# Copyright (c), 2015-2016, Quantum Espresso Foundation and SISSA (Scuola
# Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati). All rights reserved.
# This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License. See the
# file 'LICENSE' in the root directory of the present distribution, or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
# Authors: Davide Brunato, Giovanni Borghi
Conversion functions for Quantum Espresso cards.
import collections
import logging
# from .utils import set_logger
logger = logging.getLogger('qespresso')
# Functions for QE cards
[docs]def get_atomic_species_card(name, **kwargs):
Convert XML data to ATOMIC_SPECIES card
:param name: Card name
:param kwargs: Dictionary with converted data from XML file
:return: List of strings
atomic_species = kwargs['atomic_species']
species = atomic_species['species']
except KeyError as err:
"Missing required arguments when building ATOMIC_SPECIES card! %s" %
return []
lines = [name]
lines.append(' {0} {1} {2}'.format(species['name'], species['mass'],
except TypeError:
for specie in species:
lines.append(' {0} {1} {2}'.format(specie['name'], specie['mass'],
return lines
[docs]def get_atomic_positions_cell_card(name, **kwargs):
Convert XML data to ATOMIC_POSITIONS card
:param name: Card name
:param kwargs: Dictionary with converted data from XML file
:return: List of strings
atomic_structure = kwargs['atomic_structure']
except KeyError:
"Missing required arguments when building ATOMIC_POSITIONS card!")
return []
# Find atoms
atomic_positions = atomic_structure.get('atomic_positions', {})
wyckoff_positions = atomic_structure.get('wyckoff_positions', {})
crystal_positions = atomic_structure.get('crystal_positions', {})
units = 'bohr'
is_wyckoff = False
is_crystal = False
if atomic_positions:
atoms = atomic_positions['atom']
elif wyckoff_positions:
atoms = wyckoff_positions['atom']
is_wyckoff = True
units = 'crystal_sg'
elif crystal_positions:
atoms = crystal_positions['atom']
is_crystal = True
units = 'crystal'
atoms = []
except KeyError:
logger.error("Cannot find any atoms for building ATOMIC_POSITIONS!")
return []
if not isinstance(atoms, list):
atoms = [atoms]
# Check atoms with position constraints
free_positions = kwargs.get('free_positions', [])
if free_positions:
if isinstance(free_positions, collections.Mapping):
# Cover cases when free_positions are defined with:
# <free_positions rank="2" dims="3 2" order="F">
free_positions = free_positions['_text']
# Cover the case when free positions are provided for only one atom
if type(free_positions[0]) not in (list, tuple):
free_positions = [free_positions]
if len(free_positions) != len(atoms):
"ATOMIC_POSITIONS: incorrect number of position constraints!")
# Add atomic positions
lines = ['%s %s' % (name, units)]
for k in range(len(atoms)):
line = '{:4}'.format(atoms[k]['name'])
line += ' {:12.8f} {:12.8f} {:12.8f}'.format(*atoms[k]['_text'])
#coords = ' '.join([str(value) for value in atoms[k]['_text']])
if free_positions:
#free_pos = ' '.join([str(value) for value in free_positions[k]])
line += ' {:4d}{:4d}{:4d}'.format(*map(int, free_positions[k]))
return lines
[docs]def get_atomic_constraints_card(name, **kwargs):
Convert XML data to CONSTRAINTS card
:param name: Card name
:param kwargs: Dictionary with converted data from XML file
:return: List of strings
atomic_constraints = kwargs['atomic_constraints']
except KeyError:
return []
num_of_constraints = atomic_constraints['num_of_constraints']
tolerance = atomic_constraints.get('tolerance')
list_of_constraints = atomic_constraints['atomic_constraint']
if len(list_of_constraints) != num_of_constraints:
"The number of provided constraints is different from num_of_constraints"
lines = [name]
if tolerance:
lines.append('{} {}'.format(num_of_constraints, tolerance))
for constr in list_of_constraints:
c_type = constr['constr_type']
parms = constr['constr_parms']
if c_type in ['distance', 'planar_angle', 'torsional_angle']:
parms = [int(_) for _ in parms]
elif c_type in ['type_coord', 'atom_coord']:
parms = [int(_) for _ in parms[:2]] + parms[2:]
elif c_type in ['bennet_proj']:
parms = [int(parms[0])] + parms[1:]
target = constr['constr_target']
constr_line = "'{}' " + len(parms) * ' {} ' + ' {}'
lines.append(constr_line.format(*((c_type,) + tuple(parms) +
return lines
[docs]def get_k_points_card(name, **kwargs):
Convert XML data to K_POINTS card
:param name: Card name
:param kwargs: Dictionary with converted data from XML file
:return: List of strings
k_point = nk = monkhorst_pack = None
gamma_only = kwargs.get('gamma_only', False)
if not gamma_only:
k_points_ibz = kwargs['k_points_IBZ']
monkhorst_pack = k_points_ibz.get('monkhorst_pack', {})
if monkhorst_pack:
k_attrib = 'automatic'
k_attrib = None
k_point = k_points_ibz['k_point']
nk = k_points_ibz['nk']
k_attrib = 'gamma'
except KeyError as err:
"Missing required arguments when building K_POINTS card! %s" % err)
return []
if not isinstance(k_point, list):
k_point = [k_point]
lines = [name] if k_attrib is None else ['%s %s' % (name, k_attrib)]
if k_attrib is None:
lines.append(' %d' % nk)
for point in k_point:
lines.append(' {0} {1}'.format(
' '.join([str(value) for value in point['_text']]),
elif k_attrib == 'automatic':
lines.append(' %(nk1)s %(nk2)s %(nk3)s %(k1)s %(k2)s %(k3)s' %
return lines
[docs]def get_atomic_forces_card(name, **kwargs):
Convert XML data to ATOMIC_FORCES card
:param name: Card name
:param kwargs: Dictionary with converted data from XML file
:return: List of strings
external_atomic_forces = kwargs['external_atomic_forces']
except KeyError:
"Missing required arguments when building ATOMIC_FORCES card!")
return []
if len(external_atomic_forces) == 0:
return []
# Warning if number of atoms in atomic positions differ with forces
atomic_positions = kwargs.get('atomic_positions', {})
except KeyError:
atomic_positions = kwargs.get('crystal_positions', {})
atoms = atomic_positions.get('atom', [])
if atoms and len(atoms) != len(external_atomic_forces):
logger.error("incorrect number of atomic forces")
# Build input card text lines
lines = [name]
for forces in external_atomic_forces:
lines.append(' {0}'.format(' '.join([str(value) for value in forces])))
return lines
[docs]def get_cell_parameters_card(name, **kwargs):
Convert XML data to CELL_PARAMETERS card
:param name: Card name
:param kwargs: Dictionary with converted data from XML file
:return: List of strings
atomic_structure = kwargs['atomic_structure']
except KeyError:
"Missing required arguments when building ATOMIC_POSITIONS card!")
return []
# Add cell parameters card
cells = atomic_structure.get('cell', {})
if cells:
lines = ['%s bohr' % name]
for key in sorted(cells):
if key not in ['a1', 'a2', 'a3']:
lines.append((3 * '{:12.8f} ').format(*cells[key]))
return lines
return []
# Phonon Card
[docs]def get_qpoints_card(name, **kwargs):
:param name:
:param kwargs:
ldisp = kwargs['ldisp']
except KeyError:
ldisp = False
if ldisp:
return []
qplot = kwargs['qplot']
except KeyError:
qplot = False
ldisp = kwargs['ldisp']
except KeyError:
ldisp = False
if not (qplot or ldisp):
xq = kwargs['xq_dir']
except KeyError:
xq = [0.e0, 0.e0, 0.e0]
line = "{:6.4f} {:8.4f} {:8.4f}".format(xq[0], xq[1], xq[2])
return [line]
lines = []
if (qplot):
nqs = kwargs['nqs']
except KeyError:
nqs = 1
raise RuntimeWarning(
"qplot was set to true in input but no value for nqs was provided assuming nqs = 1"
q_points_list = kwargs['q_points_list']['q_point']
for q_point in q_points_list:
vector = ' '.join([str(coord) for coord in q_point['_text']])
lines.append(' %s %s' % (vector, q_point['weight']))
return lines
[docs]def get_climbing_images(name, **kwargs):
manual_images = False
if kwargs['climbingImage'] == 'manual' or kwargs[
'climbingImage'] == 'MANUAL':
manual_images = True
except KeyError:
manual_images = False
if manual_images:
if isinstance(kwargs['climbingImageIndex'], list):
line = [int(l) for l in kwargs['climbingImageIndex']]
fmt = len(line) * ' %d, '
line = fmt % tuple(line)
line = ' %d ' % int(kwargs['climbingImageIndex'])
return [line]
return ['']
[docs]def get_neb_images_positions_card(name, **kwargs):
Extract atomic posisitions for each image provided in engine with an atomic_structure element
:param name: Card name
:param kwargs: List of dictionaries each containing an atomic_structure element.
:return: List of lines
images = kwargs.get('atomic_structure', [])
assert isinstance(images, list)
except AssertionError:
images = [images]
if len(images) < 2:
"At least the atomic structures for first and last image should be provided"
return []
first_positions = images[0].get('crystal_positions')
units = 'crystal'
if first_positions is None:
first_positions = images[0].get('atomic_positions', {})
units = 'bohr'
his_nat = int(images[0].get('nat', 0))
if units == 'crystal':
last_positions = images[-1].get('crystal_positions', {})
last_positions = images[-1].get('atomic_positions', {})
if len(kwargs['atomic_structure']) > 2:
if units == 'crystal':
interm_pos = [
ats.get('crystal_positions', {}) for ats in images[1:-1]
interm_pos = [
ats.get('atomic_positions', {}) for ats in images[1:-1]
interm_pos = []
lines = ['%s ' % 'BEGIN_POSITIONS']
lines.append('%s ' % 'FIRST_IMAGE')
atoms = first_positions.get('atom', [])
my_nat = len(atoms)
if my_nat <= 0:
logger.error("No atomic coordinates provided for first image")
return ''
if my_nat != his_nat:
"nat provided in first image differs from number of atoms in atomic_positions!!!"
free_positions = kwargs.get('free_positions', [])
if isinstance(free_positions, collections.Mapping):
# Cover cases when free_positions are defined with:
# <free_positions rank="2" dims="3 2" order="F">
free_positions = free_positions['_text']
if free_positions and len(free_positions) != len(atoms):
"ATOMIC_POSITIONS: incorrect number of position constraints!")
lines.append('%s { %s }' % ('ATOMIC_POSITIONS', units))
for k in range(len(atoms)):
sp_name = '{:4}'.format(atoms[k]['name'])
coords = '{:12.8f} {:12.8f} {:12.8f}'.format(*atoms[k]['_text'])
if k < len(free_positions):
free_pos = '{:4d}{:4d}{:4d}'.format(
*[int(value) for value in free_positions[k]])
lines.append('%s %s %s' % (sp_name, coords, free_pos))
lines.append('%s %s' % (sp_name, coords))
for inter in interm_pos:
atoms = inter['atom']
if len(atoms) != my_nat:
logger.error('Found images with differing number of atoms !!!')
lines.append('%s ' % 'INTERMEDIATE_IMAGE')
lines.append('%s { %s }' % ('ATOMIC_POSITIONS', units))
for k in range(len(atoms)):
sp_name = '{:4}'.format(atoms[k]['name'])
coords = '{:12.8f} {:12.8f} {:12.8f}'.format(*atoms[k]['_text'])
if k < len(free_positions):
free_pos = '{:4d}{:4d}{:4d}'.format(
*[int(value) for value in free_positions[k]])
lines.append('%s %s %s' % (sp_name, coords, free_pos))
lines.append('%s %s' % (sp_name, coords))
atoms = last_positions['atom']
if len(atoms) != my_nat:
logger.error('Found images with differing number of atoms !!!')
lines.append('%s ' % 'LAST_IMAGE')
lines.append('%s { %s }' % ('ATOMIC_POSITIONS', units))
for k in range(len(atoms)):
sp_name = '{:4}'.format(atoms[k]['name'])
coords = '{:12.8f} {:12.8f} {:12.8f}'.format(*atoms[k]['_text'])
if k < len(free_positions):
free_pos = '{:4d}{:4d}{:4d}'.format(
*[int(value) for value in free_positions[k]])
lines.append('%s %s %s' % (sp_name, coords, free_pos))
lines.append('%s %s' % (sp_name, coords))
lines.append('%s ' % 'END_POSITIONS')
return lines
[docs]def get_neb_cell_parameters_card(name, **kwargs):
Extract cell parameter from the firt of the atomic_structure elements provided in engine
:param name: Card name
:param kwargs: list of the atomic_structure dictionaries translate for xml element engine
:return: list of text lines for the cell parameters card
images = kwargs.get('atomic_structure', [])
assert isinstance(images, list)
except AssertionError:
images = [images]
if len(images) < 1:
logger.error(" No atomic_strucure element found in kwargs !!!")
return ''
atomic_structure = images[0]
cells = atomic_structure.get('cell', {})
if cells:
lines = ['%s bohr' % name]
for key in sorted(cells):
if key not in ['a1', 'a2', 'a3']:
lines.append((3 * '{:12.8f}').format(*cells[key]))
return lines
return []
[docs]def get_neb_atomic_forces_card(name, **kwargs):