import itertools
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import namedtuple
from operator import itemgetter
from past.utils import old_div
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from functools import cached_property
import numpy
# NOTE: It is very important that these imports do not
# load any modules that load the QT libraries.
# This was causing segfaults in the fep_analysis stage (DESMOND-8985).
import schrodinger.structure as structure
from schrodinger.application.desmond import constants
from schrodinger.application.desmond import smarts
from schrodinger.application.desmond.fep_edge_data_classifier import CONVERGENCE
from schrodinger.application.desmond.fep_edge_data_classifier import LIGAND_RMSD
from schrodinger.application.desmond.fep_edge_data_classifier import \
from schrodinger.application.desmond.fep_edge_data_classifier import Rating
from schrodinger.application.desmond.fep_edge_data_classifier import rate
from schrodinger.application.desmond.measurement import Measurement
from schrodinger.structure import Structure
from schrodinger.structutils import smiles as smiles_mod
from schrodinger.structutils.analyze import evaluate_asl
from schrodinger.structutils.analyze import generate_molecular_formula
from schrodinger.application.desmond.solubility_utils import median_sublimation_free_energy
constants.FEP_TYPES.SMALL_MOLECULE: 'Solvent',
constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_STABILITY: 'Frag. Solvent',
constants.FEP_TYPES.COVALENT_LIGAND: 'Frag. Solvent',
constants.FEP_TYPES.METALLOPROTEIN: 'Solvent',
constants.FEP_TYPES.ABSOLUTE_BINDING: 'Solvent',
constants.FEP_TYPES.SOLUBILITY: 'Hydration'
constants.FEP_TYPES.SMALL_MOLECULE: 'Complex',
constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_SELECTIVITY: 'ProteinA-ProteinB Complex',
constants.FEP_TYPES.COVALENT_LIGAND: 'Complex',
constants.FEP_TYPES.METALLOPROTEIN: 'Complex',
constants.FEP_TYPES.ABSOLUTE_BINDING: 'Complex',
constants.FEP_TYPES.SOLUBILITY: 'Sublimation'
ORI_MOL = "i_m_original_molecule"
'prm_stability': constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_STABILITY,
'prm_ligand_selectivity': constants.FEP_TYPES.LIGAND_SELECTIVITY,
'prm_affinity': constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_SELECTIVITY,
'small_molecule': constants.FEP_TYPES.SMALL_MOLECULE,
'covalent_ligand': constants.FEP_TYPES.COVALENT_LIGAND,
'metalloprotein': constants.FEP_TYPES.METALLOPROTEIN
[docs]def water_mol(respdb: str) -> structure.Structure:
Return a water molecule CT.
hoh = structure.create_new_structure()
hoh.addAtom('O', 0., 0., 0., atom_type=16)
hoh.addAtom('H', -0.7722, 0.4299, 0.4680, atom_type=42)
hoh.addAtom('H', 0.6347, -0.3724, 0.6771, atom_type=42)
hoh.addBond(1, 2, 1)
hoh.addBond(1, 3, 1)
for res in hoh.residue:
res.pdbres = respdb.ljust(4)
res.resnum = 1
return hoh
[docs]def tag_protein(proteinA, proteinB):
This is function was adopted from:
This proceeds in several steps for mutation of protein A -> protein B
Loop over all other atoms in the two full length proteins and assign
1:1 atom mapping. For the mutated residue, it might put some wrong
numbers in, but it is fine as the correct value will later overwrite
:param proteinA: protein A
:type proteinA: structure
:param proteinB: protein B
:type proteinB: structure
pos_dict = {}
pdb_dict = {}
for atom in proteinA.atom:
pos_dict.setdefault((atom.x, atom.y, atom.z), []).append(atom)
(atom.chain, atom.resnum, atom.inscode, atom.pdbname),
for atomB in proteinB.atom:
atomAlist = pos_dict.get((atomB.x, atomB.y, atomB.z), [])
if len(atomAlist) != 1:
atomAlist = pdb_dict.get(
(atomB.chain, atomB.resnum, atomB.inscode, atomB.pdbname), [])
if len(atomAlist) != 1:
atomA = atomAlist[0][constants.FEP_MAPPING] = atomA.index
wt, mut = [], []
for atom in proteinB.atom:
if constants.FEP_MAPPING in
return [wt, mut]
[docs]def get_fep_simulation_details(
*, complex_sid: Dict[str, object],
solvent_sid: Dict[str, object]) -> Dict[str, object]:
for sim_detail in (complex_sid, solvent_sid):
if 'ReleaseVersion' not in sim_detail:
sim_detail['ReleaseVersion'] = 'Unknown'
return {'solvent': solvent_sid, 'complex': complex_sid}
def _calculate_rmsf(atoms, rmsf, st):
Calculate the RMSF per residue.
:type atoms: List[int]
:param atoms: List of atom indicies.
:type rmsf: List[float]
:param rmsf: List of RMSF values.
:type st: `schrodinger.structure.Structure` object
:param st: Input structure, must have constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX atom property.
:rtype: List[float]
:return: The RMSF for each residue.
# some receptor files may contain cofactors and waters, so lets just
# look at the backbone atoms
atom_list = [
for a in st.atom
if[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX] in atoms
extracted_st = st.extract(atom_list)
nres = 0
res2atom = {}
for ires, res in enumerate(structure.get_residues_unsorted(extracted_st)):
nres += 1
res2atom[ires] = [[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX] for a in res.atom
res2rmsf = []
for ires in range(nres):
res_sum = sum(rmsf[atoms.index(iatom)] for iatom in res2atom[ires])
res2rmsf.append(res_sum / len(res2atom[ires]))
return res2rmsf
def _get_rb_potential(energy, conformation):
return the list of energy values for rotatable bonds by linear interpolation
of values give and -180..180 degrees with 10 degree increments
:param energy: the rotatable bond energy values from -180 to 180 degrees in
steps of 10 degrees or None
:type energy: list(float) or NoneType
:param conformation: list of rotatable bond angles to get the energy values
:type conformation: list(float)
:return: the list of rotatable bond potential energy values at the angles
given in `conformation`
:rtype: list(float)
if energy is None:
return [0.0] * len(conformation)
angles = list(range(-180, 181, 10))
pot = []
for conf in conformation:
i_start = len(angles) - 2
for i, start in enumerate(angles[0:-1]):
end = angles[i + 1]
if start <= conf and end > conf:
i_start = i
# interpolate potential at 'conf' using simple line (y=mx+b)
# equation
e1 = energy[i_start]
e2 = energy[i_start + 1]
ang_diff = angles[i_start + 1] - angles[i_start]
x = (conf - angles[i_start]) / ang_diff
b = e1
m = e2 - e1
potential = (m * x) + b
return pot
[docs]class ResData(namedtuple("ResData", ["molnum", "chain", "name", "number"])):
A class to store the molecule number, chain, name, and number of a residue
def _get_common_name(res):
substitute_dict = {
'HIE': 'HIS',
'HID': 'HIS',
'HIP': 'HIS',
'CYX': 'CYS',
'LYN': 'LYS',
'ARN': 'ARG',
'ASH': 'ASP',
'GLH': 'GLU'
if res in substitute_dict:
return substitute_dict[res]
return res
[docs] def fullName(self):
Return a string of the residue data formatted as chain:resname_resnum
:return: The formatted residue data
:rtype: str
return "%s:%s_%d" % (self[1], self._get_common_name(self[2]), self[3])
[docs]class FEPTorsions:
:cvar NULL_Y_LIM: The default y min and max for plots which don't contain torsion
:vartype: tuple(int, int)
NULL_Y_LIM = (-1, 1)
[docs] def __init__(self,
self._ark_sol = ark_sol
self._ark_cpx = ark_cpx
self._bins = [-180 + x * 10 for x in range(37)]
self._sol_idx_offset = sol_idx_offset
self._cpx_idx_offset = cpx_idx_offset
self._pot = None
def sol_result(self):
return self._ark_sol and self._ark_sol.Result.val
def cpx_result(self):
return self._ark_cpx and self._ark_cpx.Result.val
def max_potential_energy(self):
pot_max = max(self.potential_energy)
return pot_max * self.Y_AXIS_SCALE
def potential_energy(self):
Returns potential energy that's offset to zero
if self._pot:
return self._pot
if ((self._ark_cpx and 'RBPotential' not in self._ark_cpx) and
(self._ark_sol and 'RBPotential' not in self._ark_sol)):
pot = [0.0] * 37
elif 'RBPotential' in self._ark_cpx:
pot = self._ark_cpx.RBPotential.val
pot = self._ark_sol.RBPotential.val
pot_min = min(pot)
self._pot = [x - pot_min for x in pot]
return self._pot
def starting_conformation(self):
:return: the starting conformation's torsion value, with a preference
for the value in the complex. None if not found.
:rtype: float or NoneType
for ark in (self._ark_cpx, self._ark_sol):
if ark and 'StartingConformation' in ark:
return ark.StartingConformation.val
return None
def strain(self):
:return: the value (float) and standard deviation (float) tuples for
torsion strain in the complex and solvent, i.e.,
((cpx_val, cpx_std_dev), (sol_val, sol_st_dev)).
If the complex or solution didn't have torsion values None will be
returned for the tuple in question
:rtype: tuple
def mean_std(angles):
if not angles:
return None
values = _get_rb_potential(self.potential_energy, angles)
return (numpy.mean(values), numpy.std(values))
return tuple(
mean_std(res) for res in (self.cpx_result, self.sol_result))
def _sol_atoms(self):
if not self._ark_sol:
return self._cpx_atoms
aids = [
self._ark_sol.a1.val, self._ark_sol.a2.val, self._ark_sol.a3.val,
return [a - self._sol_idx_offset for a in aids]
def _cpx_atoms(self):
aids = [
self._ark_cpx.a1.val, self._ark_cpx.a2.val, self._ark_cpx.a3.val,
return [a - self._cpx_idx_offset for a in aids]
def __repr__(self):
"""Print Torsion atoms used in the torsion scan."""
(a1, a2, a3, a4) = self._sol_atoms
return "FEPTorsion_%i-%i-%i-%i" % (a1, a2, a3, a4)
def _prepare_plot(self, ax, ax2, hist_tick_pos):
ax.set_xlim(-200, 200)
ax2.set_xlim(-200, 200)
ax2.set_xticks([-180, -90, 0, 90, 180])
if hist_tick_pos is not None:
def _add_strain_info(self, axis, for_print):
Add the strain text to the axis, if available
:param axis: the axis to add the strain to
:type axis: matplotlib.axes.Axes
:param for_print: whether the info is for print purposes
:type for_print: bool
cpx, sol = self.strain
if cpx is None and sol is None:
strain_x, value_x = -205, 5
txt_y = self.max_potential_energy * -0.02
kwargs = {'verticalalignment': 'top', 'fontsize': 6 if for_print else 8}
axis.text(strain_x, txt_y, 'strain', **kwargs)
if cpx is not None:
axis.text(value_x, txt_y, f'cpx: {_strain_text(cpx)}', **kwargs)
if sol is not None:
kwargs['horizontalalignment'] = 'right'
axis.text(-value_x, txt_y, f'sol: {_strain_text(sol)}', **kwargs)
[docs] def plot(self,
ax2 = ax.twinx()
self._prepare_plot(ax, ax2, hist_tick_pos)
if self.sol_result:
range=(-180, 180),
range=(-180, 180),
if pot_tick_pos is not None:
ax2.set_ylim(0, self.max_potential_energy)
ax2.plot(self._bins, self.potential_energy, '-', color='#0C2C84')
if self.starting_conformation is not None:
self._add_strain_info(ax2, for_print)
if len(set(self.potential_energy)) == 1:
ax2.set_yticklabels(["", "", 0.0, "", ""])
tick_vals, tick_labels = get_ticks(0, self.max_potential_energy,
for tick in ax2.get_yticklabels():
if for_print:
# NOTE: This imports QT libraries, so needs to be delayed to
# prevent conflicts with multisim (DESMOND-8985).
from schrodinger.application.desmond.report_helper import \
for tick in ax.get_xticklabels():
change_plot_colors(ax2, spines=True)
for tick in ax2.get_yticklabels():
return ax2
[docs]class FEPTorsionsContainer:
Class that stores torsions for a single ligand. These torsions are
from both solvent and complex legs of the simulations, corresponding
to a single lambda value.
[docs] def __init__(self,
self._sol_sea_list = sol_torsions_sea_list
self._cpx_sea_list = cpx_torsions_sea_list
self._sol_idx_offset = sol_idx_offset
self._cpx_idx_offset = cpx_idx_offset
self._perturbation_type = perturbation_type
self._matched_tors = []
self._unmatched_tors = []
def _check_tors(self):
if self._perturbation_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.LIGAND_SELECTIVITY:
self._sol_sea_list = [(None, None)] * len(self._cpx_sea_list)
if len(self._sol_sea_list) != len(self._cpx_sea_list):
print("ERROR: inconsistent number of torsions in the ligand's sol"
" and cpx sims")
def _process_tors(self):
for sol, cpx in zip(self._sol_sea_list, self._cpx_sea_list):
ft = FEPTorsions(sol[1],
if sol[0] is not None and cpx[0] is not None:
def matched_tors(self):
return self._matched_tors
def unmatched_tors(self):
return self._unmatched_tors
def all_tors(self):
return self._matched_tors + self._unmatched_tors
def matched_total(self):
return len(self._matched_tors)
def unmatched_total(self):
return len(self._unmatched_tors)
def tors_total(self):
return len(self._unmatched_tors) + len(self._matched_tors)
[docs]class FEPEdgeData:
FEPEdgeData contains all the data related to an FEP perturbation. This
includes both solvent and complex legs of the simulations as well as
analysis results produced by SID.
_pl_inter_names = ['H-bonds', 'Hydrophobic', 'Ionic', 'Water bridges']
_pl_type = {
'hb': [0, 1, 9, 10],
'hphb': [2, 3, 4],
'ion': [5, 6, 11, 12],
'wb': [7, 8]
_pl_code = {'hb': 0, 'hphb': 1, 'ion': 2, 'wb': 3}
_pl_detail_inter_type = {
0: [0, '#762A83', 'Backbone donor'],
1: [0, '#AF8DC3', 'Backbone acceptor'],
9: [0, '#D9F0D3', 'Side-chain donor'],
10: [0, '#7FBF7B', 'Side-chain acceptor'],
2: [1, '#FB9A99', 'Other'],
3: [1, '#33A02C', 'Pi-Pi stacking'],
4: [1, '#B2DF8A', 'Pi-cation'],
5: [2, '#2C7BB6', 'Side chains'],
6: [2, '#A6BDDB', 'Backbone'],
11: [2, '#99D8C9', 'Side chain metal-mediated'],
12: [2, '#E5F5F9', 'Backbone metal-mediated'],
7: [3, '#D01C8B', 'Donor'],
8: [3, '#4DAC26', 'Acceptor']
_pl_contact_types = [
'hbonds', 'hydrophobic', 'pi_pi', 'pi_cat', 'polar', 'water_br', 'metal'
[docs] def __init__(self,
:type complex_sea: `sea`
:param complex_sea: SEA object with results pertaining to the complex
leg of the FEP calculation
:type solvent_sea: `sea`
:param solvent_sea: SEA object with results pertaining to the solvent
leg of the FEP calculation
:type pv_st: `schrodinger.Structure`
:param pv_st: PoseViewer file must contain 3 structures..
[receptor, lig1, lig2]; otherwise it's None
:type atom_mapping: tuple(int, int)
:param atom_mapping: mapping of ligand2 to ligand1 atoms
:type ddg_corrections_map: `Dict[str, Measurement]` or None
self._complex_sea = complex_sea
self._solvent_sea = solvent_sea
self._atom_mapping = atom_mapping
self._ddg_corrections_map = ddg_corrections_map
self.perturbation_type = OLD_TO_NEW_FEP_TYPES.get(
perturbation_type, perturbation_type)
self._pv_st = None
if (pv_st and len(pv_st) == 3 and perturbation_type in [
pv_st[0] = self._init_protein_st(pv_st[0])
self._pv_st = pv_st
if self._complex_sea:
if self._solvent_sea:
self._cpx_sid_protein_residues = None
self._cpx_sid_pl_results = None
self._cpx_sid_lp_results = None
self._receptor_residue_sequence_list = None
self._ligand1_fep_tors = None
self._ligand2_fep_tors = None
self._fullsystem_ct = None
self._receptor_st = None
self._ligand1_st = None
self._ligand2_st = None
self._pl_contact_data0 = None
self._pl_contact_data1 = None
def _initSIDVariables(self):
self._sol_sid_lambda0_rmsd = {}
self._sol_sid_lambda1_rmsd = {}
self._sol_sid_lambda0_rmsf = {}
self._sol_sid_lambda1_rmsf = {}
self._ark_sol_sid_lambda0_torsion = []
self._ark_sol_sid_lambda1_torsion = []
self._ligand1_sol_sid_rgyr = []
self._ligand2_sol_sid_rgyr = []
self._ligand1_sol_sid_psa = []
self._ligand2_sol_sid_psa = []
self._ligand1_sol_sid_sasa = []
self._ligand2_sol_sid_sasa = []
self._ligand1_sol_sid_molsa = []
self._ligand2_sol_sid_molsa = []
self._ligand1_sol_sid_lighb = []
self._ligand2_sol_sid_lighb = []
self._cpx_sid_lambda0_rmsd = {}
self._cpx_sid_lambda1_rmsd = {}
self._cpx_sid_lambda0_rmsf = {}
self._cpx_sid_lambda1_rmsf = {}
self._cpx_sid_lambda0_sse = []
self._cpx_sid_lambda1_sse = []
self._cpx_sid_lambda0_ppi = {}
self._cpx_sid_lambda1_ppi = {}
self._ark_cpx_sid_lambda0_torsion = []
self._ark_cpx_sid_lambda1_torsion = []
self._ark_cpx_sid_lambda0_pli = None
self._ark_cpx_sid_lambda1_pli = None
self._ligand1_cpx_sid_rgyr = []
self._ligand2_cpx_sid_rgyr = []
self._ligand1_cpx_sid_psa = []
self._ligand2_cpx_sid_psa = []
self._ligand1_cpx_sid_sasa = []
self._ligand2_cpx_sid_sasa = []
self._ligand1_cpx_sid_molsa = []
self._ligand2_cpx_sid_molsa = []
self._ligand1_cpx_sid_lighb = []
self._ligand2_cpx_sid_lighb = []
[docs] def rate(self, name: str) -> Rating:
Return rating for the FEP edge data with the given `name`. The valid
names can be found in
if name == LIGAND_RMSD:
return rate(LIGAND_RMSD, (self.ligand1_cpx_sid_rmsd(stats=False),
elif name == CONVERGENCE:
return rate(CONVERGENCE,
(self.cpx_start_time_ns, self.cpx_end_time_ns,
elif name == REST_EXCHANGE:
return rate(REST_EXCHANGE, self.cpx_rest_exchanges)
return Rating.NA
def fep_simulation_details(self):
sim_details = get_fep_simulation_details(
sim_details['complex']['LambdaWindows'] = self.cpx_total_replicas
sim_details['solvent']['LambdaWindows'] = self.sol_total_replicas
return sim_details
def _init_protein_st(self, prot_st, zob_waters=True):
This method cleans up the pv file by:
1) removes non-ZOB waters
2) adds property of original indices
water_smarts = ["[H]O[H]"]
zob_water_smarts = ["[H]O([H])_[*]", "[H]O[H]_[*]"]
if zob_waters:
water_atoms = smarts.evaluate_net_smarts(prot_st, water_smarts,
water_atoms = smarts.evaluate_net_smarts(prot_st, water_smarts,
nwater = len(water_atoms)
if nwater and nwater != prot_st.atom_total:
for atom in prot_st.atom:[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX] = atom.index[ORI_MOL] = atom.molecule_number
return prot_st
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_smiles(st):
rtype: str
return: Generate SMILES from a given ligand structure.
smiles_gen = smiles_mod.SmilesGenerator()
return smiles_gen.getSmiles(st)
def atom_mapping(self):
return self._atom_mapping
def _getLigandFragments(self, sid_pli, offset_by_receptor_natoms):
if sid_pli is None:
return None
offset = self.receptor_total_atom if offset_by_receptor_natoms else 0
dlf = sid_pli['DictLigandFragment'].val
return self._ligand_fragments(dlf, offset)
[docs] def ligand1_fragments(self, offset_by_receptor_natoms=True):
return self._getLigandFragments(self._ark_cpx_sid_lambda0_pli,
[docs] def ligand2_fragments(self, offset_by_receptor_natoms=True):
return self._getLigandFragments(self._ark_cpx_sid_lambda1_pli,
def _ligand_fragments(self, ark_obj, offset=0):
Return the dictionary of atom fragments for ligand. The atom
numbers are in the context of a protein-ligand complex, so we need to
offset the atom values by the atom number in the protein/receptor.
new_dict = {}
for k, v in ark_obj:
new_dict[k] = [x - offset for x in v]
return new_dict
def _parse_sol_sid(self):
sid_list = self._ark_sol_sid_list
if len(sid_list) < 2:
ret_dict = parse_sid(sid_list[0])
self._sol_sid_lambda0_rmsd = self._parse_sid_rms(ret_dict['RMSD'])
self._sol_sid_lambda0_rmsf = self._parse_sid_rms(ret_dict['RMSF'])
self._ark_sol_sid_lambda0_torsion = ret_dict['Torsion']
self._ligand1_sol_sid_rgyr = ret_dict['Rad_Gyration']['Result'].val
self._ligand1_sol_sid_psa = ret_dict['Polar_Surface_Area']['Result'].val
self._ligand1_sol_sid_sasa = ret_dict['SA_Surface_Area']['Result'].val
self._ligand1_sol_sid_molsa = ret_dict['Molecular_Surface_Area'][
self._ligand1_sol_sid_lighb = ret_dict['LigandHBonds']['Result'].val
ret_dict = parse_sid(sid_list[1])
self._sol_sid_lambda1_rmsd = self._parse_sid_rms(ret_dict['RMSD'])
self._sol_sid_lambda1_rmsf = self._parse_sid_rms(ret_dict['RMSF'])
self._ark_sol_sid_lambda1_torsion = ret_dict['Torsion']
self._ligand2_sol_sid_rgyr = ret_dict['Rad_Gyration']['Result'].val
self._ligand2_sol_sid_psa = ret_dict['Polar_Surface_Area']['Result'].val
self._ligand2_sol_sid_sasa = ret_dict['SA_Surface_Area']['Result'].val
self._ligand2_sol_sid_molsa = ret_dict['Molecular_Surface_Area'][
self._ligand2_sol_sid_lighb = ret_dict['LigandHBonds']['Result'].val
[docs] def ligand1_sol_sid_rb_strain(self, stats=True):
val = self._get_ligand_strain(self._ark_sol_sid_lambda0_torsion)
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand2_sol_sid_rb_strain(self, stats=True):
val = self._get_ligand_strain(self._ark_sol_sid_lambda1_torsion)
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand1_cpx_sid_rb_strain(self, stats=True):
val = self._get_ligand_strain(self._ark_cpx_sid_lambda0_torsion)
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand2_cpx_sid_rb_strain(self, stats=True):
val = self._get_ligand_strain(self._ark_cpx_sid_lambda1_torsion)
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
def _get_ligand_strain(self, ark_torsion):
if not ark_torsion:
return [0.]
strain = []
for torsion in ark_torsion:
tval = torsion["Result"].val
p = torsion["RBPotential"].val
except KeyError:
p = None
strain.append(_get_rb_potential(p, tval))
# add potentials of all torsions
return numpy.array(strain).sum(axis=0)
def _get_ligand_torsions(self, sol_idx_offsets, cpx_idx_offsets):
:type sol_idx_offsets: (int, int)
:param sol_idx_offsets: Offset for the solvent ligand atom idx
in lambda0 and lambda1 respectively.
:type cpx_idx_offsets: (int, int)
:param cpx_idx_offsets: Offset for the complex ligand atom idx
in lambda0 and lambda1 respectively.
:rtype: (`FEPTorsionsContainer` object, `FEPTorsionsContainer` object)
:return: `FEPTorsionsContainer` objects for lambda0 and lambda1.
def sort_tors(ark_obj):
This method sorts and organizes the torsions in specific way
ret = []
for tor in ark_obj:
fep_pair = None
if 'FEP_pair' in tor:
fep_pair = tor['FEP_pair'].val
ret.append((fep_pair, tor))
return ret
if not self._ligand1_fep_tors:
self._ligand1_fep_tors = FEPTorsionsContainer(
if not self._ligand2_fep_tors:
self._ligand2_fep_tors = FEPTorsionsContainer(
return self._ligand1_fep_tors, self._ligand2_fep_tors
def ligand_torsions(self):
:rtype: (`FEPTorsionsContainer` object, `FEPTorsionsContainer` object)
:return: `FEPTorsionsContainer` objects for lambda0 and lambda1.
sol_idx_offsets = (0, self._pv_st[1].atom_total +
cpx_idx_offsets = (self._pv_st[0].atom_total,
self._pv_st[0].atom_total +
self._pv_st[1].atom_total +
return self._get_ligand_torsions(sol_idx_offsets, cpx_idx_offsets)
def _lig_props(vals, idx_start=0, stats=True):
if not stats:
return vals
if not len(vals):
return 0., 0.
return numpy.mean(vals[idx_start:]), numpy.std(vals[idx_start:])
[docs] def ligand1_cpx_sid_waters(self, stats=True):
ligwat = self._ark_cpx_sid_lambda0_pli['LigWatResult'].val
val = []
for frame in ligwat:
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand2_cpx_sid_waters(self, stats=True):
ligwat = self._ark_cpx_sid_lambda1_pli['LigWatResult'].val
val = []
for frame in ligwat:
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand1_sol_sid_lighb(self, stats=True):
lhb = self._ligand1_sol_sid_lighb
val = []
for frame in lhb:
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand2_sol_sid_lighb(self, stats=True):
lhb = self._ligand2_sol_sid_lighb
val = []
for frame in lhb:
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand1_cpx_sid_lighb(self, stats=True):
lhb = self._ligand1_cpx_sid_lighb
val = []
for frame in lhb:
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand2_cpx_sid_lighb(self, stats=True):
lhb = self._ligand2_cpx_sid_lighb
val = []
for frame in lhb:
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand1_sol_sid_sasa(self, stats=True):
val = self._ligand1_sol_sid_sasa
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand2_sol_sid_sasa(self, stats=True):
val = self._ligand2_sol_sid_sasa
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand1_cpx_sid_sasa(self, stats=True):
val = self._ligand1_cpx_sid_sasa
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand2_cpx_sid_sasa(self, stats=True):
val = self._ligand2_cpx_sid_sasa
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand1_sol_sid_molsa(self, stats=True):
val = self._ligand1_sol_sid_molsa
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand2_sol_sid_molsa(self, stats=True):
val = self._ligand2_sol_sid_molsa
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand1_cpx_sid_molsa(self, stats=True):
val = self._ligand1_cpx_sid_molsa
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand2_cpx_sid_molsa(self, stats=True):
val = self._ligand2_cpx_sid_molsa
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand1_sol_sid_psa(self, stats=True):
val = self._ligand1_sol_sid_psa
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand2_sol_sid_psa(self, stats=True):
val = self._ligand2_sol_sid_psa
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand1_cpx_sid_psa(self, stats=True):
val = self._ligand1_cpx_sid_psa
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand2_cpx_sid_psa(self, stats=True):
val = self._ligand2_cpx_sid_psa
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand1_sol_sid_rgyr(self, stats=True):
val = self._ligand1_sol_sid_rgyr
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand2_sol_sid_rgyr(self, stats=True):
val = self._ligand2_sol_sid_rgyr
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand1_cpx_sid_rgyr(self, stats=True):
val = self._ligand1_cpx_sid_rgyr
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def ligand2_cpx_sid_rgyr(self, stats=True):
val = self._ligand2_cpx_sid_rgyr
return self._lig_props(val, stats=stats)
def _getRMSD(self, rmsd_data_map, stats):
:param rmsd_data_map: a SID data map containing RMSD data
:type rmsd_data_map: schrodinger.utils.sea.Map
:param stats: whether to return standard deviation in addition to the
:type stats: true
:return: the ligand RMSD, if available, as well as the standard
deviation, if requested
:rtype: tuple(float, float) or float or None
ligand_data = rmsd_data_map.get('Ligand')
if not ligand_data:
return None
return self._lig_props(ligand_data['Result'].val,
[docs] def ligand1_sol_sid_rmsd(self, stats=True):
return self._getRMSD(self._sol_sid_lambda0_rmsd, stats)
[docs] def ligand2_sol_sid_rmsd(self, stats=True):
return self._getRMSD(self._sol_sid_lambda1_rmsd, stats)
[docs] def ligand1_cpx_sid_rmsd(self, stats=True):
return self._getRMSD(self._cpx_sid_lambda0_rmsd, stats)
[docs] def ligand2_cpx_sid_rmsd(self, stats=True):
return self._getRMSD(self._cpx_sid_lambda1_rmsd, stats)
[docs] def get_ligand1_atom_dict(self):
return self._get_ligand_atom_dict(self.ligand1_st)
[docs] def get_ligand2_atom_dict(self):
return self._get_ligand_atom_dict(self.ligand2_st)
def _process_sse_data(self, data):
Process Secondary Structure elements. The input data is a list
(for each frame). This list needs to be parsed (by removing '.') and
casting it as array
:type data: a list containing raw SSE information from sid/eaf files
:param data: list
:return: processed SSE data in numpy array
:rtype: numpy.array
new_list = []
for frame in data:
new_list.append([int(res) for res in frame.split(".")])
return numpy.array(new_list)
def _receptor_sid_sse_lambda0(self):
return self._process_sse_data(self._cpx_sid_lambda0_sse)
def _receptor_sid_sse_lambda1(self):
return self._process_sse_data(self._cpx_sid_lambda1_sse)
def _calculate_sse_limits(self, sse_by_res, tol=0):
This function takes a vector of residues that are in secondary
structure elements (SSE), and returns their limits in the list.
input is the following::
residue index: 1 10 20 30
tol=0, output: [(4,10), (12,17), (24,30)]
tol=1, output: [(4,17), (24,30)]
:type sse_by_res: a list of bools if the residue is a SSE
:param sse_by_res: `bool`
:type tol: int
:param tol: tolerance level to smoothing out the SSE data. Default is
zero, so no tolerance. If tol>0 is used; then if a residue
is inbetween two SSE residues, then those residues will be
reported as being part of the SSE.
:rtype: `tuple`
:return: a list of tuples where the SSE starts and begins in terms of
residue indices (ie: 51-63, means that a sse spans from residue
index 51 to 63).
s = "".join(str(int(x)) for x in sse_by_res)
iterator = re.finditer(r'[^0]+', s)
limits = [m.span() for m in iterator]
if tol == 0 or len(limits) < 2:
return limits
return self._smooth_sse_limits(tol, limits)
def _smooth_sse_limits(self, tolerance, limits):
Here we're trying to to bring some tolerance to the cutoff. if the
number of residues <= tolerance then we merge the limits of adjacent
spans. This is done so that the plots look cleaner.
:type tolerance: int
:param tolerance: tolerance for somoothing out the SSE limits
:type limits: `tuple`
:param limits: raw limits, without smoothing ie: [(61,70), (82-94)]
:rtype: `tuple`
:return: list of processed tuples
if not limits:
return []
new_limits = []
working_limit = limits[0]
for cur_limit in limits[1:]:
if cur_limit[0] - working_limit[1] < tolerance:
working_limit = (working_limit[0], cur_limit[1])
working_limit = cur_limit
return new_limits
def _sse_limits(self, sse_data):
Get limits for helix and strands data
:rtype: (`helix_limits`, `strand_limits`)
:return: return helix and srand residue limits
nframes = sse_data.shape[0]
sse_helix = (old_div((sse_data == 1).sum(axis=0), float(nframes)))
sse_helix = (sse_helix >= self._SSE_CUTOFF)
limits_helix = self._calculate_sse_limits(sse_helix, tol=1)
sse_strand = (old_div((sse_data == 2).sum(axis=0), float(nframes)))
sse_strand = (sse_strand >= self._SSE_CUTOFF)
limits_strand = self._calculate_sse_limits(sse_strand, tol=1)
return limits_helix, limits_strand
def sse_limits_lambda0(self):
data = self._receptor_sid_sse_lambda0()
helix, strand = self._sse_limits(data)
return helix, strand
def sse_limits_lambda1(self):
data = self._receptor_sid_sse_lambda1()
helix, strand = self._sse_limits(data)
return helix, strand
def receptor_sid_rmsd_ligand_lambda0(self):
ligand1 RMSD wrt the protein
return self._cpx_sid_lambda0_rmsd['Ligand_wrt_protein']['Result'].val
def receptor_sid_rmsd_ligand_lambda1(self):
ligand2 RMSD wrt the protein
return self._cpx_sid_lambda1_rmsd['Ligand_wrt_protein']['Result'].val
def _get_receptor_backbone_atoms(self):
return self._cpx_sid_lambda0_rmsf['Backbone']['AtomIndices'].val
[docs] @staticmethod
def protein_residue(res):
Get data about the specified residue
:param res: The residue object to get data from
:type res: `schrodinger.structure._Residue`
:return: A namedtuple containing the molecule number, chain, residue
name, and residue number
:rtype: `ResData`
chain = res.chain.strip()
# get molecule number before extracting the protein
molnum = res.atom[1].property[ORI_MOL]
resname = res.pdbres.strip()
if not len(chain) or chain == ' ':
chain = '_'
resnum = res.resnum
return ResData(molnum, chain, resname, resnum)
def receptor_residue_sequence_list(self):
Return a list of residue objects (ResData) in amino-to-carboxy order.
:return: a list of residue objects, ordered N->C (amino to carboxy
:rtype: `ResData`
if self._receptor_residue_sequence_list:
return self._receptor_residue_sequence_list
self._receptor_residue_sequence_list = []
for r in structure.get_residues_by_connectivity(self.receptor_st):
return self._receptor_residue_sequence_list
def receptor_residue_sequence_tags(self):
A residue tag looks like this: A:THR_124 (Chain:resname_resnum)
if chain is not defined, use '_' (underscore)
:return: a list of residue tags
:rtype: `residue_tag`
seq = self.receptor_residue_sequence_list
return [s.fullName() for s in seq]
def _assemble_protein_b_factor(self):
Look up all backbone atoms and calculate b factors by groping them by
protein_seq = self.receptor_residue_sequence_list
st = self.fullsystem_ct
if self.perturbation_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_SELECTIVITY:
protein_seq = self.wt_residue_sequence_list
st = self.wt_st
sums = defaultdict(float)
count = defaultdict(int)
b_atoms = self._get_receptor_backbone_atoms()
for a in b_atoms:
if 'r_m_pdb_tfactor' in st.atom[a].property:
bfactor = st.atom[a].property['r_m_pdb_tfactor']
if bfactor == 0:
label = self.protein_residue(st.atom[a].getResidue())
i = protein_seq.index(label)
sums[i] += bfactor
count[i] += 1
return sums, count
def receptor_b_factor(self) -> List[float]:
Return B factors grouped by residues using PDB tfactor values stored in
the structure. If the PDB tfactor values are not present, return zeros.
# FIXME: Is it safe to use lambda0 as receptor?
# This seems to be equivalent to the original logic.
data = self._cpx_sid_lambda0_rmsf['Backbone']
if 'BFactorResult' in data:
return data['BFactorResult'].val
sums, count = self._assemble_protein_b_factor()
seq_list = self.receptor_residue_sequence_list
if self.perturbation_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_SELECTIVITY:
seq_list = self.wt_residue_sequence_list
new_data = numpy.zeros(len(seq_list))
for rl in range(0, len(seq_list)):
if rl in sums:
new_data[rl] = sums[rl] / count[rl]
return new_data.tolist()
def receptor_sid_rmsd_backbone_lambda0(self):
return self._cpx_sid_lambda0_rmsd['Backbone']['Result'].val
def receptor_sid_rmsd_backbone_lambda1(self):
return self._cpx_sid_lambda1_rmsd['Backbone']['Result'].val
def receptor_sid_rmsf_backbone_lambda0(self):
data = self._cpx_sid_lambda0_rmsf['Backbone']
if 'ProteinResidues' in data:
return data['Result'].val
return self._protein_sid_rmsf_backbone(data['Result'].val)
def receptor_sid_rmsf_backbone_lambda1(self):
data = self._cpx_sid_lambda1_rmsf['Backbone']
if 'ProteinResidues' in data:
return data['Result'].val
return self._protein_sid_rmsf_backbone(data['Result'].val)
def _protein_sid_rmsf_backbone(self, backbone_rmsf):
atom_list = self._get_receptor_backbone_atoms()
# some receptor files may contain cofactors and waters, so lets just
# look at the backbone atoms
st = self.receptor_st.extract(atom_list, True)
nres = 0
res2atom = {}
for ires, res in enumerate(structure.get_residues_by_connectivity(st)):
nres += 1
res2atom[ires] = [[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX] for atom in res.atom
rmsf = []
for ires in range(nres):
res_sum = 0.0
for iatom in res2atom[ires]:
res_sum += backbone_rmsf[atom_list.index(iatom)]
rmsf.append(res_sum / len(res2atom[ires]))
return rmsf
def _parse_cpx_sid(self):
sid_list = self._ark_cpx_sid_list
if len(sid_list) < 2:
ret_dict = parse_sid(sid_list[0])
self._cpx_sid_lambda0_rmsd = self._parse_sid_rms(ret_dict['RMSD'])
self._cpx_sid_lambda0_rmsf = self._parse_sid_rms(ret_dict['RMSF'])
self._cpx_sid_lambda0_sse = ret_dict['SSE']['Result'].val
self._cpx_sid_lambda0_ppi = ret_dict['ProtProtInter'] and ret_dict[
self._ark_cpx_sid_lambda0_torsion = ret_dict['Torsion']
self._ark_cpx_sid_lambda0_pli = ret_dict['ProtLigInter']
self._ligand1_cpx_sid_rgyr = ret_dict['Rad_Gyration']['Result'].val
self._ligand1_cpx_sid_psa = ret_dict['Polar_Surface_Area']['Result'].val
self._ligand1_cpx_sid_sasa = ret_dict['SA_Surface_Area']['Result'].val
self._ligand1_cpx_sid_molsa = ret_dict['Molecular_Surface_Area'][
self._ligand1_cpx_sid_lighb = ret_dict['LigandHBonds']['Result'].val
ret_dict = parse_sid(sid_list[1])
self._cpx_sid_lambda1_rmsf = self._parse_sid_rms(ret_dict['RMSF'])
self._cpx_sid_lambda1_rmsd = self._parse_sid_rms(ret_dict['RMSD'])
self._cpx_sid_lambda1_sse = ret_dict['SSE']['Result'].val
self._cpx_sid_lambda1_ppi = ret_dict['ProtProtInter'] and ret_dict[
self._ark_cpx_sid_lambda1_torsion = ret_dict['Torsion']
self._ark_cpx_sid_lambda1_pli = ret_dict['ProtLigInter']
self._ligand2_cpx_sid_rgyr = ret_dict['Rad_Gyration']['Result'].val
self._ligand2_cpx_sid_psa = ret_dict['Polar_Surface_Area']['Result'].val
self._ligand2_cpx_sid_sasa = ret_dict['SA_Surface_Area']['Result'].val
self._ligand2_cpx_sid_molsa = ret_dict['Molecular_Surface_Area'][
self._ligand2_cpx_sid_lighb = ret_dict['LigandHBonds']['Result'].val
def cpx_sid_lp_results(self):
if not self._cpx_sid_lp_results:
self._cpx_sid_lp_stats(self.ligand1_st, self.ligand2_st)
return self._cpx_sid_lp_results
def pl_contact_data0(self):
A dictionary containing PL interactions for lambda=0
if not self._pl_contact_data0:
self._pl_contact_data0 = self._pl_contact_data(
return self._pl_contact_data0
def pl_contact_data1(self):
A dictionary containing PL interactions for lambda=1
if not self._pl_contact_data1:
self._pl_contact_data1 = self._pl_contact_data(
return self._pl_contact_data1
def _pl_interaction_similarity_matrix(contact_data, ordered_residues):
This method returns a similarity matrix that's calculated based on
interactions observed for each frame.
:param contact_data: A dict containing different interaction types
:type contact_data: dict
:param ordered_residues: A list of residues ordered from N->C
:type ordered_residues: list(str)
:rtype: `numpy.array`
:return: A similarity matrix of pairwise protein-ligand interactions
for each frame.
def process_contact(iframe, res):
col_idx = res.rfind(':')
res_name = res if col_idx == 1 else res[:col_idx]
resid = ordered_residues.index(res_name)
pl_contacts[iframe, resid] = True
if contact_data['hbonds'] is None:
raise RuntimeError("contact_data has no frames")
nframes = len(contact_data['hbonds'])
pl_contacts = numpy.zeros((nframes, len(ordered_residues)), dtype=bool)
for contact_type, contacts in contact_data.items():
if contact_type in ["ligand_water", "metal"]:
for iframe, frame_contacts in enumerate(contacts):
for contact in frame_contacts:
process_contact(iframe, contact[1])
sim_matrix = numpy.ones((nframes, nframes))
for (iframe, jframe) in itertools.combinations(list(range(nframes)), 2):
iresult = pl_contacts[iframe, :]
jresult = pl_contacts[jframe, :]
# Compute similarity between the frame i and j vectors using
# Tanimoto similarity.
sim = old_div(sum(iresult & jresult), float(sum(iresult | jresult))) \
if sum(iresult | jresult) != 0 else 0.0
sim_matrix[iframe, jframe] = sim_matrix[jframe, iframe] = sim
return sim_matrix
def pl_interaction_similarity_matrix0(self):
Protein-ligand interactions similarity matrix for lambda=0 sys
for all available frames.
return self._pl_interaction_similarity_matrix(
self.pl_contact_data0, self.cpx_sid_protein_residues)
def pl_interaction_similarity_matrix1(self):
Protein-ligand interactions similarity matrix for lambda=1 sys
for all available frames.
return self._pl_interaction_similarity_matrix(
self.pl_contact_data1, self.cpx_sid_protein_residues)
def _getLidStatMap(self, contact_data, sid_map, lig_frags, lighb, lig_st):
if not sid_map:
return {}
fullsystem_ct = self.fullsystem_ct
lid_stat_map = {}
lid_stat_map['hbond'] = self._get_lp_hbond_stats(
contact_data['hbonds'], sid_map['ligand_atoms'],
sid_map['prot_hbond'], fullsystem_ct, lig_st)
lid_stat_map['l_hbond'] = self._get_lig_intra_hbond_stats(
lighb, sid_map['ligand_atoms'])
lid_stat_map['p_metal'], lid_stat_map['l_metal'] = \
sid_map['prot_ionic'], fullsystem_ct)
lid_stat_map['hphob'] = self._get_hydrophobic_stats(
contact_data['hydrophobic'], sid_map['prot_hydrophobic'],
lig_frags(True), fullsystem_ct)
lid_stat_map['pipi'] = self._get_pipi_stats(contact_data['pi_pi'],
lid_stat_map['picat'] = self._get_picat_stats(contact_data['pi_cat'],
lid_stat_map['ionic'] = self._get_ionic_stats(contact_data['polar'],
lid_stat_map['wat_br'] = self._get_water_bridge_stats(
contact_data['water_br'], sid_map['ligand_atoms'],
sid_map['prot_water_br'], fullsystem_ct)
lid_stat_map['lig_wat'] = self._get_ligand_water_stats(
contact_data['ligand_water'], lig_frags(False))
return lid_stat_map
def _cpx_sid_lp_stats(self, lig1_st, lig2_st):
lid_stat_map0 = self._getLidStatMap(self.pl_contact_data0,
lid_stat_map1 = self._getLidStatMap(self.pl_contact_data1,
self._cpx_sid_lp_results = [lid_stat_map0, lid_stat_map1]
def _get_ligand_water_stats(self, ligwat_data, lig_frags):
nframes = len(ligwat_data)
all_lw = []
results = []
for frame in ligwat_data:
for lw in frame:
unique = set(all_lw)
for a in unique:
count = float(all_lw.count(a))
results.append((old_div(count, nframes), lig_frags[a]))
return results
def _get_ionic_stats(self, polar_data, lig_dict, polar_prot_dict, pv_st):
all_polar = []
results = []
nframes = len(polar_data)
for frame in polar_data:
for p in frame:
if p:
unique = set(all_polar)
all_polar_filter = self._filter_degen_res_atoms(all_polar)
unique_filter = set(all_polar_filter)
for raw, filt in zip(unique, unique_filter):
count = float(all_polar_filter.count(filt))
aid = polar_prot_dict[raw[0]]
xyz = pv_st.atom[aid].xyz
(old_div(count, nframes), raw[0], aid, xyz, lig_dict[raw[2]]))
return results
def _get_picat_stats(self, picat_data, ligand_ring_dict, polar_prot_dict,
pi_prot_dict, lig_dict, pv_st):
all_picat = []
results = []
nframes = len(picat_data)
for frame in picat_data:
for pc in frame:
if len(pc) == 6:
all_picat.append(tuple((pc[1], pc[3])))
if len(pc) == 5:
all_picat.append(tuple((pc[1], pc[2])))
unique = set(all_picat)
for a in unique:
count = float(all_picat.count(a))
if a[0] in polar_prot_dict:
aid = polar_prot_dict[a[0]]
ligand = ligand_ring_dict[a[1]]
aid = pi_prot_dict[a[0]]
ligand = lig_dict[a[1]]
xyz = pv_st.atom[aid].xyz
results.append((old_div(count, nframes), a[0], xyz, ligand))
return results
def _get_pipi_stats(self, pipi_data, lig_frags, ligand_ring_dict,
pi_prot_dict, pv_st):
all_pi = []
# contains face2face/edge2face information
all_pi2 = []
results = []
nframes = len(pipi_data)
for frame in pipi_data:
for pi in frame:
all_pi.append(tuple((pi[1], pi[3])))
all_pi2.append(tuple((pi[1], pi[3], pi[6])))
unique = set(all_pi)
for a in unique:
count = float(all_pi.count(a))
f2f_count = float(all_pi2.count((a[0], a[1], 'f2f')))
f2f_fraction = old_div(f2f_count, count)
aid = pi_prot_dict[a[0]]
xyz = pv_st.atom[aid].xyz
results.append((old_div(count, nframes), a[0], xyz,
ligand_ring_dict[a[1]], f2f_fraction))
return results
def _get_hydrophobic_stats(self, hphob_data, hphob_prot_dict, lig_frags,
This function parses non-specific hydrophobic interaction and returns
a list with statistics.
all_hp = []
results = []
nframes = len(hphob_data)
for frame in hphob_data:
for hp in frame:
all_hp.append(tuple((hp[1], hp[2])))
unique = set(all_hp)
for a in unique:
count = float(all_hp.count(a))
aid = hphob_prot_dict[a[0]]
xyz = pv_st.atom[aid].xyz
results.append((old_div(count, nframes), a[0], xyz, a[1]))
return results
def _get_metal_stats(self, metal_data, lig_dict, polar_prot_dict, pv_st):
This function parses protein-metal and metal-ligand interactions and
returns two lists, with statistics for each type.
def get_metal_aid(label):
return int(label.split(':')[1])
def get_stats(unique_interaction, all_metal, dictionary):
results = []
for a in unique_interaction:
count = all_metal.count(a)
aid = dictionary[a[1]]
xyz = pv_st.atom[aid].xyz
metal_aid = get_metal_aid(a[0])
# these coordinates will be used for LID generation,
# which will figure out better metal placement.
metal_xyz = [0, 0, 0]
results.append((count / nframes, a[1], aid, xyz, metal_aid,
a[0], metal_xyz))
return results
# protein-metal results
pm_metal = []
# ligand-metal results
lm_metal = []
nframes = len(metal_data)
for frame in metal_data:
for m in frame:
if m[2] == 'ligand':
lm_metal.append((m[1], m[3]))
pm_metal.append((m[1], m[3]))
lm_unique = list(set(lm_metal))
pm_unique = list(set(pm_metal))
lm_results = get_stats(lm_unique, lm_metal, lig_dict)
pm_results = get_stats(pm_unique, pm_metal, polar_prot_dict)
return pm_results, lm_results
def _get_water_bridge_stats(self, wb_data, lig_dict, wb_prot_dict, pv_st):
nframes = len(wb_data)
all_wb = []
for frame in wb_data:
for w in frame:
all_wb.append(tuple((w[1], w[3])))
all_wb_filter = self._filter_degen_res_atoms(all_wb)
unique = set(all_wb)
# get rid of redundant interactions by collapsing them into single type
unique_filter = set(all_wb_filter)
res_dict = {}
for raw in unique:
filt = self._filter_degen_res_atoms([raw])[0]
res_dict[filt[0]] = raw[0]
results = []
for filt in unique_filter:
count = float(all_wb_filter.count(filt))
aid = wb_prot_dict[res_dict[filt[0]]]
xyz = pv_st.atom[aid].xyz
nframes), filt[0], xyz, lig_dict[filt[1]]))
return results
def _get_lig_intra_hbond_stats(self, hb_data, lig_dict):
This function parses internal hydrogen bonds within a ligand and
returns the statistics.
intra_hbond = []
results = []
nframes = len(hb_data)
for frame in hb_data:
for hbond in frame:
unique = set(intra_hbond)
for a in unique:
count = float(intra_hbond.count(a))
aid_accept = a[0]
aid_donor = a[1]
results.append((old_div(count, nframes), aid_donor, aid_accept))
return results
def _get_lp_hbond_stats(self, hb_data, lig_dict, prot_dict, pv_st, lig_st):
Get the statistics on Hydrogen bonds during the simulation. The
function also filters out equivalent atoms on the protein & ligand
and sums their contribution to yield one value.
dict_lig_noh_atom, dict_lig_atom = self._get_ligand_atom_dict(lig_st)
all_hbonds = []
nframes = len(hb_data)
for frame in hb_data:
for hbond in frame:
unique = set(all_hbonds)
unique_filter = self._filter_degen_res_atoms(unique)
h_dict = {}
acceptor_types = {
'acceptor_backbone': 'a-b',
'acceptor_sidechain': 'a-s'
for raw, filt in zip(unique, unique_filter):
lig_aid = lig_dict[raw[2]]
ori_lig_aid = lig_aid
# check if ligand's atom is a donor (protein is acceptor), if so,
# then instead of using the aid of the hydrogen, get the heavy
# atom that it is bonded to
if raw[1] in acceptor_types.values():
bond = pv_st.atom[lig_aid].bond[1]
new_atm =[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX]
lig_aid = dict_lig_noh_atom[new_atm]
count = old_div(all_hbonds.count(raw), float(nframes))
aid = prot_dict[raw[0]]
xyz = pv_st.atom[aid].xyz
key = (filt[0], raw[1], lig_aid)
if key in h_dict:
count += h_dict[key][0]
hbond = (count, filt[0], aid, xyz, filt[2], ori_lig_aid)
h_dict[key] = hbond
return list(h_dict.values())
def _filter_degen_res_atoms(hbonds):
This function takes a list of hydrogen bonds and looks at the
Protein Residue tag (ie: 'A:LYS_33:1HZ'), and determines if there
are atoms there are equivalent hydrogen bond donors/acceptors in
that residue. If so, then the atomname is replaced by a more
a more generic name.
We need this for LID, in the scenarios when equivalent residue
donors/acceptors interact with the same ligand atom. Multiple
equivalent interactions are created in LID.
def parse_res_name_with_atoms(s):
k = s.split(':')
chain = k[0]
atom_name = k[2]
t = k[1].split('_')
res_name = t[0]
res_num = t[1]
return (chain, res_name, res_num, atom_name)
modify_res = ['LYS', 'ARG', 'ASP', 'ASN', 'GLU', 'GLN', 'HIS']
LYS_pdb_atm = ['1HZ', '2HZ', '3HZ', 'HZ1', 'HZ2', 'HZ3']
ARG_pdb_atm = [
'HE', '1HH1', '2HH1', '1HH2', '2HH2', 'HH11', 'HH12', 'HH21', 'HH22'
ARG_pdb_heavy = ['NH1', 'NH2']
ASP_pdb_atm = ['OD1', 'OD2']
ASN_pdb_atm = ['1HD2', '2HD2', 'HD21', 'HD22']
GLU_pdb_atm = ['OE1', 'OE2']
GLN_pdb_atm = ['1HE2', '2HE2', 'HE21', 'HE22']
HIS_pdb_atm = ['ND1', 'NE2', 'HD1', 'HE2']
replace_dict = {
'LYS': 'HX',
'ARG': 'HHX',
'GLN': 'HEX',
'GLU': 'OEX',
'ASP': 'ODX',
'ASN': 'HDX',
'HIS': 'NX',
'ARG_heavy': 'NX'
updated_list = []
for h in hbonds:
res_tag = h[0]
c, resname, resnum, atom_name = parse_res_name_with_atoms(res_tag)
if resname in modify_res:
if resname in ['HIS', 'HIE', 'HIP'
] and atom_name in HIS_pdb_atm:
if atom_name[0] == 'H':
atom_name = 'HX'
atom_name = replace_dict['HIS']
elif resname == 'GLN' and atom_name in GLN_pdb_atm:
atom_name = replace_dict['GLN']
elif resname in ['GLU', 'GLH'] and atom_name in GLU_pdb_atm:
atom_name = replace_dict['GLU']
elif resname == 'ASN' and atom_name in ASN_pdb_atm:
atom_name = replace_dict['ASN']
elif resname in ['ASP', 'ASH'] and atom_name in ASP_pdb_atm:
atom_name = replace_dict['ASP']
elif resname in ['ARG', 'ARN']:
if atom_name in ARG_pdb_atm:
atom_name = replace_dict['ARG']
elif atom_name in ARG_pdb_heavy:
atom_name = replace_dict['ARG_heavy']
elif resname in ['LYS', 'LYN'] and atom_name in LYS_pdb_atm:
atom_name = replace_dict['LYS']
h = list(h)
h[0] = '%s:%s_%s:%s' % (c, resname, resnum, atom_name)
h = tuple(h)
return updated_list
def _get_ligand_atom_dict(ligst):
dictNoh = {}
dictAA = {}
i = 1
for a in ligst.atom:
oi =[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX]
dictAA[oi] = a.index
if a.element != 'H':
dictNoh[oi] = i
i += 1
return dictNoh, dictAA
def _add_alchem_mols(ct: Structure, alchemical_mols: str) -> Structure:
Add alchemical molecules (e.g: "SPC SPC") to the ct
ct = ct.copy()
for alchem_mol in alchemical_mols.split():
if alchem_mol in ['SPC', 'T3P', 'T4P', 'T4PE', 'T5P', 'T4PD']:
ct = ct.merge(water_mol(alchem_mol))
ct.addAtom(alchem_mol.capitalize(), 0., 0., 0.)
return ct
def fullsystem_ct(self):
if self._fullsystem_ct:
return self._fullsystem_ct
fs = structure.create_new_structure()
# iterate non-alchemical CTs
# check scisol's
# FIXME: detect if a Structure is alchemical or not?
for st in self._pv_st[:-2]:
fs = fs.merge(st, copy_props=True)
# add alchemical solvents to ref/mut CTs
for st, alchem_mol in zip(
[self.ligand1_alchemical_mols, self.ligand2_alchemical_mols]):
st = self._add_alchem_mols(st, alchem_mol) if alchem_mol else st
fs = fs.merge(st, copy_props=True)
for atom in fs.atom:[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX] = atom.index
self._fullsystem_ct = fs
return self._fullsystem_ct
def cpx_sid_pl_results(self):
if not self._cpx_sid_pl_results:
return self._cpx_sid_pl_results
def _cpx_sid_pl_contacts(self):
This method calculates protein-residue contacts for both lambda0 and
lambda1 simulations, collates the residue information and then sets
`self._cpx_sid_pl_results` with the results dictionaries.
contact_data0 = self.pl_contact_data0
contact_data1 = self.pl_contact_data1
nkeys = len(self.cpx_sid_protein_residues)
ntypes = len(self._pl_detail_inter_type)
pl_cont_data0 = numpy.zeros(
(nkeys, self.cpx_sid_number_of_frames, ntypes),
pl_cont_data1 = numpy.zeros(
(nkeys, self.cpx_sid_number_of_frames, ntypes),
for i, t in enumerate(self._pl_contact_types):
self._parse_pl_contact_data(t, contact_data0[t], pl_cont_data0)
self._parse_pl_contact_data(t, contact_data1[t], pl_cont_data1)
pl_results0 = {}
pl_results1 = {}
for ires, res in enumerate(self.cpx_sid_protein_residues):
pl_results0[res] = self._get_pli_residue_profile(
pl_cont_data0[ires, ::, ::])
pl_results1[res] = self._get_pli_residue_profile(
pl_cont_data1[ires, ::, ::])
self._cpx_sid_pl_results = [pl_results0, pl_results1]
def _get_pli_residue_profile(self, res_data):
results = {}
for type in list(self._pl_code):
cont = numpy.sum(res_data, axis=0)
ncontacts = 0
for isubtype in self._pl_type[type]:
ncontacts += cont[isubtype]
results[type] = ncontacts
return results
def _parse_pl_contact_data(self, inter_type, data, all_cont_data):
if inter_type in ['hydrophobic', 'pi_pi', 'pi_cat']:
self._parse_pl_hydrophobic_data(inter_type, data, all_cont_data)
elif inter_type == 'metal':
self._parse_pl_metal_data(data, all_cont_data)
elif inter_type == 'hbonds':
self._parse_pl_hbond_data(data, all_cont_data)
elif inter_type == 'polar':
self._parse_pl_polar_data(data, all_cont_data)
elif inter_type == 'water_br':
self._parse_pl_waterbr_data(data, all_cont_data)
def __get_resname(self, tag):
temp = tag.split(':')
return '%s:%s' % (temp[0], temp[1])
def _parse_pl_hydrophobic_data(self, inter_type, data, all_data):
subtype_dict = {'hydrophobic': 2, 'pi_pi': 3, 'pi_cat': 4}
i_type = subtype_dict[inter_type]
for frame in data:
for v in frame:
frame_no = v[0]
res_name = self.__get_resname(v[1])
k = self.cpx_sid_protein_residues.index(res_name)
all_data[k, frame_no, i_type] += 1
def _parse_pl_metal_data(self, data, all_data):
subtype_dict = {'prot-bb': 12, 'prot-side': 11}
for frame in data:
for v in frame:
if v[2] == 'ligand':
frame_no = v[0]
res_name = self.__get_resname(v[3])
k = self.cpx_sid_protein_residues.index(res_name)
i_type = subtype_dict[v[2]]
all_data[k, frame_no, i_type] += 1
def _parse_pl_hbond_data(self, data, all_data):
subtype_dict = {'d-b': 0, 'a-b': 1, 'd-s': 9, 'a-s': 10, 'd': 0, 'a': 1}
self._parse_pl_general_data(subtype_dict, data, all_data)
def _parse_pl_polar_data(self, data, all_data):
subtype_dict = {'s': 5, 'b': 6}
self._parse_pl_general_data(subtype_dict, data, all_data)
def _parse_pl_waterbr_data(self, data, all_data):
subtype_dict = {'d': 7, 'a': 8}
self._parse_pl_general_data(subtype_dict, data, all_data)
def _parse_pl_general_data(self, subtype_dict, data, all_data):
for frame in data:
for v in frame:
frame_no = v[0]
res_name = self.__get_resname(v[1])
k = self.cpx_sid_protein_residues.index(res_name)
i_type = subtype_dict[v[2]]
all_data[k, frame_no, i_type] += 1
def _parse_residue_tags(keys):
Given all protein-ligand contacts; just return the protein residue tag
that are in contact with the ligand.
:rtype: `str`
:return: tags all residues in contact with the ligand
# get only unique residues tags
s_keys = sorted(set(keys), key=itemgetter(1))
pl_cont_keys = sorted(s_keys, key=itemgetter(2))
return [x[0] for x in pl_cont_keys]
def cpx_sid_protein_residues(self):
A list of protein residues that interact with both ligand1 and ligand2
throughout the simulation
:rtype: `str`
:return: a list of protein tags that interact with both ligand1 and
if not self._cpx_sid_protein_residues:
sid_dict0 = self._cpx_sid_pli_lambda0_dict
keys0 = self._set_cpx_sid_protein_residues(sid_dict0)
sid_dict1 = self._cpx_sid_pli_lambda1_dict
keys1 = self._set_cpx_sid_protein_residues(sid_dict1)
self._cpx_sid_protein_residues = self._parse_residue_tags(keys0 +
return self._cpx_sid_protein_residues
def _set_cpx_sid_protein_residues(interact_dict):
def parse_tag(res_tag):
tag = res_tag.split(":")
chain = tag[0]
rtype, rnum = tag[1].split('_')
rnum = int(rnum)
label = '%s:%s' % (tag[0], tag[1])
return (label, rnum, chain)
res_keys = []
for t in [
'prot_hbond', 'prot_hydrophobic', 'prot_ionic', 'prot_pi',
for cont in list(interact_dict[t]):
return res_keys
def receptor_residues_interaction_ligand1(self):
A list of preotein residues that interact just with ligand1
:rtype: list
:return: list of protein residue tags
sid_dict = self._cpx_sid_pli_lambda0_dict
keys = self._set_cpx_sid_protein_residues(sid_dict)
return self._parse_residue_tags(keys)
def receptor_residues_interaction_ligand2(self):
A list of preotein residues that interact just with ligand2
:rtype: list
:return: list of protein residue tags
sid_dict = self._cpx_sid_pli_lambda1_dict
keys = self._set_cpx_sid_protein_residues(sid_dict)
return self._parse_residue_tags(keys)
def _pl_contact_data(ark_block):
if ark_block is None:
return {}
results_dict = {}
results_dict['hbonds'] = ark_block['HBondResult'].val
results_dict['hydrophobic'] = ark_block['HydrophobicResult'].val
results_dict['ligand_water'] = ark_block['LigWatResult'].val
results_dict['metal'] = ark_block['MetalResult'].val
results_dict['pi_cat'] = ark_block['PiCatResult'].val
results_dict['pi_pi'] = ark_block['PiPiResult'].val
results_dict['polar'] = ark_block['PolarResult'].val
results_dict['water_br'] = ark_block['WaterBridgeResult'].val
return results_dict
def _cpx_sid_pli_lambda0_dict(self):
return self._cpx_sid_pli_dict(self._ark_cpx_sid_lambda0_pli)
def _cpx_sid_pli_lambda1_dict(self):
return self._cpx_sid_pli_dict(self._ark_cpx_sid_lambda1_pli)
def _cpx_sid_pli_dict(ark_block):
if ark_block is None:
return {}
def set2dict(lst):
new_dict = {}
for item in lst:
new_dict[item[0]] = item[1]
return new_dict
ret_dict = {}
ret_dict['ligand_atoms'] = set2dict(ark_block['DictLigandAtoms'].val)
ret_dict['ligand_rings'] = set2dict(ark_block['DictLigandRing'].val)
ret_dict['prot_hbond'] = set2dict(ark_block['DictProteinHbond'].val)
ret_dict['prot_hydrophobic'] = set2dict(
ret_dict['prot_ionic'] = set2dict(ark_block['DictProteinIonic'].val)
ret_dict['prot_pi'] = set2dict(ark_block['DictProteinPi'].val)
ret_dict['prot_water_br'] = set2dict(
return ret_dict
def cpx_sid_trajectory_interval_ns(self):
return _get_interval_ns(self._ark_cpx_sid_list)
def sol_sid_trajectory_interval_ns(self):
return _get_interval_ns(self._ark_sol_sid_list)
def cpx_sid_snapshot_times_ps(self):
interval_ns = self.cpx_sid_trajectory_interval_ns
return [x * interval_ns for x in range(self.cpx_sid_number_of_frames)]
def sol_sid_snapshot_times_ps(self):
interval_ns = self.sol_sid_trajectory_interval_ns
return [x * interval_ns for x in range(self.sol_sid_number_of_frames)]
def cpx_sid_number_of_frames(self):
return _get_frame_count(self._ark_cpx_sid_list)
def sol_sid_number_of_frames(self):
return _get_frame_count(self._ark_sol_sid_list)
def _parse_sid_rms(self, sea_obj):
:type sea_obj: `list` of sea objects
results = {}
for sea in sea_obj:
if 'SelectionType' in sea:
seltype = sea['SelectionType'].val
elif sea['Tab'].val == 'l_rmsf_tab':
seltype = 'Ligand'
if seltype == 'Ligand' and 'FitBy' in sea:
results[seltype + '_wrt_protein'] = sea
results[seltype] = sea
return results
def leg1_name(self):
return SOLVENT_NAMES[self.perturbation_type]
def leg2_name(self):
return COMPLEX_NAMES[self.perturbation_type]
def sol_timestep_list(self):
return numpy.arange(self.sol_start_time_ns, self.sol_end_time_ns,
def cpx_timestep_list(self):
return numpy.arange(self.cpx_start_time_ns, self.cpx_end_time_ns,
def sol_timestep_interval(self):
return float(self.sol_end_time_ns - self.sol_start_time_ns) / len(
def cpx_timestep_interval(self):
return float(self.cpx_end_time_ns - self.cpx_start_time_ns) / len(
def sol_delta_g_sliding_err(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_sol_pair_energetics, 'dGSliding',
def cpx_delta_g_sliding_err(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_cpx_pair_energetics, 'dGSliding',
def sol_delta_g_sliding(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_sol_pair_energetics, 'dGSliding',
def cpx_delta_g_sliding(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_cpx_pair_energetics, 'dGSliding',
def sol_delta_g_reverse_err(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_sol_pair_energetics, 'dGReverse',
def cpx_delta_g_reverse_err(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_cpx_pair_energetics, 'dGReverse',
def sol_delta_g_reverse(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_sol_pair_energetics, 'dGReverse',
def cpx_delta_g_reverse(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_cpx_pair_energetics, 'dGReverse',
def sol_delta_g_forward_err(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_sol_pair_energetics, 'dGForward',
def cpx_delta_g_forward_err(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_cpx_pair_energetics, 'dGForward',
def sol_delta_g_forward_dg(self):
return self._ark_sol_pair_energetics['dGForward']['Bennett']['dG'].val
def cpx_delta_g_forward_dg(self):
return self._ark_cpx_pair_energetics['dGForward']['Bennett']['dG'].val
def sol_delta_g_forward_bootstrap_std(self):
return self._ark_sol_pair_energetics['dGForward']['Bennett'][
def cpx_delta_g_forward_bootstrap_std(self):
return self._ark_cpx_pair_energetics['dGForward']['Bennett'][
def sol_delta_g_forward_analytical_std(self):
return self._ark_sol_pair_energetics['dGForward']['Bennett'][
def cpx_delta_g_forward_analytical_std(self):
return self._ark_cpx_pair_energetics['dGForward']['Bennett'][
def sol_delta_g_forward_df_per_replica(self):
return self._ark_sol_pair_energetics['dGForward']['Bennett'][
def cpx_delta_g_forward_df_per_replica(self):
return self._ark_cpx_pair_energetics['dGForward']['Bennett'][
def sol_delta_g_forward(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_sol_pair_energetics, 'dGForward',
def cpx_delta_g_forward(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_cpx_pair_energetics, 'dGForward',
def sol_end_time_ns(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_sol_pair_energetics, 'dGForward',
def cpx_end_time_ns(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_cpx_pair_energetics, 'dGForward',
def sol_start_time_ns(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_sol_pair_energetics, 'dGForward',
def cpx_start_time_ns(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_cpx_pair_energetics, 'dGForward',
def _get_values(ark_obj, key1, key2):
return ark_obj[key1][key2].val
def receptor_charge(self):
return self._ark_cpx_protein_info['FormalCharge'].val
def receptor_total_heavy(self):
return self._ark_cpx_protein_info['NumberHeavyAtoms'].val
def receptor_total_atom(self):
return self._ark_cpx_protein_info['NumberAtoms'].val
def receptor_title(self):
name = self.receptor_st.title.strip()
return name or 'N/A'
def receptor_total_residues_in_chains(self):
res_numb = str(self._ark_cpx_protein_info['ChainsResidues'].val).strip()
return res_numb[1:-1]
def receptor_chain_names(self):
chain_names = str(self._ark_cpx_protein_info['ChainsNames'].val).strip()
return chain_names[1:-1]
def receptor_total_residues(self):
return self._ark_cpx_protein_info['NumberResidues'].val
def ligand1_total_fragments(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[0]['NumberFragments'].val
def ligand2_total_fragments(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[1]['NumberFragments'].val
def ligand1_mol_formula(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[0]['MolecularFormula'].val
def ligand2_mol_formula(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[1]['MolecularFormula'].val
def ligand1_charge(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[0]['Charge'].val
def ligand2_charge(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[1]['Charge'].val
def ligand1_alchemical_mols(self):
if 'AlchemicalSolvent' not in self._ark_cpx_ligand_list[0]:
return None
return self._ark_cpx_ligand_list[0]['AlchemicalSolvent'].val
def ligand2_alchemical_mols(self):
if 'AlchemicalSolvent' not in self._ark_cpx_ligand_list[1]:
return None
return self._ark_cpx_ligand_list[1]['AlchemicalSolvent'].val
def ligand1_alchemical_atom_total(self):
if 'AlchemicalSolventAtoms' not in self._ark_cpx_ligand_list[0]:
return 0
return self._ark_cpx_ligand_list[0]['AlchemicalSolventAtoms'].val
def ligand2_alchemical_atom_total(self):
if 'AlchemicalSolventAtoms' not in self._ark_cpx_ligand_list[1]:
return 0
return self._ark_cpx_ligand_list[1]['AlchemicalSolventAtoms'].val
def ligand1_atomic_mass(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[0]['AtomicMass'].val
def ligand2_atomic_mass(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[1]['AtomicMass'].val
def ligand1_rot_bonds(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[0]['NumberRotatableBonds'].val
def ligand2_rot_bonds(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[1]['NumberRotatableBonds'].val
def ligand1_total_hot(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[0]['NumberHotAtoms'].val
def ligand2_total_hot(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[1]['NumberHotAtoms'].val
def ligand1_total_heavy(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[0]['NumberHeavyAtoms'].val
def ligand2_total_heavy(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[1]['NumberHeavyAtoms'].val
def ligand1_total_atoms(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[0]['NumberAtoms'].val
def ligand2_total_atoms(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[1]['NumberAtoms'].val
def ligand1_cpx_asl(self):
return self._ark_cpx_ligand_list[0]['ASL'].val
def ligand2_cpx_asl(self):
return self._ark_cpx_ligand_list[1]['ASL'].val
def ligand1_sol_asl(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[0]['ASL'].val
def ligand2_sol_asl(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[1]['ASL'].val
def ligand1_pdb_name(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[0]['PDBResidueName'].val
def ligand2_pdb_name(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[1]['PDBResidueName'].val
def ligand1_smiles(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[0]['SMILES'].val
def ligand2_smiles(self):
return self._ark_sol_ligand_list[1]['SMILES'].val
[docs] @staticmethod
def ligand_name(st):
return st.title.strip() if st else 'None'
def ligand1_name(self):
name = self.ligand_name(self.ligand1_st)
if not name:
return self.ligand2_mol_formula
return name
def ligand2_name(self):
name = self.ligand_name(self.ligand2_st)
if not name:
return self.ligand2_mol_formula
return name
def short_hash(self):
jn = self._ark_sol_fep_simulation['JobName'].val
jn = jn.split('_')[-4:-2]
return '_'.join(jn)
def ligand1_hash(self):
jn = self._ark_sol_fep_simulation['JobName'].val
hash_ = jn.split('_')[-4:-2]
return hash_[0]
def ligand2_hash(self):
jn = self._ark_sol_fep_simulation['JobName'].val
hash_ = jn.split('_')[-4:-2]
return hash_[1]
def jobname(self):
jn = self._ark_sol_fep_simulation['JobName'].val
jn = jn.split('_')[0:-4]
return '_'.join(jn)
def delta_delta_g(self):
sol_dg = Measurement(self.sol_delta_g[0], self.sol_delta_g[1])
cpx_dg = Measurement(self.cpx_delta_g[0], self.cpx_delta_g[1])
return cpx_dg.val - sol_dg.val + self.ddg_corrections_sum.val
def sol_delta_g(self):
:return: dG and its standard deviation
:rtype: float, float
return self._delta_g(self._ark_sol_pair_energetics)
def ddg_corrections_map(self):
return self._ddg_corrections_map or {}
def ddg_corrections_sum(self):
return sum(self.ddg_corrections_map.values()) or Measurement(0, 0)
def cpx_delta_g(self):
:return: dG and its standard deviation
:rtype: float, float
return self._delta_g(self._ark_cpx_pair_energetics)
def _delta_g(ark_pair_energetics):
if 'dGForward' not in list(ark_pair_energetics) or \
'Bennett' not in list(ark_pair_energetics['dGForward']):
return None, None
ark_obj = ark_pair_energetics['dGForward']['Bennett']
dg = ark_obj['dG'].val
dg_bootstrap_std = ark_obj['Bootstrap_std'].val
return dg, dg_bootstrap_std
def sol_total_replicas(self):
return len(self._ark_sol_rest_exchanges.val)
def cpx_total_replicas(self):
return len(self._ark_cpx_rest_exchanges.val)
def sol_total_waters(self):
return self._ark_sol_fep_simulation['NumberWaters'].val
def cpx_total_waters(self):
return self._ark_cpx_fep_simulation['NumberWaters'].val
def sol_total_atoms(self):
return self._ark_sol_fep_simulation['TotalAtoms'].val
def cpx_total_atoms(self):
return self._ark_cpx_fep_simulation['TotalAtoms'].val
def sol_sim_time(self):
Values returned in Ns (nanoseconds)
return self._ark_sol_fep_simulation['TotalSimulationNs'].val
def cpx_sim_time(self):
Values returned in Ns (nanoseconds)
return self._ark_cpx_fep_simulation['TotalSimulationNs'].val
def sol_temperature(self):
return self._ark_sol_fep_simulation['TemperatureK'].val
def cpx_temperature(self):
return self._ark_cpx_fep_simulation['TemperatureK'].val
def sol_ff(self):
return self._ark_sol_fep_simulation['ForceFields'].val
def cpx_ff(self):
return self._ark_cpx_fep_simulation['ForceFields'].val
def sol_ensemble(self):
return self._ark_sol_fep_simulation['Ensemble'].val
def cpx_ensemble(self):
return self._ark_cpx_fep_simulation['Ensemble'].val
def sol_charge(self):
return self._ark_sol_fep_simulation['FormalCharge'].val
def cpx_charge(self):
return self._ark_cpx_fep_simulation['FormalCharge'].val
def sol_salt_molecules(self):
if not self._ark_sol_salt_info:
return 0
return self._ark_sol_salt_info['SaltMolecules'].val
def cpx_salt_molecules(self):
if not self._ark_cpx_salt_info:
return 0
return self._ark_cpx_salt_info['SaltMolecules'].val
def sol_salt_info(self):
if not self._ark_sol_salt_info:
return None
return self._ark_sol_salt_info['SaltConcentration'].val
def cpx_salt_info(self):
if not self._ark_cpx_salt_info:
return None
return self._ark_cpx_salt_info['SaltConcentration'].val
def receptor_st(self):
Returns receptor structure
if not self._pv_st:
return None
if self._receptor_st:
return self._receptor_st
if self.perturbation_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.LIGAND_SELECTIVITY:
self._receptor_st = self._pv_st[1]
self._receptor_st = self._pv_st[0]
return self._receptor_st
def ligand1_st(self):
Returns ligand_1 structure
if self._ligand1_st:
return self._ligand1_st
if self._pv_st:
offset = self._pv_st[0].atom_total
for atom in self._pv_st[1].atom:[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX] = offset + atom.index
self._ligand1_st = self._pv_st[1]
return self._ligand1_st
return None
def ligand2_st(self):
Returns ligand_2 structure
if self._ligand2_st:
return self._ligand2_st
if self._pv_st:
offset = self._pv_st[0].atom_total + self._pv_st[1].atom_total + \
for atom in self._pv_st[2].atom:[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX] = offset + atom.index
self._ligand2_st = self._pv_st[2]
return self._ligand2_st
return None
def _write_error(msg):
def sol_rest_exchanges(self):
return self._rest_exchanges(self._ark_sol_rest_exchanges)
def cpx_rest_exchanges(self):
return self._rest_exchanges(self._ark_cpx_rest_exchanges)
def _rest_exchanges(ark_obj):
density_list = list(range(len(ark_obj)))
for replica in ark_obj:
irep = replica['Number'].val
density_list[irep] = replica['HistoryDistribution'].val
return density_list
def _parse_cpx_sea(self, cpx_sea):
Since the ARK-formatted sid file contains a lot of data, in a list
format, we need to parse it.
if not cpx_sea:
ret_dict = self._parse_sea(cpx_sea)
self._ark_cpx_fep_simulation = ret_dict['fep_simulation']
self._ark_cpx_salt_info = ret_dict.get('salt_information')
self._ark_cpx_protein_info = ret_dict['protein_info']
self._ark_cpx_pair_energetics = ret_dict['fep_pair_energetics_list']
self._ark_cpx_ligand_list = ret_dict['ligand_list']
self._ark_cpx_rest_exchanges = ret_dict['rest_exchanges']
self._ark_cpx_sid_list = ret_dict.get('sid_ligand_list', [])
def _parse_sol_sea(self, sol_sea):
Since the ARK-formatted sid file contains a lot of data, in a list
format, we need to parse it.
if not sol_sea:
ret_dict = self._parse_sea(sol_sea)
self._ark_sol_fep_simulation = ret_dict['fep_simulation']
self._ark_sol_salt_info = ret_dict.get('salt_information')
self._ark_sol_pair_energetics = ret_dict['fep_pair_energetics_list']
self._ark_sol_ligand_list = ret_dict['ligand_list']
self._ark_sol_rest_exchanges = ret_dict['rest_exchanges']
self._ark_sol_sid_list = ret_dict.get('sid_ligand_list', [])
def _parse_sea(self, sea_obj):
ret_dict = parse_sea(sea_obj)
except ValueError as err:
return ret_dict
[docs]class PRMEdgeData(FEPEdgeData):
PRMEdgeData is an object that stores Protein Residue Mutation related data.
And inherits from FEPEdgeData.
[docs] def __init__(self,
:type complex_sea: `sea`
:param complex_sea: SEA object with results pertaining to the complex
leg of the FEP calculation
:type solvent_sea: `sea`
:param solvent_sea: SEA object with results pertaining to the solvent
leg of the FEP calculation
:type pv_st: `schrodinger.Structure`
:param pv_st: PoseViewer file must contain 2 or 3 structures.
[receptor, lig1, lig2]; otherwise it's None
:type atom_mapping: `int`, `int`
:param atom_mapping: mapping of ligand2 to ligand1 atoms
:type frag_atom_mapping: `int`, `int`
:param frag_atom_mapping: mapping of frag1 and frag2 atoms
perturbation_type = OLD_TO_NEW_FEP_TYPES.get(perturbation_type,
FEPEdgeData.__init__(self, complex_sea, solvent_sea, pv_st,
atom_mapping, perturbation_type)
self._frag_atom_mapping = frag_atom_mapping
self._pv_st = None
self._wt_st = None
self._mut_st = None
self._wt_frag_st = None
self._mut_frag_st = None
self._solvent_fullsystem_ct = None
self._wt_residue_sequence_list = None
self._mut_residue_sequence_list = None
ncts = 2 if perturbation_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_STABILITY else 3
if pv_st and len(pv_st) == ncts:
self._pv_st = [
self._init_protein_st(ct, zob_waters=True) for ct in pv_st
if self._complex_sea:
if self._solvent_sea:
if self.perturbation_type in [constants.FEP_TYPES.LIGAND_SELECTIVITY]:
st = self._pv_st[0].copy()
self.ligand_st = st.extract(
evaluate_asl(st, "not water and not (metals) and not (ions)"))
atom_list = [a.index for a in self.ligand_st.atom]
self._atom_mapping = (atom_list, atom_list)
def _calc_lig_props(self):
self.ligand_charge = self.ligand_st.formal_charge
self.ligand_mass = self.ligand_st.total_weight
self.ligand_name = list(self.ligand_st.residue)[0].pdbres.strip()
self.ligand_nheavy = len(
[a for a in self.ligand_st.atom if a.atomic_number != 1])
self.ligand_rb_total = self._ligand1_fep_tors.tors_total
def wt_st(self):
Returns full structure of a WT protein
if self._wt_st:
return self._wt_st
offset = 0
if self.perturbation_type != constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_STABILITY:
offset = self._pv_st[0].atom_total
self._wt_st = self._pv_st[-2].copy()
for atom in self._wt_st.atom:[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX] = offset + atom.index
if self.perturbation_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_SELECTIVITY:
self._wt_st = self.receptor_st.merge(self._wt_st, copy_props=True)
return self._wt_st
def mut_st(self):
Returns full structure of a mutated protein
if self._mut_st:
return self._mut_st
offset = self._pv_st[0].atom_total + self.ligand1_alchemical_atom_total
if self.perturbation_type in [
offset += self._pv_st[1].atom_total
self._mut_st = self._pv_st[-1].copy()
for atom in self._mut_st.atom:[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX] = offset + atom.index
if self.perturbation_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_SELECTIVITY:
self._mut_st = self.receptor_st.merge(self._mut_st, copy_props=True)
return self._mut_st
def ligand1_st(self):
return self.wt_frag_st
def ligand2_st(self):
return self.mut_frag_st
def receptor_st(self):
if self.perturbation_type != constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_SELECTIVITY:
return self.wt_st
if self._receptor_st:
return self._receptor_st
self._receptor_st = self._pv_st[0].copy()
for atom in self._receptor_st.atom:[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX] = atom.index
return self._receptor_st
def wt_frag_st(self):
if self._wt_frag_st:
return self._wt_frag_st
if self.perturbation_type in [
atomlist = evaluate_asl(self.fullsystem_ct, self.ligand1_cpx_asl)
self._wt_frag_st = self.fullsystem_ct.extract(atomlist, True)
atomlist = evaluate_asl(self.solvent_fullsystem_ct,
self._wt_frag_st = self.solvent_fullsystem_ct.extract(
atomlist, True)
return self._wt_frag_st
def mut_frag_st(self):
if self._mut_frag_st:
return self._mut_frag_st
if self.perturbation_type in [
atomlist = evaluate_asl(self.fullsystem_ct, self.ligand2_cpx_asl)
self._mut_frag_st = self.fullsystem_ct.extract(atomlist, True)
atomlist = evaluate_asl(self.solvent_fullsystem_ct,
self._mut_frag_st = self.solvent_fullsystem_ct.extract(
atomlist, True)
return self._mut_frag_st
def solvent_fullsystem_ct(self):
if self.perturbation_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_STABILITY:
# For PRM stability jobs we don't use the solvent fullsystem CT
# If ever need to be implemented, we must also include peptide
# fratments as an input.
return None
if self._solvent_fullsystem_ct:
return self._solvent_fullsystem_ct
fs = structure.create_new_structure()
for st, alchem_mol in zip(
[self.ligand1_alchemical_mols, self.ligand2_alchemical_mols]):
st = self._add_alchem_mols(st, alchem_mol) if alchem_mol else st
fs = fs.merge(st, copy_props=True)
for atom in fs.atom:[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX] = atom.index
self._solvent_fullsystem_ct = fs
return self._solvent_fullsystem_ct
def ligand_st_mol_formula(self):
return generate_molecular_formula(self.ligand_st)
def prm_name(self):
from_res = list(self.wt_frag_st.residue)[1]
to_res = list(self.mut_frag_st.residue)[1]
return "%s:%s-%i-%s" % (from_res.chain, from_res.pdbres.strip(),
from_res.resnum, to_res.pdbres.strip())
def _protein_sid_rmsf_backbone(backbone_atoms, backbone_rmsf, st):
# some receptor files may contain cofactors and waters, so lets just
# look at the backbone atoms
atom_list = [
for a in st.atom
if[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX] in backbone_atoms
bb_st = st.extract(atom_list, True)
nres = 0
res2atom = {}
for ires, res in enumerate(
nres += 1
res2atom[ires] = [[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX] for a in res.atom
rmsf = []
for ires in range(nres):
res_sum = 0.0
for iatom in res2atom[ires]:
res_sum += backbone_rmsf[backbone_atoms.index(iatom)]
rmsf.append(old_div(res_sum, len(res2atom[ires])))
return rmsf
def receptor_sid_rmsf_backbone_lambda0(self):
# There are two types of data formats. The new one contains per-residue
# RMSF. The old one contains atom-wise RMSF and per-residue RMSF is
# calculated from self._protein_sid_rmsf_backbone().
data = self._cpx_sid_lambda0_rmsf['Backbone']
if 'ProteinResidues' in data:
return data['Result'].val
rmsf_vals = data['Result'].val
backbone_atoms = data['AtomIndices'].val
return self._protein_sid_rmsf_backbone(backbone_atoms, rmsf_vals,
def receptor_sid_rmsf_backbone_lambda1(self):
data = self._cpx_sid_lambda1_rmsf['Backbone']
if 'ProteinResidues' in data:
return data['Result'].val
rmsf_vals = data['Result'].val
backbone_atoms = data['AtomIndices'].val
return self._protein_sid_rmsf_backbone(backbone_atoms, rmsf_vals,
def ligand_torsions(self):
:rtype: (`FEPTorsionsContainer` object, `FEPTorsionsContainer` object)
:return: `FEPTorsionsContainer` objects for lambda0 and lambda1.
sol_idx_offsets = (0, 0)
cpx_idx_offsets = (0, 0)
return self._get_ligand_torsions(sol_idx_offsets, cpx_idx_offsets)
[docs] @staticmethod
def peptide_name(st):
name = "-".join([res.pdbres.strip() for res in st.residue])
resnum1 = list(st.residue)[0].resnum
resnum3 = list(st.residue)[-1].resnum
return "%i-%s-%i" % (resnum1, name, resnum3)
def wt_name(self):
return self.peptide_name(self.wt_frag_st)
def mut_name(self):
return self.peptide_name(self.mut_frag_st)
def wt_residue_sequence_list(self):
Return a list of residue objects (ResData) in amino-to-carboxy order.
:return: a list of residue objects, ordered N->C (amino to carboxy
:rtype: `ResData`
if self._wt_residue_sequence_list:
return self._wt_residue_sequence_list
self._wt_residue_sequence_list = []
st = self.wt_st.extract(evaluate_asl(self.wt_st, 'protein'), True)
for r in structure.get_residues_by_connectivity(st):
return self._wt_residue_sequence_list
def wt_residue_sequence_tags(self):
A residue tag looks like this: A:THR_124 (Chain:resname_resnum)
if chain is not defined, use '_' (underscore)
:return: a list of residue tags
:rtype: `residue_tag`
return [s.fullName() for s in self.wt_residue_sequence_list]
def mut_residue_sequence_list(self):
Return a list of residue objects (ResData) in amino-to-carboxy order.
:return: a list of residue objects, ordered N->C (amino to carboxy
:rtype: `ResData`
if self._mut_residue_sequence_list:
return self._mut_residue_sequence_list
self._mut_residue_sequence_list = []
st = self.mut_st.extract(evaluate_asl(self.mut_st, 'protein'), True)
for r in structure.get_residues_by_connectivity(st):
return self._mut_residue_sequence_list
def mut_residue_sequence_tags(self):
A residue tag looks like this: A:THR_124 (Chain:resname_resnum)
if chain is not defined, use '_' (underscore)
:return: a list of residue tags
:rtype: `residue_tag`
return [s.fullName() for s in self.mut_residue_sequence_list]
def cpx_sid_lp_results(self):
if not self._cpx_sid_lp_results:
if self.perturbation_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.LIGAND_SELECTIVITY:
self._cpx_sid_lp_stats(self.ligand_st, self.ligand_st)
self._cpx_sid_lp_stats(self.ligand1_st, self.ligand2_st)
return self._cpx_sid_lp_results
def atom_mapping(self):
if self.perturbation_type in [
return self._frag_atom_mapping
return self._atom_mapping
[docs]class CovalentFEPEdgeData(FEPEdgeData):
This object stores covalent FEP related data.
[docs] def __init__(self,
:type complex_sea: `sea`
:param complex_sea: SEA object with results pertaining to the complex
leg of the FEP calculation
:type solvent_sea: `sea`
:param solvent_sea: SEA object with results pertaining to the solvent
leg of the FEP calculation
:type pv_st: `schrodinger.Structure`
:param pv_st: PoseViewer file must contain 2 structures.
[complex1, complex2]; otherwise it's None
:type sol_st: solvent fragments tuple
:param sol_st: (`schrodinger.Structure`, `schrodinger.Structure`)
:type atom_mapping: `int`, `int`
:param atom_mapping: mapping of ligand2 to ligand1 atoms
:type frag_atom_mapping: `int`, `int`
:param frag_atom_mapping: mapping of frag1 and frag2 atoms
perturbation_type = OLD_TO_NEW_FEP_TYPES.get(perturbation_type,
FEPEdgeData.__init__(self, complex_sea, solvent_sea, pv_st,
frag_atom_mapping, perturbation_type)
self._full_atom_mapping = atom_mapping
self._atom_mapping_cpx = None
self._pv_st = None
self._wt_st = None
self._mut_st = None
self._ligand1_st = sol_st[0]
self._ligand2_st = sol_st[1]
self._ligand1_cpx_st = None
self._ligand2_cpx_st = None
self._solvent_fullsystem_ct = None
self._wt_residue_sequence_list = None
self._mut_residue_sequence_list = None
ncts = 2
if pv_st and len(pv_st) == ncts:
self._pv_st = [
self._init_protein_st(ct, zob_waters=True) for ct in pv_st
if self._complex_sea:
if self._solvent_sea:
def wt_st(self):
Returns full structure of a WT protein
if self._wt_st:
return self._wt_st
self._wt_st = self._pv_st[0].copy()
for atom in self._wt_st.atom:[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX] = atom.index
return self._wt_st
def mut_st(self):
Returns full structure of a mutated protein
if self._mut_st:
return self._mut_st
self._mut_st = self._pv_st[1].copy()
offset = self.wt_st.atom_total
for atom in self._mut_st.atom:[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX] = offset + atom.index + \
return self._mut_st
def receptor_st(self):
return self.wt_st
def ligand1_cpx_st(self):
if self._ligand1_cpx_st:
return self._ligand1_cpx_st
atomlist = evaluate_asl(self.fullsystem_ct, self.ligand1_cpx_asl)
self._ligand1_cpx_st = self.fullsystem_ct.extract(atomlist, True)
self._ligand1_cpx_st.title = self.ligand1_st.title
return self._ligand1_cpx_st
def ligand2_cpx_st(self):
if self._ligand2_cpx_st:
return self._ligand2_cpx_st
atomlist = evaluate_asl(self.fullsystem_ct, self.ligand2_cpx_asl)
self._ligand2_cpx_st = self.fullsystem_ct.extract(atomlist, True)
self._ligand2_cpx_st.title = self.ligand2_st.title
return self._ligand2_cpx_st
def ligand1_st(self):
return self._ligand1_st
def ligand2_st(self):
return self._ligand2_st
def solvent_fullsystem_ct(self):
if self._solvent_fullsystem_ct:
return self._solvent_fullsystem_ct
fs = structure.create_new_structure()
for frag, alchem_mols in zip(
[self.ligand1_st, self.ligand2_st],
[self.ligand1_alchemical_mols, self.ligand2_alchemical_mols]):
frag = self._add_alchem_mols(frag, alchem_mols)
fs = fs.merge(frag, copy_props=True)
for atom in fs.atom:[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX] = atom.index
self._solvent_fullsystem_ct = fs
return self._solvent_fullsystem_ct
def _protein_sid_rmsf_backbone(backbone_atoms, backbone_rmsf, st):
Calculate the protein backbond RMSF per residue.
:type backbone_atoms: List[int]
:param backbone_atoms: List of backbone atom indicies.
:type backbone_rmsf: List[float]
:param backbone_rmsf: List of backbone RMSF values.
:type st: `schrodinger.structure.Structure` object
:param st: Input structure.
:rtype: List[float]
:return: The RMSF for each residue.
return _calculate_rmsf(backbone_atoms, backbone_rmsf, st)
def receptor_sid_rmsf_backbone_lambda0(self):
data = self._cpx_sid_lambda0_rmsf['Backbone']
if 'ProteinResidues' in data:
return data['Result'].val
backbone_atoms = data['AtomIndices'].val
rmsf_vals = data['Result'].val
return self._protein_sid_rmsf_backbone(backbone_atoms, rmsf_vals,
def receptor_sid_rmsf_backbone_lambda1(self):
data = self._cpx_sid_lambda1_rmsf['Backbone']
if 'ProteinResidues' in data:
return data['Result'].val
backbone_atoms = data['AtomIndices'].val
rmsf_vals = data['Result'].val
return self._protein_sid_rmsf_backbone(backbone_atoms, rmsf_vals,
def ligand_torsions(self):
:rtype: (`FEPTorsionsContainer` object, `FEPTorsionsContainer` object)
:return: `FEPTorsionsContainer` objects for lambda0 and lambda1.
sol_idx_offsets = (0, self.ligand1_st.atom_total +
cpx_idx_offsets = (0, self._pv_st[0].atom_total +
return self._get_ligand_torsions(sol_idx_offsets, cpx_idx_offsets)
def receptor_title(self):
return "Cov. Receptor (%s:%d)" % (
def cpx_sid_lp_results(self):
if not self._cpx_sid_lp_results:
self._cpx_sid_lp_stats(self.ligand1_cpx_st, self.ligand2_cpx_st)
return self._cpx_sid_lp_results
[docs] def get_ligand1_atom_dict(self):
return self._get_ligand_atom_dict(self.ligand1_cpx_st)
[docs] def get_ligand2_atom_dict(self):
return self._get_ligand_atom_dict(self.ligand2_cpx_st)
def atom_mapping(self):
Return atom mapping for both ligand fragment that is used in the SID
calculation. Ligands used in the solvent leg are different than those
used in the complex leg. The difference is:
- Complex leg -- we use the side chain of the attached residue plus
the ligand.
- Solvent leg -- we use the peptide plus the ligand.
:return: atom mapping for ligand1 and ligand2. The values should
:rtype: (`list`, `list`)
if self._atom_mapping_cpx:
return self._atom_mapping_cpx
lig1_map = {[constants.FEP_ATOM_INDEX]: atom.index
for atom in self.ligand1_cpx_st.atom
lig2_map = {[constants.FEP_ATOM_INDEX]: atom.index
for atom in self.ligand2_cpx_st.atom
frag_map1, frag_map2 = [], []
for a1, a2 in zip(*self._full_atom_mapping):
if a1 in lig1_map and a2 in lig2_map:
self._atom_mapping_cpx = (frag_map1, frag_map2)
return self._atom_mapping_cpx
[docs]class AbFEPEdgeData(FEPEdgeData):
This object stores Absolute Binding FEP related data.
[docs] def __init__(self,
:type complex_sea: `sea`
:param complex_sea: SEA object with results pertaining to the complex
leg of the FEP calculation
:type solvent_sea: `sea`
:param solvent_sea: SEA object with results pertaining to the solvent
leg of the FEP calculation
:type pv_st: `schrodinger.Structure`
:param pv_st: PoseViewer file must contain 3 structures,
[receptor, lig1, lig2]
:type atom_mapping: Dict[int, int]
:param atom_mapping: mapping of ligand2 to ligand1 atoms
See `FEPEdgeData` for definitions of other parameters.
super().__init__(complex_sea, solvent_sea, pv_st, atom_mapping,
perturbation_type, ddg_corrections_map)
if pv_st and len(pv_st) == 3:
pv_st[0] = self._init_protein_st(pv_st[0])
self._pv_st = pv_st
# offsets used to mock the cms full-system CT atom order
self.ligand_offset = self._pv_st[0].atom_total * 2 + self._pv_st[
self.dummy_offset = self._pv_st[2].atom_total
def fullsystem_ct(self):
:rtype: `schrodinger.structure.Structure`
:return: The full system structure.
if self._fullsystem_ct:
return self._fullsystem_ct
fs = structure.create_new_structure()
# In AbFEP simulations, the ct is in the order of
# Protein, Ligand2 (Dummy), Protein, Ligand1
for ct in [self._pv_st[0], self._pv_st[2],
self._pv_st[0], self._pv_st[1]]: # yapf: disable
fs = fs if ct is None else fs.merge(ct, copy_props=True)
for atom in fs.atom:[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX] = atom.index
self._fullsystem_ct = fs
return self._fullsystem_ct
def receptor_st(self):
:rtype: `schrodinger.structure.Structure`
:return: The receptor structure.
if self._receptor_st:
return self._receptor_st
receptor_st = self._pv_st[0].copy()
offset = self._pv_st[0].atom_total + self._pv_st[2].atom_total
for atom in receptor_st.atom:[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX] = offset + atom.index
self._receptor_st = receptor_st
return self._receptor_st
def ligand1_st(self):
:rtype: `schrodinger.structure.Structure`
:return: The ligand1 structure.
if self._ligand1_st:
return self._ligand1_st
self._ligand1_st = self._pv_st[1].copy()
offset = self.ligand_offset
for atom in self._ligand1_st.atom:[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX] = offset + atom.index
return self._ligand1_st
def ligand2_st(self):
:rtype: `schrodinger.structure.Structure`
:return: The ligand2 structure.
if self._ligand2_st:
return self._ligand2_st
self._ligand2_st = self._pv_st[2].copy()
offset = self.dummy_offset
for atom in self._ligand2_st.atom:[constants.ORIGINAL_INDEX] = offset + atom.index
return self._ligand2_st
def ligand_torsions(self):
:rtype: (`FEPTorsionsContainer` object, `FEPTorsionsContainer` object)
:return: `FEPTorsionsContainer` objects for lambda0 and lambda1.
sol_idx_offsets = (self._pv_st[2].atom_total, 0)
cpx_idx_offsets = (self.ligand_offset, self.dummy_offset)
return self._get_ligand_torsions(sol_idx_offsets, cpx_idx_offsets)
def ligand1_hash(self):
jn = self._ark_sol_fep_simulation['JobName'].val
hash_ = jn.split('_')[-4:-2]
return hash_[1]
def _cpx_sid_pl_contacts(self):
This method calculates protein-residue contacts for both lambda0 and
lambda1 simulations, collates the residue information and then sets
`self._cpx_sid_pl_results` with the results dictionaries.
contact_data0 = self.pl_contact_data0
contact_data1 = {}
nkeys = len(self.cpx_sid_protein_residues)
ntypes = len(self._pl_detail_inter_type)
pl_cont_data0 = numpy.zeros(
(nkeys, self.cpx_sid_number_of_frames, ntypes),
pl_cont_data1 = numpy.zeros(
(nkeys, self.cpx_sid_number_of_frames, ntypes),
for i, t in enumerate(self._pl_contact_types):
self._parse_pl_contact_data(t, contact_data0[t], pl_cont_data0)
pl_results0, pl_results1 = {}, {}
for ires, res in enumerate(self.cpx_sid_protein_residues):
pl_results0[res] = self._get_pli_residue_profile(
pl_cont_data0[ires, ::, ::])
pl_results1[res] = self._get_pli_residue_profile(
pl_cont_data1[ires, ::, ::])
self._cpx_sid_pl_results = [pl_results0, pl_results1]
def _cpx_sid_lp_stats(self, lig1_st, lig2_st):
lid_stat_map0 = self._getLidStatMap(self.pl_contact_data0,
self._cpx_sid_lp_results = [lid_stat_map0, {}]
def delta_delta_g(self):
# calculation of ddG is reversed due to the lambda-scheduling is
# reversed from what it is in RE-FEP workflow.
return -super().delta_delta_g
def cpx_sid_protein_residues(self):
A list of protein residues that interact with both ligand1 throughout
the simulation
:rtype: `str`
:return: a list of protein tags that interact with ligand1
if not self._cpx_sid_protein_residues:
sid_dict0 = self._cpx_sid_pli_lambda0_dict
keys0 = self._set_cpx_sid_protein_residues(sid_dict0)
self._cpx_sid_protein_residues = self._parse_residue_tags(keys0)
return self._cpx_sid_protein_residues
[docs]def shorten_name(name: str) -> str:
return name[:4]
[docs]class SolubilityFEPEdgeData:
[docs] def __init__(self, st, hydration_sea, sublimation_sea_list): = st
if hydration_sea:
if sublimation_sea_list:
self.perturbation_type = constants.FEP_TYPES.SOLUBILITY
self.numb_sub_legs = len(sublimation_sea_list)
self._mol_torsions = []
def _parse_hyd_sea(self, hyd_sea):
Since the ARK-formatted sid file contains a lot of data, in a list
format, we need to parse it.
if not hyd_sea:
ret_dict = self._parse_sea(hyd_sea)
self._ark_hyd_fep_simulation = ret_dict['fep_simulation']
self._ark_hyd_pair_energetics = ret_dict['fep_pair_energetics_list']
self._ark_hyd_rest_exchanges = ret_dict['rest_exchanges']
# node[0] is a dummy compound
self._ark_hyd_sid = ret_dict['sid_ligand_list'][1]
self._ark_hyd_mol = ret_dict['ligand_list'][1]
def _parse_sub_sea(self, sub_sea_list):
Since the ARK-formatted sid file contains a lot of data, in a list
format, we need to parse it.
self._ark_sub_fep_simulation = []
self._ark_sub_pair_energetics = []
self._ark_sub_rest_exchanges = []
self._ark_sub_sid = []
self._ark_sub_mol = []
for sub_sea in sub_sea_list:
if not sub_sea:
ret_dict = self._parse_sea(sub_sea)
# node[0] is a dummy compound
def _parse_sub_sid(self):
self._ark_sub_torsion = []
self._sub_sid_rgyr = []
self._sub_sid_psa = []
self._sub_sid_sasa = []
self._sub_sid_molsa = []
self._sub_sid_hb = []
self._sub_sid_rmsd = []
self._ark_sub_interactions = []
for ark_sub in self._ark_sub_sid:
ret_dict = parse_sid(ark_sub)
def _parse_hyd_sid(self):
ret_dict = parse_sid(self._ark_hyd_sid)
self._ark_hyd_torsion = ret_dict['Torsion']
self._hyd_sid_rgyr = ret_dict['Rad_Gyration']['Result'].val
self._hyd_sid_psa = ret_dict['Polar_Surface_Area']['Result'].val
self._hyd_sid_sasa = ret_dict['SA_Surface_Area']['Result'].val
self._hyd_sid_molsa = ret_dict['Molecular_Surface_Area']['Result'].val
self._hyd_sid_hb = ret_dict['LigandHBonds']['Result'].val
self._hyd_sid_rmsd = ret_dict['RMSD'][0]['Result'].val
def _timeseries_props(vals, stats=True):
if not stats:
return vals
if not len(vals):
return 0., 0.
return numpy.mean(vals), numpy.std(vals)
[docs] def hyd_sid_rmsd(self, stats=True):
val = self._hyd_sid_rmsd
return self._timeseries_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def sub_sid_rmsd(self, stats=True):
return [
self._timeseries_props(val, stats=stats)
for val in self._sub_sid_rmsd
[docs] def hyd_sid_sasa(self, stats=True):
val = self._hyd_sid_sasa
return self._timeseries_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def sub_sid_sasa(self, stats=True):
vals = self._sub_sid_sasa
return [self._timeseries_props(v, stats=stats) for v in vals]
[docs] def hyd_sid_psa(self, stats=True):
val = self._hyd_sid_psa
return self._timeseries_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def sub_sid_psa(self, stats=True):
vals = self._sub_sid_psa
return [self._timeseries_props(v, stats=stats) for v in vals]
[docs] def hyd_sid_molsa(self, stats=True):
val = self._hyd_sid_molsa
return self._timeseries_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def sub_sid_molsa(self, stats=True):
vals = self._sub_sid_molsa
return [self._timeseries_props(v, stats=stats) for v in vals]
[docs] def hyd_sid_rgyr(self, stats=True):
val = self._hyd_sid_rgyr
return self._timeseries_props(val, stats=stats)
[docs] def sub_sid_rgyr(self, stats=True):
vals = self._sub_sid_rgyr
return [self._timeseries_props(v, stats=stats) for v in vals]
[docs] def sub_interactions(self, stats=True):
# Include intramolecular hydrogen bonds together with interactions
for inter, ihb in zip(self._ark_sub_interactions, self._sub_sid_hb):
inter['IntraHBondResult'] = [len(hb) for hb in ihb]
if stats:
ret = []
for leg in self._ark_sub_interactions:
k: self._timeseries_props(leg[k], stats=True)
for k in leg
if k.endswith('Result')
return ret
return self._ark_sub_interactions
def mol_st(self):
def _atom_mapping(self):
return [[], []]
def mol_torsions(self):
:rtype: List(`FEPTorsionsContainer`)
:return: each element in the list will contain (hyd, subX) tuplet.
if not self._mol_torsions:
hyd = [(None, t) for t in self._ark_hyd_torsion]
for sub in self._ark_sub_torsion:
sub = [(None, t) for t in sub]
hyd, sub, perturbation_type=self.perturbation_type))
return self._mol_torsions
def sub_sid_trajectory_interval_ns(self):
return _get_interval_ns(self._ark_sub_sid)
def hyd_sid_trajectory_interval_ns(self):
return _get_interval_ns([self._ark_hyd_sid])
def sub_sid_snapshot_times_ns(self):
interval_ns = self.sub_sid_trajectory_interval_ns
return [x * interval_ns for x in range(self.sub_sid_number_of_frames)]
def hyd_sid_snapshot_times_ns(self):
interval_ns = self.hyd_sid_trajectory_interval_ns
return [x * interval_ns for x in range(self.hyd_sid_number_of_frames)]
def sub_sid_number_of_frames(self):
return _get_frame_count(self._ark_sub_sid)
def hyd_sid_number_of_frames(self):
return _get_frame_count([self._ark_hyd_sid])
def leg1_name(self):
return SOLVENT_NAMES[self.perturbation_type]
def leg2_name(self):
return COMPLEX_NAMES[self.perturbation_type]
def leg2_names(self):
return [f'{self.leg2_name}-{i}' for i in range(self.numb_sub_legs)]
def leg2_names_short(self):
return [
for i in range(self.numb_sub_legs)
def hyd_delta_g_sliding_err(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_hyd_pair_energetics, 'dGSliding',
def sub_delta_g_sliding_err(self):
return [
self._get_values(v, 'dGSliding', 'dG_error')
for v in self._ark_sub_pair_energetics
def hyd_delta_g_sliding(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_hyd_pair_energetics, 'dGSliding',
def sub_delta_g_sliding(self):
return [
self._get_values(v, 'dGSliding', 'dG')
for v in self._ark_sub_pair_energetics
def hyd_delta_g_reverse_err(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_hyd_pair_energetics, 'dGReverse',
def sub_delta_g_reverse_err(self):
return [
self._get_values(v, 'dGReverse', 'dG_error')
for v in self._ark_sub_pair_energetics
def hyd_delta_g_reverse(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_hyd_pair_energetics, 'dGReverse',
def sub_delta_g_reverse(self):
return [
self._get_values(v, 'dGReverse', 'dG')
for v in self._ark_sub_pair_energetics
def hyd_delta_g_forward_err(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_hyd_pair_energetics, 'dGForward',
def sub_delta_g_forward_err(self):
return [
self._get_values(v, 'dGForward', 'dG_error')
for v in self._ark_sub_pair_energetics
def hyd_delta_g_forward(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_hyd_pair_energetics, 'dGForward',
def sub_delta_g_forward(self):
return [
self._get_values(v, 'dGForward', 'dG')
for v in self._ark_sub_pair_energetics
def hyd_delta_g_forward_bootstrap_std(self):
return self._ark_hyd_pair_energetics['dGForward']['Bennett'][
def sub_delta_g_forward_bootstrap_std(self):
return [
for v in self._ark_sub_pair_energetics
def hyd_delta_g_forward_analytical_std(self):
return self._ark_hyd_pair_energetics['dGForward']['Bennett'][
def sub_delta_g_forward_analytical_std(self):
return [
for v in self._ark_sub_pair_energetics
def hyd_delta_g_forward_df_per_replica(self):
return self._ark_hyd_pair_energetics['dGForward']['Bennett'][
def sub_delta_g_forward_df_per_replica(self):
return [
for v in self._ark_sub_pair_energetics
def hyd_end_time_ns(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_hyd_pair_energetics, 'dGForward',
def sub_end_time_ns(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_sub_pair_energetics[0], 'dGForward',
def hyd_start_time_ns(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_hyd_pair_energetics, 'dGForward',
def sub_start_time_ns(self):
return self._get_values(self._ark_sub_pair_energetics[0], 'dGForward',
def hyd_mol_number(self):
return self._ark_hyd_mol['ASL'].val.split()[1]
def sub_mol_number(self):
return [v['ASL'].val.split()[1] for v in self._ark_sub_mol]
def mol_total_rot_bonds(self):
return self._ark_hyd_mol['NumberRotatableBonds'].val
def mol_total_fragments(self):
return self._ark_hyd_mol['NumberFragments'].val
def mol_formula(self):
return self._ark_hyd_mol['MolecularFormula'].val
def mol_charge(self):
return self._ark_hyd_mol['Charge'].val
def mol_atomic_mass(self):
return self._ark_hyd_mol['AtomicMass'].val
def mol_total_heavy(self):
return self._ark_hyd_mol['NumberHeavyAtoms'].val
def mol_total_atoms(self):
return self._ark_hyd_mol['NumberAtoms'].val
def mol_pdb_name(self):
return self._ark_hyd_mol['PDBResidueName'].val
def mol_smiles(self):
return self._ark_hyd_mol['SMILES'].val
def mol_name(self):
def short_hash(self):
jn = self._ark_hyd_fep_simulation['JobName'].val
return jn.split('_')[-2]
def mol_hash(self):
return self.short_hash
def jobname(self):
jn = self._ark_hyd_fep_simulation['JobName'].val
jn = jn.split('_')[:-3]
return '_'.join(jn)
def solubility_dg(self):
return self.hyd_delta_g - self.sub_median_delta_g
def sub_median_delta_g(self):
Return the median of solubility legs dG
sub_dgs = [Measurement(*v) for v in self.sub_delta_g]
return median_sublimation_free_energy(sub_dgs)
def hyd_delta_g(self):
:return: dG and its standard deviation
:rtype: float, float
return Measurement(*self._delta_g(self._ark_hyd_pair_energetics))
def sub_delta_g(self):
:return: dG and its standard deviation
:rtype: float, float
return [self._delta_g(v) for v in self._ark_sub_pair_energetics]
def _delta_g(ark_pair_energetics):
if 'dGForward' not in list(ark_pair_energetics) or \
'Bennett' not in list(ark_pair_energetics['dGForward']):
return None, None
ark_obj = ark_pair_energetics['dGForward']['Bennett']
dg = ark_obj['dG'].val
dg_bootstrap_std = ark_obj['Bootstrap_std'].val
return dg, dg_bootstrap_std
def hyd_total_replicas(self):
return len(self._ark_hyd_rest_exchanges.val)
def sub_total_replicas(self):
return len(self._ark_sub_rest_exchanges[0].val)
def hyd_total_waters(self):
return self._ark_hyd_fep_simulation['NumberWaters'].val
def sub_total_waters(self):
return self._ark_sub_fep_simulation[0]['NumberWaters'].val
def hyd_total_atoms(self):
return self._ark_hyd_fep_simulation['TotalAtoms'].val
def sub_total_atoms(self):
return self._ark_sub_fep_simulation[0]['TotalAtoms'].val
def hyd_sim_time(self):
Values returned in Ns (nanoseconds)
return self._ark_hyd_fep_simulation['TotalSimulationNs'].val
def sub_sim_time(self):
Values returned in Ns (nanoseconds)
return self._ark_sub_fep_simulation[0]['TotalSimulationNs'].val
def hyd_temperature(self):
return self._ark_hyd_fep_simulation['TemperatureK'].val
def sub_temperature(self):
return self._ark_sub_fep_simulation[0]['TemperatureK'].val
def hyd_ff(self):
return self._ark_hyd_fep_simulation['ForceFields'].val
def sub_ff(self):
return self._ark_sub_fep_simulation[0]['ForceFields'].val
def hyd_ensemble(self):
return self._ark_hyd_fep_simulation['Ensemble'].val
def sub_ensemble(self):
return self._ark_sub_fep_simulation[0]['Ensemble'].val
def hyd_charge(self):
return self._ark_hyd_fep_simulation['TotalCharge'].val
def sub_charge(self):
return self._ark_sub_fep_simulation[0]['TotalCharge'].val
def _parse_sea(self, sea_obj):
ret_dict = parse_sea(sea_obj)
except ValueError as err:
return ret_dict
def _write_error(msg):
def _get_values(ark_obj, key1, key2):
return ark_obj[key1][key2].val
def hyd_rest_exchanges(self):
return self._rest_exchanges(self._ark_hyd_rest_exchanges)
def sub_rest_exchanges(self):
return [self._rest_exchanges(v) for v in self._ark_sub_rest_exchanges]
def _rest_exchanges(ark_obj):
density_list = list(range(len(ark_obj)))
for replica in ark_obj:
irep = replica['Number'].val
density_list[irep] = replica['HistoryDistribution'].val
return density_list
[docs]def parse_sid(obj_sea):
ret_dict = {
'RMSD': [],
'RMSF': [],
'SSE': None,
'ProtLigInter': None,
'ProtProtInter': None,
'Torsion': [],
'Rad_Gyration': None,
'LigandHBonds': None,
'Polar_Surface_Area': None,
'SA_Surface_Area': None,
'Molecular_Surface_Area': None,
'NumberOfFrames': None,
'TrajectoryInterval': None,
'AmorphousCrystalInter': None
for m in obj_sea['Keywords']:
if 'ProtLigInter' in m:
ret_dict['ProtLigInter'] = m['ProtLigInter']
if 'ProtProtInter' in m:
ret_dict['ProtProtInter'] = m['ProtProtInter']
if 'Torsion' in m:
if 'SecondaryStructure' in m:
ret_dict['SSE'] = m['SecondaryStructure']
if 'Rad_Gyration' in m:
ret_dict['Rad_Gyration'] = m['Rad_Gyration']
if 'Polar_Surface_Area' in m:
ret_dict['Polar_Surface_Area'] = m['Polar_Surface_Area']
if 'SA_Surface_Area' in m:
ret_dict['SA_Surface_Area'] = m['SA_Surface_Area']
if 'Molecular_Surface_Area' in m:
ret_dict['Molecular_Surface_Area'] = m['Molecular_Surface_Area']
if 'LigandHBonds' in m:
ret_dict['LigandHBonds'] = m['LigandHBonds']
if 'RMSD' in m:
if 'RMSF' in m:
if 'AmorphousCrystalInter' in m:
ret_dict['AmorphousCrystalInter'] = m['AmorphousCrystalInter']
return ret_dict
[docs]def parse_sea(sea_obj):
Given an ark object, parse the data
if 'Keywords' not in sea_obj:
raise ValueError('No keywords present in FEP sid file.')
kw_list = sea_obj['Keywords']
ret_dict = {
'ligand_list': [],
'protein_info': None,
'fep_simulation': None,
'fep_pair_energetics': None,
'rest_exchanges': None,
'sid_ligand_list': []
for m in kw_list:
if 'FEPSimulation' in m:
ret_dict['fep_simulation'] = m['FEPSimulation']
if 'SaltInformation' in m:
ret_dict['salt_information'] = m['SaltInformation']
if 'ProteinInfo' in m:
ret_dict['protein_info'] = m['ProteinInfo']
if 'LigandInfo' in m:
if 'PeptideInfo' in m:
if 'BinCenter' in m:
ret_dict['fep_pair_energetics_list'] = m
if 'Replica' in m:
ret_dict['rest_exchanges'] = m['Replica']
if 'ResultLambda0' in m:
if 'ResultLambda1' in m:
return ret_dict
def _get_interval_ns(sid_list):
:param sid_list: a list of SID data maps for a FEP map edge (one for each
of the two ligands)
:type sid_list: list(schrodinger.utils.sea.Map)
:return: the MD simulation interval for the edge, if available
:rtype: float or None
if len(sid_list) < 1:
return None
interval_ps = sid_list[0]['TrajectoryInterval_ps']
return interval_ps.val / 1000.0
def _get_frame_count(sid_list):
:param sid_list: a list of SID data maps for a FEP map edge (one for each
of the two ligands)
:type sid_list: list(schrodinger.utils.sea.Map)
:return: the number of frames for the edge MD simulation, if available
:rtype: int or None
if len(sid_list) < 1:
return None
frame_count = sid_list[0]['TrajectoryNumFrames']
return frame_count.val
def _strain_text(value):
Create the strain text: value +/- std_dev
:param value: the values to use, i.e., (value, std_dev)
:type value: tuple(float, float)
:return: the text for use in matplotlib
:rtype: str
return f'{value[0]:.1f}$\\pm${value[1]:.1f}'
[docs]def get_ticks(min_val, max_val, num_ticks):
Return tick values and labels for an axis with the given min and max
:param min_val: The minimum value on the axis
:type min_val: float
:param max_val: The maximum value on the axis
:type max_val: float
:param num_ticks: How many ticks to use on the axis
:type num_ticks: int
:return: tick values and tick labels
:rtype: list[float], list[str]
tick_vals = list(numpy.linspace(min_val, max_val, num_ticks))
labels = ["%.2f" % x for x in tick_vals]
return tick_vals, labels