# Copyright (c), 2015-2016, Quantum Espresso Foundation and SISSA (Scuola
# Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati). All rights reserved.
# This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License. See the
# file 'LICENSE' in the root directory of the present distribution, or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
# Authors: Davide Brunato, Giovanni Borghi
Conversion functions for Quantum Espresso input options.
import logging
from .exceptions import ConfigError
# from .utils import set_logger
logger = logging.getLogger('qespresso')
# Other derived values
[docs]def get_starting_magnetization(name, **kwargs):
Build starting magnetization vector from species data.
:param name: parameter name
:param kwargs:
:return: string
atomic_species = kwargs['atomic_species']
species = atomic_species['species']
except KeyError as err:
logger.error("Missing required arguments when building "
"parameter '%s'! %s" % (name, err))
return []
lines = []
lines.append(' {0}(1)={1}'.format(
name, species.get('starting_magnetization', 0.0)))
except AttributeError:
k = 0
for specie in species:
k += 1
lines.append(' {0}({1})={2}'.format(
name, k, specie.get('starting_magnetization', 0.0)))
return lines
[docs]def get_system_nspin(name, **kwargs):
Get the value for 'nspin' parameter of the SYSTEM namelist.
:param name:
:param kwargs:
lsda = kwargs['lsda']
if lsda:
return [' nspin=2']
noncolin = kwargs['noncolin']
if noncolin:
return [' nspin=4']
return [' nspin=1']
except KeyError as err:
logger.error("Missing required arguments when building "
"parameter '%s'! %s" % (name, err))
return []
[docs]def set_ibrav_to_zero(name, **kwargs):
line = ' ibrav = 0'
return [line]
[docs]def get_system_eamp(name, **kwargs):
:param name:
:param kwargs:
electric_potential = kwargs['electric_potential']
if electric_potential in ('Berry_Phase', 'homogenous_field'):
return []
electric_field_amplitude = kwargs['electric_field_amplitude']
except KeyError as err:
logger.error("Missing required arguments when building "
"parameter '%s'! %s" % (name, err))
return []
if electric_potential == 'sawtooth_potential':
return [' eamp={0}'.format(electric_field_amplitude)]
return []
[docs]def get_electrons_efield(name, **kwargs):
:param name:
:param kwargs:
electric_potential = kwargs['electric_potential']
if electric_potential in ('Berry_Phase', 'sawtooth_potential'):
return []
electric_field_amplitude = kwargs['electric_field_amplitude']
except KeyError as err:
logger.error("Missing required arguments when building "
"parameter '%s'! %s" % (name, err))
return []
if electric_potential == 'homogenous_field':
return [' efield={0}'.format(electric_field_amplitude)]
return []
[docs]def get_system_edir(name, **kwargs):
:param name:
:param kwargs:
electric_potential = kwargs['electric_potential']
electric_field_direction = kwargs['electric_field_direction']
except KeyError as err:
logger.error("Missing required arguments when building "
"parameter '%s'! %s" % (name, err))
return []
if electric_potential == 'sawtooth_potential':
return [' edir={0}'.format(electric_field_direction)]
return []
[docs]def get_control_gdir(name, **kwargs):
:param name:
:param kwargs:
electric_potential = kwargs['electric_potential']
electric_field_direction = kwargs['electric_field_direction']
except KeyError as err:
logger.error("Missing required arguments when building "
"parameter '%s'! %s" % (name, err))
return []
if electric_potential in ('homogenous_field', 'Berry_Phase'):
return [' gdir={0}'.format(electric_field_direction)]
return []
[docs]def get_cell_dofree(name, **kwargs):
:param name:
:param kwargs:
fix_volume = kwargs['fix_volume']
except KeyError:
fix_volume = False
fix_area = kwargs['fix_area']
except KeyError:
fix_area = False
fix_xy = kwargs['fix_xy']
except KeyError:
fix_xy = False
isotropic = kwargs['isotropic']
except KeyError:
isotropic = False
vals = [fix_volume, fix_area, fix_xy, isotropic]
cell_dofree = "cell_dofree = 'all'"
if vals.count(True) > 1:
logger.error("only one of fix_volume, fix_area, fix_xy and isotropic "
"can be true")
return [cell_dofree]
if fix_volume:
cell_dofree = "cell_dofree = 'shape'"
if fix_area:
cell_dofree = "cell_dofree = '2Dshape'"
if fix_xy:
cell_dofree = "cell_dofree = '2Dxy'"
if isotropic:
cell_dofree = "cell_dofree = 'volume' "
return [cell_dofree]
[docs]def neb_set_system_nat(name, **kwargs):
Extract SYSTEM[nat] from the first element of the list of atomic_structure
:param name: Variable name
:param kwargs: list of dictionaries each containing an atomic_structure element
:return: list containin one string to be printed in system name list nat = nat_value
images = kwargs.get('atomic_structure', [])
if len(images) < 1:
logger.error('No atomic_structure element found !!!')
return ''
image = images[0]
nat_value = int(image.get('nat', 0))
if nat_value <= 0:
logger.error("error reading nat value from atomic_structure !!!")
return ''
return [' nat = {0}'.format(nat_value)]
[docs]def Ha2Ry(name, **kwargs):
related_tag = kwargs['_related_tag']
value = kwargs[related_tag] * 2.e0
return [' {} = {:12.8f}'.format(name, value)]
[docs]def setOneAmassLine(name, **kwargs):
lines = []
node = kwargs['amass']
value = float(node['_text'])
index = node['atom']
lines.append(' {}({})={:7.3f}'.format(name, index, value))
except TypeError:
for node in kwargs['amass']:
value = float(node['_text'])
index = node['atom']
lines.append(' {}({})={:7.3f}'.format(name, index, value))
return lines
[docs]def set_lda_plus_u_flag(name, **kwargs):
lines = []
related_tag = kwargs['_related_tag']
related_data = kwargs[related_tag]
for value in iter(
related_data if isinstance(related_data, list) else [related_data]):
if value.get('label') == "no Hubbard" or value['_text'] <= 0:
lines.append('lda_plus_u = .t.')
return lines
[docs]def set_boolean_flag(name, **kwargs):
lines = []
related_tag = kwargs['_related_tag']
related_data = kwargs[related_tag]
if related_data in ['true', 'True', 'TRUE']:
lines.append(' %s = .true.' % related_tag)
lines.append(' %s = .false.' % related_tag)
return lines
[docs]def set_what_td_calculation(name, **kwargs):
return [kwargs['whatTD']]