This module provides a class used to describe the elastic tensor,
including methods used to fit the elastic tensor from linear response
stress-strain data.
Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
# Based on pymatgen/analysis/elasticity/elastic.py (LEGAL-413)
# last updated from upstream: 342de8d on Aug 20, 2018
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import factorial
from scipy.stats import linregress
from schrodinger.application.matsci.elasticity.strain import Strain
from schrodinger.application.matsci.elasticity.stress import Stress
from schrodinger.application.matsci.elasticity.tensors import Tensor
from schrodinger.utils.units import GIGA_TO_MEGA
[docs]class ComplianceTensor(Tensor):
This class represents the compliance tensor, and exists
primarily to keep the voigt-conversion scheme consistent
since the compliance tensor has a unique vscale
def __new__(cls, s_array):
vscale = np.ones((6, 6))
vscale[3:] *= 2
vscale[:, 3:] *= 2
obj = super(ComplianceTensor, cls).__new__(cls, s_array, vscale=vscale)
return obj.view(cls)
[docs]class NthOrderElasticTensor(Tensor):
An object representing an nth-order tensor expansion
of the stress-strain constitutive equations
def __new__(cls, input_array, check_rank=None, tol=1e-4):
obj = super(NthOrderElasticTensor, cls).__new__(cls,
if obj.rank % 2 != 0:
raise ValueError("ElasticTensor must have even rank")
if not obj.is_voigt_symmetric(tol):
warnings.warn("Input elastic tensor does not satisfy "
"standard voigt symmetries")
return obj.view(cls)
def order(self):
Order of the elastic tensor
return self.rank // 2
[docs] def calculate_stress(self, strain):
Calculate's a given elastic tensor's contribution to the
stress using Einstein summation
:param strain: 3x3 matrix corresponding to strain
strain = np.array(strain)
if strain.shape == (6,):
strain = Strain.from_voigt(strain)
assert strain.shape == (3, 3), "Strain must be 3x3 or voigt-notation"
stress_matrix = self.einsum_sequence([strain] * (self.order - 1)) \
/ factorial(self.order - 1)
return Stress(stress_matrix)
[docs]class ElasticTensor(NthOrderElasticTensor):
This class extends Tensor to describe the 3x3x3x3
second-order elastic tensor, C_{ijkl}, with various
methods for estimating other properties derived from
the second order elastic tensor
def __new__(cls, input_array, tol=1e-4):
Create an ElasticTensor object. The constructor throws an error if
the shape of the input_matrix argument is not 3x3x3x3, i. e. in true
tensor notation. Issues a warning if the input_matrix argument does
not satisfy standard symmetries. Note that the constructor uses
__new__ rather than __init__ according to the standard method of
subclassing numpy ndarrays.
:param input_array: The 3x3x3x3 array-like representing the elastic
:param tol: tolerance for initial symmetry test of tensor
:type tol: float
obj = super(ElasticTensor, cls).__new__(cls,
return obj.view(cls)
def compliance_tensor(self):
returns the Voigt-notation compliance tensor,
which is the matrix inverse of the
Voigt-notation elastic tensor
s_voigt = np.linalg.inv(self.voigt)
except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError as err:
raise ValueError("Failed to invert matrix: " + str(err))
return ComplianceTensor.from_voigt(s_voigt)
def k_voigt(self):
returns the K_v bulk modulus
return self.voigt[:3, :3].mean()
def g_voigt(self):
returns the G_v shear modulus
return (2. * self.voigt[:3, :3].trace() - np.triu(
self.voigt[:3, :3]).sum() + 3 * self.voigt[3:, 3:].trace()) / 15.
def k_reuss(self):
returns the K_r bulk modulus
return 1. / self.compliance_tensor.voigt[:3, :3].sum()
def g_reuss(self):
returns the G_r shear modulus
return 15. / (8. * self.compliance_tensor.voigt[:3, :3].trace() -
4. * np.triu(self.compliance_tensor.voigt[:3, :3]).sum() +
3. * self.compliance_tensor.voigt[3:, 3:].trace())
def k_vrh(self):
returns the K_vrh (Voigt-Reuss-Hill) average bulk modulus
return 0.5 * (self.k_voigt + self.k_reuss)
def g_vrh(self):
returns the G_vrh (Voigt-Reuss-Hill) average shear modulus
return 0.5 * (self.g_voigt + self.g_reuss)
def y_mod(self):
Calculates Young's modulus (in SI units) using the
Voigt-Reuss-Hill averages of bulk and shear moduli
return 9.e9 * self.k_vrh * self.g_vrh / (3. * self.k_vrh + self.g_vrh)
def universal_anisotropy(self):
returns the universal anisotropy value
return 5. * self.g_voigt / self.g_reuss + \
self.k_voigt / self.k_reuss - 6.
def homogeneous_poisson(self):
returns the homogeneous poisson ratio
return (1. - 2. / 3. * self.g_vrh / self.k_vrh) / \
(2. + 2. / 3. * self.g_vrh / self.k_vrh)
def lam(self):
Returns lambda = (C11 + C22 + C33) / 3 - 2 * Mu in GPa.
:return float: Lambda (GPa)
return self.voigt[:3, :3].trace() / 3 - 2 * self.mu
def mu(self):
Returns my = (C44 + C55 + C66) / 3 in GPa.
:return float: mu (GPa)
return self.voigt[3:, 3:].trace() / 3.
[docs] @classmethod
def from_independent_strains(cls,
Constructs the elastic tensor least-squares fit of independent strains
:param strains: list of strain objects to fit
:type strains: list[Strain]
:param stresses: list of stress objects to use in fit corresponding to
the list of strains
:type stresses: list
:param eq_stress: equilibrium stress to use in fitting
:type eq_stress: Stress
:param vasp: flag for whether the stress tensor should be converted
based on vasp units/convention for stress
:type vasp: bool
:param tol: tolerance for removing near-zero elements of the resulting
:type tol: float
:param dump_full_tensor: dump complete 6*6 stress and strain matrix
:type dump_full_tensor: bool
def get_err(pfit, xdata, ydata):
Get Y coordinate errors of the the fitted point.
func = lambda x: pfit[0] * x + pfit[1]
return [abs(y - func(x)) for x, y in zip(xdata, ydata)]
strain_states = [tuple(ss) for ss in np.eye(6)]
ss_dict = get_strain_state_dict(strains, stresses, eq_stress=eq_stress)
if not set(strain_states) <= set(ss_dict.keys()):
raise ValueError("Missing independent strain states: "
"{}".format(set(strain_states) - set(ss_dict)))
if len(set(ss_dict.keys()) - set(strain_states)) > 0:
warnings.warn("Extra strain states in strain-stress pairs "
"are neglected in independent strain fitting")
# Convert units/sign convention of vasp stress tensor
fac = -0.1 if vasp else 1.
msg = 'Data points (Epsilon; MPa) for calculating term: C%d%d\n'
msg_pfit = 'Polynomial fit:, %f, %f\n'
msg_slope = 'Stress method strain of deformation (MPa) =, %f\n'
log = ''
c_ij = np.zeros((6, 6))
r_squared_ij = np.zeros((6, 6))
for i in range(6):
istrains = ss_dict[strain_states[i]]["strains"]
istresses = ss_dict[strain_states[i]]["stresses"]
for j in range(6):
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(
istrains[:, i], istresses[:, j])
c_ij[i, j] = slope
r_squared_ij[i, j] = r_value**2
# Write to the log, get the upper triangle constants
if not dump_full_tensor:
if i > j:
log += msg % (i + 1, j + 1)
pfit = np.array([slope, intercept]) * fac * GIGA_TO_MEGA
log += msg_pfit % tuple(pfit)
log += msg_slope % pfit[0]
xdata = istrains[:, i]
ydata = istresses[:, j] * fac * GIGA_TO_MEGA
errors = get_err(pfit, xdata, ydata)
for strain, stress, err in zip(xdata, ydata, errors):
log += '%f, %f, %f\n' % (strain, stress, err)
log += '\n'
c_ij *= fac
c = cls.from_voigt(c_ij)
c = c.zeroed(tol)
c.r_squared = r_squared_ij
c.log = log
return c
[docs]def find_eq_stress(strains, stresses, tol=1e-10):
Finds stress corresponding to zero strain state in stress-strain list
:param strains: Nx3x3 array-like array corresponding to strains
:param stresses: Nx3x3 array-like array corresponding to stresses
:param tol: tolerance to find zero strain state
:type tol: float
stress_array = np.array(stresses)
strain_array = np.array(strains)
eq_stress = stress_array[np.all(abs(strain_array) < tol, axis=(1, 2))]
if eq_stress.size != 0:
all_same = (abs(eq_stress - eq_stress[0]) < 1e-8).all()
if len(eq_stress) > 1 and not all_same:
raise ValueError("Multiple stresses found for equilibrium strain"
" state, please specify equilibrium stress or "
" remove extraneous stresses.")
eq_stress = eq_stress[0]
warnings.warn("No eq state found, returning zero voigt stress")
eq_stress = Stress(np.zeros((3, 3)))
return eq_stress
[docs]def get_strain_state_dict(strains,
Creates a dictionary of voigt-notation stress-strain sets
keyed by "strain state", i. e. a tuple corresponding to
the non-zero entries in ratios to the lowest nonzero value,
e.g. [0, 0.1, 0, 0.2, 0, 0] -> (0,1,0,2,0,0)
This allows strains to be collected in stencils as to
evaluate parameterized finite difference derivatives
:param strains: Nx3x3 array-like strain matrices
:param stresses: Nx3x3 array-like stress matrices
:param eq_stress: Nx3x3 array-like equilibrium stress
:param tol: tolerance for sorting strain states
:type tol: float
:param add_eq: flag for whether to add eq_strain to stress-strain sets for
each strain state
:type add_eq: bool
:param sort: flag for whether to sort strain states
:type sort: bool
:rtype: OrderedDict
:return: OrderedDict with strain state keys and dictionaries with
stress-strain data corresponding to strain state
# Recast stress/strains
vstrains = np.array([Strain(s).zeroed(tol).voigt for s in strains])
vstresses = np.array([Stress(s).zeroed(tol).voigt for s in stresses])
# Collect independent strain states:
independent = set(
[tuple(np.nonzero(vstrain)[0].tolist()) for vstrain in vstrains])
strain_state_dict = OrderedDict()
if add_eq:
if eq_stress is not None:
veq_stress = Stress(eq_stress).voigt
veq_stress = find_eq_stress(strains, stresses).voigt
for n, ind in enumerate(independent):
# match strains with templates
template = np.zeros(6, dtype=bool)
np.put(template, ind, True)
template = np.tile(template, [vstresses.shape[0], 1])
mode = (template == (np.abs(vstrains) > 1e-10)).all(axis=1)
mstresses = vstresses[mode]
mstrains = vstrains[mode]
# Get "strain state", i.e. ratio of each value to minimum strain
min_nonzero_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(np.take(mstrains[-1], ind)))
min_nonzero_val = np.take(mstrains[-1], ind)[min_nonzero_ind]
strain_state = mstrains[-1] / min_nonzero_val
strain_state = tuple(strain_state)
if add_eq:
# add zero strain state
mstrains = np.vstack([mstrains, np.zeros(6)])
mstresses = np.vstack([mstresses, veq_stress])
# sort strains/stresses by strain values
if sort:
mstresses = mstresses[mstrains[:, ind[0]].argsort()]
mstrains = mstrains[mstrains[:, ind[0]].argsort()]
strain_state_dict[strain_state] = {
"strains": mstrains,
"stresses": mstresses
return strain_state_dict