Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.deltaE
import os
import re
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
[docs]def gen_dE_files(fname, out_fname):
'fname' is the output deltaE file.
'out_fname' is a dict: Key = replica index (0-based); value = gibbs' .dE file name.
return True if successful; return False if any output file is empty
REPLICA = re.compile(r"\[T(\d+),T(\d+)\] *: *\[(.+),(.+)\]")
# Key = (host-replica-index, trial-replica-index); value = List of floating numbers (energy)
energy = defaultdict(list)
timeline = []
with open(fname, "r") as fh:
for line in fh.readlines():
line = line.strip()
if 'Time' == line[:4]:
elif '[' == line[0]:
match = REPLICA.match(line)
if match:
r0, r1, ef, er =, 2, 3, 4)
r0, r1 = map(int, (r0, r1))
ef, er = map(float, (ef, er))
energy[(r0, r1)].append(ef)
energy[(r1, r0)].append(er)
# it is possible the files are truncated, for instance when monitoring
# convergence of running simulation
minsize = min([len(e) for e in energy.values()])
all_found = True
for i in range(len(out_fname)):
ef = energy[(i, i + 1)][:minsize]
er = energy[(i, i - 1)][:minsize]
timeline = timeline[:minsize]
if not (er or ef):
all_found = False
ef = ef or np.zeros_like(er)
er = er or np.zeros_like(ef)
dE_array = np.stack([timeline, er, ef], axis=-1)
fname_base = os.path.basename(fname)
additional_header = f"Output recreated from REMD {fname_base} file"
write_dE(out_fname[i], dE_array, additional_header=additional_header)
return all_found
[docs]def write_dE(out_fname: str, dE_array: np.array, additional_header: str = ""):
:param out_fname: The output filename
:param dE_array: An array with shape (Nx3) where N is the number of output
timesteps with columns representing the time, reverse dE, and forward
:param additional_header: Header text which will be prepended before the
column headerss
header = "\n".join(
(additional_header, "0:time (ps) 1:dE- (kcal/mol) 2:dE+ (kcal/mol)"))
format = ("%13.3f", "%18.8e", "%18.8e")
np.savetxt(out_fname, dE_array, header=header, fmt=format, comments='# ')