Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.packages.msys.atomsel
import os
from past.utils import old_div
import numpy
[docs]class Atomsel(object):
''' Supports alignment of molecular structures '''
__slots__ = ('_ptr', '_ids', '_seltext')
''' atom selection object '''
[docs] def __init__(self, ptr, seltext):
''' don't use directly - use System.atomsel() '''
self._ptr = ptr
self._ids = ptr.selectAsArray(seltext)
self._seltext = seltext
[docs] def __len__(self):
''' number of selected atoms '''
return len(self._ids)
def __str__(self):
return self._seltext
def __repr__(self):
return "<Atomsel '%s'>" % self._seltext
def ids(self):
''' ids of selected atoms in the parent system '''
return self._ids
def system(self):
''' parent system '''
if "SCHRODINGER" not in os.environ:
from msys import System
from schrodinger.application.desmond.packages.msys import System
return System(self._ptr)
[docs] def getPositions(self):
return self._ptr.getPositions(self._ids)
def _positions(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Atomsel):
opos = other.getPositions()
elif isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray):
opos = other
if len(other) == self._ptr.atomCount():
opos = other[self._ids]
opos = other.copy()
raise TypeError("Require either msys.Atomsel or numpy.ndarray")
if len(self) != len(opos):
raise ValueError("Size mismatch: self (%d) != other (%d)" %
(len(self), len(other)))
return opos
[docs] def raw_alignment(self, other):
''' Compute alignment to other object. Compute and return
aligned rmsd, and rotational and translational transformations. '''
rpos = self.getPositions()
opos = self._positions(other)
if len(rpos) == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"Empty atom selection '%s' - cannot compute alignment" % self)
rcenter = rpos.mean(0)
ocenter = opos.mean(0)
rpos -= rcenter
opos -= ocenter
c =, opos)
v, s, w_tr = numpy.linalg.svd(c)
is_reflection = (numpy.linalg.det(v) * numpy.linalg.det(w_tr)) < 0.0
if is_reflection:
s[-1] = -s[-1]
v[:, -1] = -v[:, -1]
rx =, w_tr).transpose()
rpos *= rpos
opos *= opos
E0 = rpos.sum() + opos.sum()
msd = old_div((E0 - 2.0 * s.sum()), len(rpos))
msd = max([msd, 0.0])
tx = rcenter -, rx)
return numpy.sqrt(msd), rx, tx
[docs] def currentRMSD(self, other):
''' compute RMS distance to other object, which may be
Atomsel or an array of positions. In either it must be
the case that len(other) equals len(self) or len(self.system)
dx = self.getPositions()
dx -= self._positions(other)
dx *= dx
return numpy.sqrt(old_div(dx.sum(), len(dx)))
[docs] def alignedRMSD(self, other):
''' Return the aligned rmsd to other. '''
return self.raw_alignment(other)[0]
[docs] def alignCoordinates(self, other):
''' If other is an Atomsel instance, align the coordinates of
other's System with self. If other is a numpy array, align
the array with self, using corresponding indices.
In either case, return the aligned RMSD.
dx, rx, tx = self.raw_alignment(other)
if isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray):
pos = other
pos[:] =, rx)
pos += tx
elif isinstance(other, Atomsel):
pos = other.system.getPositions()
pos[:] =, rx)
pos += tx
assert False
return dx