Classes for parsing Jaguar output files and accessing output properties
Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
# Automatically have all classes inherit from object.
import datetime
import locale
import logging
import re
import time
from past.utils import old_div
import schrodinger.infra.mm as mm
import schrodinger.structure as structure
import schrodinger.utils.log
from schrodinger.application.jaguar import constants
from schrodinger.application.jaguar import jaguar_diff
from schrodinger.application.jaguar import results
from schrodinger.application.jaguar.mmjag import MmJag
from schrodinger.application.jaguar.scan import Scan
from schrodinger.job.jobcontrol import jobid_re
blank_line_re = re.compile(r"^\s*$")
zvar_tags_re = re.compile(r"[\*#]")
input_geometry_re = re.compile(r"^\s+Input geometry:")
_log = logging.getLogger("schrodinger.application.jaguar.output")
# .out text file parsing
# Set textparser_debug to True to have the textparser_trace decorator wrap
# the callback functions.
textparser_debug = False
[docs]class JaguarParseError(Exception):
[docs]def textparser_trace(func):
A decorator that will print the callback function name when it is called.
def wrapper(tp, jo, m, it):
if (m.groups()):
print("Calling textparser function %s (match groups = %s)..." % \
(func.__name__, m.groups()))
print("Calling textparser function %s..." % (func.__name__,))
return func(tp, jo, m, it)
return wrapper
[docs]class TextParser(object):
A parser to create a JaguarOutput object from a Jaguar output file.
The basic organization of this parser is that of a number of line
processing callback functions triggered by regular expressions.
# A dictionary to hold functions, indexed by regular expressions.
callback = {}
first_line_re = re.compile(r"^Job .+ started on (\S+) at (\w.*)$")
[docs] def __init__(self, jaguar_output, file_iter=None):
file_iter (iterator returning lines of Jaguar output file)
jaguar_output (JaguarOutput instance)
self.irc_direction = None
self.on_last_geopt_step = False
self.file_iter = file_iter
self.jag_out = jaguar_output
# Useful for nops_opt_switch and NOFAIL restarts
self.recomputing_energy = False
self.nofail_geopt = None
# atom_list and mmjag_handle are for storing a geometry temporarily.
# The geometry specification of a geometry step comes just before
# the end of a geometry step. Rather than mess with the definitive
# end of a geopt step, I'll just store things on the side for a bit.
self.atom_list = []
self.mmjag_handle = None
# The irc_summary is
self.irc_summary = []
self.general_search_items = list(self.callback[None].items())
self.search_items = list(
self.callback["before pre"].items()) + self.general_search_items
def _newResults(self, jo):
Add a new results object for a new geometry or scan step.
Caller is responsible for storing jo._results before calling this
if it needs to be kept. For example, storing results from a geometry
in a geopt sequence of results.
# See JAGUAR-7003
if self.nofail_geopt:
jo.last_results = jo.geopt_step[self.nofail_geopt - 1]
self.nofail_geopt = None
jo.last_results = jo._results
# Initialize new JaguarResults instance
jo._results = results.JaguarResults()
if self.atom_list:
jo._results.atom = self.atom_list
self.atom_list = []
jo._results._mmjag_handle = self.mmjag_handle
self.mmjag_handle = None
# Initial gas phase geometry doesn't get printed out, so use the
# last_results mmjag_handle and atom names.
jo._results.atom = [
results.JaguarAtomicResults(a.index, a.atom_name)
for a in jo.last_results.atom
if jo.last_results._mmjag_handle is not None:
jo._results._mmjag_handle = jo.last_results._mmjag_handle
[docs] def endGeopt(self, jo):
Clean up at the end of a geopt step.
Adds the current results to the geopt list and creates a new current
results object if appropriate.
# Allows us to store the gas phase part of a solution phase optimization
if jo.opts.solvation:
if jo._results.solution_phase_energy:
# Many property calculations take place after the last geopt step
# and need to be added to the same JaguarResults instance.
create_new_results = not self.on_last_geopt_step
# Special cases for making a new JaguarResults object
if jo.opts.solvation and jo._results.solution_phase_energy is None:
create_new_results = True
if self.irc_direction is not None:
create_new_results = True
if self.recomputing_energy:
self.recomputing_energy = False
create_new_results = True
# Create a new JaguarResults object if appropriate.
if create_new_results:
jo.last_results = jo._results
# Reset the last geopt step indicator.
self.on_last_geopt_step = False
if self.irc_direction == 'Forward' or self.irc_direction == 'Downhill':
if len(jo.irc_geopt_step) == 0:
# If this is the first forward step, break out the first
# geometry as a separate irc_geopt_step element to be the
# rxn coord 0.00 step.
jo.geopt_step = []
elif self.irc_direction == 'Reverse':
jo.irc_geopt_step.insert(0, jo.geopt_step)
jo.geopt_step = []
elif self.irc_direction is not None:
raise JaguarParseError("Bad IRC direction.")
self.irc_direction = None
[docs] def endScan(self, jo):
Clean up at the end of a scan step.
Adds the current results to the scan list and creates a new current
results object. Or, if this a relaxed scan, archives the geopt steps
to the scan list and creates an empty geopt_step list.
if jo.geopt_step:
jo.geopt_step = []
[docs] def endIRC(self, direction):
Set state indicating the end of an IRC step and its direction.
direction (str)
Must be 'Forward' or 'Reverse'.
self.irc_direction = direction
[docs] def parse(self, jaguar_output=None):
Parse the provided file iterator.
Return a JaguarOutput instance populated with properties parsed from
the output file.
jaguar_output (JaguarOutput instance)
If jaguar_output is provided, that instance will be populated
with the properties parsed from the output file. Otherwise,
the object provided to the TextParser constructor will be used.
:raise StopIteration: In cases of unexpected file termination
:raise JaguarParseError: For parsing errors
if jaguar_output is not None:
self.jag_out = jaguar_output
elif self.jag_out is None:
raise JaguarParseError
jaguar_output = self.jag_out
# The following try/except is needed for an empty file
line = next(self.file_iter)
except StopIteration:
line = ''
m = self.first_line_re.match(line)
if m:
jaguar_output.host = m.group(1)
lc = locale.getlocale(locale.LC_TIME)
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, "C")
ts = time.mktime(time.strptime(m.group(2)))
jaguar_output.start_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts)
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, lc)
for line in self.file_iter:
for pattern, func in self.search_items:
m = pattern.search(line)
if m:
# Note - the func call below may try to read another line
# from the file. This can raise StopIteration in the case of
# unexpected file termination.
func(self, jaguar_output, m, self.file_iter)
self.jag_out = None
return jaguar_output
def _finalize(self, jo):
Actions to be taken at the end of the file.
if jo.geopt_step:
jo.last_results = jo._results
# There's no indicator on the last scan step
if jo.scan_geopt_step:
if jo.geopt_step:
jo.geopt_step = []
jo.last_results = jo._results
if self.irc_summary:
for line, step in zip(self.irc_summary, jo.irc_geopt_step):
field = line.split()
# Jaguar-6649 the reaction coordinate field can have a '*' indicating
# an approximate value. Remove it if it exists before
# converting to a float.
step[-1].reaction_coord = float(field[1].strip('*'))
energy = float(field[2])
# Make a very loose comparison here - it's just a sanity
# check.
if abs(energy - step[-1].energy) > 2.0e-6:
raise JaguarParseError("Bad IRC summary correspondence.")
step[-1].transition_state_components = \
[float(c) for c in field[3:]]
self.irc_summary = []
# See PEP 318 or the 2.4 "What's New" document for discussion of
# decorators.
[docs]def callback(prog, regexp=None, debug=False, parser_class=TextParser):
A decorator to add a function to the TextParser callback dictionary.
The 'callback' dictionary consists of dictionaries for individual
programs, each one indexed by the regular expression that needs to be
satisfied to invoke the function.
prog (str)
A Jaguar subprogram to which searching will be restricted.
Set to None if the whole file needs to be searched.
regexp (str)
The regular expression that needs to be matched. This can be None if
multiple decorators are being applied (to restrict to multiple
subprograms) and the inner decorator specified a regexp.
global textparser_debug
if textparser_debug:
debug = True
def deco(func):
progdict = parser_class.callback.setdefault(prog, {})
if regexp is not None:
func.regexp = regexp
if not debug:
progdict[re.compile(func.regexp)] = func
progdict[re.compile(func.regexp)] = textparser_trace(func)
return func
return deco
# Text parsing functions; all must take the TextParser object, the
# JaguarOutput object to operate on, the regular expression match, and the
# file iterator.
# The docstrings are the regular expressions that must be satisfied to
# invoke the function.
[docs]@callback("scf", r"^\s*number of electrons\.+\s+(\d+)")
def nelectron(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.nelectron = int(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("scf", r"^\s*Sz\*\(Sz\+1\)[\s\.]+(\S+)")
def sz2(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.sz2 = float(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("scf", r"^\s*<S\*\*2>[\s\.]+(\S+)")
def s2(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.s2 = float(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("scf", r"^\s*GVB:\s+(\S+)")
def npair(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.npair = int(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("pre", r"net molecular charge:\s+(-?\d+)")
def molchg(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.charge = int(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("pre", r"multiplicity:\s+(\d+)")
def multip(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.multiplicity = int(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("pre", r"number of basis functions\.\.\.\.\s+(\d+)")
def nbasis(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.nbasis = int(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Molecular weight:\s+([0-9.]+)")
def mol_weight(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.mol_weight = float(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Stoichiometry:\s+(\w+)")
def stoichiometry(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.stoichiometry = m.group(1)
[docs]@callback("pre", r"basis set:\s+(\S+)")
def basis_set(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.basis = jaguar_diff.CaseInsensitiveString(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Number of optimization coordinates:\s+(\d+)")
def coords_opt(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.coords_opt = int(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Number of independent coordinates:\s+(\d+)")
def coords_ind(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.coords_ind = int(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Number of non-redundant coordinates:\s+(\d+)")
def coords_nred(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.coords_nred = int(m.group(1))
# In v79001, "constrained coordinates" was replaced with "frozen
# coordinates", and "harmonic constraints" was also added.
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Number of constrained coordinates:\s+(\d+)")
def coords_frozen1(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.coords_frozen = int(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Number of frozen coordinates:\s+(\d+)")
def coords_frozen2(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.coords_frozen = int(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Number of harmonic constraints:\s+(\d+)")
def coords_harmonic(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.coords_harmonic = int(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Solvation energy will be computed")
def solvation_job(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.opts.solvation = True
[docs]@callback("pre", "Numerical 2nd derivatives will be computed")
def numerical_freqs(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.opts.analytic_frequencies = False
"Electrostatic potential fit to point charges on atomic centers")
def esp_fit_atoms(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.opts.esp_fit = jo.opts.ESP_ATOMS
[docs]@callback("pre", "and bond midpoints")
def esp_fit_atoms_and_bonds(tp, jo, m, it):
if jo.opts.esp_fit == jo.opts.ESP_ATOMS:
jo.opts.esp_fit = jo.opts.ESP_ATOMS_AND_BOND_MIDPOINTS
raise JaguarParseError("Unexpected occurrence of the phrase "
"'and bond midpoints'.")
r"Energy From External Program \(a\.u\.\)\s+(-?[\.\d]+)")
def external_program_energy(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.external_program_energy = float(m.group(1))
# The assignments of nn_energy are in the nn_gas_energy and nn_sol_energy
# because NN methods currently only return either gas or sol energy
[docs]@callback("nn_energy", r"qRNN Gas-Phase Energy \(a\.u\.\)\s+(-?[\.\d]+)")
@callback("nn_energy", r"ANI Gas-Phase Energy \(a\.u\.\)\s+(-?[\.\d]+)")
def nn_gas_energy(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.nn_gas_energy = float(m.group(1))
jo._results.nn_energy = float(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("nn_energy", r"qRNN Solution-Phase Energy \(a\.u\.\)\s+(-?[\.\d]+)")
def nn_sol_energy(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.nn_sol_energy = float(m.group(1))
jo._results.nn_energy = float(m.group(1))
r"qRNN Committee Standard Deviation \(a\.u\.\)\s+(-?[\.\d]+)")
r"ANI Committee Standard Deviation \(a\.u\.\)\s+(-?[\.\d]+)")
def external_program_nn_energy_stddev(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.nn_stddev = float(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("scf", r"(^etot.*$)")
def etot(tp, jo, m, it):
line = m.group(1)
while line.startswith("etot"):
line = next(it)
# LDJ: negative lookbehind required so that we do not parse
# the total internal energy for atoms, which is printed
# from program scf.
[docs]@callback("scf", r"(?<!\()SCFE.*\s+(-?[\.\d]+)\s+hartrees")
def scfe(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.scf_energy = float(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("scf", r"\(B\)\s+Nuclear-nuclear\.+\s+(-?[\.\d]+)")
def nucrep1(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.nuclear_repulsion = float(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("scf", r"\(A\)\s+Nuclear repulsion\.+\s+(-?[\.\d]+)")
def nucrep2(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.nuclear_repulsion = float(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("scf", r"\(E\)\s+Total one-electron terms\.+\s+(-?[\.\d]+)")
def one_e_terms(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.energy_one_electron = float(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("scf", r"\(I\)\s+Total two-electron terms\.+\s+(-?[\.\d]+)")
def two_e_terms(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.energy_two_electron = float(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("scf", r"\(L\)\s+Electronic energy\.+\s+(-?[\.\d]+)")
def electronic_e(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.energy_electronic = float(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("scf", r"\(N0\).*correction\.+\s+(-?[\.\d]+)")
def aposteri_e(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.energy_aposteri = float(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("scf", r"(Alpha|Beta)? HOMO energy:\s+(\S+)")
def homo(tp, jo, m, it):
type_ = m.group(1)
if type_ == "Alpha":
jo._results.homo_alpha = float(m.group(2))
elif type_ == "Beta":
jo._results.homo_beta = float(m.group(2))
jo._results.homo = float(m.group(2))
[docs]@callback("scf", r"(Alpha|Beta)? LUMO energy:\s+(\S+)")
def lumo(tp, jo, m, it):
type_ = m.group(1)
if type_ == "Alpha":
jo._results.lumo_alpha = float(m.group(2))
elif type_ == "Beta":
jo._results.lumo_beta = float(m.group(2))
jo._results.lumo = float(m.group(2))
[docs]@callback("scf", r"(?P<type>Alpha|Beta)? Orbital energies"
r"( \(hartrees\))?(?P<label>/symmetry label)?:")
def orbital_energies(tp, jo, m, it):
orbs = []
has_symmetry = m.group('label')
type_ = m.group('type')
while 1:
line = next(it)
fields = line.split()
if not fields:
if has_symmetry:
for ix in range(0, len(fields), 2):
results.Orbital(type_, len(orbs), float(fields[ix]),
fields[ix + 1]))
results.Orbital(type_, index + len(orbs), float(f))
for index, f in enumerate(fields)
if type_ == "Alpha":
jo._results.orbital_alpha = orbs
elif type_ == "Beta":
jo._results.orbital_beta = orbs
jo._results.orbital = orbs
[docs]@callback("rimp2", r"RI-MP2 Energies, in hartrees")
def rimp2_energies(tp, jo, m, it):
line = next(it)
line = next(it)
jo._results.rimp2_ss_energy = float(line.split()[-1])
line = next(it)
jo._results.rimp2_os_energy = float(line.split()[-1])
line = next(it)
jo._results.rimp2_corr_energy = float(line.split()[-1])
line = next(it)
jo._results.rimp2_energy = float(line.split()[-1])
# Solvent calculations come before RI-MP2 in the printout, so can
# be used as a trigger for storing RI-MP2 final energy in gas/solution
if jo._results.solution_phase_energy:
jo._results.solution_phase_energy = float(line.split()[-1])
jo._results.gas_phase_energy = float(line.split()[-1])
@callback("lmp2", r"Total LMP2.*\s+(-?[\.\d]+)")
def mp2(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.lmp2_energy = float(m.group(1))
jo._results.gas_phase_energy = float(m.group(1))
# Note that rolmp2 and gvblmp2 energies are both produced by the gvblmp2
# subprogram.
[docs]@callback("gvblmp2", r"Total GVB-LMP2.*\s+(-?[\.\d]+)")
def gvblmp2(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.lmp2_energy = float(m.group(1))
@callback("scanner", r"(Input|new) geometry:")
def start_geometry(tp, jo, m, it):
# "Starting geometries" are present in pre for simple geopts as "Input
# geometry" and also in scanner steps for scan jobs as "new geometry".
jo._results.atom, jo._results._mmjag_handle = geometry_read(it, jo.charge)
# geopt properties
[docs]@callback("geopt", r"new geometry:")
def geopt_geometry(tp, jo, m, it):
tp.atom_list, tp.mmjag_handle = geometry_read(it, jo.charge)
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Path geometry: \(interpolated\, X\=.*\)")
def path_geometry(tp, jo, m, it):
result = results.JaguarResults()
result.atom, result._mmjag_handle = geometry_read(it, jo.charge)
[docs]@callback("geopt", r"String geometry: \(iteration=.* point=.*energy=.*\)")
def sm_geometry(tp, jo, m, it):
# extract string energy, point number and iteration number
data = m.group(0).split()
if len(data) == 9:
iter = int(data[3])
pt = int(data[5])
enrgy = float(data[7])
raise ValueError('Malformed string geometry identifier')
result = results.JaguarResults()
result.atom, result._mmjag_handle = geometry_read(it, jo.charge)
# add data to JaguarResults instance
if jo.opts.solvation:
result.solution_phase_energy = enrgy
result.scf_energy = enrgy
# these attributes
result.sm_point = pt
result.sm_iter = iter
jo._sm_n_points = max(pt, jo._sm_n_points)
[docs]def geometry_read(it, charge=None):
A utility function to read an input cartesian geometry from the output
Return a tuple of (JaguarAtomicResults list, mmjag_handle). The
mmjag_handle containing the parsed geometry in MMJAG_ZMAT1 if charge is
provided. If not, the mmjag handle is None.
geometry_array = []
atom_list = []
mmjag_handle = None
# Skip two lines
line = next(it)
if "angstroms" in line:
line = next(it)
index = 0
while 1:
line = next(it)
_log.debug("geometry_read: " + line)
if blank_line_re.match(line):
index += 1
fields = line.split()
atom_list.append(results.JaguarAtomicResults(index, fields[0]))
if charge is not None:
mmjag_handle = MmJag(mm.mmjag_new())
mm.mmjag_zmat_from_geostring(mmjag_handle, mm.MMJAG_ZMAT1, charge,
units, "".join(geometry_array))
return atom_list, mmjag_handle
[docs]@callback("geopt", r"end of geometry optimization iteration")
def end_geometry(tp, jo, m, it):
r"(stopping optimization: maximum number of iterations reached|Geometry optimization complete)"
def stopping_optimization(tp, jo, m, it):
tp.on_last_geopt_step = True
[docs]@callback("geopt", r"optimization seems to be stuck")
def geopt_stuck1(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.geopt_stuck = True
[docs]@callback("geopt", r"Convergence category (\d+)")
def convergence_category(tp, jo, m, it):
r"IRC point found -\s+(Forward|Reverse|Downhill)\s+#\s+(\d+)")
def irc_point(tp, jo, m, it):
[docs]@callback("geopt", r"Summary of IRC Reaction Path:")
def irc_summary(tp, jo, m, it):
for i in range(5):
tp.irc_summary = []
while 1:
line = next(it)
if blank_line_re.match(line):
# Make sure the number of points is one less than the current number of
# irc steps (still have to collect the last one).
# However, if there is only 1 IRC pt in addition to the TS (for a total of
# 2), then neither will have been collected yet - so check for such a case.
pts_not_agree = (len(tp.irc_summary) != len(jo.irc_geopt_step) + 1)
pts_not_agree_if_only_2 = \
(len(tp.irc_summary) != 2 or len(jo.irc_geopt_step) != 0)
if pts_not_agree and pts_not_agree_if_only_2:
raise JaguarParseError(
"%s%s: %d vs %d" %
("Summary of IRC reaction path does not agree with ",
"number of IRC steps", len(tp.irc_summary), len(
coord_description_re = re.compile(r"\s*Coord\s+\d+\s+=\s+(\S+)\s*")
jo.ts_component_descriptions = []
while 1:
line = next(it)
m = coord_description_re.match(line)
if not m:
[docs]@callback("geopt", r"restarting optimization from step")
def doubted_geom(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.doubted_geom = True
[docs]@callback("geopt", r"[Gg]eometry optimization step\s+(\d+)")
def geopt_step_number(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.geopt_step_num = int(m.group(1))
# nops_opt_switch callbacks
[docs]@callback("scf", r'Energy computed with NOPS on.')
def nops_on(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.nops_on = True
[docs]@callback("scf", r'Energy computed with NOPS off.')
def nops_off(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.nops_on = False
[docs]@callback("geopt", r'Setting nops=0, recomputing energy')
def geopt_nops_on(tp, jo, m, it):
tp.recomputing_energy = True
# NOFAIL geopt callbacks
[docs]@callback("geopt", r"to be a stuck geometry")
def geopt_stuck2(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.geopt_stuck = True
[docs]@callback("geopt", r'SCF will be redone to get proper energy & wavefunction.')
def nofail_geopt_restart(tp, jo, m, it):
tp.recomputing_energy = True
r'Taking the geometry with the lowest energy \(iteration (\d+)\)')
def nofail_geopt(tp, jo, m, it):
tp.nofail_geopt = int(m.group(1))
@callback("geopt", r"Z-variables: (.*)$")
def z_variables(tp, jo, m, it):
units = m.group(1)
if "angstrom" in units:
length_unit = constants.unAngstrom
elif "bohr" in units:
length_unit = constants.unBohr
raise JaguarParseError(
"Z-variables length units have been changed; update the z_variables function."
if "degree" in units:
angle_unit = constants.unDegree
elif "radian" in units:
angle_unit = constants.unRadian
raise JaguarParseError(
"Z-variables angle units have been changed; update the z_variables function."
jo._results.zvar = results.ZVariables(length_unit, angle_unit)
while 1:
line = next(it)
if blank_line_re.match(line):
line = zvar_tags_re.sub("", line)
m = re.match(r"\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)", line)
name, value = m.groups()
jo._results.zvar[name] = float(value)
@callback("tddft_g", r"forces \(hartrees/bohr\) : (total|numerical)")
def forces(tp, jo, m, it):
if m.group(1) == "numerical":
jo.opts.analytic_gradients = False
while 1:
line = next(it)
if line.startswith(" ----"):
ix_atom = 0
while 1:
line = next(it)
if line.startswith(" ----"):
fields = line.split()
jo._results.atom[ix_atom].forces = [float(i) for i in fields[2:]]
ix_atom += 1
@callback("scf", r"\(V\).*Solvation energy\.+\s*(-?[\.\d]+)")
@callback("scf", r"^\sPCM solvation energy (electrostatic)\.+\s*(-?[\.\d]+)")
@callback("sole", r"\(V\).*Solvation energy\.+\s*(-?[\.\d]+).*\(P-O\)")
def solvation(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.solvation_energy = float(m.group(1))
@callback("scf", r"\(P\).*Solution phase energy\.+\s*(-?[\.\d]+)")
@callback("scf", r"^\sSolution phase energy\.+\s*(-?[\.\d]+)")
@callback("sole", r"\(P\).*Solution phase energy\.+\s*(-?[\.\d]+)")
def solution_phase(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.solution_phase_energy = float(m.group(1))
@callback("scf", r"\(O\).*Gas phase energy\.+\s*(-?[\.\d]+)")
@callback("scf", r"^\sGas phase energy\.+\s*(-?[\.\d]+)")
def gas_phase(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.gas_phase_energy = float(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("onee", r"number of canonical orbitals\.\.\.\.\.\s+(\d+)")
def canorb(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.canonical_orbitals = int(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("onee", r"smallest eigenvalue of S:\s+(\S+)")
def s_min_eval(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.S_min_eval = float(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("scanner", r"end of geometry scan step")
def end_scan(tp, jo, m, it):
# pre properties
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Maestro file \(output\):\s+(\S.*)")
def mae(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.mae_out = m.group(1)
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Maestro file \(input\):\s+(\S.*)")
def mae_in(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.mae_in = m.group(1)
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Molecular Point Group:\s+(\w+)")
def point_group(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.point_group = m.group(1)
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Point Group used:\s+(\w+)")
def point_group_used(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.point_group_used = m.group(1)
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Number of atoms treated by QM:\s+(\w+)")
def qm_atoms(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.qm_atoms = int(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("pre", r"SCF calculation type: ([A-Za-z0-9/_-]+)")
def calc_type(tp, jo, m, it):
if not m.group(1) in constants._calc_types:
raise JaguarParseError("Unrecognized SCF type: %s" % m.group(1))
jo.method = m.group(1)
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Post-SCF correlation type: (\w+)")
def correlation_type(tp, jo, m, it):
#FIXME: this function is too complex.
correlation = m.group(1)
if correlation == constants.ctLMP2:
if jo.method == constants.ctHF:
jo.method = constants.ctLMP2
elif jo.method == constants.ctROHF:
jo.method = constants.ctROHFLMP2
elif jo.method == constants.ctGVB:
jo.method = constants.ctGVBLMP2
raise JaguarParseError("Unrecognized SCF method for LMP2: %s" %
elif correlation == "RCI":
if jo.method == constants.ctGVB:
jo.method = constants.ctGVBRCI
raise JaguarParseError("Unrecognized SCF method for RCI: %s" %
elif correlation == constants.ctDFT:
if jo.method == constants.ctHF:
jo.method = constants.ctDFT
raise JaguarParseError("Unrecognized SCF method for DFT: %s" %
elif correlation == constants.ctRODFT:
if jo.method == constants.ctROHF:
jo.method = constants.ctRODFT
raise JaguarParseError("Unrecognized SCF method for RODFT: %s" %
elif correlation == constants.ctUDFT:
if jo.method == constants.ctUHF:
jo.method = constants.ctUDFT
raise JaguarParseError("Unrecognized SCF method for UDFT: %s" %
raise JaguarParseError("Unrecognized correlation method: %s" %
[docs]@callback("pre", r"DFT=(\S+)\s*(\(.+\))?")
def functional(tp, jo, m, it):
if m.group(2):
jo.functional = m.group(2)[1:-1]
jo.functional = m.group(1)
[docs]@callback("pre", r"^ *User Defined Functional:")
def custom_functional(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.functional = "User-defined"
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Geometry from &zmat(2|3), &zvar(2|3)")
def qst_geometries(tp, jo, m, it):
# This routine is to skip "Input geometry:" geometries that are
# associated with zmat2 or zmat3.
# Skip lines until we hit "Input geometry:"
while 1:
line = next(it)
if input_geometry_re.match(line):
atoms, mmjag_handle = geometry_read(it, jo.charge)
st = structure.Structure(mm.mmjag_ct_from_zmat(mmjag_handle,
if m.group(1) == "2":
jo.input_geometry2 = st
elif m.group(1) == "3":
jo.input_geometry3 = st
def _store_input_geometry(jo, it):
Store a Structure object at jo.input_geometry for the input geometry,
then replace the initial geometry with the new one.
if jo._results._mmjag_handle is not None:
jo.input_geometry = jo._results.getStructure()
jo._results._mmjag_handle = None
jo._results.atom, jo._results._mmjag_handle = geometry_read(it, jo.charge)
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Symmetrized geometry:")
def symmetrized_geometry(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.symmetrized = True
_store_input_geometry(jo, it)
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Initial geometry: \(interpolated\)")
def qst_initial_geometry(tp, jo, m, it):
_store_input_geometry(jo, it)
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Geometry scan coordinates:(?:\s*\((angstroms|bohr) and " +
def scan_coordinates(tp, jo, m, it):
while 1:
line = next(it)
if blank_line_re.match(line):
[docs]@callback("scanner", r"Geometry scan step\s+\d+\s*:")
def geometry_scan_step(tp, jo, m, it):
found_energy = False
while 1:
line = next(it)
fields = line.split()
while fields:
name = fields.pop(0)
if name == "scan:":
elif name == "energy":
found_energy = True
equals = fields.pop(0)
if equals != '=':
raise JaguarParseError("Expected '=' in scan: position line")
jo._results.scan_value[name] = float(fields.pop(0))
if found_energy:
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Non-default print settings:")
def non_default_print_options(tp, jo, m, it):
int_set_re = re.compile(r"\s*(\d+)\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*")
while 1:
line = next(it)
if blank_line_re.match(line):
m = int_set_re.match(line)
pflag = int(m.group(1))
setting = int(m.group(2))
jo.opts.ip[pflag] = setting
r"Fully analytic SCF calculation: pseudospectral method not used")
def pseudospectral(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.opts.pseudospectral = False
# ch properties
[docs]def gen_charges_spins(attr, tp, jo, m, it):
# FIXME: this function is too complex.
charges = []
names = []
# Skip until we hit a line containing "Atom" (note: QSite prints
# a warning message after the header if there are cuts or hcaps)
while 1:
line = next(it)
if "Atom" in line:
while 1:
if "Atom" in line:
charge_line = next(it)
charges.extend([float(c) for c in charge_line.split()[1:]])
elif "sum of atomic" in line:
elif blank_line_re.match(line):
raise JaguarParseError("Error parsing %s" % attr)
line = next(it)
atom_count = len(jo._results.atom)
for ix in range(atom_count):
setattr(jo._results.atom[ix], attr, charges[ix])
if len(charges) > atom_count:
jo._results.charge_bond_midpoint = []
if jo.opts.esp_fit != results.JaguarOptions.ESP_ATOMS_AND_BOND_MIDPOINTS:
raise JaguarParseError(
"More than %d charges, but not from "
"bond midpoints.", atom_count)
for ix in range(atom_count, len(charges)):
results.BondCharge(names[ix], charges[ix]))
[docs]@callback("ch", r"Atomic charges from electrostatic potential")
def esp_charges(tp, jo, m, it):
return gen_charges_spins("charge_esp", tp, jo, m, it)
[docs]@callback("ch", r"Atomic charges from Lowdin population analysis")
def lowdin_charges(tp, jo, m, it):
return gen_charges_spins("charge_lowdin", tp, jo, m, it)
[docs]@callback("ch", r"Atomic Spin Densities from Lowdin analysis")
def lowdin_spins(tp, jo, m, it):
return gen_charges_spins("spin_lowdin", tp, jo, m, it)
[docs]@callback("ch", r"Atomic charges from Mulliken population analysis")
def mulliken_charges(tp, jo, m, it):
return gen_charges_spins("charge_mulliken", tp, jo, m, it)
[docs]@callback("ch", r"Atomic Spin Densities from Mulliken analysis")
def mulliken_spins(tp, jo, m, it):
return gen_charges_spins("spin_mulliken", tp, jo, m, it)
[docs]@callback("ch", r"Stockholder charges from Hirshfeld partitioning")
def stockholder_charges(tp, jo, m, it):
data_line_re = re.compile(r"\s+\w+\s+(-*\d+.\d+)")
stockholder_charges = []
#find first data line
while 1:
line = next(it)
if data_line_re.match(line):
#parse first line and following data lines
while 1:
m = data_line_re.match(line)
if m:
line = next(it)
atom_count = len(jo._results.atom)
if atom_count != len(stockholder_charges):
raise JaguarParseError(
f"Found different number of Stockholder charges ({len(stockholder_charges)}) than number of atoms ({len(jo._results.atom)})"
for ix in range(atom_count):
setattr(jo._results.atom[ix], 'charge_stockholder',
[docs]def multipole_moments(type_, tp, jo, m, it):
while 1:
line = next(it)
if re.search(r"Dipole Moments.*\(Debye\)", line):
line = next(it)
fields = line.split()
if len(fields) != 8:
raise JaguarParseError(
"Dipole output format has changed; modify multipole_moments routine."
jo._results, "dipole_" + type_,
results.Dipole(type_, float(fields[1]), float(fields[3]),
float(fields[5]), float(fields[7])))
elif blank_line_re.match(line):
[docs]@callback("ch", r"Moments from quantum mechanical wavefunction")
def multipole_qm(tp, jo, m, it):
multipole_moments("qm", tp, jo, m, it)
[docs]@callback("ch", r"Moments from electrostatic potential charges")
def multipole_esp(tp, jo, m, it):
multipole_moments("esp", tp, jo, m, it)
[docs]@callback("ch", r"Moments from Mulliken charges")
def multipole_mulliken(tp, jo, m, it):
multipole_moments("mulliken", tp, jo, m, it)
[docs]@callback("ch", r"Atomic Fukui indices")
def fukui_indices(tp, jo, m, it):
degeneracy_re = re.compile(r"Atom\s+f_NN")
while True:
line = next(it)
if degeneracy_re.search(line):
next(it) # discard the line of dashes
ix = 0
while True:
line = next(it)
if blank_line_re.match(line):
fields = line.split()
name = fields[0]
charges = [float(c) for c in fields[1:]]
if name != jo._results.atom[ix].atom_name:
raise JaguarParseError(
"Fukui indices are not in the same "
"order as atoms in the JaguarResults instance.")
jo._results.atom[ix].fukui_indices = results.FukuiIndices(
ix + 1, name, *charges)
ix += 1
# Electron transfer
# The old ET code (ROHF jobs) produces different output than the new
# code, so we need a very generic pattern for determining
# when to start parsing the lines.
[docs]@callback("etit", r"^ Reading ")
def electron_transfer(tp, jo, m, it):
found = 0
while 1:
line = next(it)
m = re.search(r"S_if =", line)
if m:
found = 1
fields = line.split()
jo._results.et_S_if = float(fields[2])
while 1:
line = next(it)
fields = line.split()
if re.search(r"H_if =", line):
jo._results.et_H_if = float(fields[2])
elif re.search(r"H_ii =", line):
jo._results.et_H_ii = float(fields[2])
elif re.search(r"T_i->f =", line):
jo._results.et_T_if = float(fields[2])
elif found:
# Polarizabilities
r"polarizability \(in AU\) alpha\(\s+([0-9.-]+) eV;\s+([0-9.-]+) eV")
def alpha_fdpolar(tp, jo, m, it):
tmp_freq = float(m.group(2))
tmp_alpha = None
while 1:
line = next(it)
m = re.search(r"alpha=\s+(\S+)", line)
if m:
tmp_alpha = float(m.group(1))
if jo._results.fdpolar_freq1 is None:
jo._results.fdpolar_freq1 = tmp_freq
jo._results.fdpolar_alpha1 = tmp_alpha
elif jo._results.fdpolar_freq2 is None:
jo._results.fdpolar_freq2 = tmp_freq
jo._results.fdpolar_alpha2 = tmp_alpha
raise JaguarParseError(
"There can be only two fdpol alpha calculations, but textparser has found at least 3"
[docs]@callback("fdpol", r"hyperpolarizability \(in AU\) beta\(\s+([0-9.-]+) eV;")
def beta_fdpolar(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.fdpolar_freq3 = float(m.group(1))
while 1:
line = next(it)
m = re.search(r"mean of beta-tensor orientations:\s+(\S+)", line)
if m:
jo._results.fdpolar_beta = float(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("cpolar", r"^ polarizability \(in AU\):")
@callback("polar", r"^ polarizability \(in AU\):")
def alpha_polar(tp, jo, m, it):
while 1:
line = next(it)
m = re.search(r"alpha=\s+(\S+)", line)
if m:
jo._results.polar_alpha = float(m.group(1))
elif re.search(r"Dalpha=", line):
[docs]@callback("cpolar", r"^ first hyperpolarizability \(in AU\):")
def beta_polar(tp, jo, m, it):
while 1:
line = next(it)
m = re.search(r"beta=\s+(\S+)", line)
if m:
jo._results.polar_beta = float(m.group(1))
elif blank_line_re.match(line):
[docs]@callback("cpolar", r"^ second hyperpolarizability \(in AU\):")
def gamma_polar(tp, jo, m, it):
while 1:
line = next(it)
m = re.search(r"gamma=\s+(\S+)", line)
if m:
jo._results.polar_gamma = float(m.group(1))
elif blank_line_re.match(line):
# Electrostatic potential at the nuclei (EPN)
[docs]@callback("elden", r"^ Electrostatic Potential at the Nuclei")
def epn(tp, jo, m, it):
epn = []
atom_label = []
epn_re = re.compile(r"^\s+(\w+)\s+(\S+)\s+\S+")
while 1:
line = next(it)
m = epn_re.search(line)
if m:
elif blank_line_re.match(line):
atom_count = len(jo._results.atom)
if jo.qm_atoms is not None: # QSite job
for ia in range(jo.qm_atoms):
for ix in range(atom_count):
if atom_label[ia] == jo._results.atom[ix].atom_name:
setattr(jo._results.atom[ix], "epn", epn[ia])
for ix in range(atom_count):
setattr(jo._results.atom[ix], "epn", epn[ix])
# ESP analysis on molecular surface
[docs]@callback("elden", r"^ Analysis of ESP on isodensity surface:")
def esp_analysis(tp, jo, m, it):
# FIXME: this function is too complex.
maxat_esp = []
minat_esp = []
atom_label = []
while 1:
line = next(it)
# This matches the old format, prior to EV 112810
if re.search(r"Density isovalue:", line):
line = next(it) # gets the line "Minimum ESP value:"
# This matches the informational messages, if present, about
# missing positive or negative data values
if re.search(r"NOTE:", line):
line = next(it) # gets the line "Minimum ESP value:"
fields = line.split()
if re.search(r"Minimum ESP value:", line):
jo._results.min_esp = float(fields[3])
elif re.search(r"Maximum ESP value:", line):
jo._results.max_esp = float(fields[3])
elif re.search(r"Mean ESP value:", line):
jo._results.mean_esp = float(fields[3])
elif re.search(r"Mean positive ESP value:", line):
jo._results.mean_pos_esp = float(fields[4])
elif re.search(r"Mean negative ESP value:", line):
jo._results.mean_neg_esp = float(fields[4])
elif re.search(r"Variance of positive ESP", line):
jo._results.sig_pos_esp = float(fields[5])
elif re.search(r"Variance of negative ESP", line):
jo._results.sig_neg_esp = float(fields[5])
elif re.search(r"Total ESP variance", line):
jo._results.sig_tot_esp = float(fields[3])
elif re.search(r"ESP balance:", line):
jo._results.balance_esp = float(fields[2])
elif re.search(r"Local polarity:", line):
jo._results.local_pol_esp = float(fields[2])
elif blank_line_re.match(line):
esp_re = re.compile(r"^\s+(\w+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)")
while 1:
line = next(it)
m = esp_re.search(line)
if m:
elif blank_line_re.match(line):
atom_count = len(jo._results.atom)
if jo.qm_atoms is not None: # QSite job
for ia in range(jo.qm_atoms):
for ix in range(atom_count):
if atom_label[ia] == jo._results.atom[ix].atom_name:
setattr(jo._results.atom[ix], "maxat_esp", maxat_esp[ia])
setattr(jo._results.atom[ix], "minat_esp", minat_esp[ia])
for ix in range(atom_count):
setattr(jo._results.atom[ix], "maxat_esp", maxat_esp[ix])
setattr(jo._results.atom[ix], "minat_esp", minat_esp[ix])
# ALIE analysis on molecular surface
[docs]@callback("elden", r"^ Analysis of ALIE on isodensity surface:")
def alie_analysis(tp, jo, m, it):
# FIXME: this function is too complex.
maxat_alie = []
minat_alie = []
atom_label = []
while 1:
line = next(it)
fields = line.split()
if re.search(r"Minimum ALIE value:", line):
jo._results.min_alie = float(fields[3])
elif re.search(r"Maximum ALIE value:", line):
jo._results.max_alie = float(fields[3])
elif re.search(r"Mean ALIE value:", line):
jo._results.mean_alie = float(fields[3])
elif re.search(r"Mean positive ALIE value:", line):
jo._results.mean_pos_alie = float(fields[4])
elif re.search(r"Mean negative ALIE value:", line):
jo._results.mean_neg_alie = float(fields[4])
elif re.search(r"Variance of positive ALIE", line):
jo._results.sig_pos_alie = float(fields[5])
elif re.search(r"Variance of negative ALIE", line):
jo._results.sig_neg_alie = float(fields[5])
elif re.search(r"Total ALIE variance", line):
jo._results.sig_tot_alie = float(fields[3])
elif re.search(r"ALIE balance:", line):
jo._results.balance_alie = float(fields[2])
elif re.search(r"Avg deviation from mean:", line):
jo._results.local_pol_alie = float(fields[4])
elif blank_line_re.match(line):
alie_re = re.compile(r"^\s+(\w+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)")
while 1:
line = next(it)
m = alie_re.search(line)
if m:
elif blank_line_re.match(line):
atom_count = len(jo._results.atom)
if jo.qm_atoms is not None: # QSite job
for ia in range(jo.qm_atoms):
for ix in range(atom_count):
if atom_label[ia] == jo._results.atom[ix].atom_name:
setattr(jo._results.atom[ix], "maxat_alie", maxat_alie[ia])
setattr(jo._results.atom[ix], "minat_alie", minat_alie[ia])
for ix in range(atom_count):
setattr(jo._results.atom[ix], "maxat_alie", maxat_alie[ix])
setattr(jo._results.atom[ix], "minat_alie", minat_alie[ix])
[docs]def get_nmr_shifts(jo, it):
Auxiliary fxn used to parse NMR chemical shifts, called by get_nmr()
absolute = []
relative = []
avg_h = []
avg_2d = []
#get to first line of data
first_line_re = re.compile(r"\s+\d+\s+\w+")
while 1:
line = next(it)
if first_line_re.match(line):
#parse data of line and advance iterator until end is found
while 1:
data = line.split()
for datum, shift_array in zip((data[3], data[4], data[5]),
(relative, avg_h, avg_2d)):
if datum == 'N/A':
line = next(it)
if 'End Shifts' in line:
atom_count = len(jo._results.atom)
if len(absolute) != atom_count:
raise JaguarParseError(
"Found different number of NMR shifts ({len(absolute)}) and atoms ({atom_count})!"
for ix in range(atom_count):
setattr(jo._results.atom[ix], "nmr_abs_shift", absolute[ix])
setattr(jo._results.atom[ix], "nmr_rel_shift", relative[ix])
setattr(jo._results.atom[ix], "nmr_h_avg_shift", avg_h[ix])
setattr(jo._results.atom[ix], "nmr_2d_avg_shift", avg_2d[ix])
[docs]@callback("nmrcphf", r"NMR Properties for atom\s+(\S+)")
def get_nmr(tp, jo, m, it):
shielding = []
atom_label = []
#add very first atom, contained in this fxn's callback regex
# Get the isotropic shielding values and atom labels from the
# nmrcphf output. For QSite with hydrogen caps or frozen orbital
# cuts, the number of shielding values will be less than the
# number of atoms passed to Jaguar. In this case we check the the
# atom labels to make sure we associate the shielding value with
# the right atom index.
iso_re = re.compile(r"Isotropic shielding:\s+(\S+)")
atom_re = re.compile(r"NMR Properties for atom\s+(\S+)")
shift_re = re.compile(r"NMR Chemical Shifts Relative to TMS")
while 1:
line = next(it)
m = iso_re.search(line)
m2 = atom_re.search(line)
m3 = shift_re.search(line)
if m:
elif m2:
elif m3:
get_nmr_shifts(jo, it)
elif "end of program nmrcphf" in line:
atom_count = len(jo._results.atom)
if jo.qm_atoms is not None: # QSite job
for ia in range(jo.qm_atoms):
for ix in range(atom_count):
if atom_label[ia] == jo._results.atom[ix].atom_name:
setattr(jo._results.atom[ix], "nmr_shielding",
for ix in range(atom_count):
setattr(jo._results.atom[ix], "nmr_shielding", shielding[ix])
[docs]@callback("cis", r"CI size =")
def cis_excitation_energies(tp, jo, m, it):
exc_re = re.compile(r"Excited State\s+\d+:\s+(\S+) eV")
osc_re = re.compile(r"Oscillator strength, f=\s+(\S+)")
while 1:
line = next(it)
m = exc_re.search(line)
os = osc_re.search(line)
if m:
if os:
if "end of program cis" in line:
[docs]@callback("stdener", r"Ground State Dipole Moments")
@callback("tdener", r"Ground State Dipole Moments")
@callback("sotdener", r"Ground State Dipole Moments")
def reset_tddft_excitation_energies(tp, jo, m, it):
# Entering a new TDDFT section for a given SCF.
# For solvent calculations etc, it is useful to reset the lists of
# excitation energies from previous SCF steps at this geometry.
jo._results.excitation_energies = []
jo._results.singlet_excitation_energies = []
jo._results.triplet_excitation_energies = []
[docs]@callback("stdener", r"(.*)Excited State\s+\d+:\s+$")
@callback("tdener", r"(.*)Excited State\s+\d+:\s+$")
@callback("sotdener", r"(.*)Excited State\s+\d+:\s+$")
def tddft_excitation_energies(tp, jo, m, it):
exc_re = re.compile(
r"Excitation energy =\s+(\S+) hartrees\s+(\S+) eV\s+(\S+) nm")
osc_re = re.compile(r"Oscillator strength, f=\s+(\S+)")
tdm_re = re.compile(
r"X=\s+(\S+) Y=\s+(\S+) Z=\s+(\S+) Tot=\s+(\S+)")
so_tdm_re = re.compile(
r"X=\(\s*\S+\s+\S+\) Y=\(\s*\S+\s+\S+\) Z=\(\s*\S+\s+\S+\)")
# Small helper function to avoid duplicating code
def add_to_singlet_or_triplet(m, val, singlet_prop, triplet_prop):
if 'Restricted Singlet' in m.group(1):
elif 'Restricted Triplet' in m.group(1):
while 1:
line = next(it)
# Parse excitation energy
ex = exc_re.search(line)
if ex:
val = float(ex.group(2))
add_to_singlet_or_triplet(m, val,
# Parse transition dipole moment
ex = tdm_re.search(line)
so_ex = so_tdm_re.search(line)
found_tdm = False
if ex:
found_tdm = True
val = float(ex.group(4))
elif so_ex:
found_tdm = True
line = next(it)
val = float(line.split("=")[-1])
if found_tdm:
m, val, jo._results.singlet_transition_dipole_moments,
# Parse oscillator strength
os = osc_re.search(line)
if os:
val = float(os.group(1))
add_to_singlet_or_triplet(m, val,
# This callback has the same functionality as the one above and is only needed
# to support parsing of legacy .out files. It should be deleted eventually.
# (See JAGUAR-6906).
[docs]@callback("tdener", r"(.*)Excited State\s+\d+:\s+(\S+) eV")
def tddft_excitation_energies_old(tp, jo, m, it):
# Parse excitation energy
val = float(m.group(2))
if 'Restricted Singlet' in m.group(1):
if 'Restricted Triplet' in m.group(1):
osc_re = re.compile(r"Oscillator strength, f=\s+(\S+)")
tdm_re = re.compile(
r"X=\s+(\S+) Y=\s+(\S+) Z=\s+(\S+) Tot=\s+(\S+)")
# Parse oscillator strength
while 1:
line = next(it)
# Parse transition dipole moment
ex = tdm_re.search(line)
if ex:
val = float(ex.group(4))
if 'Restricted Singlet' in m.group(1):
if 'Restricted Triplet' in m.group(1):
os = osc_re.search(line)
if os:
val = float(os.group(1))
if 'Restricted Singlet' in m.group(1):
if 'Restricted Triplet' in m.group(1):
[docs]@callback("geopt", r"First excited state energy:\s+(\S+) hartrees")
def tddft_geopt_energy(tp, jo, m, it):
# Parse energy of first excited state geometry optimization
jo._results.opt_excited_state_energy_1 = float(m.group(1))
# ZPE/thermochemistry may be part of the freq program results (multi-atom
# systems) or they may be part of the scf program results (single-atom systems)
@callback("freq", r"The zero point energy \(ZPE\):\s+(\S+) k(\w+)/mol")
def zpe(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.zero_point_energy = float(m.group(1))
if (m.group(2) == 'J'):
units = 'joules'
elif (m.group(2) == 'cal'):
units = 'calories'
units = None
end_re = re.compile(r"\s*end of program freq")
# This is how single-atom thermochemistry blocks end
end_re2 = re.compile(r"\s*end of program scf")
temp_pressure_re = re.compile(r"\s*T =\s+(\S+) K, P =\s+(\S+) atm")
thermo_properties = []
while 1:
line = next(it)
m = temp_pressure_re.match(line)
end = end_re.match(line)
end2 = end_re2.match(line)
if end or end2:
elif m:
thermo_helper(float(m.group(1)), float(m.group(2)), units, it))
jo._results.thermo = thermo_properties
[docs]def thermo_helper(temp, press, units, it):
Parse a thermochemical properties section and return a ThermoCollection
trans = next(it).split()
if trans[0] != "trans.":
raise JaguarParseError("Unexpected format in thermo_helper.")
rot = next(it).split()
single_atom = False
if rot[0] != "rot.":
if rot[0] == "elec.":
# This is a single atom system that skips rot and vib output lines
elec = rot
rot = [0.0] * len(trans)
vib = [0.0] * len(trans)
single_atom = True
raise JaguarParseError("Unexpected format in thermo_helper.")
if not single_atom:
vib = next(it).split()
if vib[0] != "vib.":
raise JaguarParseError("Unexpected format in thermo_helper.")
# For formatting change ("vib." -> "vib. (tot)") when individual freq
# components are requested, remove "(tot)" as second element in vib list
if vib[1] == "(tot)":
del vib[1]
# Skip any added formatting (i.e., lines of dots) and individual freq
# components if selected as optional output (option added w/ JAGUAR-7830)
for line in it:
if " ........." not in line and "vib #" not in line:
elec = line.split()
if elec[0] != "elec.":
raise JaguarParseError("Unexpected format in thermo_helper.")
# Skip line of dashes if present (added to format as part of JAGUAR-7830)
line = next(it)
if "----------" in line:
line = next(it)
total = line.split()
if total[0] != "total":
raise JaguarParseError("Unexpected format in thermo_helper.")
#cast list members as floats
for array in [total, trans, rot, vib, elec]:
del array[0]
for index, val in enumerate(array):
# This "not calcd" to 0.0 conversion is a placeholder until
# JAGUAR-8934 is resolved, at which point it should be removed.
# Jaguar was already regarding this "not calcd" as a 0.0 in
# the summary table of the Jaguar output file.
if val == "not" or val == "calcd":
val = 0.0
array[index] = float(val)
UTotal = float(next(it).split()[-2])
HTotal = float(next(it).split()[-2])
GTotal = float(next(it).split()[-2])
return results.ThermoCollection(temp, press, units, total, trans, rot, vib,
elec, UTotal, HTotal, GTotal)
# Freq properties
[docs]@callback("freq", r"Valid transition vector #\s+(\b[0-9]+\b)")
def get_vetted_vec_index(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.vetted_ts_vector_index = int(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("freq", r"normal modes in cartesian coordinates:\s+(\d+)")
r"normal modes in mass-weighted cartesian coordinates:\s+(\d+)")
def frequencies(tp, jo, m, it):
label_map = {
"frequencies": ("frequency", float),
"symmetries": ("symmetry", str),
"intensities": ("ir_intensity", float),
"reduc. mass": ("reduced_mass", float),
"force const": ("force_constant", float),
"D. strength": ("dipole_strength", float),
"R. strength": ("rotational_strength", float),
"Raman Act.": ("raman_activity", float),
"Raman Int.": ("raman_intensity", float)
natoms = len(jo._results.atom)
nfreq = int(m.group(1))
# Assume 6 normal modes per text block
nblocks = 1 + old_div((nfreq - 1), 6)
# Move to next blank line
for line in it:
if blank_line_re.match(line):
# Loop over normal mode text blocks
modes = []
imode = 0
for i in range(nblocks):
# Skip any vibration # headers (added with JAGUAR-7830)
for line in it:
if "vibration #" not in line and " --------" not in line:
field = line.replace('-', ' -').split()
if field[0] != "frequencies":
msg = "Expected 'frequencies' line first in normal mode data block."
raise JaguarParseError(msg)
# Add additional NormalMode objects to the list.
for freq in field[1:]:
freq = float(freq)
except ValueError:
msg = "Unexpected frequency %s in normal mode output." % freq
raise JaguarParseError(msg)
index = len(modes)
modes.append(results.NormalMode(freq, natoms, index))
# The number of normal modes per text block
nbatch = len(field) - 1
# Parse all of the normal mode data in this text block
field = next(it).split()
while field:
# Expect blank line to end text block
label = " ".join(field[:-nbatch])
if label in label_map:
attr, type_ = label_map[label]
for ix, val in enumerate(field[-nbatch:]):
setattr(modes[imode + ix], attr, type_(val))
field = next(it).split()
elif field[0] == jo._results.atom[0].atom_name:
# Parse X,Y,Z displacements for all atoms
ix, jx = -1, -1
for i in range(3 * natoms):
jx = (jx + 1) % 3
if jx == 0:
ix += 1
for kx, val in enumerate(field[2:]):
modes[imode + kx].displacement[ix, jx] = float(val)
field = next(it).split()
msg = "Unexpected format in normal mode output."
raise JaguarParseError(msg)
imode += nbatch
if len(modes) != nfreq:
msg = "Did not find the %d normal modes expected." % nfreq
raise JaguarParseError(msg)
jo._results.normal_mode = modes
# set the vetted ts vector if it exists
if jo._results.vetted_ts_vector_index is not None:
indx = jo._results.vetted_ts_vector_index - 1
if indx >= 0 and indx < nfreq:
jo._results.vetted_ts_vector = jo._results.normal_mode[indx]
raise JaguarParseError(
"Index of vetted TS vector outside of exceptable range (%d)" %
# This callback has the same functionality as the one above and is only needed
# to support parsing of legacy .out files. It should be deleted eventually.
# (See JAGUAR-6869).
[docs]@callback("freq", r"normal modes in cartesian coordinates:\s+$")
def frequencies_old(tp, jo, m, it):
# FIXME: this function is too complex.
for line in it:
if blank_line_re.match(line):
normal_mode = []
ix_mode = 0
t_atoms = len(jo._results.atom)
label_map = {
"frequencies": ("frequency", float),
"symmetries": ("symmetry", str),
"intensities": ("ir_intensity", float),
"reduc. mass": ("reduced_mass", float),
"force const": ("force_constant", float),
"D. strength": ("dipole_strength", float),
"R. strength": ("rotational_strength", float),
"Raman Act.": ("raman_activity", float),
"Raman Int.": ("raman_intensity", float)
while True:
line = next(it)
field = line.replace('-', ' -').split()
# The table ends /
if not field or field[:2] == [
"Writing", "vibrational"
] or field[:2] == ["Writing", "VCD"
] or field[:3] == ["Number", "of", "imaginary"]:
if field[0] != "frequencies":
raise JaguarParseError(
"Expected 'frequencies' line not found in normal mode output.")
# The number of normal modes in the next chunk of the table.
t_modes = len(field) - 1
# Add additional NormalMode objects to the list.
for count, freq in enumerate(field[1:]):
freq = float(freq)
except ValueError:
raise JaguarParseError(
"Unexpected frequency in normal mode output.")
results.NormalMode(freq, t_atoms, ix_mode + count))
# Parse all of the normal mode property lines.
while True:
field = next(it).split()
if not field:
label = " ".join(field[:-t_modes])
label_info = label_map.get(label, None)
if label_info:
attr, type_ = label_info
for ix, value in enumerate(field[-t_modes:]):
setattr(normal_mode[ix_mode + ix], attr, type_(value))
elif field[0] == jo._results.atom[0].atom_name:
raise JaguarParseError(
"Unexpected format in normal mode output.")
# Parse the atomic displacements
ix, jx = -1, -1
while True:
if not field:
jx = (jx + 1) % 3
if jx == 0:
ix += 1
for kx, value in enumerate(field[2:]):
normal_mode[ix_mode + kx].displacement[ix, jx] = float(value)
field = next(it).split()
ix_mode += t_modes
jo._results.normal_mode = normal_mode
[docs]def jobid(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.job_id = m.group(1)
TextParser.callback.setdefault("before pre", {})[jobid_re] = jobid
[docs]@callback(None, r"start of program (\w+)")
def start_of_program(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.lastexe = m.group(1)
tp.search_items = list(
tp.callback[m.group(1)].items()) + tp.general_search_items
except KeyError:
tp.search_items = tp.general_search_items
[docs]@callback(None, r"glibc:\s+(\S+)")
def glibc(tp, jo, m, it):
jo.glibc = m.group(1)
[docs]@callback(None, r"\s+Summary of Natural Population Analysis:")
def nbo_charges(tp, jo, m, it):
#skip 5 lines
for i in range(5):
line = next(it)
nbo_charges = []
while 1:
line = next(it)
if '====' in line:
atom_count = len(jo._results.atom)
if atom_count != len(nbo_charges):
raise JaguarParseError(
f"Found different number of NBO charges ({len(nbo_charges)}) and atoms ({atom_count})!"
for ix in range(atom_count):
setattr(jo._results.atom[ix], "charge_nbo", nbo_charges[ix])
[docs]@callback(None, r"Job .+ completed on \S+ at (\w.*)$")
def end_time(tp, jo, m, it):
lc = locale.getlocale(locale.LC_TIME)
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, "C")
ts = time.mktime(time.strptime(m.group(1)))
jo.end_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts)
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, lc)
jo.status = jo.OK
[docs]@callback(None, r"ERROR *(\d+)?: fatal error( -- debug information follows)?")
def fatal_error(tp, jo, m, it):
# This line can be at least "Jaguar cannot recover..." and
# "NBO cannot recover...":
splat_re = re.compile(r"cannot recover from this error")
jo.status = jo.SPLAT
# skip initial blank lines
for line in it:
if not blank_line_re.match(line):
error_msg = [line]
for line in it:
if splat_re.search(line):
# pop off the last line of -'s
if len(error_msg) > 1:
while blank_line_re.match(error_msg[-1]):
jo.fatal_error = "".join(error_msg)
jo.fatal_errorno = m.group(1)
# LOC properties
[docs]@callback("pre", r"Total LO correction:\s+(\S+)\s+kcal/mole")
def total_lo_correction(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.total_lo_correction = float(m.group(1))
r"Target molecule has a ligand field spin-splitting score of\s+(\S+)")
def spin_splitting_score(tp, jo, m, it):
jo._results.spin_splitting_score = float(m.group(1))
[docs]@callback("pre", r"rotational constants:")
@callback("geopt", r"rotational constants:")
def rotational_constants(tp, jo, m, it):
line = next(it)
regex = r"\s*cm\^\(-1\):\s+([0-9]*\.[0-9]*|infinite)\s*([0-9]*\.[0-9]*)*\s*([0-9]*\.[0-9]*)*"
re_rc = re.compile(regex)
matches = re_rc.match(line)
if matches:
jo._results.rotational_constants = []
for constant in matches.groups():
if "infinite" not in constant:
[docs]@callback("freq", r"\s*rotational symmetry number:\s+([0-9]+)")
def symmetry_number(tp, jo, m, it):
if m:
jo._results.symmetry_number = int(m.groups()[0])