Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.constant_ph
Constant pH command line UI
Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
import argparse
from typing import List
import sys
from schrodinger.application.desmond.constants import UiMode
from . import cmdline
from .cmdline import Option
[docs]class Args(cmdline.BaseArgs):
def mode(self) -> UiMode:
if self.extend:
return UiMode.EXTEND
elif self.checkpoint or self.restart:
return UiMode.RESTART
return UiMode.NEW
[docs] def validate(self):
:raise SystemExit: For invalid parameters.
from schrodinger.application.scisol.packages.fep import utils as scisol_utils
# Flatten list to simplify parsing
self.titratable_sites = list(
if self.mode == UiMode.NEW and not self.titratable_sites:
"-titratable-site must be specified. "
"Use '-titratable-site all' to titrate all titratable sites.")
[docs]def ui(argv: List[str]) -> Args:
Parse the arguments and return an object containing the values.
usage = """
Runs a constant-pH simulation. This only works with the S-OPLS forcefield.
* Run a new job:
$SCHRODINGER/constant_ph input.mae -time 5000.0 -HOST <job-host> -JOBNAME <jobname> -titratable-site all
* Restart a previously interrupted job:
$SCHRODINGER/constant_ph input.mae -HOST <job-host> -JOBNAME <jobname> -RESTART
* Extend a completed job:
$SCHRODINGER/constant_ph input.mae -time 1000.0 -HOST <job-host> -JOBNAME <jobname> -extend
options = cmdline.get_common_options()
# name default help [dest]
Option("inp_file", None, "A Maestro structure file"),
"-time", 5000.0,
"Specify time (in ps) for the production simulation stage."
" Default: %(default)s. "),
"-titratable-site", [], "Specify the titratable site to consider "
"in the format 'A:2B' or 'chain:resnum[inscode]'. "
"If no insertion code is present, just leave it off 'A:2'. "
" '_' can be used to indicate an blank chain letter in '_:2'."
" Only ASP/GLU/HIS residues may be titrated. Use 'all' "
" to mark all supported residues as titratable. "
" You may pass in the argument multiple times for multiple sites. ",
'nargs': 1,
'action': 'extend',
'dest': 'titratable_sites'
"-skip-sidechain-mapping", False, argparse.SUPPRESS
# "Set to skip mapping the side chains"
), # Probably will become default True once the backend supports this
Option("-ph-lower-limit", 0.5,
"Set to the lower limit of pH's to run simulations at."),
Option("-ph-upper-limit", 9.0,
"Set to the upper limit of pH's to run simulations at."),
Option("-ph-interval", 0.5,
"Set to the interval in pH units to run the simulations at."),
Option("-extend", False,
"Set to True to run an extension for the original job."),
options, {
"-skip_traj", "-checkpoint", "-buffer", "-no_concat", "-m", "-ff",
"-lambda-windows", "-ffbuilder", "-ff-host"
args = cmdline.parse_options(usage, options, argv[1:], add_subhost=False)
return Args(args)