()):
v = peaks[k]
fam = get_unique_families(v[1])
if v[0] / max_intensity * 100 > AbstractDiffractionPatternCalculator.SCALED_INTENSITY_TOL:
"hkl": hkl,
"multiplicity": mult
} for hkl, mult in fam.items()])
xrd = DiffractionPattern(x, y, hkls, d_hkls)
if scaled:
xrd.normalize(mode="max", value=100)
return xrd