# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Third-party code. No Schrodinger Copyright.
*GSASIIlattice: Unit cells*
Perform lattice-related computations
Note that *G* is the reciprocal lattice tensor, and *g* is its inverse,
:math:`G = g^{-1}`, where
.. math::
g = \\left( \\begin{matrix}
a^2 & a b\\cos gamma & a c\\cos\\beta \\\\
a b\\cos\\gamma & b^2 & b c cos\\alpha \\\\
a c\\cos\\beta & b c \\cos\\alpha & c^2
The "*A* tensor" terms are defined as
:math:`A = (\\begin{matrix} G_{11} & G_{22} & G_{33} & 2G_{12} & 2G_{13} & 2G_{23}\\end{matrix})` and *A* can be used in this fashion:
:math:`d^* = sqrt {A_1 h^2 + A_2 k^2 + A_3 l^2 + A_4 hk + A_5 hl + A_6 kl}`, where
*d* is the d-spacing, and :math:`d^*` is the reciprocal lattice spacing,
:math:`Q = 2 \\pi d^* = 2 \\pi / d`
########### SVN repository information ###################
# $Date: 2019-04-11 16:59:48 -0400 (Thu, 11 Apr 2019) $
# $Author: vondreele $
# $Revision: 3888 $
# $URL: https://subversion.xray.aps.anl.gov/pyGSAS/trunk/GSASIIlattice.py $
# $Id: GSASIIlattice.py 3888 2019-04-11 20:59:48Z vondreele $
########### SVN repository information ###################
# flake8: noqa
import copy
import math
import random as ran
import sys
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as nl
from . import GSASIIElem as G2elem
from . import GSASIImath as G2mth
from . import GSASIIspc as G2spc
# trig functions in degrees
sind = lambda x: np.sin(x * np.pi / 180.)
asind = lambda x: 180. * np.arcsin(x) / np.pi
tand = lambda x: np.tan(x * np.pi / 180.)
atand = lambda x: 180. * np.arctan(x) / np.pi
atan2d = lambda y, x: 180. * np.arctan2(y, x) / np.pi
cosd = lambda x: np.cos(x * np.pi / 180.)
acosd = lambda x: 180. * np.arccos(x) / np.pi
rdsq2d = lambda x: 1.0 / np.sqrt(x)
rpd = np.pi / 180.
RSQ2PI = 1. / np.sqrt(2. * np.pi)
SQ2 = np.sqrt(2.)
RSQPI = 1. / np.sqrt(np.pi)
R2pisq = 1. / (2. * np.pi**2)
nxs = np.newaxis
[docs]def sec2HMS(sec):
"""Convert time in sec to H:M:S string
:param sec: time in seconds
:return: H:M:S string (to nearest 100th second)
H = int(sec // 3600)
M = int(sec // 60 - H * 60)
S = sec - 3600 * H - 60 * M
return '%d:%2d:%.2f' % (H, M, S)
[docs]def rotdMat(angle, axis=0):
"""Prepare rotation matrix for angle in degrees about axis(=0,1,2)
:param angle: angle in degrees
:param axis: axis (0,1,2 = x,y,z) about which for the rotation
:return: rotation matrix - 3x3 numpy array
if axis == 2:
return np.array([[cosd(angle), -sind(angle), 0],
[sind(angle), cosd(angle), 0], [0, 0, 1]])
elif axis == 1:
return np.array([[cosd(angle), 0, -sind(angle)], [0, 1, 0],
[sind(angle), 0, cosd(angle)]])
return np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cosd(angle), -sind(angle)],
[0, sind(angle), cosd(angle)]])
[docs]def rotdMat4(angle, axis=0):
"""Prepare rotation matrix for angle in degrees about axis(=0,1,2) with scaling for OpenGL
:param angle: angle in degrees
:param axis: axis (0,1,2 = x,y,z) about which for the rotation
:return: rotation matrix - 4x4 numpy array (last row/column for openGL scaling)
Mat = rotdMat(angle, axis)
return np.concatenate((np.concatenate((Mat, [[0], [0], [0]]), axis=1), [
[0, 0, 0, 1],
[docs]def fillgmat(cell):
"""Compute lattice metric tensor from unit cell constants
:param cell: tuple with a,b,c,alpha, beta, gamma (degrees)
:return: 3x3 numpy array
a, b, c, alp, bet, gam = cell
g = np.array([[a * a, a * b * cosd(gam), a * c * cosd(bet)],
[a * b * cosd(gam), b * b, b * c * cosd(alp)],
[a * c * cosd(bet), b * c * cosd(alp), c * c]])
return g
[docs]def cell2Gmat(cell):
"""Compute real and reciprocal lattice metric tensor from unit cell constants
:param cell: tuple with a,b,c,alpha, beta, gamma (degrees)
:return: reciprocal (G) & real (g) metric tensors (list of two numpy 3x3 arrays)
g = fillgmat(cell)
G = nl.inv(g)
return G, g
[docs]def A2Gmat(A, inverse=True):
"""Fill real & reciprocal metric tensor (G) from A.
:param A: reciprocal metric tensor elements as [G11,G22,G33,2*G12,2*G13,2*G23]
:param bool inverse: if True return both G and g; else just G
:return: reciprocal (G) & real (g) metric tensors (list of two numpy 3x3 arrays)
G = np.array([[A[0], A[3] / 2., A[4] / 2.], [A[3] / 2., A[1], A[5] / 2.],
[A[4] / 2., A[5] / 2., A[2]]])
if inverse:
g = nl.inv(G)
return G, g
return G
[docs]def Gmat2A(G):
"""Extract A from reciprocal metric tensor (G)
:param G: reciprocal maetric tensor (3x3 numpy array
:return: A = [G11,G22,G33,2*G12,2*G13,2*G23]
return [G[0][0], G[1][1], G[2][2], 2. * G[0][1], 2. * G[0][2], 2. * G[1][2]]
[docs]def cell2A(cell):
"""Obtain A = [G11,G22,G33,2*G12,2*G13,2*G23] from lattice parameters
:param cell: [a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma] (degrees)
:return: G reciprocal metric tensor as 3x3 numpy array
G, g = cell2Gmat(cell)
return Gmat2A(G)
[docs]def A2cell(A):
"""Compute unit cell constants from A
:param A: [G11,G22,G33,2*G12,2*G13,2*G23] G - reciprocal metric tensor
:return: a,b,c,alpha, beta, gamma (degrees) - lattice parameters
G, g = A2Gmat(A)
return Gmat2cell(g)
[docs]def Gmat2cell(g):
"""Compute real/reciprocal lattice parameters from real/reciprocal metric tensor (g/G)
The math works the same either way.
:param g (or G): real (or reciprocal) metric tensor 3x3 array
:return: a,b,c,alpha, beta, gamma (degrees) (or a*,b*,c*,alpha*,beta*,gamma* degrees)
oldset = np.seterr('raise')
a = np.sqrt(max(0, g[0][0]))
b = np.sqrt(max(0, g[1][1]))
c = np.sqrt(max(0, g[2][2]))
alp = acosd(g[2][1] / (b * c))
bet = acosd(g[2][0] / (a * c))
gam = acosd(g[0][1] / (a * b))
return a, b, c, alp, bet, gam
[docs]def invcell2Gmat(invcell):
"""Compute real and reciprocal lattice metric tensor from reciprocal
unit cell constants
:param invcell: [a*,b*,c*,alpha*, beta*, gamma*] (degrees)
:return: reciprocal (G) & real (g) metric tensors (list of two 3x3 arrays)
G = fillgmat(invcell)
g = nl.inv(G)
return G, g
[docs]def cellDijFill(pfx, phfx, SGData, parmDict):
'''Returns the filled-out reciprocal cell (A) terms
from the parameter dictionaries corrected for Dij.
:param str pfx: parameter prefix ("n::", where n is a phase number)
:param dict SGdata: a symmetry object
:param dict parmDict: a dictionary of parameters
:returns: A,sigA where each is a list of six terms with the A terms
if SGData['SGLaue'] in [
A = [
parmDict[pfx + 'A0'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D11'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A1'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D22'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A2'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D33'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A3'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D12'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A4'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D13'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A5'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D23']
elif SGData['SGLaue'] in [
if SGData['SGUniq'] == 'a':
A = [
parmDict[pfx + 'A0'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D11'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A1'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D22'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A2'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D33'], 0, 0,
parmDict[pfx + 'A5'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D23']
elif SGData['SGUniq'] == 'b':
A = [
parmDict[pfx + 'A0'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D11'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A1'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D22'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A2'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D33'], 0,
parmDict[pfx + 'A4'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D13'], 0
A = [
parmDict[pfx + 'A0'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D11'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A1'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D22'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A2'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D33'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A3'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D12'], 0, 0
elif SGData['SGLaue'] in [
A = [
parmDict[pfx + 'A0'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D11'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A1'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D22'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A2'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D33'], 0, 0, 0
elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['4/m', '4/mmm']:
A = [
parmDict[pfx + 'A0'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D11'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A0'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D11'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A2'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D33'], 0, 0, 0
elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['6/m', '6/mmm', '3m1', '31m', '3']:
A = [
parmDict[pfx + 'A0'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D11'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A0'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D11'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A2'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D33'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A0'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D11'], 0, 0
elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['3R', '3mR']:
A = [
parmDict[pfx + 'A0'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D11'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A0'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D11'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A0'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D11'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A3'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D23'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A3'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D23'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A3'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D23']
elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['m3m', 'm3']:
A = [
parmDict[pfx + 'A0'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D11'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A0'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D11'],
parmDict[pfx + 'A0'] + parmDict[phfx + 'D11'], 0, 0, 0
return A
[docs]def prodMGMT(G, Mat):
'''Transform metric tensor by matrix
:param G: array metric tensor
:param Mat: array transformation matrix
:return: array new metric tensor
return np.inner(np.inner(Mat, G), Mat) #right
# return np.inner(Mat,np.inner(Mat,G)) #right
# return np.inner(np.inner(G,Mat).T,Mat) #right
# return np.inner(Mat,np.inner(G,Mat).T) #right
[docs]def ExpandCell(Atoms, atCodes, cx, Trans):
Unit = [int(max(abs(np.array(unit))) - 1) for unit in Trans.T]
for i, unit in enumerate(Unit):
if unit > 0:
for j in range(unit):
moreAtoms = copy.deepcopy(Atoms)
moreCodes = []
for atom, code in zip(moreAtoms, atCodes):
atom[cx + i] += 1.
if '+' in code:
cell = list(eval(code.split('+')[1]))
ops = code.split('+')[0]
cell = [0, 0, 0]
ops = code
cell[i] += 1
moreCodes.append('%s+%d,%d,%d' %
(ops, cell[0], cell[1], cell[2]))
Atoms += moreAtoms
atCodes += moreCodes
return Atoms, atCodes
[docs]def FindNonstandard(controls, Phase):
Find nonstandard setting of magnetic cell that aligns with parent nuclear cell
:param controls: list unit cell indexing controls
:param Phase: dict new magnetic phase data (NB:not G2 phase construction); modified here
:return: None
abc = np.eye(3)
cba = np.rot90(np.eye(3))
cba[1, 1] *= -1 #makes c-ba
Mats = {
'abc': abc,
'cab': np.roll(abc, 2, 1),
'bca': np.roll(abc, 1, 1),
'acb': np.roll(cba, 1, 1),
'bac': np.roll(cba, 2, 1),
'cba': cba
} #ok
BNS = {
'A': {
'abc': 'A',
'cab': 'C',
'bca': 'B',
'acb': 'A',
'bac': 'B',
'cba': 'C'
'B': {
'abc': 'B',
'cab': 'A',
'bca': 'C',
'acb': 'C',
'bac': 'A',
'cba': 'B'
'C': {
'abc': 'C',
'cab': 'B',
'bca': 'A',
'acb': 'B',
'bac': 'C',
'cba': 'A'
'a': {
'abc': 'a',
'cab': 'c',
'bca': 'b',
'acb': 'a',
'bac': 'b',
'cba': 'c'
}, #Ok
'b': {
'abc': 'b',
'cab': 'a',
'bca': 'c',
'acb': 'c',
'bac': 'a',
'cba': 'b'
'c': {
'abc': 'c',
'cab': 'b',
'bca': 'a',
'acb': 'b',
'bac': 'c',
'cba': 'a'
'S': {
'abc': 'S',
'cab': 'S',
'bca': 'S',
'acb': 'S',
'bac': 'S',
'cba': 'S'
'I': {
'abc': 'I',
'cab': 'I',
'bca': 'I',
'acb': 'I',
'bac': 'I',
'cba': 'I'
Trans = Phase['Trans']
Uvec = Phase['Uvec']
SGData = Phase['SGData']
MSG = SGData.get('MagSpGrp', SGData['SpGrp']).split(' ', 1)
MSG[0] += ' '
bns = ''
if '_' in MSG[0]:
bns = MSG[0][2]
spn = SGData.get('SGSpin', [])
if 'ortho' in SGData['SGSys']:
lattSym = G2spc.getlattSym(Trans)
SpGrp = SGData['SpGrp']
NTrans = np.inner(Mats[lattSym].T, Trans.T) #ok
if len(spn):
spn[1:4] = np.inner(np.abs(nl.inv(Mats[lattSym])), spn[1:4]) #ok
SGsym = G2spc.getlattSym(nl.inv(Mats[lattSym]))
if lattSym != 'abc':
NSG = G2spc.altSettingOrtho[SpGrp][SGsym].replace("'",
'').split(' ')
if ' '.join(NSG) in [
'P 2 21 2',
Uvec[1] += .25
elif ' '.join(NSG) in [
'P 21 2 2',
Uvec[0] += .25
elif ' '.join(NSG) in [
'P 2 2 21',
Uvec[2] += .25
Bns = ''
if bns:
Bns = BNS[bns][lattSym]
NSG[0] += '_' + Bns + ' '
elif len(spn):
for ifld in [1, 2, 3]:
if spn[ifld] < 0:
NSG[ifld] += "'"
Nresult = [''.join(NSG) + ' ', Bns]
return Nresult, Uvec, NTrans
return None
elif 'mono' in SGData[
'SGSys']: # and not 'P_A' in Phase['Name']: #skip the one that doesn't work
newcell = TransformCell(controls[6:12], Trans)
MatsA = np.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [1., 0, 1.]])
MatsB = np.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [-1., 0, 1.]])
if not 70. < newcell[4] < 110.:
MSG[1] = MSG[1].replace('c', 'n')
MSG[0] = MSG[0].replace('C_c', 'C_B').replace('P_A', 'P ')
if '_' in MSG[0]:
bns = MSG[0][2]
if newcell[4] > 110.:
if newcell[2] > newcell[0]:
Mats = MatsA
MSG[1] = MSG[1].replace('n', 'c')
MSG[0] = MSG[0].replace('C ', 'I ')
Mats = MatsA.T
elif newcell[4] < 70.:
if newcell[2] > newcell[0]:
Mats = MatsB
MSG[1] = MSG[1].replace('n', 'c')
MSG[0] = MSG[0].replace('C ', 'I ')
Mats = MatsB.T
Nresult = [' '.join(MSG) + ' ', bns]
NTrans = np.inner(Mats, Trans.T)
return Nresult, Uvec, NTrans
return None
[docs]def makeBilbaoPhase(result, uvec, trans, ifMag=False):
phase = {}
phase['Name'] = result[0].strip()
phase['Uvec'] = uvec
phase['Trans'] = trans
phase['Keep'] = False
phase['Use'] = False
phase['aType'] = ''
SpGp = result[0].replace("'", '')
SpGrp = G2spc.StandardizeSpcName(SpGp)
phase['SGData'] = G2spc.SpcGroup(SpGrp)[1]
if ifMag:
BNSlatt = phase['SGData']['SGLatt']
if not result[1]:
phase['SGData']['SGSpin'] = G2spc.GetSGSpin(phase['SGData'],
phase['SGData']['GenSym'], phase['SGData'][
'GenFlg'], BNSsym = G2spc.GetGenSym(phase['SGData'])
if result[1]:
BNSlatt += '_' + result[1]
if 'P_S' in BNSlatt:
BNSlatt = 'P_c' #triclinic fix
phase['SGData']['BNSlattsym'] = [BNSlatt, BNSsym[BNSlatt]]
G2spc.ApplyBNSlatt(phase['SGData'], phase['SGData']['BNSlattsym'])
phase['SGData']['SpnFlp'] = G2spc.GenMagOps(phase['SGData'])[1]
phase['SGData']['MagSpGrp'] = G2spc.MagSGSym(phase['SGData'])
return phase
[docs]def FillUnitCell(Phase):
Atoms = copy.deepcopy(Phase['Atoms'])
atomData = []
atCodes = []
SGData = Phase['General']['SGData']
SpnFlp = SGData.get('SpnFlp', [])
Amat, Bmat = cell2AB(Phase['General']['Cell'][1:7])
cx, ct, cs, cia = Phase['General']['AtomPtrs']
cm = 0
if Phase['General']['Type'] == 'magnetic':
cm = cx + 4
for iat, atom in enumerate(Atoms):
XYZ = np.array(atom[cx:cx + 3])
xyz = XYZ % 1.
if atom[cia] == 'A':
Uij = atom[cia + 2:cia + 8]
result = G2spc.GenAtom(xyz, SGData, False, Uij, True)
for item in result:
if item[0][2] >= .95:
item[0][2] -= 1.
atom[cx:cx + 3] = item[0]
atom[cia + 2:cia + 8] = item[1]
if cm:
Opr = abs(item[2]) % 100
M = SGData['SGOps'][Opr - 1][0]
opNum = G2spc.GetOpNum(item[2], SGData)
mom = np.inner(np.array(atom[cm:cm + 3]), Bmat)
atom[cm:cm + 3] = np.inner(np.inner(
mom, M), Amat) * nl.det(M) * SpnFlp[opNum - 1]
atCodes.append('%d:%s' % (iat, str(item[2])))
atomData.append(atom[:cia + 9]) #not SS stuff
result = G2spc.GenAtom(xyz, SGData, False, Move=True)
for item in result:
if item[0][2] >= .95:
item[0][2] -= 1.
atom[cx:cx + 3] = item[0]
if cm:
Opr = abs(item[1]) % 100
M = SGData['SGOps'][Opr - 1][0]
opNum = G2spc.GetOpNum(item[1], SGData)
mom = np.inner(np.array(atom[cm:cm + 3]), Bmat)
atom[cm:cm + 3] = np.inner(np.inner(
mom, M), Amat) * nl.det(M) * SpnFlp[opNum - 1]
atCodes.append('%d:%s' % (iat, str(item[1])))
atomData.append(atom[:cia + 9]) #not SS stuff
return atomData, atCodes
[docs]def GetUnique(Phase, atCodes):
def noDuplicate(xyzA, XYZ):
if True in [
np.allclose(xyzA % 1., xyzB % 1., atol=0.0002) for xyzB in XYZ
return False
return True
cx, ct = Phase['General']['AtomPtrs'][:2]
SGData = Phase['General']['SGData']
Atoms = Phase['Atoms']
Ind = len(Atoms)
newAtoms = []
newAtCodes = []
Indx = {}
XYZ = {}
for ind in range(Ind):
XYZ[ind] = np.array(Atoms[ind][cx:cx + 3]) % 1.
Indx[ind] = True
for ind in range(Ind):
if Indx[ind]:
xyz = XYZ[ind]
for jnd in range(Ind):
if Atoms[ind][ct - 1] == Atoms[jnd][ct - 1]:
if ind != jnd and Indx[jnd]:
Equiv = G2spc.GenAtom(XYZ[jnd], SGData, Move=True)
xyzs = np.array([equiv[0] for equiv in Equiv])
Indx[jnd] = noDuplicate(xyz, xyzs)
Ind = []
for ind in Indx:
if Indx[ind]:
return newAtoms, newAtCodes
[docs]def calc_rVsq(A):
"""Compute the square of the reciprocal lattice volume (1/V**2) from A'
G, g = A2Gmat(A)
rVsq = nl.det(G)
if rVsq < 0:
return 1
return rVsq
[docs]def calc_rV(A):
"""Compute the reciprocal lattice volume (V*) from A
return np.sqrt(calc_rVsq(A))
[docs]def calc_V(A):
"""Compute the real lattice volume (V) from A
return 1. / calc_rV(A)
[docs]def A2invcell(A):
"""Compute reciprocal unit cell constants from A
returns tuple with a*,b*,c*,alpha*, beta*, gamma* (degrees)
G, g = A2Gmat(A)
return Gmat2cell(G)
[docs]def Gmat2AB(G):
"""Computes orthogonalization matrix from reciprocal metric tensor G
:returns: tuple of two 3x3 numpy arrays (A,B)
* A for crystal to Cartesian transformations (A*x = np.inner(A,x) = X)
* B (= inverse of A) for Cartesian to crystal transformation (B*X = np.inner(B,X) = x)
# cellstar = Gmat2cell(G)
g = nl.inv(G)
cell = Gmat2cell(g)
# A = np.zeros(shape=(3,3))
return cell2AB(cell)
# # from Giacovazzo (Fundamentals 2nd Ed.) p.75
# A[0][0] = cell[0] # a
# A[0][1] = cell[1]*cosd(cell[5]) # b cos(gamma)
# A[0][2] = cell[2]*cosd(cell[4]) # c cos(beta)
# A[1][1] = cell[1]*sind(cell[5]) # b sin(gamma)
# A[1][2] = -cell[2]*cosd(cellstar[3])*sind(cell[4]) # - c cos(alpha*) sin(beta)
# A[2][2] = 1./cellstar[2] # 1/c*
# B = nl.inv(A)
# return A,B
[docs]def cell2AB(cell):
"""Computes orthogonalization matrix from unit cell constants
:param tuple cell: a,b,c, alpha, beta, gamma (degrees)
:returns: tuple of two 3x3 numpy arrays (A,B)
A for crystal to Cartesian transformations A*x = np.inner(A,x) = X
B (= inverse of A) for Cartesian to crystal transformation B*X = np.inner(B,X) = x
G, g = cell2Gmat(cell)
cellstar = Gmat2cell(G)
A = np.zeros(shape=(3, 3))
# from Giacovazzo (Fundamentals 2nd Ed.) p.75
A[0][0] = cell[0] # a
A[0][1] = cell[1] * cosd(cell[5]) # b cos(gamma)
A[0][2] = cell[2] * cosd(cell[4]) # c cos(beta)
A[1][1] = cell[1] * sind(cell[5]) # b sin(gamma)
A[1][2] = -cell[2] * cosd(cellstar[3]) * sind(
cell[4]) # - c cos(alpha*) sin(beta)
A[2][2] = 1. / cellstar[2] # 1/c*
B = nl.inv(A)
return A, B
[docs]def HKL2SpAng(H, cell, SGData):
"""Computes spherical coords for hkls; view along 001
:param array H: arrays of hkl
:param tuple cell: a,b,c, alpha, beta, gamma (degrees)
:param dict SGData: space group dictionary
:returns: arrays of r,phi,psi (radius,inclination,azimuth) about 001
A, B = cell2AB(cell)
xH = np.inner(B.T, H)
r = np.sqrt(np.sum(xH**2, axis=0))
phi = acosd(xH[2] / r)
psi = atan2d(xH[1], xH[0])
phi = np.where(phi > 90., 180. - phi, phi)
# GSASIIpath.IPyBreak()
return r, phi, psi
[docs]def U6toUij(U6):
"""Fill matrix (Uij) from U6 = [U11,U22,U33,U12,U13,U23]
NB: there is a non numpy version in GSASIIspc: U2Uij
:param list U6: 6 terms of u11,u22,...
Uij - numpy [3][3] array of uij
U = np.array([[U6[0], U6[3], U6[4]], [U6[3], U6[1], U6[5]],
[U6[4], U6[5], U6[2]]])
return U
[docs]def UijtoU6(U):
"""Fill vector [U11,U22,U33,U12,U13,U23] from Uij
NB: there is a non numpy version in GSASIIspc: Uij2U
U6 = np.array([U[0][0], U[1][1], U[2][2], U[0][1], U[0][2], U[1][2]])
return U6
[docs]def betaij2Uij(betaij, G):
Convert beta-ij to Uij tensors
:param beta-ij - numpy array [beta-ij]
:param G: reciprocal metric tensor
:returns: Uij: numpy array [Uij]
ast = np.sqrt(np.diag(G)) #a*, b*, c*
Mast = np.multiply.outer(ast, ast)
return R2pisq * UijtoU6(U6toUij(betaij) / Mast)
[docs]def Uij2betaij(Uij, G):
Convert Uij to beta-ij tensors -- stub for eventual completion
:param Uij: numpy array [Uij]
:param G: reciprocal metric tensor
:returns: beta-ij - numpy array [beta-ij]
[docs]def cell2GS(cell):
''' returns Uij to betaij conversion matrix'''
G, g = cell2Gmat(cell)
GS = G
GS[0][1] = GS[1][0] = math.sqrt(GS[0][0] * GS[1][1])
GS[0][2] = GS[2][0] = math.sqrt(GS[0][0] * GS[2][2])
GS[1][2] = GS[2][1] = math.sqrt(GS[1][1] * GS[2][2])
return GS
[docs]def Uij2Ueqv(Uij, GS, Amat):
''' returns 1/3 trace of diagonalized U matrix'''
U = np.multiply(U6toUij(Uij), GS)
U = np.inner(Amat, np.inner(U, Amat).T)
E, R = nl.eigh(U)
return np.sum(E) / 3.
[docs]def CosAngle(U, V, G):
""" calculate cos of angle between U & V in generalized coordinates
defined by metric tensor G
:param U: 3-vectors assume numpy arrays, can be multiple reflections as (N,3) array
:param V: 3-vectors assume numpy arrays, only as (3) vector
:param G: metric tensor for U & V defined space assume numpy array
u = (U.T / np.sqrt(np.sum(np.inner(U, G) * U, axis=1))).T
v = V / np.sqrt(np.inner(V, np.inner(G, V)))
cosP = np.inner(u, np.inner(G, v))
return cosP
[docs]def CosSinAngle(U, V, G):
""" calculate sin & cos of angle between U & V in generalized coordinates
defined by metric tensor G
:param U: 3-vectors assume numpy arrays
:param V: 3-vectors assume numpy arrays
:param G: metric tensor for U & V defined space assume numpy array
cos(phi) & sin(phi)
u = U / np.sqrt(np.inner(U, np.inner(G, U)))
v = V / np.sqrt(np.inner(V, np.inner(G, V)))
cosP = np.inner(u, np.inner(G, v))
sinP = np.sqrt(max(0.0, 1.0 - cosP**2))
return cosP, sinP
[docs]def criticalEllipse(prob):
Calculate critical values for probability ellipsoids from probability
if not (0.01 <= prob < 1.0):
return 1.54
coeff = np.array([
6.44988E-09, 4.16479E-07, 1.11172E-05, 1.58767E-04, 0.00130554,
0.00604091, 0.0114921, -0.040301, -0.6337203, 1.311582
llpr = math.log(-math.log(prob))
return np.polyval(coeff, llpr)
[docs]def CellBlock(nCells):
Generate block of unit cells n*n*n on a side; [0,0,0] centered, n = 2*nCells+1
currently only works for nCells = 0 or 1 (not >1)
if nCells:
N = 2 * nCells + 1
N2 = N * N
N3 = N * N * N
cellArray = []
A = np.array(range(N3))
cellGen = np.array([A // N2 - 1, A // N % N - 1, A % N - 1]).T
for cell in cellGen:
return cellArray
return [0, 0, 0]
[docs]def CellAbsorption(ElList, Volume):
'''Compute unit cell absorption
:param dict ElList: dictionary of element contents including mu and
number of atoms be cell
:param float Volume: unit cell volume
:returns: mu-total/Volume
muT = 0
for El in ElList:
muT += ElList[El]['mu'] * ElList[El]['FormulaNo']
return muT / Volume
#Permutations and Combinations
# Four routines: combinations,uniqueCombinations, selections & permutations
#These taken from Python Cookbook, 2nd Edition. 19.15 p724-726
def _combinators(_handle, items, n):
""" factored-out common structure of all following combinators """
if n == 0:
yield []
for i, item in enumerate(items):
this_one = [item]
for cc in _combinators(_handle, _handle(items, i), n - 1):
yield this_one + cc
[docs]def combinations(items, n):
""" take n distinct items, order matters """
def skipIthItem(items, i):
return items[:i] + items[i + 1:]
return _combinators(skipIthItem, items, n)
[docs]def uniqueCombinations(items, n):
""" take n distinct items, order is irrelevant """
def afterIthItem(items, i):
return items[i + 1:]
return _combinators(afterIthItem, items, n)
[docs]def selections(items, n):
""" take n (not necessarily distinct) items, order matters """
def keepAllItems(items, i):
return items
return _combinators(keepAllItems, items, n)
[docs]def permutations(items):
""" take all items, order matters """
return combinations(items, len(items))
#reflection generation routines
#for these: H = [h,k,l]; A is as used in calc_rDsq; G - inv metric tensor, g - metric tensor;
# cell - a,b,c,alp,bet,gam in A & deg
[docs]def Pos2dsp(Inst, pos):
''' convert powder pattern position (2-theta or TOF, musec) to d-spacing
if 'C' in Inst['Type'][0] or 'PKS' in Inst['Type'][0]:
wave = G2mth.getWave(Inst)
return wave / (2.0 * sind((pos - Inst.get('Zero', [0, 0])[1]) / 2.0))
else: #'T'OF - ignore difB
return TOF2dsp(Inst, pos)
[docs]def TOF2dsp(Inst, Pos):
''' convert powder pattern TOF, musec to d-spacing by successive approximation
Pos can be numpy array
def func(d, pos, Inst):
return (pos - Inst['difA'][1] * d**2 - Inst['Zero'][1] -
Inst['difB'][1] / d) / Inst['difC'][1]
dsp0 = np.ones_like(Pos)
N = 0
while True: #successive approximations
dsp = func(dsp0, Pos, Inst)
if np.allclose(dsp, dsp0, atol=0.000001):
return dsp
dsp0 = dsp
N += 1
if N > 10:
return dsp
[docs]def Dsp2pos(Inst, dsp):
''' convert d-spacing to powder pattern position (2-theta or TOF, musec)
if 'C' in Inst['Type'][0] or 'PKS' in Inst['Type'][0]:
wave = G2mth.getWave(Inst)
val = min(0.995, wave / (2. * dsp)) #set max at 168deg
pos = 2.0 * asind(val) + Inst.get('Zero', [0, 0])[1]
else: #'T'OF
pos = Inst['difC'][1] * dsp + Inst['Zero'][1] + Inst['difA'][
1] * dsp**2 + Inst.get('difB', [0, 0, False])[1] / dsp
return pos
[docs]def getPeakPos(dataType, parmdict, dsp):
''' convert d-spacing to powder pattern position (2-theta or TOF, musec)
if 'C' in dataType:
pos = 2.0 * asind(parmdict['Lam'] / (2. * dsp)) + parmdict['Zero']
else: #'T'OF
pos = parmdict['difC'] * dsp + parmdict['difA'] * dsp**2 + parmdict[
'difB'] / dsp + parmdict['Zero']
return pos
[docs]def calc_rDsq(H, A):
'needs doc string'
rdsq = H[0] * H[0] * A[0] + H[1] * H[1] * A[1] + H[2] * H[2] * A[2] + H[
0] * H[1] * A[3] + H[0] * H[2] * A[4] + H[1] * H[2] * A[5]
return rdsq
[docs]def calc_rDsq2(H, G):
'needs doc string'
return np.inner(H, np.inner(G, H))
[docs]def calc_rDsqSS(H, A, vec):
'needs doc string'
rdsq = calc_rDsq(H[:3] + (H[3] * vec).T, A)
return rdsq
[docs]def calc_rDsqZ(H, A, Z, tth, lam):
'needs doc string'
rdsq = calc_rDsq(H, A) + Z * sind(tth) * 2.0 * rpd / lam**2
return rdsq
[docs]def calc_rDsqZSS(H, A, vec, Z, tth, lam):
'needs doc string'
rdsq = calc_rDsq(H[:3] + (H[3][:, np.newaxis] * vec).T,
A) + Z * sind(tth) * 2.0 * rpd / lam**2
return rdsq
[docs]def calc_rDsqT(H, A, Z, tof, difC):
'needs doc string'
rdsq = calc_rDsq(H, A) + Z / difC
return rdsq
[docs]def calc_rDsqTSS(H, A, vec, Z, tof, difC):
'needs doc string'
rdsq = calc_rDsq(H[:3] + (H[3][:, np.newaxis] * vec).T, A) + Z / difC
return rdsq
[docs]def PlaneIntercepts(Amat, H, phase, stack):
''' find unit cell intercepts for a stack of hkl planes
Steps = range(-1, 2, 2)
if stack:
Steps = range(-10, 10, 1)
Stack = []
Ux = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]])
for step in Steps:
HX = []
for i in [0, 1, 2]:
if H[i]:
h, k, l = [(i + 1) % 3, (i + 2) % 3, (i + 3) % 3]
for j in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
hx = [0, 0, 0]
intcpt = ((phase) / 360. + step - H[h] * Ux[j, 0] -
H[k] * Ux[j, 1]) / H[l]
if 0. <= intcpt <= 1.:
hx[h] = Ux[j, 0]
hx[k] = Ux[j, 1]
hx[l] = intcpt
if len(HX) > 2:
HX = np.array(HX)
DX = np.inner(HX - HX[0], Amat)
D = np.sqrt(np.sum(DX**2, axis=1))
Dsort = np.argsort(D)
HX = HX[Dsort]
DX = DX[Dsort]
D = D[Dsort]
DX[1:, :] = DX[1:, :] / D[1:, nxs]
A = 2. * np.ones(HX.shape[0])
A[1:] = [np.dot(DX[1], dx) for dx in DX[1:]]
HX = HX[np.argsort(A)]
return Stack
[docs]def MaxIndex(dmin, A):
'needs doc string'
Hmax = [0, 0, 0]
cell = A2cell(A)
cell = [1., 1., 1., 90., 90., 90.]
for i in range(3):
Hmax[i] = int(round(cell[i] / dmin))
return Hmax
[docs]def transposeHKLF(transMat, Super, refList):
''' Apply transformation matrix to hkl(m)
param: transmat: 3x3 or 4x4 array
param: Super: 0 or 1 for extra index
param: refList list of h,k,l,....
return: newRefs transformed list of h',k',l',,,
return: badRefs list of noninteger h',k',l'...
newRefs = np.copy(refList)
badRefs = []
for H in newRefs:
newH = np.inner(transMat, H[:3 + Super])
H[:3 + Super] = np.rint(newH)
if not np.allclose(newH, H[:3 + Super], atol=0.01):
return newRefs, badRefs
[docs]def sortHKLd(HKLd, ifreverse, ifdup, ifSS=False):
'''sort reflection list on d-spacing; can sort in either order
:param HKLd: a list of [h,k,l,d,...];
:param ifreverse: True for largest d first
:param ifdup: True if duplicate d-spacings allowed
:return: sorted reflection list
T = []
N = 3
if ifSS:
N = 4
for i, H in enumerate(HKLd):
if ifdup:
T.append((H[N], i))
D = dict(zip(T, HKLd))
if ifreverse:
X = []
okey = ''
for key in T:
if key != okey:
X.append(D[key]) #remove duplicate d-spacings
okey = key
return X
[docs]def SwapIndx(Axis, H):
'needs doc string'
if Axis in [1, -1]:
return H
elif Axis in [2, -3]:
return [H[1], H[2], H[0]]
return [H[2], H[0], H[1]]
[docs]def Rh2Hx(Rh):
'needs doc string'
Hx = [0, 0, 0]
Hx[0] = Rh[0] - Rh[1]
Hx[1] = Rh[1] - Rh[2]
Hx[2] = np.sum(Rh)
return Hx
[docs]def Hx2Rh(Hx):
'needs doc string'
Rh = [0, 0, 0]
itk = -Hx[0] + Hx[1] + Hx[2]
if itk % 3 != 0:
return 0 #error - not rhombohedral reflection
Rh[1] = itk // 3
Rh[0] = Rh[1] + Hx[0]
Rh[2] = Rh[1] - Hx[1]
if Rh[0] < 0:
for i in range(3):
Rh[i] = -Rh[i]
return Rh
[docs]def CentCheck(Cent, H):
'needs doc string'
h, k, l = H
if Cent == 'A' and (k + l) % 2:
return False
elif Cent == 'B' and (h + l) % 2:
return False
elif Cent == 'C' and (h + k) % 2:
return False
elif Cent == 'I' and (h + k + l) % 2:
return False
elif Cent == 'F' and ((h + k) % 2 or (h + l) % 2 or (k + l) % 2):
return False
elif Cent == 'R' and (-h + k + l) % 3:
return False
return True
[docs]def GetBraviasNum(center, system):
"""Determine the Bravais lattice number, as used in GenHBravais
:param center: one of: 'P', 'C', 'I', 'F', 'R' (see SGLatt from GSASIIspc.SpcGroup)
:param system: one of 'cubic', 'hexagonal', 'tetragonal', 'orthorhombic', 'trigonal' (for R)
'monoclinic', 'triclinic' (see SGSys from GSASIIspc.SpcGroup)
:return: a number between 0 and 13
or throws a ValueError exception if the combination of center, system is not found (i.e. non-standard)
if center.upper() == 'F' and system.lower() == 'cubic':
return 0
elif center.upper() == 'I' and system.lower() == 'cubic':
return 1
elif center.upper() == 'P' and system.lower() == 'cubic':
return 2
elif center.upper() == 'R' and system.lower() == 'trigonal':
return 3
elif center.upper() == 'P' and system.lower() == 'hexagonal':
return 4
elif center.upper() == 'I' and system.lower() == 'tetragonal':
return 5
elif center.upper() == 'P' and system.lower() == 'tetragonal':
return 6
elif center.upper() == 'F' and system.lower() == 'orthorhombic':
return 7
elif center.upper() == 'I' and system.lower() == 'orthorhombic':
return 8
elif center.upper() == 'A' and system.lower() == 'orthorhombic':
return 9
elif center.upper() == 'B' and system.lower() == 'orthorhombic':
return 10
elif center.upper() == 'C' and system.lower() == 'orthorhombic':
return 11
elif center.upper() == 'P' and system.lower() == 'orthorhombic':
return 12
elif center.upper() == 'C' and system.lower() == 'monoclinic':
return 13
elif center.upper() == 'P' and system.lower() == 'monoclinic':
return 14
elif center.upper() == 'P' and system.lower() == 'triclinic':
return 15
raise ValueError('non-standard Bravais lattice center=%s, cell=%s' %
(center, system))
[docs]def GenHBravais(dmin, Bravais, A):
"""Generate the positionally unique powder diffraction reflections
:param dmin: minimum d-spacing in A
:param Bravais: lattice type (see GetBraviasNum). Bravais is one of:
* 0 F cubic
* 1 I cubic
* 2 P cubic
* 3 R hexagonal (trigonal not rhombohedral)
* 4 P hexagonal
* 5 I tetragonal
* 6 P tetragonal
* 7 F orthorhombic
* 8 I orthorhombic
* 9 A orthorhombic
* 10 B orthorhombic
* 11 C orthorhombic
* 12 P orthorhombic
* 13 I monoclinic
* 14 C monoclinic
* 15 P monoclinic
* 16 P triclinic
:param A: reciprocal metric tensor elements as [G11,G22,G33,2*G12,2*G13,2*G23]
:return: HKL unique d list of [h,k,l,d,-1] sorted with largest d first
if Bravais in [
Cent = 'A'
elif Bravais in [
Cent = 'B'
elif Bravais in [11, 14]:
Cent = 'C'
elif Bravais in [1, 5, 8, 13]:
Cent = 'I'
elif Bravais in [0, 7]:
Cent = 'F'
elif Bravais in [3]:
Cent = 'R'
Cent = 'P'
Hmax = MaxIndex(dmin, A)
dminsq = 1. / (dmin**2)
HKL = []
if Bravais == 16: #triclinic
for l in range(-Hmax[2], Hmax[2] + 1):
for k in range(-Hmax[1], Hmax[1] + 1):
hmin = 0
if (k < 0):
hmin = 1
if (k == 0 and l < 0):
hmin = 1
for h in range(hmin, Hmax[0] + 1):
H = [h, k, l]
rdsq = calc_rDsq(H, A)
if 0 < rdsq <= dminsq:
HKL.append([h, k, l, rdsq2d(rdsq), -1])
elif Bravais in [13, 14, 15]: #monoclinic - b unique
Hmax = SwapIndx(2, Hmax)
for h in range(Hmax[0] + 1):
for k in range(-Hmax[1], Hmax[1] + 1):
lmin = 0
if k < 0:
lmin = 1
for l in range(lmin, Hmax[2] + 1):
[h, k, l] = SwapIndx(-2, [h, k, l])
H = []
if CentCheck(Cent, [h, k, l]):
H = [h, k, l]
if H:
rdsq = calc_rDsq(H, A)
if 0 < rdsq <= dminsq:
HKL.append([h, k, l, rdsq2d(rdsq), -1])
[h, k, l] = SwapIndx(2, [h, k, l])
elif Bravais in [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]: #orthorhombic
for h in range(Hmax[0] + 1):
for k in range(Hmax[1] + 1):
for l in range(Hmax[2] + 1):
H = []
if CentCheck(Cent, [h, k, l]):
H = [h, k, l]
if H:
rdsq = calc_rDsq(H, A)
if 0 < rdsq <= dminsq:
HKL.append([h, k, l, rdsq2d(rdsq), -1])
elif Bravais in [5, 6]: #tetragonal
for l in range(Hmax[2] + 1):
for k in range(Hmax[1] + 1):
for h in range(k, Hmax[0] + 1):
H = []
if CentCheck(Cent, [h, k, l]):
H = [h, k, l]
if H:
rdsq = calc_rDsq(H, A)
if 0 < rdsq <= dminsq:
HKL.append([h, k, l, rdsq2d(rdsq), -1])
elif Bravais in [3, 4]:
lmin = 0
if Bravais == 3:
lmin = -Hmax[2] #hexagonal/trigonal
for l in range(lmin, Hmax[2] + 1):
for k in range(Hmax[1] + 1):
hmin = k
if l < 0:
hmin += 1
for h in range(hmin, Hmax[0] + 1):
H = []
if CentCheck(Cent, [h, k, l]):
H = [h, k, l]
if H:
rdsq = calc_rDsq(H, A)
if 0 < rdsq <= dminsq:
HKL.append([h, k, l, rdsq2d(rdsq), -1])
else: #cubic
for l in range(Hmax[2] + 1):
for k in range(l, Hmax[1] + 1):
for h in range(k, Hmax[0] + 1):
H = []
if CentCheck(Cent, [h, k, l]):
H = [h, k, l]
if H:
rdsq = calc_rDsq(H, A)
if 0 < rdsq <= dminsq:
HKL.append([h, k, l, rdsq2d(rdsq), -1])
return sortHKLd(HKL, True, False)
[docs]def getHKLmax(dmin, SGData, A):
'finds maximum allowed hkl for given A within dmin'
SGLaue = SGData['SGLaue']
if SGLaue in ['3R', '3mR']: #Rhombohedral axes
Hmax = [0, 0, 0]
cell = A2cell(A)
aHx = cell[0] * math.sqrt(2.0 * (1.0 - cosd(cell[3])))
cHx = cell[0] * math.sqrt(3.0 * (1.0 + 2.0 * cosd(cell[3])))
Hmax[0] = Hmax[1] = int(round(aHx / dmin))
Hmax[2] = int(round(cHx / dmin))
#print Hmax,aHx,cHx
else: # all others
Hmax = MaxIndex(dmin, A)
return Hmax
[docs]def GenHLaue(dmin, SGData, A):
"""Generate the crystallographically unique powder diffraction reflections
for a lattice and Bravais type
:param dmin: minimum d-spacing
:param SGData: space group dictionary with at least
* 'SGLaue': Laue group symbol: one of '-1','2/m','mmm','4/m','6/m','4/mmm','6/mmm', '3m1', '31m', '3', '3R', '3mR', 'm3', 'm3m'
* 'SGLatt': lattice centering: one of 'P','A','B','C','I','F'
* 'SGUniq': code for unique monoclinic axis one of 'a','b','c' (only if 'SGLaue' is '2/m') otherwise an empty string
:param A: reciprocal metric tensor elements as [G11,G22,G33,2*G12,2*G13,2*G23]
:return: HKL = list of [h,k,l,d] sorted with largest d first and is unique
part of reciprocal space ignoring anomalous dispersion
import math
SGLaue = SGData['SGLaue']
SGLatt = SGData['SGLatt']
SGUniq = SGData['SGUniq']
#finds maximum allowed hkl for given A within dmin
Hmax = getHKLmax(dmin, SGData, A)
dminsq = 1. / (dmin**2)
HKL = []
if SGLaue == '-1': #triclinic
for l in range(-Hmax[2], Hmax[2] + 1):
for k in range(-Hmax[1], Hmax[1] + 1):
hmin = 0
if (k < 0) or (k == 0 and l < 0):
hmin = 1
for h in range(hmin, Hmax[0] + 1):
H = []
if CentCheck(SGLatt, [h, k, l]):
H = [h, k, l]
if H:
rdsq = calc_rDsq(H, A)
if 0 < rdsq <= dminsq:
HKL.append([h, k, l, rdsq2d(rdsq)])
elif SGLaue == '2/m': #monoclinic
axisnum = 1 + ['a', 'b', 'c'].index(SGUniq)
Hmax = SwapIndx(axisnum, Hmax)
for h in range(Hmax[0] + 1):
for k in range(-Hmax[1], Hmax[1] + 1):
lmin = 0
if k < 0:
lmin = 1
for l in range(lmin, Hmax[2] + 1):
[h, k, l] = SwapIndx(-axisnum, [h, k, l])
H = []
if CentCheck(SGLatt, [h, k, l]):
H = [h, k, l]
if H:
rdsq = calc_rDsq(H, A)
if 0 < rdsq <= dminsq:
HKL.append([h, k, l, rdsq2d(rdsq)])
[h, k, l] = SwapIndx(axisnum, [h, k, l])
elif SGLaue in ['mmm', '4/m', '6/m']: #orthorhombic
for l in range(Hmax[2] + 1):
for h in range(Hmax[0] + 1):
kmin = 1
if SGLaue == 'mmm' or h == 0:
kmin = 0
for k in range(kmin, Hmax[1] + 1):
H = []
if CentCheck(SGLatt, [h, k, l]):
H = [h, k, l]
if H:
rdsq = calc_rDsq(H, A)
if 0 < rdsq <= dminsq:
HKL.append([h, k, l, rdsq2d(rdsq)])
elif SGLaue in ['4/mmm', '6/mmm']: #tetragonal & hexagonal
for l in range(Hmax[2] + 1):
for h in range(Hmax[0] + 1):
for k in range(h + 1):
H = []
if CentCheck(SGLatt, [h, k, l]):
H = [h, k, l]
if H:
rdsq = calc_rDsq(H, A)
if 0 < rdsq <= dminsq:
HKL.append([h, k, l, rdsq2d(rdsq)])
elif SGLaue in ['3m1', '31m', '3', '3R', '3mR']: #trigonals
for l in range(-Hmax[2], Hmax[2] + 1):
hmin = 0
if l < 0:
hmin = 1
for h in range(hmin, Hmax[0] + 1):
if SGLaue in ['3R', '3']:
kmax = h
kmin = -int((h - 1.) / 2.)
kmin = 0
kmax = h
if SGLaue in ['3m1', '3mR'] and l < 0:
kmax = h - 1
if SGLaue == '31m' and l < 0:
kmin = 1
for k in range(kmin, kmax + 1):
H = []
if CentCheck(SGLatt, [h, k, l]):
H = [h, k, l]
if SGLaue in ['3R', '3mR']:
H = Hx2Rh(H)
if H:
rdsq = calc_rDsq(H, A)
if 0 < rdsq <= dminsq:
HKL.append([H[0], H[1], H[2], rdsq2d(rdsq)])
else: #cubic
for h in range(Hmax[0] + 1):
for k in range(h + 1):
lmin = 0
lmax = k
if SGLaue == 'm3':
lmax = h - 1
if h == k:
lmax += 1
for l in range(lmin, lmax + 1):
H = []
if CentCheck(SGLatt, [h, k, l]):
H = [h, k, l]
if H:
rdsq = calc_rDsq(H, A)
if 0 < rdsq <= dminsq:
HKL.append([h, k, l, rdsq2d(rdsq)])
return sortHKLd(HKL, True, True)
[docs]def GenPfHKLs(nMax, SGData, A):
"""Generate the unique pole figure reflections for a lattice and Bravais type.
Min d-spacing=1.0A & no more than nMax returned
:param nMax: maximum number of hkls returned
:param SGData: space group dictionary with at least
* 'SGLaue': Laue group symbol: one of '-1','2/m','mmm','4/m','6/m','4/mmm','6/mmm', '3m1', '31m', '3', '3R', '3mR', 'm3', 'm3m'
* 'SGLatt': lattice centering: one of 'P','A','B','C','I','F'
* 'SGUniq': code for unique monoclinic axis one of 'a','b','c' (only if 'SGLaue' is '2/m') otherwise an empty string
:param A: reciprocal metric tensor elements as [G11,G22,G33,2*G12,2*G13,2*G23]
:return: HKL = list of 'h k l' strings sorted with largest d first; no duplicate zones
HKL = np.array(GenHLaue(1.0, SGData, A)).T[:3].T #strip d-spacings
N = min(nMax, len(HKL))
return ['%d %d %d' % (h[0], h[1], h[2]) for h in HKL[:N]]
[docs]def GenSSHLaue(dmin, SGData, SSGData, Vec, maxH, A):
'needs a doc string'
ifMag = False
if 'MagSpGrp' in SGData:
ifMag = True
HKLs = []
vec = np.array(Vec)
vstar = np.sqrt(calc_rDsq(vec, A)) #find extra needed for -n SS reflections
dvec = 1. / (maxH * vstar + 1. / dmin)
HKL = GenHLaue(dvec, SGData, A)
SSdH = [vec * h for h in range(-maxH, maxH + 1)]
SSdH = dict(zip(range(-maxH, maxH + 1), SSdH))
for h, k, l, d in HKL:
ext = G2spc.GenHKLf([h, k, l],
SGData)[0] #h,k,l must be integral values here
if not ext and d >= dmin:
HKLs.append([h, k, l, 0, d])
for dH in SSdH:
if dH:
DH = SSdH[dH]
H = [h + DH[0], k + DH[1], l + DH[2]]
d = 1. / np.sqrt(calc_rDsq(H, A))
if d >= dmin:
HKLM = np.array([h, k, l, dH])
if (G2spc.checkSSLaue([h, k, l, dH], SGData, SSGData) and
G2spc.checkSSextc(HKLM, SSGData)) or ifMag:
HKLs.append([h, k, l, dH, d])
return HKLs
[docs]def LaueUnique2(SGData, refList):
''' Impose Laue symmetry on hkl
:param SGData: space group data from 'P '+Laue
:param HKLF: np.array([[h,k,l,...]]) reflection set to be converted
:return: HKLF new reflection array with imposed Laue symmetry
for ref in refList:
H = ref[:3]
Uniq = G2spc.GenHKLf(H, SGData)[2]
Uniq = G2mth.sortArray(G2mth.sortArray(G2mth.sortArray(Uniq, 2), 1), 0)
ref[:3] = Uniq[-1]
return refList
[docs]def LaueUnique(Laue, HKLF):
''' Impose Laue symmetry on hkl
:param str Laue: Laue symbol, as below
centrosymmetric Laue groups::
noncentrosymmetric Laue groups::
:param HKLF: np.array([[h,k,l,...]]) reflection set to be converted
:returns: HKLF new reflection array with imposed Laue symmetry
mat41 = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) #hkl -> k,-h,l
mat43 = np.array([[0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) #hkl -> -k,h,l
mat4bar = np.array([[0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1]]) #hkl -> k,-h,-l
mat31 = np.array([[-1, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0,
1]]) #hkl -> ihl = -h-k,h,l
mat32 = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [-1, -1, 0], [0, 0,
1]]) #hkl -> kil = k,-h-k,l
matd3 = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]]) #hkl -> k,l,h
matd3q = np.array([[0, 0, -1], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]]) #hkl -> -l,-h,k
matd3t = np.array([[0, 0, -1], [1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0]]) #hkl -> -l,h,-k
mat6 = np.array([[1, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0,
1]]) #hkl -> h+k,-h,l really 65
matdm = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) #hkl -> k,h,l
matdmp = np.array([[-1, -1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) #hkl -> -h-k,k,l
matkm = np.array([[-1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) #hkl -> -h,h+k,l
matd2 = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1]]) #hkl -> k,h,-l
matdm3 = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]]) #hkl -> h,l,k
mat2d43 = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) #hkl -> k,-h,l
matk2 = np.array([[-1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 0, -1]]) #hkl -> -h,-i,-l
if Laue == '1': #ok
elif Laue == '-1': #ok
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where((HKLFT[0] == 0) & (HKLFT[1] < 0),
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where((HKLFT[0] == 0) & (HKLFT[2] < 0),
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, -1])[:, nxs],
#noncentrosymmetric - all ok
elif Laue == '2':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where((HKLFT[0] == 0) & (HKLFT[2] < 0),
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
elif Laue == '1 1 2':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where((HKLFT[0] == 0) & (HKLFT[1] < 0),
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
elif Laue == '2 1 1':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[1] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, -1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where((HKLFT[1] == 0) & (HKLFT[2] < 0),
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, -1, -1])[:, nxs],
elif Laue == 'm':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[1] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
elif Laue == 'm 1 1':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, 1, 1])[:, nxs],
elif Laue == '1 1 m':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[2] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
#centrosymmetric - all ok
elif Laue == '2/m 1 1':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[2] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, -1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, 1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where((HKLFT[2] * HKLFT[0] == 0) & (HKLFT[1] < 0),
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
elif Laue == '2/m':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[1] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where((HKLFT[0] * HKLFT[1] == 0) & (HKLFT[2] < 0),
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
elif Laue == '1 1 2/m':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[1] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[2] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where((HKLFT[1] * HKLFT[2] == 0) & (HKLFT[0] < 0),
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, 1, 1])[:, nxs],
#noncentrosymmetric - all OK
elif Laue == '2 2 2':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[1] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, -1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where((HKLFT[0] == 0) & (HKLFT[2] < 0),
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where((HKLFT[1] == 0) & (HKLFT[2] < 0),
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
elif Laue == 'm m 2':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, 1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[1] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
elif Laue == '2 m m':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[1] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[2] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
elif Laue == 'm 2 m':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, 1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[2] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
#centrosymmetric - all ok
elif Laue == 'm m m':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, 1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[1] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[2] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
#noncentrosymmetric - all ok
elif Laue == '4':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat43[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[0] == 0) & (HKLFT[1] > 0),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat41[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
elif Laue == '-4':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] <= 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] <= 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat4bar[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] <= 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] <= 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat4bar[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where((HKLFT[0] == 0) & (HKLFT[1] == 0) & (HKLFT[2] < 0),
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
elif Laue == '4 2 2':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[2] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, -1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat43[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] == 0) & (HKLFT[1] < HKLFT[0]),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd2[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] == 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3],
matdm[nxs, :, :])).T,
HKLFT[:3]) #in lieu od 2-fold
elif Laue == '4 m m':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat43[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] < HKLFT[1],
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matdm[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
elif Laue == '-4 2 m':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] <= 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] <= 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat4bar[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] <= 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] <= 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat4bar[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where((HKLFT[0] == 0) & (HKLFT[1] == 0) & (HKLFT[2] < 0),
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < HKLFT[0],
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matdm[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where((HKLFT[0] == 0) & (HKLFT[2] < 0),
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
elif Laue == '-4 m 2':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[2] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat4bar[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] <= 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] == 0) & (HKLFT[1] <= 0),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat4bar[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where((HKLFT[0] == 0) & (HKLFT[1] < 0),
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] == 0) & (HKLFT[1] == 0),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat4bar[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[1] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] == 0) & (HKLFT[0] > HKLFT[1]),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matdm[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
#centrosymmetric - all ok
elif Laue == '4/m':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[2] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat43[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[0] == 0) & (HKLFT[1] > 0),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat41[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
elif Laue == '4/m m m':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[2] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat43[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < HKLFT[0],
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat41[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[1] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
#trigonal - all hex cell
#noncentrosymmetric - all ok
elif Laue == '3':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[0] + HKLFT[1]) < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] == 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat31[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
elif Laue == '3 1 2':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[2] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matk2[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[0] + HKLFT[1]) < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] == 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat31[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matk2[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
elif Laue == '3 2 1':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] <= -2 * HKLFT[1],
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < -2 * HKLFT[0],
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < HKLFT[0],
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd2[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] > 0) & (HKLFT[1] == HKLFT[0]),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd2[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd2[nxs, :, :])).T
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[0] != 0) & (HKLFT[2] > 0) & (HKLFT[0] == -2 * HKLFT[1]),
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs], HKLFT[:3])
elif Laue == '3 1 m':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] >= HKLFT[1],
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
2 * HKLFT[1] < -HKLFT[0],
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] > -2 * HKLFT[0],
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matdmp[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T
elif Laue == '3 m 1':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[1] + HKLFT[0]) < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matkm[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
elif Laue == '-3': #ok
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[2] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[0] + HKLFT[1]) < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] == 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat31[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] == 0) & (HKLFT[0] < 0),
-np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat31[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], -mat31[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
elif Laue == '-3 m 1': #ok
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[1] + HKLFT[0]) < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matkm[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[2] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd2[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] == 0) & (HKLFT[1] < HKLFT[0]),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd2[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
elif Laue == '-3 1 m': #ok
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[2] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[0] + HKLFT[1]) < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] == 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat31[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] <= 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], -mat31[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < HKLFT[0],
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matdm[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
elif Laue == '6': #ok
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[0] + HKLFT[1]) < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat6[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] == 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat6[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
elif Laue == '-6': #ok
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[2] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[0] + HKLFT[1]) < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] == 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat31[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
elif Laue == '6 2 2': #ok
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[2] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd2[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[0] + HKLFT[1]) < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat6[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] == 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matdm[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] == 0) & (HKLFT[0] > HKLFT[1]),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matdm[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
elif Laue == '6 m m': #ok
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[0] + HKLFT[1]) < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat6[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] == 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat6[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] > HKLFT[1],
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matdm[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
elif Laue == '-6 m 2': #ok
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[2] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matk2[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[0] + HKLFT[1]) < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] == 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat31[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matk2[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[2] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
elif Laue == '-6 2 m': #ok
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[2] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd2[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] <= -2 * HKLFT[1],
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < -2 * HKLFT[0],
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < HKLFT[0],
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd2[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] > 0) & (HKLFT[1] == HKLFT[0]),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd2[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd2[nxs, :, :])).T
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[2] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd2[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] > HKLFT[1],
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matdm[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
elif Laue == '6/m': #ok
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[2] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[0] + HKLFT[1]) < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat6[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] == 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat6[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
elif Laue == '6/m m m': #ok
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[2] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[0] + HKLFT[1]) < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat32[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat6[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] > HKLFT[1],
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matdm.T[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
#cubic - all ok
#noncentrosymmetric -
elif Laue == '2 3':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[1] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, -1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where((HKLFT[0] == 0) & (HKLFT[2] < 0),
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where((HKLFT[1] == 0) & (HKLFT[2] < 0),
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] >= 0) & ((HKLFT[0] >= HKLFT[2]) | (HKLFT[1] > HKLFT[2])),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd3[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] >= 0) & ((HKLFT[0] >= HKLFT[2]) | (HKLFT[1] > HKLFT[2])),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd3[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] < 0) & ((HKLFT[0] > -HKLFT[2]) | (HKLFT[1] > -HKLFT[2])),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd3t[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] < 0) & ((HKLFT[0] > -HKLFT[2]) | (HKLFT[1] >= -HKLFT[2])),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd3t[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[2] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
elif Laue == '4 3 2':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[2] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, -1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat43[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] == 0) & (HKLFT[1] < HKLFT[0]),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd2[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] == 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3],
matdm[nxs, :, :])).T,
HKLFT[:3]) #in lieu od 2-fold
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[0] >= HKLFT[2]) | (HKLFT[1] > HKLFT[2]),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd3[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[0] >= HKLFT[2]) | (HKLFT[1] > HKLFT[2]),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd3[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] == 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat2d43[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
elif Laue == '-4 3 m':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] <= 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] <= 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat4bar[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] <= 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] <= 0,
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], mat4bar[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where((HKLFT[0] == 0) & (HKLFT[1] == 0) & (HKLFT[2] < 0),
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[1] < HKLFT[0],
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matdm[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where((HKLFT[0] == 0) & (HKLFT[2] < 0),
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] >= 0) & ((HKLFT[0] >= HKLFT[2]) | (HKLFT[1] > HKLFT[2])),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd3[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] >= 0) & ((HKLFT[0] >= HKLFT[2]) | (HKLFT[1] > HKLFT[2])),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd3[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] >= 0) & (HKLFT[1] < HKLFT[0]),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matdm[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[2] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[0] < 0) & (HKLFT[2] < -HKLFT[0]) & (HKLFT[1] > HKLFT[2]),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd3q[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[0] < 0) & (HKLFT[2] >= -HKLFT[0]) & (HKLFT[1] > HKLFT[2]),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matdm3[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
elif Laue == 'm 3':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, 1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[1] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[2] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] >= 0) & ((HKLFT[0] >= HKLFT[2]) | (HKLFT[1] > HKLFT[2])),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd3[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] >= 0) & ((HKLFT[0] >= HKLFT[2]) | (HKLFT[1] > HKLFT[2])),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd3[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
elif Laue == 'm 3 m':
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[0] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([-1, 1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[1] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, -1, 1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(HKLFT[2] < 0,
HKLFT[:3] * np.array([1, 1, -1])[:, nxs],
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] >= 0) & ((HKLFT[0] >= HKLFT[2]) | (HKLFT[1] > HKLFT[2])),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd3[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
(HKLFT[2] >= 0) & ((HKLFT[0] >= HKLFT[2]) | (HKLFT[1] > HKLFT[2])),
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matd3[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
HKLFT[:3] = np.where(
HKLFT[0] > HKLFT[1],
np.squeeze(np.inner(HKLF[:, :3], matdm[nxs, :, :])).T, HKLFT[:3])
return HKLFT.T
#Spherical harmonics routines
[docs]def OdfChk(SGLaue, L, M):
'needs doc string'
if not L % 2 and abs(M) <= L:
if SGLaue == '0': #cylindrical symmetry
if M == 0:
return True
elif SGLaue == '-1':
return True
elif SGLaue == '2/m':
if not abs(M) % 2:
return True
elif SGLaue == 'mmm':
if not abs(M) % 2 and M >= 0:
return True
elif SGLaue == '4/m':
if not abs(M) % 4:
return True
elif SGLaue == '4/mmm':
if not abs(M) % 4 and M >= 0:
return True
elif SGLaue in ['3R', '3']:
if not abs(M) % 3:
return True
elif SGLaue in ['3mR', '3m1', '31m']:
if not abs(M) % 3 and M >= 0:
return True
elif SGLaue == '6/m':
if not abs(M) % 6:
return True
elif SGLaue == '6/mmm':
if not abs(M) % 6 and M >= 0:
return True
elif SGLaue == 'm3':
if M > 0:
if L % 12 == 2:
if M <= L // 12:
return True
if M <= L // 12 + 1:
return True
elif SGLaue == 'm3m':
if M > 0:
if L % 12 == 2:
if M <= L // 12:
return True
if M <= L // 12 + 1:
return True
return False
[docs]def GenSHCoeff(SGLaue, SamSym, L, IfLMN=True):
'needs doc string'
coeffNames = []
for iord in [2 * i + 2 for i in range(L // 2)]:
for m in [i - iord for i in range(2 * iord + 1)]:
if OdfChk(SamSym, iord, m):
for n in [i - iord for i in range(2 * iord + 1)]:
if OdfChk(SGLaue, iord, n):
if IfLMN:
coeffNames.append('C(%d,%d,%d)' % (iord, m, n))
coeffNames.append('C(%d,%d)' % (iord, n))
return coeffNames
[docs]def CrsAng(H, cell, SGData):
'needs doc string'
a, b, c, al, be, ga = cell
SQ3 = 1.732050807569
H1 = np.array([1, 0, 0])
H2 = np.array([0, 1, 0])
H3 = np.array([0, 0, 1])
H4 = np.array([1, 1, 1])
G, g = cell2Gmat(cell)
Laue = SGData['SGLaue']
Naxis = SGData['SGUniq']
if len(H.shape) == 1:
DH = np.inner(H, np.inner(G, H))
DH = np.array([np.inner(h, np.inner(G, h)) for h in H])
if Laue == '2/m':
if Naxis == 'a':
DR = np.inner(H1, np.inner(G, H1))
DHR = np.inner(H, np.inner(G, H1))
elif Naxis == 'b':
DR = np.inner(H2, np.inner(G, H2))
DHR = np.inner(H, np.inner(G, H2))
DR = np.inner(H3, np.inner(G, H3))
DHR = np.inner(H, np.inner(G, H3))
elif Laue in ['R3', 'R3m']:
DR = np.inner(H4, np.inner(G, H4))
DHR = np.inner(H, np.inner(G, H4))
DR = np.inner(H3, np.inner(G, H3))
DHR = np.inner(H, np.inner(G, H3))
DHR /= np.sqrt(DR * DH)
phi = np.where(DHR <= 1.0, acosd(DHR), 0.0)
if Laue == '-1':
BA = H.T[1] * a / (b - H.T[0] * cosd(ga))
BB = H.T[0] * sind(ga)**2
elif Laue == '2/m':
if Naxis == 'a':
BA = H.T[2] * b / (c - H.T[1] * cosd(al))
BB = H.T[1] * sind(al)**2
elif Naxis == 'b':
BA = H.T[0] * c / (a - H.T[2] * cosd(be))
BB = H.T[2] * sind(be)**2
BA = H.T[1] * a / (b - H.T[0] * cosd(ga))
BB = H.T[0] * sind(ga)**2
elif Laue in ['mmm', '4/m', '4/mmm']:
BA = H.T[1] * a
BB = H.T[0] * b
elif Laue in ['3R', '3mR']:
BA = H.T[0] + H.T[1] - 2.0 * H.T[2]
BB = SQ3 * (H.T[0] - H.T[1])
elif Laue in ['m3', 'm3m']:
BA = H.T[1]
BB = H.T[0]
BA = H.T[0] + 2.0 * H.T[1]
BB = SQ3 * H.T[0]
beta = atan2d(BA, BB)
return phi, beta
[docs]def SamAng(Tth, Gangls, Sangl, IFCoup):
"""Compute sample orientation angles vs laboratory coord. system
:param Tth: Signed theta
:param Gangls: Sample goniometer angles phi,chi,omega,azmuth
:param Sangl: Sample angle zeros om-0, chi-0, phi-0
:param IFCoup: True if omega & 2-theta coupled in CW scan
psi,gam: Sample odf angles
dPSdA,dGMdA: Angle zero derivatives
if IFCoup:
GSomeg = sind(Gangls[2] + Tth)
GComeg = cosd(Gangls[2] + Tth)
GSomeg = sind(Gangls[2])
GComeg = cosd(Gangls[2])
GSTth = sind(Tth)
GCTth = cosd(Tth)
GSazm = sind(Gangls[3])
GCazm = cosd(Gangls[3])
GSchi = sind(Gangls[1])
GCchi = cosd(Gangls[1])
GSphi = sind(Gangls[0] + Sangl[2])
GCphi = cosd(Gangls[0] + Sangl[2])
SSomeg = sind(Sangl[0])
SComeg = cosd(Sangl[0])
SSchi = sind(Sangl[1])
SCchi = cosd(Sangl[1])
AT = -GSTth * GComeg + GCTth * GCazm * GSomeg
BT = GSTth * GSomeg + GCTth * GCazm * GComeg
CT = -GCTth * GSazm * GSchi
DT = -GCTth * GSazm * GCchi
BC1 = -AT * GSphi + (CT + BT * GCchi) * GCphi
BC2 = DT - BT * GSchi
BC3 = AT * GCphi + (CT + BT * GCchi) * GSphi
BC = BC1 * SComeg * SCchi + BC2 * SComeg * SSchi - BC3 * SSomeg
psi = acosd(BC)
BD = 1.0 - BC**2
C = np.where(BD > 1.e-6, rpd / np.sqrt(BD), 0.)
dPSdA = [
-C * (-BC1 * SSomeg * SCchi - BC2 * SSomeg * SSchi - BC3 * SComeg),
-C * (-BC1 * SComeg * SSchi + BC2 * SComeg * SCchi),
-C * (-BC1 * SSomeg - BC3 * SComeg * SCchi)
BA = -BC1 * SSchi + BC2 * SCchi
BB = BC1 * SSomeg * SCchi + BC2 * SSomeg * SSchi + BC3 * SComeg
gam = atan2d(BB, BA)
BD = (BA**2 + BB**2) / rpd
dBAdO = 0
dBAdC = -BC1 * SCchi - BC2 * SSchi
dBAdF = BC3 * SSchi
dBBdO = BC1 * SComeg * SCchi + BC2 * SComeg * SSchi - BC3 * SSomeg
dBBdC = -BC1 * SSomeg * SSchi + BC2 * SSomeg * SCchi
dBBdF = BC1 * SComeg - BC3 * SSomeg * SCchi
dGMdA = np.where(BD > 1.e-6,[(BA*dBBdO-BB*dBAdO)/BD,(BA*dBBdC-BB*dBAdC)/BD, \
return psi, gam, dPSdA, dGMdA
BOH = {
'L=2': [[], [], []],
'L=4': [[0.30469720, 0.36418281], [], []],
'L=6': [[-0.14104740, 0.52775103], [], []],
'L=8': [[0.28646862, 0.21545346, 0.32826995], [], []],
'L=10': [[-0.16413497, 0.33078546, 0.39371345], [], []],
'L=12': [[0.26141975, 0.27266871, 0.03277460, 0.32589402],
[0.09298802, -0.23773812, 0.49446631, 0.0], []],
'L=14': [[-0.17557309, 0.25821932, 0.27709173, 0.33645360], [], []],
'L=16': [[0.24370673, 0.29873515, 0.06447688, 0.00377, 0.32574495],
[0.12039646, -0.25330128, 0.23950998, 0.40962508, 0.0], []],
'L=18': [[-0.16914245, 0.17017340, 0.34598142, 0.07433932, 0.32696037],
[-0.06901768, 0.16006562, -0.24743528, 0.47110273, 0.0], []],
'L=20': [[
0.23067026, 0.31151832, 0.09287682, 0.01089683, 0.00037564, 0.32573563
], [0.13615420, -0.25048007, 0.12882081, 0.28642879, 0.34620433, 0.0], []],
'L=22': [[
-0.16109560, 0.10244188, 0.36285175, 0.13377513, 0.01314399, 0.32585583
], [-0.09620055, 0.20244115, -0.22389483, 0.17928946, 0.42017231, 0.0], []],
'L=24': [[
0.22050742, 0.31770654, 0.11661736, 0.02049853, 0.00150861, 0.00003426,
0.13651722, -0.21386648, 0.00522051, 0.33939435, 0.10837396,
0.32914497, 0.0
0.05378596, -0.11945819, 0.16272298, -0.26449730, 0.44923956,
0.0, 0.0
'L=26': [[
-0.15435003, 0.05261630, 0.35524646, 0.18578869, 0.03259103, 0.00186197,
-0.11306511, 0.22072681, -0.18706142, 0.05439948, 0.28122966,
0.35634355, 0.0
], []],
'L=28': [[
0.21225019, 0.32031716, 0.13604702, 0.03132468, 0.00362703, 0.00018294,
0.00000294, 0.32573501
0.13219496, -0.17206256, -0.08742608, 0.32671661, 0.17973107,
0.02567515, 0.32619598, 0.0
0.07989184, -0.16735346, 0.18839770, -0.20705337, 0.12926808,
0.42715602, 0.0, 0.0
'L=30': [[
-0.14878368, 0.01524973, 0.33628434, 0.22632587, 0.05790047, 0.00609812,
0.00022898, 0.32573594
-0.11721726, 0.20915005, -0.11723436, -0.07815329, 0.31318947,
0.13655742, 0.33241385, 0.0
-0.04297703, 0.09317876, -0.11831248, 0.17355132, -0.28164031,
0.42719361, 0.0, 0.0
'L=32': [[
0.20533892, 0.32087437, 0.15187897, 0.04249238, 0.00670516, 0.00054977,
0.00002018, 0.00000024, 0.32573501
0.12775091, -0.13523423, -0.14935701, 0.28227378, 0.23670434,
0.05661270, 0.00469819, 0.32578978, 0.0
0.09703829, -0.19373733, 0.18610682, -0.14407046, 0.00220535,
0.26897090, 0.36633402, 0.0, 0.0
'L=34': [[
-0.14409234, -0.01343681, 0.31248977, 0.25557722, 0.08571889,
0.01351208, 0.00095792, 0.00002550, 0.32573508
-0.11527834, 0.18472133, -0.04403280, -0.16908618, 0.27227021,
0.21086614, 0.04041752, 0.32688152, 0.0
-0.06773139, 0.14120811, -0.15835721, 0.18357456, -0.19364673,
0.08377174, 0.43116318, 0.0, 0.0
Lnorm = lambda L: 4. * np.pi / (2.0 * L + 1.)
[docs]def GetKcl(L, N, SGLaue, phi, beta):
'needs doc string'
import pytexture as ptx
if SGLaue in ['m3', 'm3m']:
if 'array' in str(type(phi)) and np.any(phi.shape):
Kcl = np.zeros_like(phi)
Kcl = 0.
for j in range(0, L + 1, 4):
im = j // 4
if 'array' in str(type(phi)) and np.any(phi.shape):
pcrs = ptx.pyplmpsi(L, j, len(phi), phi)[0]
pcrs = ptx.pyplmpsi(L, j, 1, phi)[0]
Kcl += BOH['L=%d' % (L)][N - 1][im] * pcrs * cosd(j * beta)
if 'array' in str(type(phi)) and np.any(phi.shape):
pcrs = ptx.pyplmpsi(L, N, len(phi), phi)[0]
pcrs = ptx.pyplmpsi(L, N, 1, phi)[0]
pcrs *= RSQ2PI
if N:
pcrs *= SQ2
if SGLaue in ['mmm', '4/mmm', '6/mmm', 'R3mR', '3m1', '31m']:
if SGLaue in ['3mR', '3m1', '31m']:
if N % 6 == 3:
Kcl = pcrs * sind(N * beta)
Kcl = pcrs * cosd(N * beta)
Kcl = pcrs * cosd(N * beta)
Kcl = pcrs * (cosd(N * beta) + sind(N * beta))
return Kcl
[docs]def GetKsl(L, M, SamSym, psi, gam):
'needs doc string'
import pytexture as ptx
if 'array' in str(type(psi)) and np.any(psi.shape):
psrs, dpdps = ptx.pyplmpsi(L, M, len(psi), psi)
psrs, dpdps = ptx.pyplmpsi(L, M, 1, psi)
psrs *= RSQ2PI
dpdps *= RSQ2PI
if M:
psrs *= SQ2
dpdps *= SQ2
if SamSym in [
dum = cosd(M * gam)
Ksl = psrs * dum
dKsdp = dpdps * dum
dKsdg = -psrs * M * sind(M * gam)
dum = cosd(M * gam) + sind(M * gam)
Ksl = psrs * dum
dKsdp = dpdps * dum
dKsdg = psrs * M * (-sind(M * gam) + cosd(M * gam))
return Ksl, dKsdp, dKsdg
[docs]def GetKclKsl(L, N, SGLaue, psi, phi, beta):
This is used for spherical harmonics description of preferred orientation;
cylindrical symmetry only (M=0) and no sample angle derivatives returned
import pytexture as ptx
Ksl, x = ptx.pyplmpsi(L, 0, 1, psi)
Ksl *= RSQ2PI
if SGLaue in ['m3', 'm3m']:
Kcl = 0.0
for j in range(0, L + 1, 4):
im = j // 4
pcrs, dum = ptx.pyplmpsi(L, j, 1, phi)
Kcl += BOH['L=%d' % (L)][N - 1][im] * pcrs * cosd(j * beta)
pcrs, dum = ptx.pyplmpsi(L, N, 1, phi)
pcrs *= RSQ2PI
if N:
pcrs *= SQ2
if SGLaue in ['mmm', '4/mmm', '6/mmm', 'R3mR', '3m1', '31m']:
if SGLaue in ['3mR', '3m1', '31m']:
if N % 6 == 3:
Kcl = pcrs * sind(N * beta)
Kcl = pcrs * cosd(N * beta)
Kcl = pcrs * cosd(N * beta)
Kcl = pcrs * (cosd(N * beta) + sind(N * beta))
return Kcl * Ksl, Lnorm(L)
[docs]def Glnh(Start, SHCoef, psi, gam, SamSym):
'needs doc string'
import pytexture as ptx
if Start:
Start = False
Fln = np.zeros(len(SHCoef))
for i, term in enumerate(SHCoef):
l, m, n = eval(term.strip('C'))
pcrs, dum = ptx.pyplmpsi(l, m, 1, psi)
pcrs *= RSQPI
if m == 0:
pcrs /= SQ2
if SamSym in [
Ksl = pcrs * cosd(m * gam)
Ksl = pcrs * (cosd(m * gam) + sind(m * gam))
Fln[i] = SHCoef[term] * Ksl * Lnorm(l)
ODFln = dict(zip(SHCoef.keys(), list(zip(SHCoef.values(), Fln))))
return ODFln
[docs]def Flnh(Start, SHCoef, phi, beta, SGData):
'needs doc string'
import pytexture as ptx
if Start:
Start = False
Fln = np.zeros(len(SHCoef))
for i, term in enumerate(SHCoef):
l, m, n = eval(term.strip('C'))
if SGData['SGLaue'] in ['m3', 'm3m']:
Kcl = 0.0
for j in range(0, l + 1, 4):
im = j // 4
pcrs, dum = ptx.pyplmpsi(l, j, 1, phi)
Kcl += BOH['L=' + str(l)][n - 1][im] * pcrs * cosd(j * beta)
else: #all but cubic
pcrs, dum = ptx.pyplmpsi(l, n, 1, phi)
pcrs *= RSQPI
if n == 0:
pcrs /= SQ2
if SGData['SGLaue'] in [
'mmm', '4/mmm', '6/mmm', 'R3mR', '3m1', '31m'
if SGData['SGLaue'] in ['3mR', '3m1', '31m']:
if n % 6 == 3:
Kcl = pcrs * sind(n * beta)
Kcl = pcrs * cosd(n * beta)
Kcl = pcrs * cosd(n * beta)
Kcl = pcrs * (cosd(n * beta) + sind(n * beta))
Fln[i] = SHCoef[term] * Kcl * Lnorm(l)
ODFln = dict(zip(SHCoef.keys(), list(zip(SHCoef.values(), Fln))))
return ODFln
[docs]def polfcal(ODFln, SamSym, psi, gam):
'''Perform a pole figure computation.
Note that the the number of gam values must either be 1 or must
match psi. Updated for numpy 1.8.0
import pytexture as ptx
PolVal = np.ones_like(psi)
for term in ODFln:
if abs(ODFln[term][1]) > 1.e-3:
l, m, n = eval(term.strip('C'))
psrs, dum = ptx.pyplmpsi(l, m, len(psi), psi)
if SamSym in ['-1', '2/m']:
if m:
Ksl = RSQPI * psrs * (cosd(m * gam) + sind(m * gam))
Ksl = RSQPI * psrs / SQ2
if m:
Ksl = RSQPI * psrs * cosd(m * gam)
Ksl = RSQPI * psrs / SQ2
PolVal += ODFln[term][1] * Ksl
return PolVal
[docs]def invpolfcal(ODFln, SGData, phi, beta):
'needs doc string'
import pytexture as ptx
invPolVal = np.ones_like(beta)
for term in ODFln:
if abs(ODFln[term][1]) > 1.e-3:
l, m, n = eval(term.strip('C'))
if SGData['SGLaue'] in ['m3', 'm3m']:
Kcl = 0.0
for j in range(0, l + 1, 4):
im = j // 4
pcrs, dum = ptx.pyplmpsi(l, j, len(beta), phi)
Kcl += BOH['L=%d' % (l)][n - 1][im] * pcrs * cosd(j * beta)
else: #all but cubic
pcrs, dum = ptx.pyplmpsi(l, n, len(beta), phi)
pcrs *= RSQPI
if n == 0:
pcrs /= SQ2
if SGData['SGLaue'] in [
'mmm', '4/mmm', '6/mmm', 'R3mR', '3m1', '31m'
if SGData['SGLaue'] in ['3mR', '3m1', '31m']:
if n % 6 == 3:
Kcl = pcrs * sind(n * beta)
Kcl = pcrs * cosd(n * beta)
Kcl = pcrs * cosd(n * beta)
Kcl = pcrs * (cosd(n * beta) + sind(n * beta))
invPolVal += ODFln[term][1] * Kcl
return invPolVal
[docs]def textureIndex(SHCoef):
'needs doc string'
Tindx = 1.0
for term in SHCoef:
l = eval(term.strip('C'))[0]
Tindx += SHCoef[term]**2 / (2.0 * l + 1.)
return Tindx
# self-test materials follow.
selftestlist = []
'''Defines a list of self-tests'''
selftestquiet = True
def _ReportTest():
'Report name and doc string of current routine when ``selftestquiet`` is False'
if not selftestquiet:
import inspect
caller = inspect.stack()[1][3]
doc = eval(caller).__doc__
if doc is not None:
print('testing ' + __file__ + ' with ' + caller + ' (' + doc + ')')
print('testing ' + __file__() + " with " + caller)
NeedTestData = True
[docs]def TestData():
array = np.array
global NeedTestData
NeedTestData = False
global CellTestData
# output from uctbx computed on platform darwin on 2010-05-28
CellTestData = [
# cell, g, G, cell*, V, V*
[(4, 4, 4, 90, 90, 90),
array([[1.60000000e+01, 9.79717439e-16, 9.79717439e-16],
[9.79717439e-16, 1.60000000e+01, 9.79717439e-16],
[9.79717439e-16, 9.79717439e-16, 1.60000000e+01]]),
array([[6.25000000e-02, 3.82702125e-18, 3.82702125e-18],
[3.82702125e-18, 6.25000000e-02, 3.82702125e-18],
[3.82702125e-18, 3.82702125e-18, 6.25000000e-02]]),
(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0), 64.0, 0.015625],
# cell, g, G, cell*, V, V*
[(4.0999999999999996, 5.2000000000000002, 6.2999999999999998, 100, 80,
array([[16.81, -13.70423184, 4.48533243],
[-13.70423184, 27.04, -5.6887143],
[4.48533243, -5.6887143, 39.69]]),
array([[0.10206349, 0.05083339, -0.00424823],
[0.05083339, 0.06344997, 0.00334956],
[-0.00424823, 0.00334956, 0.02615544]]),
(0.31947376387537696, 0.25189277536327803, 0.16172643497798223,
85.283666420376008, 94.716333579624006, 50.825714168082683),
100.98576357983838, 0.0099023858863968445],
# cell, g, G, cell*, V, V*
[(3.5, 3.5, 6, 90, 90, 120),
array([[1.22500000e+01, -6.12500000e+00, 1.28587914e-15],
[-6.12500000e+00, 1.22500000e+01, 1.28587914e-15],
[1.28587914e-15, 1.28587914e-15, 3.60000000e+01]]),
array([[1.08843537e-01, 5.44217687e-02, 3.36690552e-18],
[5.44217687e-02, 1.08843537e-01, 3.36690552e-18],
[3.36690552e-18, 3.36690552e-18, 2.77777778e-02]]),
(0.32991443953692895, 0.32991443953692895, 0.16666666666666669, 90.0,
90.0, 60.000000000000021), 63.652867178156257, 0.015710211406520427],
global CoordTestData
CoordTestData = [
# cell, ((frac, ortho),...)
), [
((0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0), (0.40000000000000002, 0.0, 0.0)),
((0.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0), (2.4492935982947065e-17,
0.40000000000000002, 0.0)),
((0.0, 0.0, 0.10000000000000001),
(2.4492935982947065e-17, -2.4492935982947065e-17,
((0.10000000000000001, 0.20000000000000001, 0.29999999999999999),
(0.40000000000000013, 0.79999999999999993, 1.2)),
((0.20000000000000001, 0.29999999999999999, 0.10000000000000001),
(0.80000000000000016, 1.2, 0.40000000000000002)),
((0.29999999999999999, 0.20000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001),
(1.2, 0.80000000000000004, 0.40000000000000002)),
((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (2.0, 1.9999999999999998, 2.0)),
# cell, ((frac, ortho),...)
), [
((0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0), (0.40999999999999998, 0.0, 0.0)),
((0.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0), (-0.33424955703700043,
0.39834311042186865, 0.0)),
((0.0, 0.0, 0.10000000000000001),
(0.10939835193016617, -0.051013289294572106, 0.6183281045774256)),
((0.10000000000000001, 0.20000000000000001, 0.29999999999999999),
(0.069695941716497567, 0.64364635296002093, 1.8549843137322766)),
((0.20000000000000001, 0.29999999999999999, 0.10000000000000001),
(-0.073350319180835066, 1.1440160419710339, 0.6183281045774256)),
((0.29999999999999999, 0.20000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001),
(0.67089923785616512, 0.74567293154916525, 0.6183281045774256)),
((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.92574397446582857, 1.7366491056364828,
# cell, ((frac, ortho),...)
), [
((0.10000000000000001, 0.0, 0.0), (0.35000000000000003, 0.0, 0.0)),
((0.0, 0.10000000000000001, 0.0), (-0.17499999999999993,
0.3031088913245536, 0.0)),
((0.0, 0.0, 0.10000000000000001),
(3.6739403974420595e-17, -3.6739403974420595e-17,
((0.10000000000000001, 0.20000000000000001, 0.29999999999999999),
(2.7675166561703527e-16, 0.60621778264910708, 1.7999999999999998)),
((0.20000000000000001, 0.29999999999999999, 0.10000000000000001),
(0.17500000000000041, 0.90932667397366063, 0.60000000000000009)),
((0.29999999999999999, 0.20000000000000001, 0.10000000000000001),
(0.70000000000000018, 0.6062177826491072, 0.60000000000000009)),
((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.87500000000000067, 1.5155444566227676, 3.0)),
global LaueTestData #generated by GSAS
LaueTestData = {
'R 3 m': [(4., 4., 6., 90., 90., 120.),
((1, 0, 1, 6), (1, 0, -2, 6), (0, 0, 3, 2), (1, 1, 0, 6),
(2, 0, -1, 6), (2, 0, 2, 6), (1, 1, 3, 12), (1, 0, 4, 6),
(2, 1, 1, 12), (2, 1, -2, 12), (3, 0, 0, 6), (1, 0, -5, 6),
(2, 0, -4, 6), (3, 0, -3, 6), (3, 0, 3, 6), (0, 0, 6, 2),
(2, 2, 0, 6), (2, 1, 4, 12), (2, 0, 5, 6), (3, 1, -1, 12),
(3, 1, 2, 12), (1, 1, 6, 12), (2, 2, 3, 12), (2, 1, -5, 12))
'R 3': [(4., 4., 6., 90., 90., 120.),
((1, 0, 1, 6), (1, 0, -2, 6), (0, 0, 3, 2), (1, 1, 0, 6),
(2, 0, -1, 6), (2, 0, 2, 6), (1, 1, 3, 6), (1, 1, -3, 6),
(1, 0, 4, 6), (3, -1, 1, 6), (2, 1, 1, 6), (3, -1, -2, 6),
(2, 1, -2, 6), (3, 0, 0, 6), (1, 0, -5, 6), (2, 0, -4, 6),
(2, 2, 0, 6), (3, 0, 3, 6), (3, 0, -3, 6), (0, 0, 6, 2),
(3, -1, 4, 6), (2, 0, 5, 6), (2, 1, 4, 6), (4, -1, -1, 6),
(3, 1, -1, 6), (3, 1, 2, 6), (4, -1, 2, 6), (2, 2, -3,
6), (1, 1, -6, 6),
(1, 1, 6, 6), (2, 2, 3, 6), (2, 1, -5, 6), (3, -1, -5, 6))],
'P 3': [
(4., 4., 6., 90., 90., 120.),
((0, 0, 1, 2), (1, 0, 0, 6), (1, 0, 1, 6), (0, 0, 2, 2),
(1, 0, -1, 6), (1, 0, 2, 6), (1, 0, -2, 6), (1, 1, 0, 6),
(0, 0, 3, 2), (1, 1, 1, 6), (1, 1, -1, 6), (1, 0, 3, 6),
(1, 0, -3, 6), (2, 0, 0, 6), (2, 0, -1, 6), (1, 1, -2, 6),
(1, 1, 2, 6), (2, 0, 1, 6), (2, 0, -2, 6), (2, 0, 2, 6),
(0, 0, 4, 2), (1, 1, -3, 6), (1, 1, 3, 6), (1, 0, -4, 6),
(1, 0, 4, 6), (2, 0, -3, 6), (2, 1, 0, 6), (2, 0, 3, 6),
(3, -1, 0, 6), (2, 1, 1, 6), (3, -1, -1, 6), (2, 1, -1, 6),
(3, -1, 1, 6), (1, 1, 4, 6), (3, -1, 2, 6), (3, -1, -2, 6),
(1, 1, -4, 6), (0, 0, 5, 2), (2, 1, 2, 6), (2, 1, -2, 6),
(3, 0, 0, 6), (3, 0, 1, 6), (2, 0, 4, 6), (2, 0, -4, 6),
(3, 0, -1, 6), (1, 0, -5, 6), (1, 0, 5,
6), (3, -1, -3, 6), (2, 1, -3, 6),
(2, 1, 3, 6), (3, -1, 3, 6), (3, 0, -2, 6), (3, 0, 2, 6), (1, 1, 5,
(1, 1, -5, 6), (2, 2, 0, 6), (3, 0, 3, 6), (3, 0, -3, 6), (0, 0, 6,
(2, 0, -5, 6), (2, 1, -4, 6), (2, 2, -1,
6), (3, -1, -4, 6), (2, 2, 1, 6),
(3, -1, 4, 6), (2, 1, 4, 6), (2, 0, 5, 6), (1, 0, -6,
6), (1, 0, 6,
6), (4, -1, 0, 6),
(3, 1, 0, 6), (3, 1, -1, 6), (3, 1, 1, 6), (4, -1, -1,
6), (2, 2, 2,
6), (4, -1, 1, 6),
(2, 2, -2, 6), (3, 1, 2, 6), (3, 1, -2, 6), (3, 0, 4, 6), (3, 0,
-4, 6),
(4, -1, -2, 6), (4, -1, 2, 6), (2, 2, -3, 6), (1, 1, 6,
6), (1, 1, -6, 6),
(2, 2, 3, 6), (3, -1, 5, 6), (2, 1, 5, 6), (2, 1, -5, 6), (3, -1,
-5, 6))
'P 3 m 1': [
(4., 4., 6., 90., 90., 120.),
((0, 0, 1, 2), (1, 0, 0, 6), (1, 0, -1, 6), (1, 0, 1, 6),
(0, 0, 2, 2), (1, 0, -2, 6), (1, 0, 2, 6), (1, 1, 0, 6),
(0, 0, 3, 2), (1, 1, 1, 12), (1, 0, -3, 6), (1, 0, 3, 6),
(2, 0, 0, 6), (1, 1, 2, 12), (2, 0, 1, 6), (2, 0, -1, 6),
(0, 0, 4, 2), (2, 0, -2, 6), (2, 0, 2, 6), (1, 1, 3, 12),
(1, 0, -4, 6), (1, 0, 4, 6), (2, 0, 3, 6), (2, 1, 0, 12),
(2, 0, -3, 6), (2, 1, 1, 12), (2, 1, -1, 12), (1, 1, 4, 12),
(2, 1, 2, 12), (0, 0, 5, 2), (2, 1, -2, 12), (3, 0, 0, 6),
(1, 0, -5, 6), (3, 0, 1, 6), (3, 0, -1, 6), (1, 0, 5, 6),
(2, 0, 4, 6), (2, 0, -4, 6), (2, 1, 3, 12), (2, 1, -3, 12),
(3, 0, -2, 6), (3, 0, 2, 6), (1, 1, 5, 12), (3, 0, -3, 6),
(0, 0, 6, 2), (2, 2, 0, 6), (3, 0, 3, 6), (2, 1, 4, 12), (2, 2, 1,
(2, 0, 5, 6), (2, 1, -4, 12), (2, 0, -5, 6), (1, 0, -6, 6), (1, 0,
6, 6),
(3, 1, 0, 12), (3, 1, -1, 12), (3, 1, 1, 12), (2, 2, 2,
12), (3, 1, 2, 12),
(3, 0, 4, 6), (3, 1, -2, 12), (3, 0, -4, 6), (1, 1, 6,
12), (2, 2, 3, 12))
'P 3 1 m': [
(4., 4., 6., 90., 90., 120.),
((0, 0, 1, 2), (1, 0, 0, 6), (0, 0, 2, 2), (1, 0, 1, 12),
(1, 0, 2, 12), (1, 1, 0, 6), (0, 0, 3, 2), (1, 1, -1, 6),
(1, 1, 1, 6), (1, 0, 3, 12), (2, 0, 0, 6), (2, 0, 1, 12),
(1, 1, 2, 6), (1, 1, -2, 6), (2, 0, 2, 12), (0, 0, 4, 2),
(1, 1, -3, 6), (1, 1, 3, 6), (1, 0, 4, 12), (2, 1, 0, 12),
(2, 0, 3, 12), (2, 1, 1, 12), (2, 1, -1, 12), (1, 1, -4, 6),
(1, 1, 4, 6), (0, 0, 5, 2), (2, 1, -2, 12), (2, 1, 2, 12),
(3, 0, 0, 6), (1, 0, 5, 12), (2, 0, 4, 12), (3, 0, 1, 12),
(2, 1, -3, 12), (2, 1, 3, 12), (3, 0, 2, 12), (1, 1, 5, 6),
(1, 1, -5, 6), (3, 0, 3, 12), (0, 0, 6, 2), (2, 2, 0, 6),
(2, 1, -4, 12), (2, 0, 5, 12), (2, 2, -1, 6), (2, 2, 1, 6),
(2, 1, 4, 12), (3, 1, 0, 12), (1, 0, 6, 12), (2, 2, 2, 6),
(3, 1, -1, 12), (2, 2, -2, 6), (3, 1, 1, 12), (3, 1, -2,
12), (3, 0, 4, 12),
(3, 1, 2, 12), (1, 1, -6, 6), (2, 2, 3, 6), (2, 2, -3, 6), (1, 1,
6, 6))
global FLnhTestData
FLnhTestData = [{
'C(4,0,0)': (0.965, 0.42760447),
'C(2,0,0)': (1.0122, -0.80233610),
'C(2,0,2)': (0.0061, 8.37491546E-03),
'C(6,0,4)': (-0.0898, 4.37985696E-02),
'C(6,0,6)': (-0.1369, -9.04081762E-02),
'C(6,0,0)': (0.5935, -0.18234928),
'C(4,0,4)': (0.1872, 0.16358127),
'C(6,0,2)': (0.6193, 0.27573633),
'C(4,0,2)': (-0.1897, 0.12530720)
}, [1, 0, 0]]
[docs]def test0():
if NeedTestData:
msg = 'test cell2Gmat, fillgmat, Gmat2cell'
for (cell, tg, tG, trcell, tV, trV) in CellTestData:
G, g = cell2Gmat(cell)
assert np.allclose(G, tG), msg
assert np.allclose(g, tg), msg
tcell = Gmat2cell(g)
assert np.allclose(cell, tcell), msg
tcell = Gmat2cell(G)
assert np.allclose(tcell, trcell), msg
if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs]def test1():
'test cell2A and A2Gmat'
if NeedTestData:
msg = 'test cell2A and A2Gmat'
for (cell, tg, tG, trcell, tV, trV) in CellTestData:
G, g = A2Gmat(cell2A(cell))
assert np.allclose(G, tG), msg
assert np.allclose(g, tg), msg
if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs]def test2():
'test Gmat2A, A2cell, A2Gmat, Gmat2cell'
if NeedTestData:
msg = 'test Gmat2A, A2cell, A2Gmat, Gmat2cell'
for (cell, tg, tG, trcell, tV, trV) in CellTestData:
G, g = cell2Gmat(cell)
tcell = A2cell(Gmat2A(G))
assert np.allclose(cell, tcell), msg
if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs]def test3():
'test invcell2Gmat'
if NeedTestData:
msg = 'test invcell2Gmat'
for (cell, tg, tG, trcell, tV, trV) in CellTestData:
G, g = invcell2Gmat(trcell)
assert np.allclose(G, tG), msg
assert np.allclose(g, tg), msg
if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs]def test4():
'test calc_rVsq, calc_rV, calc_V'
if NeedTestData:
msg = 'test calc_rVsq, calc_rV, calc_V'
for (cell, tg, tG, trcell, tV, trV) in CellTestData:
assert np.allclose(calc_rV(cell2A(cell)), trV), msg
assert np.allclose(calc_V(cell2A(cell)), tV), msg
if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs]def test5():
'test A2invcell'
if NeedTestData:
msg = 'test A2invcell'
for (cell, tg, tG, trcell, tV, trV) in CellTestData:
rcell = A2invcell(cell2A(cell))
assert np.allclose(rcell, trcell), msg
if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs]def test6():
'test cell2AB'
if NeedTestData:
msg = 'test cell2AB'
for (cell, coordlist) in CoordTestData:
A, B = cell2AB(cell)
for (frac, ortho) in coordlist:
to = np.inner(A, frac)
tf = np.inner(B, to)
assert np.allclose(ortho, to), msg
assert np.allclose(frac, tf), msg
to = np.sum(A * frac, axis=1)
tf = np.sum(B * to, axis=1)
assert np.allclose(ortho, to), msg
assert np.allclose(frac, tf), msg
if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs]def test7():
'test GetBraviasNum(...) and GenHBravais(...)'
import os.path
import sys
import GSASIIspc as spc
testdir = os.path.join(
os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0], 'testinp')
if os.path.exists(testdir):
if testdir not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(0, testdir)
import sgtbxlattinp
derror = 1e-4
def indexmatch(hklin, hkllist, system):
for hklref in hkllist:
hklref = list(hklref)
# these permutations are far from complete, but are sufficient to
# allow the test to complete
if system == 'cubic':
permlist = [
(1, 2, 3),
(1, 3, 2),
(2, 1, 3),
(2, 3, 1),
(3, 1, 2),
(3, 2, 1),
elif system == 'monoclinic':
permlist = [(1, 2, 3), (-1, 2, -3)]
permlist = [(1, 2, 3)]
for perm in permlist:
hkl = [abs(i) * hklin[abs(i) - 1] / i for i in perm]
if hkl == hklref:
return True
if [-i for i in hkl] == hklref:
return True
return False
for key in sgtbxlattinp.sgtbx7:
spdict = spc.SpcGroup(key)
cell = sgtbxlattinp.sgtbx7[key][0]
system = spdict[1]['SGSys']
center = spdict[1]['SGLatt']
bravcode = GetBraviasNum(center, system)
g2list = GenHBravais(sgtbxlattinp.dmin, bravcode, cell2A(cell))
assert len(sgtbxlattinp.sgtbx7[key][1]) == len(
g2list), 'Reflection lists differ for %s' % key
for h, k, l, d, num in g2list:
for hkllist, dref in sgtbxlattinp.sgtbx7[key][1]:
if abs(d - dref) < derror:
if indexmatch((
), hkllist, system):
assert 0, 'No match for %s at %s (%s)' % ((h, k, l), d, key)
if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs]def test8():
'test GenHLaue'
import GSASIIspc as spc
import sgtbxlattinp
derror = 1e-4
dmin = sgtbxlattinp.dmin
def indexmatch(hklin, hklref, system, axis):
# these permutations are far from complete, but are sufficient to
# allow the test to complete
if system == 'cubic':
permlist = [
(1, 2, 3),
(1, 3, 2),
(2, 1, 3),
(2, 3, 1),
(3, 1, 2),
(3, 2, 1),
elif system == 'monoclinic' and axis == 'b':
permlist = [(1, 2, 3), (-1, 2, -3)]
elif system == 'monoclinic' and axis == 'a':
permlist = [(1, 2, 3), (1, -2, -3)]
elif system == 'monoclinic' and axis == 'c':
permlist = [(1, 2, 3), (-1, -2, 3)]
elif system == 'trigonal':
permlist = [(1, 2, 3), (2, 1, 3), (-1, -2, 3), (-2, -1, 3)]
elif system == 'rhombohedral':
permlist = [(1, 2, 3), (2, 3, 1), (3, 1, 2)]
permlist = [(1, 2, 3)]
hklref = list(hklref)
for perm in permlist:
hkl = [abs(i) * hklin[abs(i) - 1] / i for i in perm]
if hkl == hklref:
return True
if [-i for i in hkl] == hklref:
return True
return False
for key in sgtbxlattinp.sgtbx8:
spdict = spc.SpcGroup(key)[1]
cell = sgtbxlattinp.sgtbx8[key][0]
Axis = spdict['SGUniq']
system = spdict['SGSys']
g2list = GenHLaue(dmin, spdict, cell2A(cell))
#if len(g2list) != len(sgtbxlattinp.sgtbx8[key][1]):
# print 'failed',key,':' ,len(g2list),'vs',len(sgtbxlattinp.sgtbx8[key][1])
# print 'GSAS-II:'
# for h,k,l,d in g2list: print ' ',(h,k,l),d
# print 'SGTBX:'
# for hkllist,dref in sgtbxlattinp.sgtbx8[key][1]: print ' ',hkllist,dref
assert len(g2list) == len(
sgtbxlattinp.sgtbx8[key][1]), ('Reflection lists differ for %s' %
#match = True
for h, k, l, d in g2list:
for hkllist, dref in sgtbxlattinp.sgtbx8[key][1]:
if abs(d - dref) < derror:
if indexmatch((
), hkllist, system, Axis):
assert 0, 'No match for %s at %s (%s)' % ((h, k, l), d, key)
#match = False
#if not match:
#for hkllist,dref in sgtbxlattinp.sgtbx8[key][1]: print ' ',hkllist,dref
#print center, Laue, Axis, system
if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs]def test9():
'test GenHLaue'
import GSASIIspc as G2spc
if NeedTestData:
for spc in LaueTestData:
data = LaueTestData[spc]
cell = data[0]
hklm = np.array(data[1])
H = hklm[-1][:3]
hklO = hklm.T[:3].T
A = cell2A(cell)
dmin = 1. / np.sqrt(calc_rDsq(H, A))
SGData = G2spc.SpcGroup(spc)[1]
hkls = np.array(GenHLaue(dmin, SGData, A))
hklN = hkls.T[:3].T
#print spc,hklO.shape,hklN.shape
err = True
for H in hklO:
if H not in hklN:
print('%d %s' % (H, ' missing from hkl from GSASII'))
err = False
assert (err)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if __name__ == '__main__':
# run self-tests
selftestquiet = False
for test in selftestlist: