:mod:`GenomeBase` -- the genomes base module
This module have the class which every representation extends,
if you are planning to create a new representation, you must
take a inside look into this module.
import inspect
from future.builtins import range
from random import choice as rand_choice
from . import Util
from .FunctionSlot import FunctionSlot
class GenomeBase(object):
""" GenomeBase Class - The base of all chromosome representation """
__slots__ = [
"evaluator", "initializator", "mutator", "crossover", "internalParams",
"score", "fitness"
def __init__(self):
"""Genome Constructor"""
self.evaluator = FunctionSlot("Evaluator")
self.initializator = FunctionSlot("Initializator")
self.mutator = FunctionSlot("Mutator")
self.crossover = FunctionSlot("Crossover")
self.internalParams = {}
self.score = 0.0
self.fitness = 0.0
def getRawScore(self):
""" Get the Raw Score of the genome
:rtype: genome raw score
return self.score
def getFitnessScore(self):
""" Get the Fitness Score of the genome
:rtype: genome fitness score
return self.fitness
def __repr__(self):
"""String representation of Genome"""
allSlots = [
self.evaluator, self.initializator, self.mutator, self.crossover
ret = "- GenomeBase\n"
ret += "\tScore:\t\t\t %.6f\n" % (self.score,)
ret += "\tFitness:\t\t %.6f\n\n" % (self.fitness,)
ret += "\tParams:\t\t %s\n\n" % (self.internalParams,)
for slot in allSlots:
ret += "\t" + slot.__repr__()
ret += "\n"
return ret
def setParams(self, **args):
""" Set the internal params
>>> genome.setParams(rangemin=0, rangemax=100, gauss_mu=0, gauss_sigma=1)
.. note:: All the individuals of the population shares this parameters and uses
the same instance of this dict.
:param args: this params will saved in every chromosome for genetic op. use
def getParam(self, key, nvl=None):
""" Gets an internal parameter
>>> genome.getParam("rangemax")
.. note:: All the individuals of the population shares this parameters and uses
the same instance of this dict.
:param key: the key of param
:param nvl: if the key doesn't exist, the nvl will be returned
return self.internalParams.get(key, nvl)
def resetStats(self):
""" Clear score and fitness of genome """
self.score = 0.0
self.fitness = 0.0
def evaluate(self, **args):
""" Called to evaluate genome
:param args: this parameters will be passes to the evaluator
for it in self.evaluator.applyFunctions(self, **args):
self.score += it
def initialize(self, **args):
""" Called to initialize genome
:param args: this parameters will be passed to the initializator
for it in self.initializator.applyFunctions(self, **args):
def mutate(self, **args):
""" Called to mutate the genome
:param args: this parameters will be passed to the mutator
:rtype: the number of mutations returned by mutation operator
nmuts = 0
for it in self.mutator.applyFunctions(self, **args):
nmuts += it
return nmuts
def copy(self, g):
""" Copy the current GenomeBase to 'g'
:param g: the destination genome
.. note:: If you are planning to create a new chromosome representation, you
**must** implement this method on your class.
g.score = self.score
g.fitness = self.fitness
g.evaluator = self.evaluator
g.initializator = self.initializator
g.mutator = self.mutator
g.crossover = self.crossover
g.internalParams = self.internalParams
def clone(self):
""" Clone this GenomeBase
:rtype: the clone genome
.. note:: If you are planning to create a new chromosome representation, you
**must** implement this method on your class.
newcopy = GenomeBase()
return newcopy
class G1DBase(GenomeBase):
""" G1DBase Class - The base class for 1D chromosomes
This chromosome class extends the :class:`GenomeBase` classes.
:param size: the 1D list size
.. versionadded:: 0.6
Added the *G1DBase* class
__slots__ = ["genomeSize", "genomeList"]
def __init__(self, size):
super(G1DBase, self).__init__()
self.genomeSize = size
self.genomeList = []
def __iadd__(self, item):
""" To add more items using the += operator """
return self
def __eq__(self, other):
""" Compares one chromosome with another """
cond1 = (self.genomeList == other.genomeList)
cond2 = (self.genomeSize == other.genomeSize)
return True if cond1 and cond2 else False
def __contains__(self, value):
""" Used on: *value in genome* """
return value in self.genomeList
# These methods are correctly overrided in every child class
# Deprecated in Python 3
# def __getslice__(self, a, b):
# """ Return the sliced part of chromosome """
# return self.genomeList[a:b]
# def __setslice__(self, a, b, val):
# """ Sets the slice part of chromosome """
# self.genomeList[a:b] = val
def __getitem__(self, key):
""" Return the specified gene of List """
return self.genomeList[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
""" Set the specified value for an gene of List """
self.genomeList[key] = value
def __iter__(self):
""" Iterator support to the list """
return iter(self.genomeList)
def __len__(self):
""" Return the size of the List """
return len(self.genomeList)
def getListSize(self):
""" Returns the list supposed size
.. warning:: this is different from what the len(obj) returns
return self.genomeSize
def resumeString(self):
""" Returns a resumed string representation of the Genome """
return str(self.genomeList)
def append(self, value):
""" Appends an item to the end of the list
>>> genome.append(44)
:param value: value to be added
def remove(self, value):
""" Removes an item from the list
>>> genome.remove(44)
:param value: value to be added
def clearList(self):
""" Remove all genes from Genome """
del self.genomeList[:]
def copy(self, g):
""" Copy genome to 'g'
>>> genome_origin.copy(genome_destination)
:param g: the destination instance
g.genomeSize = self.genomeSize
g.genomeList = self.genomeList[:]
def getInternalList(self):
""" Returns the internal list of the genome
... note:: this method was created to solve performance issues
:rtype: the internal list
return self.genomeList
def setInternalList(self, lst):
""" Assigns a list to the internal list of the chromosome
:param lst: the list to assign the internal list of the chromosome
self.genomeList = lst
class GTreeNodeBase(object):
""" GTreeNodeBase Class - The base class for the node tree genomes
:param parent: the parent node of the node
:param childs: the childs of the node, must be a list of nodes
.. versionadded:: 0.6
Added the *GTreeNodeBase* class
__slots__ = ["parent", "childs"]
def __init__(self, parent, childs=None):
self.parent = parent
self.childs = []
if childs is not None:
if type(childs) != list:
Util.raiseException("Childs must be a list of nodes", TypeError)
typecheck_list = [
x for x in childs if not isinstance(x, GTreeNodeBase)
if len(typecheck_list) > 0:
Util.raiseException("Childs must be a list of nodes", TypeError)
self.childs += childs
def isLeaf(self):
""" Return True if the node is a leaf
:rtype: True or False
return len(self.childs) == 0
def getChild(self, index):
""" Returns the index-child of the node
:rtype: child node
return self.childs[index]
def getChilds(self):
""" Return the childs of the node
.. warning :: use .getChilds()[:] if you'll change the list itself, like using childs.reverse(),
otherwise the original genome child order will be changed.
:rtype: a list of nodes
return self.childs
def addChild(self, child):
""" Adds a child to the node
:param child: the node to be added
if type(child) == list:
if not isinstance(child, GTreeNodeBase):
Util.raiseException("The child must be a node", TypeError)
def replaceChild(self, older, newer):
""" Replaces a child of the node
:param older: the child to be replaces
:param newer: the new child which replaces the older
index = self.childs.index(older)
self.childs[index] = newer
def setParent(self, parent):
""" Sets the parent of the node
:param parent: the parent node
self.parent = parent
def getParent(self):
""" Get the parent node of the node
:rtype: the parent node
return self.parent
def __repr__(self):
str_repr = "GTreeNodeBase [Childs=%d]" % len(self)
return str_repr
def __len__(self):
return len(self.childs)
def copy(self, g):
""" Copy the current contents GTreeNodeBase to 'g'
:param g: the destination node
.. note:: If you are planning to create a new chromosome representation, you
**must** implement this method on your class.
g.parent = self.parent
g.childs = self.childs[:]
def clone(self):
""" Clone this GenomeBase
:rtype: the clone genome
.. note:: If you are planning to create a new chromosome representation, you
**must** implement this method on your class.
newcopy = GTreeNodeBase(None)
return newcopy
class GTreeBase(GenomeBase):
""" GTreeBase Class - The base class for the tree genomes
This chromosome class extends the :class:`GenomeBase` classes.
:param root_node: the root node of the tree
.. versionadded:: 0.6
Added the *GTreeBase* class
__slots__ = [
"root_node", "tree_height", "nodes_list", "nodes_leaf", "nodes_branch"
def __init__(self, root_node):
super(GTreeBase, self).__init__()
self.root_node = root_node
self.tree_height = None
self.nodes_list = None
def processNodes(self, cloning=False):
""" Creates a *cache* on the tree, this method must be called
every time you change the shape of the tree. It updates the
internal nodes list and the internal nodes properties such as
depth and height.
if self.root_node is None:
self.nodes_list = self.getAllNodes()
self.nodes_leaf = [n for n in self.nodes_list if n.isLeaf()]
self.nodes_branch = [n for n in self.nodes_list if n.isLeaf() is False]
if not cloning:
self.tree_height = self.getNodeHeight(self.getRoot())
def getRoot(self):
""" Return the tree root node
:rtype: the tree root node
return self.root_node
def setRoot(self, root):
""" Sets the root of the tree
:param root: the tree root node
if not isinstance(root, GTreeNodeBase):
Util.raiseException("The root must be a node", TypeError)
self.root_node = root
def getNodeDepth(self, node):
""" Returns the depth of a node
:rtype: the depth of the node, the depth of root node is 0
if node == self.getRoot():
return 0
return 1 + self.getNodeDepth(node.getParent())
def getNodeHeight(self, node):
""" Returns the height of a node
.. note:: If the node has no childs, the height will be 0.
:rtype: the height of the node
height = 0
if len(node) <= 0:
return 0
for child in node.getChilds():
h_inner = self.getNodeHeight(child) + 1
if h_inner > height:
height = h_inner
return height
def getHeight(self):
""" Return the tree height
:rtype: the tree height
return self.tree_height
def getNodesCount(self, start_node=None):
""" Return the number of the nodes on the tree
starting at the *start_node*, if *start_node* is None,
then the method will count all the tree nodes.
:rtype: the number of nodes
count = 1
if start_node is None:
start_node = self.getRoot()
for i in start_node.getChilds():
count += self.getNodesCount(i)
return count
def getTraversalString(self, start_node=None, spc=0):
""" Returns a tree-formated string of the tree. This
method is used by the __repr__ method of the tree
:rtype: a string representing the tree
str_buff = ""
if start_node is None:
start_node = self.getRoot()
str_buff += "%s\n" % start_node
spaces = spc + 2
for child_node in start_node.getChilds():
str_buff += "%s%s\n" % (" " * spaces, child_node)
str_buff += self.getTraversalString(child_node, spaces)
return str_buff
def traversal(self, callback, start_node=None):
""" Traversal the tree, this method will call the
user-defined callback function for each node on the tree
:param callback: a function
:param start_node: the start node to begin the traversal
if not inspect.isfunction(callback):
"The callback for the tree traversal must be a function",
if start_node is None:
start_node = self.getRoot()
for child_node in start_node.getChilds():
self.traversal(callback, child_node)
def getRandomNode(self, node_type=0):
""" Returns a random node from the Tree
:param node_type: 0 = Any, 1 = Leaf, 2 = Branch
:rtype: random node
lists = (self.nodes_list, self.nodes_leaf, self.nodes_branch)
cho = lists[node_type]
if len(cho) <= 0:
return None
return rand_choice(cho)
def getAllNodes(self):
""" Return a new list with all nodes
:rtype: the list with all nodes
node_stack = []
all_nodes = []
tmp = None
while len(node_stack) > 0:
tmp = node_stack.pop()
childs = tmp.getChilds()
return all_nodes
def __repr__(self):
str_buff = "- GTree\n"
str_buff += "\tHeight:\t\t\t%d\n" % self.getHeight()
str_buff += "\tNodes:\t\t\t%d\n" % self.getNodesCount()
str_buff += "\n" + self.getTraversalString()
return str_buff
def __len__(self):
return len(self.nodes_list)
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.nodes_list[index]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.nodes_list)
def copy(self, g, node=None, node_parent=None):
""" Copy the current contents GTreeBase to 'g'
:param g: the destination GTreeBase tree
.. note:: If you are planning to create a new chromosome representation, you
**must** implement this method on your class.
if node is None:
g.tree_height = self.tree_height
node = self.root_node
if node is None:
return None
newnode = node.clone()
if node_parent is None:
node_parent.replaceChild(node, newnode)
for ci in range(len(newnode)):
GTreeBase.copy(self, g, newnode.getChild(ci), newnode)
return newnode
def clone(self):
""" Clone this GenomeBase
:rtype: the clone genome
.. note:: If you are planning to create a new chromosome representation, you
**must** implement this method on your class.
newcopy = GTreeBase(None)
return newcopy