Module to generate and evaluate Smiles/SMARTS pattern for both CG and all
atomic structure using RDKIT
Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from rdkit import Chem
from schrodinger import adapter
from schrodinger.application.matsci import msutils
from schrodinger.rdkit import coarsegrain
from schrodinger.thirdparty import rdkit_adapter
# NOTE: 03/09/2022: ST: We do not support chirality for coarse-grained system.
# Currently there are several issue before supports. Current mapper for
# coarse-grained system doesn't accept "@" as chiral center.
# Scientifically, Further, what is the application of chiral center in
# coarse-grained.
PERIODIC_TABLE = Chem.rdchem.GetPeriodicTable()
MAX_MATCHES = 1000000000 # See DESMOND-11242 and RB 65689
[docs]def to_smarts(struct,
Get SMARTS for a given structure
:param schrodinger.structure.Structure struct: Structure for which patterns
need to be selected
:param bool sanitize: Whether RDKit sanitization should be performed. This
option is not applicable for coarsegrained structures.
:type include_stereo: bool
:param include_stereo: Whether the stereochemistry of the structure
should be translated into the RDKit mol. It also enables inclusion of
information about stereochemistry in the SMARTS. Setting to `False` can
speed this up substantially. For CG system, include stereo option is
permanently False
:param bool check_connectivity: Whether to check that all the atoms from the
atom_subset (or entire structure if it is None) are from one molecule.
Raise ValueError if it is not the case.
:param list atom_subset: List of atom indices. If None then SMARTS for full
structure is computed
:rtype: str
:return: SMARTS pattern for the atom ids provided.
if not struct.atom_total:
# Empty structure
return ''
if atom_subset is not None:
atom_subset = sorted(set(atom_subset))
if check_connectivity:
nmols = (struct.mol_total if atom_subset is None else
if nmols > 1:
raise ValueError('SMARTS generation only works on connected sets '
'of atoms.')
# See RB 67298 discussion on speed issues when `include_stereo=True`
pattern = Pattern(struct, sanitize=sanitize, include_stereo=include_stereo)
return pattern.toSmarts(atom_ids=atom_subset, isomeric=include_stereo)
[docs]def to_smiles(struct,
Get SMILES for a given structure
:type struct: `schrodinger.structure.Structure`
:param struct: Structure for which patterns need to be selected
:type sanitize: bool
:param sanitize: Whether RDKit sanitization should be performed. This
option is not applicable for coarsegrained structures.
:type include_stereo: bool
:param include_stereo: Whether the stereochemistry of the structure
should be translated into the RDKit mol. It also enable to include
information about stereochemistry in the SMILES. For CG system,
include stereo option is permanently False
:type atom_ids: list
:param atom_ids: list of atom indices. If None then SMARTS for full
structure is computed
:type fall_back: bool
:param fall_back: Ignored if sanitize=False. If sanitize=True, will
fall back to using a non-sanitized structure if sanitization fails.
:rtype: str
:return: SMILES pattern for the atom ids provided
pattern = Pattern(struct,
return pattern.toSmiles(atom_ids=atom_ids, isomeric=include_stereo)
[docs]def has_query_stereo(query):
Checks if rdkit molecule has stereo centers.
:param rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol query: Input molecule
:rtype: bool
:return: Whether molecule has stereo centers
for at in query.GetAtoms():
if at.GetChiralTag() != Chem.CHI_UNSPECIFIED:
return True
for bnd in query.GetBonds():
if bnd.GetStereo() not in (Chem.BondStereo.STEREONONE,
return True
return False
[docs]def evaluate_smarts(struct,
Get the list of matches for the passed SMARTS pattern in the reference
:type struct: `schrodinger.structure.Structure`
:param struct: Structure for which patterns need to be selected
:type smarts: str
:param smarts: SMARTS pattern to find
:type is_cg: bool or None
:param is_cg: Whether structure is CG. If None, perform a check
:type sanitize: bool
:param sanitize: Whether RDKit sanitization should be performed. This
option is not applicable for coarsegrained structures.
:type uniquify: bool
:param uniquify: if True, return only unique sets of matching atoms
:type max_matches: int
:param max_matches: the maximum number of matches to return
:rtype: list or None
:return: list of list atom/particle indices with matching SMARTS.
is_cg = (msutils.is_coarse_grain(struct, by_atom=True)
if is_cg is None else is_cg)
if is_cg:
_, mapper = coarsegrain.prepare_cg_for_rdkit(struct)
pattern = Pattern.patternTranslate(smarts, mapper)
pattern = smarts
smarts_mol = Chem.MolFromSmarts(pattern)
if not smarts_mol:
return []
has_stereo = has_query_stereo(smarts_mol)
pattern = Pattern(struct, sanitize=sanitize, include_stereo=has_stereo)
return pattern._getPatternMatches(smarts_mol,
[docs]def evaluate_smarts_by_molecule(struct,
Takes a structure and a SMARTS pattern and returns a list of all
matching atom indices, where each element in the list is a group
of atoms that match the the SMARTS pattern.
:param structure.Structure struct: the structure to search
:param str smarts: the SMARTS pattern to match
:param bool uniquify: if True, return only unique sets of matching atoms
:param bool matches_by_mol: if True then rather than returning a list of
matches return a dictionary of matches key-ed by molecule number
:param set molecule_numbers: set of molecule numbers in the structure to be
used instead of the entire structure
:rtype: list or dict
:return: For the list (if matches_by_mol is False) each value is a list of
atom indices matching the SMARTS pattern, for the dict (if matches_by_mol
is True) keys are molecule indices and values are lists of matches for that
is_cg = msutils.is_coarse_grain(struct, by_atom=True)
matches = {}
# SMARTs patterns are intra-molecular
# so we iterate over molecules in struct
if molecule_numbers is None:
molecules = struct.molecule
# Using enumerate as structure.molecule[x] is very slow #SHARED-6204
molecules = [
mol for mol in struct.molecule if mol.number in molecule_numbers
for mol in molecules:
new_to_old = dict(zip(range(1,
len(mol.atom) + 1), mol.getAtomIndices()))
match = evaluate_smarts(mol.extractStructure(),
# Remove empty matches and use structure atom indexes
# rather than by-molecule atom indexes
for a_match in match:
if a_match:
b_match = [new_to_old[x] for x in a_match]
if mol.number not in matches:
matches[mol.number] = []
if not matches_by_mol:
matches = [
match for mol_match in matches.values() for match in mol_match
return matches
[docs]def get_name_element_mapper_cg(struct, is_cg=None):
Gets the mapper between schrodinger particle name and rdkit proxy element
name if the structure is CG. None if the structure is AA.
:type struct: structure.Structure
:param struct: Structure used for creating the mapper.
:type is_cg: bool or None
:param is_cg: Whether structure is CG. If None, perform a check
:returns: Internal mapping dict between schrodinger particle name and rdkit
proxy element name if the structure is CG. Return None if it is AA
system or no structure is passed.
:rtype: dict or None
:raise RuntimError: If element mapper cannot be generated for the
coarse-grained structure
is_cg = (msutils.is_coarse_grain(struct, by_atom=True)
if is_cg is None else is_cg)
if is_cg:
# This can raise RuntimeError
_, mapper = coarsegrain.prepare_cg_for_rdkit(struct)
return mapper
[docs]def validate_smarts(smarts, struct=None, is_cg=None):
Validate smarts. Works both with AA and CG.
:param str smarts: SMARTS to validate
:type struct: structure.Structure or None
:param struct: If None, validate as AA SMARTS. If present, validate either
as AA or CG
:type is_cg: bool or None
:param is_cg: Whether structure is CG. If None, perform a check
:rtype: str or None
:return: Error message on error, None if SMARTS is valid
name_element_mapper = get_name_element_mapper_cg(struct, is_cg)
except RuntimeError as err:
return str(err)
if isinstance(smarts, str):
smarts = [smarts]
for pattern in smarts:
if name_element_mapper:
pattern = Pattern.patternTranslate(pattern, name_element_mapper)
except ValueError as err:
return str(err)
[docs]def has_stereo_smarts(smarts, struct=None, is_cg=None):
Check if SMARTS requires stereo. Works both with AA and CG.
:type: str or list[str]
:param smarts: SMARTS to validate
:type struct: structure.Structure or None
:param struct: If None, validate as AA SMARTS. If present, validate either
as AA or CG
:type is_cg: bool or None
:param is_cg: Whether structure is CG. If None, perform a check
:rtype: bool
:return: Whether any SMARTS require stereo or not
name_element_mapper = get_name_element_mapper_cg(struct, is_cg)
except RuntimeError as err:
# No stereo required for a bad structure
return False
if isinstance(smarts, str):
smarts = [smarts]
for pattern in smarts:
if name_element_mapper:
pattern = Pattern.patternTranslate(pattern, name_element_mapper)
smarts_mol = Chem.MolFromSmarts(pattern)
if smarts_mol is None:
# Bad SMARTS does not need stereo
return False
if has_query_stereo(smarts_mol):
return True
return False
[docs]def symbol_to_number(symbol):
"""Transforms chemical symbols into the corresponding atomic numbers.
:type symbol: str
:param symbol: Chemical symbol
:rtype: int/None
:return: Atomic numbers corresponding to entered symbol if valid atomic
symbol is entered else return None
with rdkit_adapter.suppress_rdkit_log():
atomic_num = PERIODIC_TABLE.GetAtomicNumber(symbol)
except RuntimeError:
return atomic_num
[docs]def get_sdgr_atom_index(mol, rdkit_atom_indices):
Generator that yields Schrodinger atom indices from rdkit indices.
:param rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol mol: Molecule
:param iterable rdkit_atom_indices: Iterable of mol atom indices
:yield int: Schrodinger atom index
for idx in rdkit_atom_indices:
yield mol.GetAtomWithIdx(idx).GetIntProp(rdkit_adapter.SDGR_INDEX)
[docs]class DictCache(OrderedDict):
A first in first out dictionary cache which caches the key and associated
[docs] def __init__(self, maxcount=10000):
Constructs a new lru cache.
:param maxcount: The maximum number of data that the cache can hold
:type maxcount: int
self.maxcount = maxcount
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
Set the value for the passed key
:param key: The key
:type key: string or tuple
:param value: The value than any dictionary can hold
:type value: string
super().__setitem__(key, value)
# Maintain size limit for the cache
if len(self) > self.maxcount:
[docs]class Pattern:
A class to calculate calculate SMARTS and SMILES pattern for a structure
multiple times. The class can be memory intensive to allow for increased
[docs] def __init__(self,
Initiate Pattern class
:type struct: `schrodinger.structure.Structure`
:param struct: Structure for which patterns need to be selected
:type is_cg: bool or None
:param is_cg: Whether structure is CG. If None, perform a check
:type sanitize: bool
:param sanitize: Whether RDKit sanitization should be performed. This
option is not applicable for coarsegrained structures.
:type include_stereo: bool
:param include_stereo: Whether the stereochemistry of the structure
should be translated into the RDKit mol. Setting to `False` can
speed this up substantially.
:type fall_back: bool
:param fall_back: Ignored if sanitize=False. If sanitize=True, will
fall back to using a non-sanitized structure if sanitization fails.
self.struct = struct
# Fallback is required only when sanitization if True. For
# sanitization = False, it will be perform same conversion procedure
# twice if fallback is not updated.
# This will ensure that conversion is tried only once.
self.fall_back = fall_back if sanitize else False
self.is_coarse_grain = (msutils.is_coarse_grain(struct, by_atom=True)
if is_cg is None else is_cg)
self.include_stereo = False if self.is_coarse_grain else include_stereo
self.sanitize = sanitize
self._sanitized = sanitize
# Cached dicts
self._smiles = DictCache()
self._smarts = DictCache()
# RDKIT mol atomic index and schrodinger structure index mappers
self.stidx_to_molidx = rdkit_adapter.get_map_sdgr_to_rdk(self._mol)
self.molidx_to_stidx = rdkit_adapter.get_map_rdk_to_sdgr(self._mol)
def _getAAMol(self):
Gets the rdkit mol for all-atom system for the current settings
:returns: The rdkit mol for all-atom system
:rtype: `rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol`
# include_properties and include_coordinates are set to false in
# adapter.evaluate_smarts, match here. If changing please check the
# performance (MATSCI-11446). See RB 67298 discussion on speed
# issues when `include_stereo=True`
mol = rdkit_adapter.to_rdkit(self.struct,
return mol
[docs] def loadMol(self):
Load rdkit mol in the pattern
if self.is_coarse_grain:
self._mol, self._particle_proxy_mapper = \
with rdkit_adapter.suppress_rdkit_log():
self._mol = self._getAAMol()
except ValueError:
if self.fall_back:
self._sanitized = False
self._mol = self._getAAMol()
def _generateMapper(self):
Generate mapper for proxy element to particle name
self._proxy_particle_mapper = {}
for pname, ename in self._particle_proxy_mapper.items():
self._proxy_particle_mapper[ename] = pname
self._proxy_particle_mapper[str(symbol_to_number(pname))] = ename
def sanitized(self):
Get whether the structure was sanitized or not
:return: sanitization status of the structure
:rtype: bool
return self._sanitized
def smiles(self):
Get the SMILES for the passed structure
:returns: SMILES pattern for the passed structure
:rtype: str
return self.toSmiles()
def smiles(self, value):
Overwrite SMILES setter to not allow user to set it.
:param value: SMILES
:type value: str
:raises AttributeError: Always raise error since setting SMILES is
not allowed.
raise AttributeError('SMILES cannot be set for a structure')
[docs] def getPattern(self,
Get SMILES/SMARTS for full structure or for substructure of given atom
:type atom_ids: list
:param atom_ids: list of atom indices
:type is_smiles_requested: bool
:param is_smiles_requested: return Smiles pattern if True else Smarts
:type isomeric: bool
:param isomeric: include information about stereochemistry in the
:rtype: str
:return: SMILES pattern for the atom ids provided
isomeric = False if self.is_coarse_grain else isomeric
atom_ids = tuple(atom_ids) if atom_ids else None
dict_cache = self._smiles if is_smiles_requested else self._smarts
if atom_ids in dict_cache:
return dict_cache[atom_ids]
if is_smiles_requested:
if atom_ids:
pattern = Chem.MolFragmentToSmiles(self._mol,
pattern = Chem.MolToSmiles(self._mol, isomericSmiles=isomeric)
if atom_ids:
pattern = Chem.MolFragmentToSmarts(self._mol,
pattern = Chem.MolToSmarts(self._mol, isomericSmiles=isomeric)
pattern = self.proxyToParticleName(pattern)
dict_cache[atom_ids] = pattern
return pattern
[docs] def toSmiles(self, atom_ids=None, isomeric=True):
Get SMILES for subset of atom ids
:type atom_ids: iterable
:param atom_ids: atom indices
:type isomeric: bool
:param isomeric: include information about stereochemistry in the
:rtype: str
:return: SMILES pattern for the atom ids provided
return self.getPattern(atom_ids=atom_ids,
def smarts(self):
Get the SMARTS for the passed structure
:returns: SMARTS pattern for the passed structure
:rtype: str
return self.toSmarts()
def smarts(self, value):
Overwrite SMARTS setter to not allow user to set it
:param value: SMARTS
:type value: str
:raises AttributeError: Always raise error since setting SMARTS is
not allowed
raise AttributeError('SMARTS cannot be set for a structure')
[docs] def toSmarts(self, atom_ids=None, isomeric=True):
Get SMARTS for subset of atom ids
:type atom_ids: iterable
:param atom_ids: atom indices
:type isomeric: bool
:param isomeric: include information about stereochemistry in the
:rtype: str
:return: SMARTS pattern for the atom ids provided
return self.getPattern(atom_ids=atom_ids,
[docs] def validateSmarts(self, smarts):
Validate the passed smarts pattern
:type smarts: str
:param smarts: SMARTS to validate
:rtype: str or None
:return: Error message on error, None if SMARTS is valid
smarts = self.particleNameToProxy(smarts)
except ValueError as err:
return str(err)
[docs] def evaluateSmiles(self,
Get the list of matches for the passed SMILES pattern in the reference
:type smiles: str
:param smiles: SMILES pattern to find
:type uniquify: bool
:param uniquify: if True, return only unique sets of matching atoms
:type use_chirality: bool
:param use_chirality: enables the use of stereochemistry in the matching
:type max_matches: int
:param max_matches: the maximum number of matches to return
:rtype: list or None
:return: list of list atom indices with matching SMILES.
smiles = self.particleNameToProxy(smiles)
patt = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles, sanitize=False)
return self._getPatternMatches(patt,
[docs] def evaluateSmarts(self,
Get the list of matches for the passed SMARTS pattern in the reference
:type smarts: str
:param smarts: SMARTS pattern to find
:type uniquify: bool
:param uniquify: if True, return only unique sets of matching atoms
:type use_chirality: bool
:param use_chirality: enables the use of stereochemistry in the matching
:type max_matches: int
:param max_matches: the maximum number of matches to return
:rtype: list or None
:return: list of list atom/particle indices with matching SMARTS.
smarts = self.particleNameToProxy(smarts)
mol = Chem.MolFromSmarts(smarts)
return self._getPatternMatches(mol,
[docs] @staticmethod
def patternTranslate(s_pattern, mapper):
Replace passed SMARTS/SMILES such that the mapper key values are
replaced by
:param s_pattern: The SMARTS/SMILES pattern to change
:type s_pattern: str
:param mapper: The mapper used to convert the SMARTS/SMILES pattern
:type mapper: dictionary where the key is the element name to find in
the pattern and value is the name to replace it with
:returns: the converted SMARTS/SMILES pattern
:rtype: str
split_pattern = [x for x in re.split(r'\[|\]', s_pattern) if x]
for sidx, smarts_val in enumerate(split_pattern):
# Check if name is part of the split pattern, if not continue
if smarts_val[0] not in Pattern.PROTECTED_PATTERN_BIT:
for mapper_name in mapper.keys():
if mapper_name in smarts_val:
# Check if pattern matches mapper atom name
if smarts_val in mapper.keys():
split_pattern[sidx] = f'[{mapper[smarts_val]}]'
# Remove # for representing atomic number
if smarts_val.startswith('#'):
smarts_val = smarts_val[1:]
# Get position where the element/atom name string ends
search_text = re.search(r'\W+', smarts_val)
pos = search_text.start() if search_text else len(smarts_val)
alpha_num_str = smarts_val[:pos]
non_alpha_str = smarts_val[pos:]
# Do not change anything for protected SMARTS pattern
alpha_str = ''.join(x for x in alpha_num_str if x.isalpha())
if (alpha_str not in Pattern.PROTECTED_PATTERN_BIT and
alpha_str in mapper.keys()):
# Replace the element/atom name with the mapper value
smarts_val = mapper[alpha_num_str] + non_alpha_str
split_pattern[sidx] = f'[{smarts_val}]'
converted_smarts = ''.join(split_pattern)
return converted_smarts
[docs] def proxyToParticleName(self, smarts):
If the structure is a coarse-grained structure convert the SMARTS
pattern of proxy elements to coarse grain particle name. Does nothing for
atomistic structures
:param smarts: The SMARTS pattern
:type smarts: str
:returns: The translated SMARTS pattern
:rtype: str
if not self.is_coarse_grain:
return smarts
return self.patternTranslate(smarts, self._proxy_particle_mapper)
[docs] def particleNameToProxy(self, smarts):
If the structure is a coarse grain structure convert the SMARTS
pattern of coarse grain particle name to proxy element name. Does
nothing for atomistic structures
:param smarts: The SMARTS pattern
:type smarts: str
:returns: The translated SMARTS pattern
:rtype: str
if not self.is_coarse_grain:
return smarts
return self.patternTranslate(smarts, self._particle_proxy_mapper)
[docs] def toRdIndices(self, particle_indices):
Convert list of Schrodinger structure particle indices to RDMol atom
:type particle_indices: tuple
:param particle_indices: tuple of Schrodinger structure particle indices
:rtype: list
:return: list of RDMol atom indices
return [self.stidx_to_molidx[x] for x in particle_indices]
[docs] def toStIndices(self, particle_indices):
Convert list of RDMol atom indices to Schrodinger structure particle
:type particle_indices: tuple
:param particle_indices: tuple of RDMol atom indices
:rtype: list
:return: list of Schrodinger structure particle indices
return [self.molidx_to_stidx[x] for x in particle_indices]
def _getPatternMatches(self,
Search for the passed pattern in the current structure
:type mol: `rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol`
:param mol: rdkit molecule
:type uniquify: bool
:param uniquify: if True, return only unique sets of matching atoms
:type use_chirality: bool
:param use_chirality: enables the use of stereochemistry in the matching
:type max_matches: int
:param max_matches: the maximum number of matches to return
:rtype: list
:returns: The list of atom/particle ids matches which matches the
# If the mol is none there will be no matches
if mol is None:
return []
# Changing maxMatches to reflect MATSCI-6657
rd_matches = self._mol.GetSubstructMatches(mol,
matches = []
for rd_indices in rd_matches:
return matches
def _getMolecularPattern(self, cache_dict, search_func):
Gets the SMILES/SMARTS pattern for all molecules
:param cache_dict: The cache SMILES or SMARTS dictionary to check if
value has already been calculated
:type cache_dict: DictCache
:param search_func: The rdkit function to calculate pattern
:type search_func: function
:returns: The dictionary where the key is the molecule number and
pattern is the associated SMILES or SMARTS pattern for the molecule
:rtype: dict
mol_patt = {}
for mol_frag in Chem.rdmolops.GetMolFrags(self._mol,
# Get the corresponding atom/particle schrodinger structure indices
st_aid = tuple(
for x in mol_frag.GetAtoms()))
# Set pattern if it is not already set in the cache
if st_aid in cache_dict:
patt_val = cache_dict[st_aid]
patt_val = search_func(mol_frag)
cache_dict[st_aid] = patt_val
# Get the schrodinger structure molecule number and set the pattern
# value
st_mol_num = self.struct.atom[st_aid[0]].molecule_number
mol_patt[st_mol_num] = patt_val
return mol_patt
[docs] def getMoleculeSmiles(self):
Get SMILES for each molecule in the structure
:returns: The dictionary where the key is the molecule number and the
value is the corresponding SMILES pattern
:rtype: dict
return self._getMolecularPattern(self._smiles, Chem.MolToSmiles)
[docs] def getMoleculeSmarts(self):
Get SMARTS for each molecule in the structure
:returns: The dictionary where the key is the molecule number and the
value is the corresponding SMARTS pattern
:rtype: dict
return self._getMolecularPattern(self._smiles, Chem.MolToSmarts)
[docs] def getUniqueMolNums(self, use_smarts=False):
Get the unique representative molecules in the structure. This function
can be upto 50 times slower than extracting molecules individually for
small molecules like water.
:param bool use_smarts: If true the unique molecules will share the
same SMARTS pattern. If false the unique molecules will share the
same SMILES pattern.
:rtype: list
:return: list of molecule numbers that are unique
name_func = (self.getMoleculeSmarts
if use_smarts else self.getMoleculeSmiles)
name_mol = {y: x for x, y in name_func().items()}
return list(name_mol.values())